HomeMy WebLinkAbout452'(t;.~ •wt4180 PAG£210 531.6698 l 2 3 ' 6 6 7 8 a 10 11 12 13 1(. 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24r 26 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 j_/ (-7 RESOLUTION No. ~ ~ A Resolution of the City of Kent relating to land use and other advantageous develop- ment, and amending the Comprehensive Plan heretofore adopted by Resolution No. 431 of said City. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent did by ijResolution No. 431, entitled "Resolution of the City of Kent !irelating to land use and other advantageous development and ,! ~~adopting a Comprehensive Plan", passed by the City Council on I' !:the 6th day of September, 1960, and approved by the Mayor on l ~ ~said date, adopt a comprehensive plan, and r WHEREAS, the Planning Commission vf the City of K:::nt, after cohsidera tion thereof' ciid :cecommend to the City Council of the !.c1 ty of Kent .tm amendments to said Comprehensive Plan, which said . amendments are more fully set fort;h hereafter; and !. WHEREAS, the City Council uf the City of Kent did upon the J; rll5th day of May, 1961, hold a public hearing upon the said ~I i·'proposals to amend said COm!Jrehensi ve Plan, after proper public I i~notice of said hearing, now, therefore, BE IT RE.::>OLV..::D BY THE CITY" COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT in ii iregular meeting assembled: Section 1. That the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Kent ::heretofore adopted by Resolution No. 431 be and the same is hereby ~ 1amended in the following particulars, to-wit: i \,, ,, (a) .l!;xtend FoULth A•..-enue NOrtr. f:r•um its present terminus northerly to an intersection. with South 212tb St. (0 1 Brien Road). {b) pre:;;ent Extend State Street from its/northern terminus northerly to the southern boundary of the City Park. (c) Extend 'il'!oodford Street from its present northerly terminus north to the southerly boundary of the City Parrk. Section 2. 7hat the City Engineer of the City of Kent be :and he is hereby authvrized and directed tc make the changes r i'herein set forth upon the Cor.1prehensive l·lanning Map o:.~ the City !,of Kent. Section 3. 'l'hat upon said sr.1endrnents being shown upon the 1 2 3 5 e 7 8 a 10 11 13 13 1' 15 16 17 18 19 20 31 23 23 'Vot 41 RO PAG£21~ Comprehensive Planning Map of the City t~at a copy of said map_, marked "Exhibit A1 ' be attlached hereto and that a certified copy of this Resolution be recorded with the County Auditor of King County and a cop;y of said amended Comprehensive Planning Map be filed with said co-u.nty Auditor of King County, Washington_ P.AS.SED at the regular· meeting of the CitJ-Council of the City of Kent this jth day of June, 1961. Alex 'I'hornton Mayor :Attest: Chas. B.ridges City Clerk I! ~ ; 2 . 1: I! !' i! II ! ~ l- i: ,, li I ,_ ~: ;I ~: ,, li 2' . 25 26 27 28 vor4180 ,~212 rs -~ c." co 1 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11· 12 1:3 14 15 ., 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 2:3 24 25 26 27 28 29 :30 31 32 STATE OF WASHINGTON } ) ss COUNTY OF KING ) I, C-harles BridE:~~.J-· __ :t?h~ unders~~ned, a·s €;i tv Clerk, in ·:: ··-r~-:_-; . . . . · :J·,;_;;,I\1). . · · and for the City o[08frf~P~~~fi~~!ttf, do< ~erby certify thPt the above and attached is P. true and correct· copy, of Resolution #452 passed at the re,e-ul;~v~Jiin~1 o9 t~~~ C'i tv counc·il June 5, 1961. IN WITNESS ~ERW:, ;:;E1JnP.f1v~ her~unto fixe-d my hPnd ~nd b\f{; •••• .:••••••••··~·····-••••• 0\:. ')Oo>cll-.o affixed the seal o~~~Eetrd;uC:itv this· _1_2th_ dPy of _June 196 ) ~~~ ~~---=Br-idges, City Clerk