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South 22°40 1 ~~rest, 214 fto; thence South 26°521 East, 103.96 ft.; thence South l6°3lf East, 230.85 ft .. ; thence South 40°!)4 1 East, 129.47 ft.; thence South 14°401 East, 104 .. 05 fto; thence South 23°321 East, 232.49 ft; thence South 35°5e' East, 179 .. 38 ft .. ; thence South 21°12 1 East, 80.97 ft.; thence South 42°14 1 East, 141.06 ft .. ; thence South 34°13' '/lest, 34.94 ftl; thence North 81e41r \!est, 90 .. 15 ft.; thence South 82°56' ?!est, 218.46 ft.; thence South 45°46 1 'Nest, 176 ft. more or less to its point of intersection with a, line dra.fm pa.rallel to and 821.65 ft .. North mf the South line of the SW ~ of the NE i of said Sec. 27; thence easterly along said parallel line to the East line of said ST/J' ~ of the NE ~ of Sec., 27; ;thence southerly along said East line of the SW i of the NE 1~ and the East line of the NW i of the SE 1~ of said Sec. 27 to the SE corner of the BW ~ of the SE f;:; thenee westerly , along the . South line of said NW i of the SE i an::l the South line of the NE ~ of the SWr1i and the NTv i of the SW i of said Sec o 27, to its intersection : with the center line of the New Military Road; thence northerly along the ~ center li.rre of the New l.Iiadtary Road to it-s: point of intersection vd th the 1 Harth line of the South ! of the SE k of the SW i of Sec. 22, T22N, R4E, VJJI.I; thence easterly along said North line ;:;of the South ! of the SE i of the SVl i to the East line of said SE k of the SW i; thence southerly along said East line to the South i corner of said Sec o 22; thence easterly along the South I line of the SE i of said Sec. 22 to the East line of the J .L. Reith Road, as! now established; thence northeasterly along said East line of Reith Ro2.d to i its intersection ·with a line drmvn parallel to and 440 ft. North of salid South line of the SE i of Sec .. 22; thence easterly paralle~ to said South line of I theSE~ to its intersection vdth a line dravm parallel to and 135ft .. southj westerly at right angles to the South line of the J.L. Reith Road; thence i southeasterly and northeasterly along said parallel line to its intersection: vd.th the rJest line of the Lake Fenwick Rmd, Noo 2 also knovm as the Benson ' Rcad;:thence northec.sterly o.t right angles, 60 fto to the East line of said Lake Fenwick Road, No. 2,; thence northerly along S~)id East line of the Lake Fenwick Road to its intersection with a line drawn parallel to and 1 450 ft .. South of the Harth line of the SE i of the SE i: of Sec .. 22; thence ! East _rp.. rallel to said North line of the SE }:; of the SE ~ to a point in a lin~ dralfm parallel to ond 200 ft .. easterly 2.t right angles to the East line of the Lake Fenwick ;1,o:-,.d; thence southerly p2rallel to said East line of the Lake Fenwick Hoc.d to the South line of the North 200' ft of the NE te of Sec .. ; 27; thence westerly parallel to the North lire of the HE ~ to the East line p of the Lo.ke FenvTick Road; thence northerly along said easterly line to a point 145.,80 ft. South of the NE corner of said Sec. 27; thence 'Jest to the _point of 'Dec;inning. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 I I I! 1: II I' ii I II by the construction of a 15 inch s.:mitary sevrer trunk line and other necessary appurtenances. along the follovdng, . pul)lic streets and G<\serclent s ~·:·ithin the City of Kent, to-vrit: The follo~·d.ng described line morc:: definitol~r described the center line of this proposed Kcnt'.mod Hills Trunk Ser1er: Beginninc at the &dstint:; Hanhole at the intersection of the J ,L. Reith Road arrl Lake Fenwick Rm d No. 2, also knoTm as the Benson Road, <~Baid l:Ianhole beinG knov111 as 11l:3n hole //20 of. Ue \':'est Hill Outfall Sewer to the City of Km t 11 , said mcmhold being 1028.14 ft North and 885.09 feet ~Jest of the I·lE corner of Sec. 27, T22N, R4E, :L~: and run th ence southerly along the Lake Fenwick Road to a point 686 .. 26 feet ~.:est and ll~o5.80 feet South of the NE corner of said S~c. 27; thence South 20°08f ~1ett, 150.81 ft .. ; thence South 8°28 1 ·~'test;· 302.60 ft .. ; tlj.ence South 56°3lt ~·rest, 126.15 ft.; thence .South 00°28V East, 228.69 ft.; thence .South 73°06' '}est, 293 .. 16 ft.; thence lJorth 37°44' :'Jest, 237.,63 ft.; thence North 35°55 1 ';;est, .3.23.Le8 ft.; thence l1Torth 41 °12' 'lest, 259 ft.; thence North 80° 52 t ~Test 293 ft. ; thence South 22°40' '.Test, 214 fto; thence South 26° 52' Ec.st, 103.86 ft.; thence 1 South 16°31' East, 230.85 ft.; thence South 40°54t F:Dst, 129.47 ft.; thencej South 11+-0 40' East, l0Leo05 ft.; thence South 23°32' East, 232.49 ft.; thencel So, 35°501 Fast, 179.38 ft.; thence South 21°12 1 East, 80.97 ft.; thence South 42°1~.1 East, U.L06 fto; thence South %.0 13' ''Jest, 34.94 ft.; thence North I 81°41 1 1 'iest, 90 .. 15 ft.; thence ,South 82°56' ~Jest, 218.46 ft.; thence South 1 45°h6' ·:"test, 260.78 ft .. ; to a point being l825.7D fto .South and 1959.09 ft.l '/Test of the Northeast corner of aforementioned S~c .. 27. I and by doing such other vrork 2.s may be necess2.ry in connection thereto, all ' in accordance with the plans and specifications to be prepared by the City Zngineer and to be approved by the City Council,. BE IT FURTHER &!:SOLVED that o.ll persons who may desire to be hee.rd or t :~o i l object to said improvement are hereby notified to appear and present such I! objection at a meeting cr tl'E City Council to be held in the Council Chambers ! 1 1 l 1 1, o f the City Hall of the City of Kert, Washington, at t:OO otclock p.rn.., on th~ ~ I II third day of Janu2.ry, 1961, which t:i..r;le and place 2.re hereby fixed for the . I hearing, and all r11atters relating to said improvements, all objections tre ret~, I and for detenn:i.ning a n-eth6c1. for payment of the sts.me o BE IT F'URTlffiH. ?C.::.!;SOLVED that the City Clerk and the City Engineer are directed to submit to the City Council at or prior to said date and time all I data and information required by lm'J to be so subrnittedo 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 II II I li I II II Passed by the City Council this 5th day of December, 1960o llayor Attest;;:gf~ City Clerk I rereby certify that tre Yri.thin ani foregoing resolution ·was rassed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Yfashington in regular meeting thereof held Ll1 th e City HaLl of the City of Kent, at 8:00 o'clock, on the 1 5th day of December 1960o