HomeMy WebLinkAbout803RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of Kent, Washington, directing the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting to make segregation of certain assessments levied under ULID #1 and LID #255. WHEREAS, Coldwell Banker Escrow has requested a seg- regation of certain assessments levied against property under ULID#l and LID#255, and WHEREAS, all clerical and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, and the applications being in all re- spects proper, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. That the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting be and she hereby is directed to make segregation of the assessments requested by Coldwell Banker Escrow on applications attached hereto as Exhibits 1 and 2 and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. The assessments involved are Number 380-1 of ULID #1 and 13-1 of LID#255. PASSED at a Regular Meeting of the Kent City Council this 17th day of May, 1976. ISABEL ATTEST: DdNALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. ?,:_3) , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the I 'jl day of May, 1976. I MARI~ CITY CLERK Req'uc 8 ted by: L. • ' t I I '-' ,_' I\ t-1 •• 1' ' I 1 \)I l . ··:··--------·-------: . -~ :··---- Shlr ley Larson, l:~~ Off1cer Coldwell Banker Escrow Suite 1600 Park Place Bldg. Seattle, WA 98101 l. L.t \ I l I 1 U I I L --~-~~:_:_j.._~~..!....:..\ 6:!!...:..\''f..l-_.....l\'-----i Dale Loca~"3. Distr1ct No . 1 4-5-76 ASSESSIIENT NO. 380-1 0\o.'ncr f, Address O!UGINJ\L llL~CIUPTJUN Origin;ll /\mount $ Commission Co., IJI( -1100 Four'th S !Seattle, WI\ The north 600 feet of the northeast quarter measured parallel with the north I ine of saiJ subdivision in Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 l:ast, W.M., King County, Washington lying easterly of the Railroad right-of-l'.•ay westerly and southerly of public rights-of-1vay (South 228th Street). ' thmer & AdJrcs~; ommission Co.,Inc. ; 100 Fourth S .cattle, WI\ --··· --------~ I 0 F£•£' R(•ceivrd , . 4 I .26 /19.l_f/ II ~ '"1;?/1/-: ccei p t: ,, a<-Lu ,i...l.P' Owner & Address onunissio·n Co., Inc. \100 Fourth S ·cattle, \VA 1 . ' . t "ll·" J[ unrc space nc:cilecl, att,lcil description and refer to 1:x 110~. NL \\' DESCR l PT l ON !l£'1.;' Assessment No. 380-1/\. New Assefisment AmL.$1602.18 lbe south 560 feet of the north 600 feet of the west t, 77.4 7 feet of the east 882.4 7 feet of the northeast quarter of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., King County, Washington; LESS any public road and/or right-of-way. -I' If more sr•,1c:u needed, att-ach description iJJJd refer to I:xlLihit "1J" RH1/\1 NDER DESCI~IPTION l(ern;J~ndrr i\~;:_;l'ssrnent Uo. 380-1 Rern;under Original Amt. ~ The north 600 feet of the northeast quarter measured parallel with the north line of said subdivision .in Section U, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.~l., King County, Washington lying eal>terly of the Railro;Jd right-of-way 1vesterly and northerly of puhl i c rights-of- way (South 228th Street); LESS the south 560 feet of the north 600 feet of the \vest 4 77 .'l7 feet of the east 882.47 feet of said subdivision ~------------------~~----~~-------------------~---·--------.-l-.·---,-,r-·•·,----------- j" __________________ -4--~IJ'~R~O-~T~C~S~j~)cJ~C~(~~~J~](~'~C~CJ~C~d~,~cJ~t~t~u~C~]~1~(~JC~.C~>C~·r~--l·]~!~t-i_o_II __ cJ_Il_rf __ r_t_'f_r_'r ___ f_(1 __ lc_X_h_l __ J~-t ___ ~_-________ ___ 1\.cldttional Fees Paid fZ= I .,."!~ /19_lk ! Additional Hours I 1 hr. ($10.00) Receipt No .;{}f;l~ Approved·and fnnmrdcd to Treasurer's Office' thin Jay of , 19 tor,cthcr wJth eopy of Certified Resolution -----------------No. -------· --------------------------l'roperty llan:tger For this service, tile City 1-1111 chaq~e $10 rnin.!Jnum and an ;~ddHiopal $10 per hour. The undersjgnf'd hcrr•hy accrpU; above terms and condi- ' Uons and certifiPs to the correctnesas hcrcJn. -/ __.) . /., / . /,,I -x ; __ 1'-c.."'?~"" ~ ~-. v. (_.All}) ( ,• A)/ ·~>lGN~D__cd\Jd· t ,~(, ~t.'l.-.::(.) c/f;,L.!:.(· r' L Olo/Jlc•r nncl l,,l-!Itt! ltnr·! ;r.r•d !l'i l'!l:lliti'P -----------.-------· _ Lo ioUlvLUI\Llll\l liJJI LLI\111-lLJ\IL ~----'-~-X_\-\_\~-'-\_1' ___ ~~---l ' Rdfucstod by: Shirley Larson (I:~~):l•ut Officer) !late LocaT .. Jt;ri;. llistri ct No. 255 Coldwell Banker Escrow Suite lCiOO Park Place Bldg. Seattle, WA 98101 4-5-76 Owner f. Address OIUGINAL DFSCl~IPTJUi~ ASSCSSI!ENT NO. 13-1 tlrigin~ll Amount $ ·i Comm i. s s ion C o . , l n, • ·1100 Fourth S :seattle, WA The north 600 feet of the northeast quarter measured parallel with the north 1 inc of said subdivision in Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, IV.M., King County, IVashington lying easterly of the Railroad right-of-way \ves ter ly and northerly of pub lie rights-of- I ornmission Co., Inc 1100 Fourth S ,cattle, IVA 10 Fee 1\cceivcd _£_; ,;!(., /19 ?b , ·cei p t 1! .2. ;g:=.:z? Owner & Address ummission Co.,Inc. lLOO FourthS ;cattle, WA Addjtiona1 Fees 1'aid £ I .7?-/19//./ :\dditiona1 Hours 1 Hr. ($10.00) ~78' ;2 {/ Receipt 'flo •. __ _ way (South 22Rth Street). · ' , I Jf 11r.>re SJ'il~·e ncc(Jed, attach d('Scrj]Jt"jon and rt:ff~r to r:xhilJit "l\" llP\v As~'cssmcnt No. 13-lA New Assessment Amt.$2654.60 NL\\' DESCIU PT J Ol'J The south 560 -feet of the north 600 feet of the ~est 477.47 feet of the east 882.47 feet of the northeast quarter of Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.~1., King County, Wash.; LESS any public road and/or right-of-way. If more SI!dce needed, CJt t£1 ell cleDcript:ion ana refer t:o Lx __ h_i_lJ_i_t_"_l_J"------l The north 600 feet nf .the northeast quarter measured parallel with the north line of said subdivision 111 Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 Fast, W.M., King County, Washington lying easterly of the Railroad right-of-way westerly and northerly of public rights-of- way (South 228th St rect); LJ;ss the south %0 feet of the north (i()O feet of the west 'l77. 4 7 feet of the cast 882.47 feet of said suh~Jivision. Approved· and forwarded to TrC<lf·Urf'r Is or fj ('_(' tld !; Jay of , 19 top,ether with copy of Certi fieu Rc~;olution ---------------tlo. . ------ ----------------------l'ropcrt y tlan.1ger For tiLls service, the City \vill ch<ngc $10 minimum and an ndditional ~~ 10 per hot~r. The undendgncd hereby accC'pto. above terms and condi- U.ons and certifies to the correctnesj,)·lereJn. .!/" ;' i"; ) · · · I· J(t, ) 'Z\ · ~) ~ .C ~ /.._:t:--?-t--' ·3tdin:n 'ct-.2~ L l0.c/1f51cu ti J / (.c..PA- rl"n(·r <lilt! /(11· ,\,,t hnr f 7,•d ;, ~trr·p ---------~------------____ ........