HomeMy WebLinkAbout815RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting the 1977 Plan for the City of Kent Hous- ing and Community Development program under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. WHEREAS, The United States Congress in 1974 enacted public law 93-383, commonly called the "Housing and Development Act of 1974", and hereinafter called "the Act", and WHEREAS, the primary objective of the Act is "the development of viable urban communities, by providing decent housing and suitable living environment and expanding economic opportunities, principally for persons of low and moderate in- come", and WHEREAS, the Secretary of Housing and Urban Develop- ment is authorized by the Act to make grants to units of general local government to help finance community development programs approved in accordance with the provisions of the Act, and WHEREAS, the City of Kent is a unit of general local government which is entitled to grant monies for some of its pro- posed programs in the areas of housing assistance and community development, and WHEREAS, the City of Kent has provided its citizens with adequate information relative to the funds available and pro- grams fundable under the Act, and has provided citizens with an adequate opportunity to participate in the development of grant applications, and has held numerous public hearings to obtain the view of citizens on community development and on housing needs, and WHEREAS, it has been determined that the City of Kent is entitled to certain monies commonly referred to as "POPULATION money" and may be entitled to other monies commonly referred to as "NEEDS and INTERJURISDICTIONAL money", and WHEREAS, at a regular public meeting of the Kent City Council on November 15, 1976, the 1977 Plan for the Housing and Community Development Program was finalized for submission to King County, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: Section 1. That the 1977 Plan for the City of Kent Housing and Community Development Program, attached hereto as Exhibit A (Pages 1, 2 and 3), and incorporated herein by reference be and the same is hereby adopted. PASSED at the Regular Meeting of the Kent City Council this 15th day of November, 1976 . . ATTEST: ~4-~CLERK :P~~~ ~ROVED AS TO FORM: \ \ \\~ ALD E. MIRK, - 2 - EXHIBIT A ,_ PAGE 1 CITY OF KENT HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 1977 PLAN PROGRAM CATEGORIES: I. POPULATION A. Housing Rehabilitation B. C.B.D. Pedestrian Walkway -Phase II C. C.B.D. Pedestrian Parkway -Phase I D. Memorial Park Tot-lot E. Fire Prevention/Smoke Detectors F. Planning Monies for 1978 G. Memorial Park Parking Lot H. Optional Reserve TOTAL: II. JOINT/INTERJURISDICTIONAL 1. Kent Commons -Phase lB 2. Communications Dispatch Center 3. Green River Trail System 4. Garrison Creek Park III. NEEDS & JOINT/INTERJURISDICTIONAL 1. Kent Commons -Phase lB (J} 2. Housing Rehabilitation (N} 3. Communication Dispatch Center (J} 4. Green River Trail System (J} 5. Garrison Creek Park (J) $ 25,000 32,000 2,000 11,000 3,000 3,331 18,000 1,000 $ 95,331 $ 73,000 30,000 100,000 50,000 $ 73,000 50,000 30,000 100,000 50,000 .. '"'" N LJF kE\JT \ <11 T H ~ c__ D tk'R.&E T k R E ~ \e~elld - / -~· KENT 1970 POP\JlA110N lt7~ umurr ' ,. ' .. '· . (f I __ / . ) J "' ::: I I \ lHO..-AS ~".TFlHT INHRCIIA.IiG£ :.) : ... [ .. ;::. " : ' t \ ,. \ \ \ \ .. -< 0 \I I ,_ " ' -· 111' I _,, ,, .. I .. I' \ \ \\\ \ CITY OF KEi'lT ;\ M HousiNG & CoMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM -<fil ~ ~ I (3-YEAR PLAN) I 1975 :~SIDENTIAL REEABILITATION Housing Rehabilitation $25,000 .BD REHABILITATION -0- NTERJURISDICTIONAL l BLIC/SOCIAL SERVICES '"'illluni ty Service Center Food & Assistance $2,400 \NNl:NG $3,800 I I I 1976 1977 RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATI6~ RESIDENTIAL REHABILITA- a TION Housing Rehabilitation $25,000 Tot-Lot Improvement Phase I 10,000 Phase II 10,000 CBD REHABILITATION Pedestrian walkways Phase I 13,600 Wheelchair ramps 1,200 Coordinator 24,000 INTERJURISDICTIONAL Multi-Service Center $177,000 PLANNING $3,400 Housing Rehabilitation Fire Prevention/ Smoke Detectors CBD REHABILITATION Pedestrian Walkway Phase II Pedestrian Parkway- Phase I - INTERJURISDICTIONAL Multi-Service Center Green River Trail System Garrison Creek Communication Dispatch Center RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Memorial Park Tot-Lot Memorial Park Parking Lot PLANNING 1978 1979 RESIDENTIAL REHABILITATION! RESIDENTIAL REHABILITl\TION Housing Rehabilitation Storm Drainage (Design) -North Park -Lower East Hill CBD REHABILITATION Storm Drainage Pedestrian Walkway Phase III First Ave. Mid-block connector (acquisition) Old City Hall Site Park Pedestrian Parkway - Phase II INTERJURISDICTIONAL PLANNING Housing Rehabilitation Storm Drainage -South Fourth Ave. CBD REHABILITATION Pedestrian Walkway First Ave. Mid-Block connector (Design and Construction) INTERJURISDICTIONAL PLANNING ,