HomeMy WebLinkAbout858Burlington-Northern s. 228th, s. 212th & 84th Ave. Spur RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington authorizing the Mayor to sign various agreements rela- tive to the upgrading and improvement of railroad crossin0s with the City of Kent. WHEREAS the City of Kent has been engaged in a pro- gram of upgrading and improving railroad crossings in the City, and WHEREAS the Federal Government has a program where- by it offers financial assistance to cities to assist in such railroad crossing improvement projects, and WHEREAS the City currently has three such projects under consideration, designated as RRP-1073, RRP-1216(2) and RRP-1250(2), and WHEREAS the terms and conditions of the receipt of federal aid by the City are contained in Title 23, U.S. Code Highways, together with regulations issued pursuant thereto and policies and procedures promulgated by the Washington State Department of Transportation and the Federal Aid Project Agree- ment between the State of Washington and the Federal Govern- ment, and WHEREAS the City agrees that it will comply with all applicable regulations, policies and procedures as a condition to receipt of federal funds for the projects, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: Section 1. That the Mayor be and hereby is authorized to sign those agreements designated as Federal Aid Projects No.'s RRP-1073, RRP-1216(2) and RRP-1250(2). Section 2. The City will, as a condition to receipt of any federal funds for completion of projects designated in Section 1, comply with all applicable Federal and State regulations, policies and procedures as those are identified in the preamble of this Resolution. PASSED at a regular meeting of the Kent City Coun- cil this 5th day of February, 1~79. . .---; ;'/ / J:-: 'l .' yL 0-\ ./ )\ ~ t--C -/-·C z /'·..._/· I ;,... ... ~-r __ ........... I SABEL HOGAN , t YOR ATTEST: AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. ~58 , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 5th day of February, 1979. ( /--~;:~-:;.1 CITY CLERK (SEAL) - 2 - AGENCY FEDERAL AID PROJECT NUMBER CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON STATE RRP 1073 DATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT NUMBER January 29, 1979 CITY/COUNTY AGREEMENT The Local AQency havinQ complied, or hereby agreeing to comply. with the terms and conditions set forth in (1) Title 23, U.S. Code Highways, (2) the regulations issued pursuant thereto, (3) the policies and procedures promulgated by the Washington State Department of Transportation and, (4) the Federal-aid Project Agreement entered into between the State and Federal Government. relative to the above project. the Washington State Department of Transportation will authorize the Local Agency to proceed on the project by a separate notification. Federal funds which are to be obligated for the project may not exceed the amount shown herein, without written authority by the State, subject to the approval of the Federal Highway Administrator. The balance of the total project cost shall be the obligation of the Local Agency. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Spur· Crossing· Name ~8~4~t~h~A~v~e~n~u~e~~&~t~,e~e~t~lm~~~~e~~·~eM~eA~-~s~-------------------------------Length __________ _ Termini 84th AvenueS. and Burlington Northern Railroad Spur Corssing at Benaroya Industrial Park -Kent East DescriptionofWork This project will provide improvements for an existing railroad grade crossing of 84th AvenueS. (just north of S. 212th St.) which serves the Benaroya Industrial Park-Kent East. The purpose is to upgrade the w.s.o.o.r. USE ONLY facility to current standards in conjunction with the widening P•og IFc lcs of 84th Avenue S. to five lanes. Mast mounted flashing 1 ights arr1~~nm.A~P~E--L-------~--------~ " Appr Date advance warning signs will be removed and new mast mounted and ~FH~w~A~R~w~--------------------~ ArPr or~'~" cantilever mounted flashing lights, and advance warning signs FHwAconst• Appr Date will be Installed to racllltf3te tne n!£1~hfrvl..wEor~ljN6f?.Mway. 1--'-'-----r---·------l Work Order D RoD L D TYPE OF WORK (1) (2) (3) Estimated Total Estimated Estimated Project Funds Agency Funds Federal Funds P.E. a. Agency Work Ra.i. 1 .r.oad ....... . . . . . . . . 2.00.0 ...... . . . . .200 ..... ..... 1800. ..... b. State Services ................... . ....... 1.00.0 ...... . . . . . 100 ..... . . . . . . 9.00 ..... ...... ... . .. .. . .... · · ·· ·ioo····· ................ 1000 2700 c. Other ........................... . d. Total Prelim. Eng. Costs & Estimate Right-of-Way e. Agency Work ........... . f. State Services ................... . g. Other ........................... . h. Total R/W Cost Estimate -0--0--0- Construction i. Contract .............. . . . . . . 5050.0 ..... . ... 5.050 ....... 1:15450 ...... . Engineering { j. Agency Force .. I 0 % k. State Force ... . . ...... 305.0 ..... . . ...... 2.00.0 ..... . .... .305 ........ 2 7.45 ...... . . . . . . 200 ........ .1.8.00 ...... . I. Audit .......................... . ....... 1000 ..... . ... . . 1 00 .......... 900 ...... . m. Other n. Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . o. Total Construction Cost Estimate ..... ·s6si;·a...... . .. 565.5..... 50895 ____ P_·~T~~J~t~}~E8~9~S_T_E_s_T_IM_A_T_E_O~F_T_H_E_L~ __ 59_5_5_0 ____ J_ __ 5955 53595 Accounting Plan D '1wDoo D No Date No Auth By Date 1-----------;-----------_1 No Date No Auth By Date The Federal-aid participation rate in this project will be determined by the Federal Government. The parties expect that it will be ------%; however, it is understood that the rate may vary. The Local Agency agrees that this agreement is entered without relying upon any representation by the State made outside of this contract, or contained herein. as to what the Federal participation rate wiil be. It further agrees that it will not condition any future actions with respect to the project covered by this agreement upon past, current, or future representations as to the Federal participation rate. The dollar amount of Federal participation cannot exceed the amount shown in column (3). Costs exceeding the Federally funded portion of this agreement will be provided by the Local Agency. STATE AD & AWARD METHOD A CONSTRUCTION METHOD OF FINANCING (Check Method Selected) Advance Payment -Agency Share of Total Construction Cost (Based on Contract Award) .......... ( METHOD B ___ Withhold From Gas Tax the Agency's Share of Total Construction Cost (line o., col.2) in the amount of $ at $ _per month for _____ months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( LOCAL FORCE OR LOCAL AD & AWARD METHOD C ___ Agency Cost Incurred with Partial Reimbursement ................................................ ( x ) The Local Aqency further stipulates that pursuant to said Title 23. regulations and policies and procedures, and as a condition to payment of the Federal funds obligated, it accepts and will comply with the applicable provisions set forth on the reverse hereof. Adopted by official action on . 19 , Resolution/Ordinance No.---------- AGENCY OFFICIAL CHAIRMAN. County Commissioners/Mayor FORM I 40.039 DOT REVISED 12/78 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION State Aid Engineer Dale Executed AGENCY FEDERAL AID PROJECT NUMBER WASHINGTON STATE RRP 1216( 2) CITY OF KENT DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DATE AGREEMENT NUMBE'R January 29, 1979 CITY/COUNTY AGREEMENT The Local Aqency havinq complied, or hereby agreeing to comply, with the terms and conditions set forth in (1) Title 23, U.S. Code Highways, (2) the regulations issued pursuant thereto, (3) the policies and procedures promulgated by the Washington State Department of Transportation and, (4) the Federal-aid Project Agreement entered into between the State and Federal I Government. relative to the above project, the Washington State Department of Transportation will authorize the Local Agency to proceed on the project by a separate notification. Federal funds which are to be obligated for the project may not exceed the amount shown herein, without written authority by the State, subject to the approval of the Federal Highway Administrator. The balance of the total project cost shall be the obligation of the Local Agency. PROJECT DESCRIPTION NameS. 228th Street Motion Detectors Length _ ___;_;eN.:..../ A __ _ Termini Burlington Northern Railroad Crossing at S. 228th Street DescriptionofWork This project will provide a motion detector system for the Burlington Northern Railroad gated crossing at S. 228th St. The purpose is to increase the safety of the crossing by upgrading circuitry, and to w.so.o.T.USEONLY eliminate unnecessary delays in traffic movements on P•oq l'c lcs S. 228th St. caused by normal railway operations as well ~rwHw~A"P~E--~------~----------~ Arpr Date as frequent switching movements i'HwA Rw Ar,or Date bf~HW~A~C~o~ns~t,--------------------~ Appr Oat~ ESTIMATE OF FUNDING TYPE OF WORK (1) Estimated Total Project Funds (2) Estimated Agency Funds (3) Estimated Federal Funds P.E. a. Agency Work ......................... 3.00.0........ . ...... 30.0. . . ..... 2700 ... . b. State Services ......................... 1 .00.0........ .. ..... .1.00 ......... 900 .. .. ~·. ~:~:lr P·r~·li·~: ·~~~: ·~~.~~~ ·~ ·~~~i~~~~t-·-·_· _ .. .:J; 4·, ... ·,0 i ... o· ..... ·o .'-. _· ·_·_· ·_·_· t-----"4"''0~0-t_· _· ._._ ...... ':1.""6. ;c.>.o,o·,'""~o· ._· ·_· -i .. Right-of-Way e. Agency Work .............................. . f. State Services ................... . g. Other ........................... . Work Order Accounting Plan No AuH'1 Bv Dale No Auth Bv Date h. Total RIW Cost Estimate -n--n- -n-r-----+------------ Construction i. Contract .............. . Engineering f j. Agency Force .. 5 . ____ % t k. State Force ... . I. Audit .......................... . :::~r:~~B:::::::: ::::::~1~~:: :::::~f~~t::: .. ... ) .~9.0 ................ 1.59 ........ ) .~59 .. .. ..... ) .Q9.Q........ . ....... 1.99 .......... ~9.Q ... . m. Other .......................... . n. Other ........................... ""69'67'0 ............. 6967 .. '"6i'jbj'"' o. Total Construction Cost Estimate _ r---.::._-'--------+------=--_;_-t------'--==-----1 p. T~RT6'JEg~sT ESTIMATE OF THE 7 36 70 7 36 7 66 30 3 No Auth Bv Date No Aulh By Date The Federal-aid participation rate in this project will be determined by the Federal Government. The parties expect that it will be ____ %; however. it is understood that the rate may vary. The Local Agency agrees that this agreement is entered without relying upon any representation by the State made outside of this contract, or contained herein, as to what the Federal participation rate will be. It further agrees that it will not condition any future actions with respect to the project Covered by this agreement upon past, current, or future representations as to the Federal participation rate. The dollar amount of Federal participation cannot exceed the amount shown in column (3). Costs exceeding the Federally funded portion of this agreement will be provided by the Local Agency. CONSTRUCTION METHOD OF FINANCING (Check Method Selected) STATE AD & AWARD METHOD A Advance Payment -Agency Share of Total Construction Cost (Based on Contract Award) .......... ( METHOD B __ Withhold From Gas Tax the Agency's Share of Total Construction Cost (line o .. col.2) in the amount of $ at $ per month for months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( LOCAL FORCE OR LOCAL AD & AWARD METHOD C ___ Agency Cost Incurred with Partial Reimbursement ................................................ ( X ) The Local Aqency further stipulates that pursuant to said Title 23, regulations and policies and procedures, and as a condition to payment of the Federal funds obligated, it accepts and will comply with the applicable provisions set forth on the reverse hereof. Adopted by official action on , 19 , Resolution/Ordinance No.------- AGENCY OFFICIAL CHAIRMAN. County CommiSSIOners/Mayor -------------------· -------------------·---- ---------·----------- FORM 14D-039 DOT REVISED 12/78 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ------------- State Aid Engineer Date Executed i AGENCY FEDERAL AID PROJECT NUMBER CITY OF KENT WASHINGTON STATE RRP 1250 (2) DATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AGREEMENT NUMBER CITY/COUNTY AGREEMENT January 29, 1979 - The Local Aqency havinq complied, or hereby agreeing to comply, with the terms and conditions set forth in ( 1) Title 23, U.S. Code Highways, (2) the regulations issued pursuant thereto, (3) the policies and procedures promulgated by the Washington State Department of Transportation and, (4) the Federal-aid Project Agreement entered into between the State and Federal Government. relative to the above project, the Washington State Department of Transportation will authorize the Local Agency to proceed on the project by a separate notification. Federal funds which are to be obligated for the project may not exceed the amount shown herein, without written authority by the State, subject to the approval of the Federal Highway Administrator. The balance of the total project cost shall be the obligation of the Local Agency. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Name S. 212th Street Motion Detectors N/A ---------------------------------------------------------------Length __________ _ Termini Burlington Northern Railroad Crossing at S. 212th St. Description of Work This project wi 11 provide a motion detector system for the Burlington Northern Railroad gated crossing at S. 212th Street. The purpose is to increase the safety of the crossing by upgrading circuitry, and to eliminate WS.O.O. T. USE ONLY unnecessary delays in traffic movements on S. 212th St. caused Pro9 IFc lcs by normal railway operations as well as frequent switching move-~Fu.HwwA~PKE __ J_ ______ -L----------~ ments. TYPE OF WORK ESTIMATE OF FUNDING (1) Estimated Total Project Funds (2) Estimated Agency Funds (3) Estimated Federal Funds P.E. a. Agency Work .. 8a iJ ma~ .............. 3000..... .. ...... 300.. .. .... 2.70.0 ... . b. State Services ............................ .1.000 ............. 100 .......... 90.0 .. .. ~: ~:~:lr P·r~·~i~: ·~~~: ·~~~~~ ·~ ·~~~i~~~~l-· ·_· _· ·_· _· ·..:4I..1·0 .l.!O·l.l;IO.:.... ·_· _· ·_· ~-_ .. .;:r4.1,!,!10. i~10·~· -f. _· _· ·_·_· _· ~~·6 l.l.O ·l.l;IO.:.... ·~· --1 .. Right-of-Way e. Agency Work ........... . f. State Services ................ .' .. . g. Other ........................... . h. Total R/W Cost Estimate Construction i. Contract .............. . Engineering f j. Agency Force .. 5 % .l k. State Force ... . I. Audit .......................... . m. Other .......................... . n. Other .......................... . o. Total Construction Cost Estimate _ p. TOTAL COST ESTIMATE OF THE PROJECT -0- ....... 65400 .... . ......... 1.]70 .... . ........ .1.500 .... . . .. .... . .1.000 .... . ...... '69676' .... 73670 -0--0- . ..... 6.54.0 ....... 58860 .... ........ 1 n ........ .1.593. ... . ....... 15.0.. . ..... .1.350 ... . ........ 10.0 .......... 900 .. .. Aoo-r Date FHWA Conslr Appr Date Work Order Accounting Plan 0 ROOL 0 ------- 0 11wOoo 0 No Au til Bv Date No Auth By Date ~----+---------------' No Auth Bv Di:tte No Auth By Date The Federal-aid participation rate in this project will be determined by the Federal Government. The parties expect that it will be _____ %; however, it is understood that the rate may vary. The Local Agency agrees that this agreement is entered without relying upon any representation by the State made outside of this contract, or contained herein, as to what the Federal participation rate will be. It further agrees that it will not condition any future actions with respect to the project Covered by this agreement upon past, current, or future representations as to the Federal partic.ipation rate. The dollar amount of Federal participation cannot exceed the amount shown in column (3). Costs exceeding the Federally funded portion of this agreement will be provided by the Local Agency. STATE AD & AWARD METHOD A CONSTRUCTION METHOD OF FINANCING (Check Method Selected) Advance Payment -Agency Share of Total Construction Cost (Based on Contract Award) .......... ( METHOD B __ Withhold From Gas Tax the Agency's Share of Total Construction Cost (line o .. col.2) in the amount of $ at $ per month for months . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ( LOCAL FORCE OR LOCAL AD & AWARD METHOD C ____ Agency Cost Incurred with Partial Reimbursement ................................................ ( X ) The Local Aqency further stipulates that pursuant to said Title 23, regulations and policies and procedures, and as a condition to payment of the Federal funds obligated, it accepts and will comply with the applicable provisions set forth on the reverse hereof. Adopted by official action on . 19 , Resolution/Ordinance No.------ AGENCY OFFICIAL CHAIRMAN, County CommiSSIOners/Mayor FORM 140.039 DOT REVISED 12/78 WASHINGTON STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION State A1d Engineer Date Executed