HomeMy WebLinkAbout877I "' RESOLUTION NO. 871 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, directing the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting to make seg- regation of an assessment levied under LID 282. WHEREAS Taki Nagasawa has requested a segregation of a certain assessment levied against property under LID 282, and WHEREAS all clerical and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, the application being in all respects proper, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. That the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting be and she hereby is directed to make seg- regation of the assessment requested by Taki Nagasawa on application attached here- to as Exhibit I and incorporated herein. 2. The assessment involved is #21 of LID 282. PASSED at a Regular Meeting of the Kent City Council this 4th day of September, 1979. ATTEST: PPROVED AS TO FO~:~ I ··~~~Ck D NALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. g27 , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 4th day of September, 1979. I l L~. 1---------------..=.:.1. .D. SEGREGATIUN CERTIFICAT-;',. ~/--/ .:·' --------~~--~----------~ Reqaested by: Date Local Imp. District No. 282 Mr. and Mrs. Taki Nagasawa 4/25/79 ASSESSHENT NO. 21 Owner & Address Taki Nagasawa 25041 70th South Kent, WA 98031 852-3267 Owner & Address J. L. Associates 2112 3rd Ave. #401 Seattle, WA 98121 624-1250 $10 Fee Received 7 I It /19 79 iReceipt II Jf-.191<'/ Owner & Address ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Original Amount $9,092.22 I ~\ ~tv. o~ LcrT 4 "!> J ~UPpL. PLA\ o~ MEE~ER<:; \~ ~COt..). \() ~ ·, \10\.... s C1r cy\A\~ I ~6£.. %I K.<:..oJA·j _l yin~ W 1 y _o_f_S_ta_t_Q_JJwi_H 5.::.!-r-<.:1.! ~&;[__~­ Sly of ln 798 ft S of N ln of sd tract; LESS por lying S & E of the fol dcsc ln: Beg at the intersection of the N ln of sd tr with the center! inc of sd lnvy; th Sly a 1 ng sd centerline 1316 ft to the TPOB; th Wly pllw the N ln of sd tr 383 ft; th Sly pllw the centerline of sd hwy to the Nly ln of County Road f1 terminus of sd ln; LESS State llwy; EXCEPT roads; J\ND EXCEPT that por lying N of secondary State llwy No. 5-A & E of a ln wh is ----------· ··--·····---. ~+ SSH #5-M. It Irore space needed, attaclJ description and refer to Exhibit Hew Assessment --· "A" No. 21-I NEW DESCRIPTION New Assessment Amt. $2889. G. 4 -· •k ~,. ,,. "LOT l" "'""""" ~ J. L. As-socLAtes-~kort "PL~rt If -more space needed, attJ:lch description and refer to Exhibit "B" REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Remainder Assessment No. 21 Remainder Original Amt. """$-.:.....--- t--------+--T-AA-it--~-~-. -o-~-l.:-o_t_4_"!> __ J -~-u-P_P_L___:. ~\)LA\ o ~ MEE~ERS \ ~ ~00~. \() \<.EN\ '> \10\.... s c.fi-<;)\A\~ I ~G.~ % , K.<:.. oJA. j Tak_i Nagasawa 25041 70th South Kent, WA 98031 Additional Fees Paid 7 I It /1972 Additional Hours 2 Receipt Jxi.n~'ll.y of Stat.c_i)~y _ _IL5-=lj_l ~&'---~- Sly of ln 798 ft S of N ln of sd tract; LESS por lying S f, E of the fol clcsc ln: Beg at the intersection of the N ln of sd tr with the centerline of sd hwy; th Sly ~Jng sci centerline 1316 ft to the TPOI3; th \Illy pllw the N ln of sJ tr 383 ft; th Sly pllw the centerline of sJ hwy to the Nly ln of County Road [1 terminus of sd ln; LESS State llwy; EXCEPT roads; J\ND EXCEPT that por lying N of secondary State llwy No. 5-A f, E of a ln wh is 790. 01 ft W and pl t the center line of SSII 115-M~ A+JD f\\...SQ. ___ ~- E.xc:i:.Pr-LOT ~ I J.L.-Assocll\~-st\c?fcr ___ \'\1\1: If Irore space needed, 'attach description and refer to Exhibit "C" day of -----Copy fonvarded to C: i ty Treasurer and 1\ppl icant this --------------------' 19 . Approved by Resolution # • ----- Property Manager For this service, the City \olill charge $10 minimum and an additional $10 per hour. The underslgned hereby accepts above terms and condi- tions and certifies to the correctness herei~~~ • SIGNED ~~~ /f/Ltl~~d .. t.._,_ _ _ .. (h·mf'r <mcl/n ~fl~rn-i:'f'd __ r-;:~:~·-~ :·~·('it' .,