HomeMy WebLinkAbout4451 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 I. r{_c:,0G.L0'1'lui ... l~v.d~-- A "L.:SULuTIG~\ of the City of r~ent declo.rin<:, ti:1e intentio::1 of ti1e City Council to improve certain streets and avenues in the CitJ by construction and installation of viater m2.ins and fiY.ins a ti::::,e c:.nci date for a rleariHg on this resoLJ.tion. BE IT ,U~.SOLV.60 by the City Council of ti-le City of Kent o.s follmvs: Section 1. That it is the intention of the City Council of the City of Kent to order t!1e improvement of t.he i'ollov~in;_, descrioed streets and avenues within the City oy tne constructior; and install::o.c.ion oi' the followint; des- cribed improvements. By the installation of a 12 inch water 11:2.in alon6 with gc;.te v&lves, fire hydrants, fittings and. other necessary a1:.;purten2.nces along the Lake Fenwick li.oad from the Reith 1-\.oad to the sout~n line of the l•L::;; 2;; Section 2. For the reason ti1at the insto.lla t::;_o:a of the street improvements described in Section l of this Hesolution viill oe of special oenefit to certain properties, it is the int.eution of the City Council to j_evy assessment to pay in part tne cost of suci:l imf;rovement and th&t work necessary in connection therevJitl:l and incidental tnereto on c..ll prop0rt:~es located within he following bouodaries. Beginning at a point 1,141.35 ft. l~orth 0.nd 85).19 ft. bast of the S.ii: corner of The s.c; :t;: of Sec. 22, 'L2i~, R4E, vvh., and rtm thence .Gasterly parallel with the 1\jortr1 line of the SB .,_ of the .S.ii; .,_ oi said ;:;ec. 22, to a point in the &.st line of the J .L. Reitll Road and the true point of. beginning for this description; thence continuint, basterly parallel to the l~orth line of said SB :..;: of the S1 ·~ to a point which is 135 ft, i'~orthe<~sterly o.t right angles to toe .c:Jast line of the J .L. rteitn 11.oad; thence Southerly, 1Jarallel to the .c:Jast line of the J .L. ti.eit_, Hoad and the JJenson Road (Lake Fenwick Jioad) to the 0outh line of tile i~E ;;..: of the l~E 4 of Sec. 2'(, T22l\J, MB,; thence iiest, alont; said South line to 2. point winch is 135 ft. ~ ... ortrivvesterly 0.t ric;nt an~_Les to tile nest line of the benson tioad; thence I~ortilerly, pe:.ra...LL;l to the ;ie::>t. line or the 1:Jenson Hoc:ci to a point in o. line dr<:•vm 135 ft. bouthec.0terl;y-at rit:)lt angles and parallel to the Soutnec.st erly line of the J .L. Reith rLoad; thence iWrtheasc,erly, :::long sc;.id .t:'ccrc.llel line to c.. point drawn 90 ft. So Jthwe~:;terly at right angles to the vlest line of t.be .uenson Hoad; thence l'~ortherly parallel to tbe .uenson L{oad to -c,he Last line of the J .L. 1teith Road; thence lSorther.Ly alont; said &.st line of the J.L. rteitn Road to the true point of bet:,inning. Section 3. The estilna-c,ed cost o:;.. the ins-c,allation of t!1e above descriued improvements and the doing of all work necessar.f in connection and incidental thereto is hereuy declared to be al)proxil;;i.::.tely '11'21,848.12, and it is the intentiun of the City Council t,;at sucn cost oi the improvewents to be uorne by the City of Kent is <:.r7, 230.51, and by assessments is ·1~l4,61?.6llevied in the ID.anner recj_uired by law uvon tne real properties benefited b;y-tbe proposed 1 improvements o 2 Section 4. 'I'he City Engineer is hereby directed t.o suomit to the City 3 Council at or prior to the date f'ixed for the nearing on this resolution a 4 statement of the estimated cost c:nd expense of sucn improvements, the portion 5 thereof that silould oe borne by trw property within tne vroposed district, 6 a sta te;nent in d et,ail of tne local improvement dist,rict assessments out- 7 standing and unpaid u.gainst ti1e property in tne local iiryroveiilent district, 8 and all other d<::.t<:~ and inforn#tion re,,i.J.ired oy law to oe so suomitted. 9 Section 5. A:Ll persons wno may ciesire to ce neard or object to the 10 formation of such district are nereoy notii"ired to appec..r and present such 11 objections to a :neeting of the Kent City Council to be held in ti:1e Council 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Chamber of the City Hall of Kent <:1t 8:00 Pii: on'"--'M_::_uA~A..3oo.::<-::..•~:.J'--~::l...;_:_~:_,_,-LJ _,.Q..~~ofOu.C_, which time and place are hereby fixed for hearing of matters relating to said proposed improvement and all objections theret-o and for deterrnninc:S che the method of paying said ir.1provements. 'l'he City ClerK: and City hngineer are r1ereb;y-uirc:;cted to prepare 0,nd give notice of such hearing in the manner requireQ b;y-.Law. PASSED bY the City Council of ti1e City of !'.ent at its ret;ukr meeting this 20th day of February, 1961,.