HomeMy WebLinkAbout4361 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 li II II I' ·' ~vHEREAS, the City Engineer of the City of Kent has advised that the City no further public use or need for a certain street within the limits of the City, and i'IJnERl£A.S, the Council of the City of Kent desires to initiate proceedings to vacate said street pursuant to the provisions of Ch. 35.79 .H.Cuw, now therefore :tJE IT RESOLVED .t:iY TH.ti: C:OUl~ClL u.t<' THE CIT1 01" i~.l.!il~'l' .tili Fu.L.Lu,~s: lo That there being no further public use or need for the following described street within the City of !\.ent, the City Council hereby initiates vacation proceedings upon such street: The North ~ of that certain street loco.ted along the center line of Gov•t Lot 1, Sec. 18, T22N, R5E, ~uvJ.. and the center line of the Northeast i; of the Northwest ft: of Sec. 18, T22i\J, R5.]:!;, WlvJ.. 2. That all persons who may desire to be heard or object to such vacation are hereby notified to appear and present such objections at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent to be held at the Council Chambers of the City Hall of said City at 8:00 PM on Jamuary J, 1961, which time and place are hereby fixed for the hearing on all matters relating to such proposed street vacation. J. That the City Clerk and City Engineer are hereby directed to prepare and give such notice of such hearing in the manner required oy law. PASSI£D BY the Council of the City of Kent this 5th day of Decemoer, l9b0. = iliex Thornton, Hayor