HomeMy WebLinkAbout801RESOLUTION NO. ~0( A RESOLUTION of the City Council of Kent, Washington, directing the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting to make segregation of a certain assessment levied under LID 262. WHEREAS, Bell-Anderson Realty has requested a seg- regation of a certain assessment levied against property under LID 262, and WHEREAS, all clerical and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, and the application being in all re- spects proper, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. That the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting be and she hereby is directed to make the segregation of the as- sessment requested by Bell-Anderson Realty on application attach- ed hereto as Exhibit I and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. The assessment involved is No. 8 of LID 262. PASSED at the Regular Meeting of the Kent City Council this 19th day of April, 1976. ATTEST: TO~~ I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolu- tion No. ~C)/ , pass,ed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the ,l:j day of April, 1976. oy: \..llloe Ann ~-.ay1vOOtl .. It• L Escrow Officer, r-ell-And~rson S 606 W Gowe Stre 1-8-76 NO. ·---=-8 __ Kent, WA 98031 ' (l\.;ncr £, Address ,\ell Anderson Real y <,04 W :·leekcr St, ~cnt, \'JA 98031 ~_:wncr & Address -ell-Anderson ,:asmussen ·06 W Gowe St • ._cnt, WA 98031 ·····, : :; 191 Fee Received ~~ .'J/',: 119 '/(c ;:cceipt II ·.1!-~//C-' ()wner & Address l Robert E. Shannon 1 b04 W Heeker I Kent, WA 98031 \ hrlditioMl Fees I Paid I { I,/.:. 119 '// I Addi tiona_l. Hou:- ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Oriuinnl Amount $ ·· Lot 14, Block 15 EXCEPT the east 20 feet thereof Yesler's First Addition to Kent '. '· ' y ·• ':;' , .. ' If more s >ace needed, a,ttilch description and rl"!fcr to r:xhil>it "ll" NEW DESCRIPTION ·H~ Assessment No. D(L~o~·t.z.)­ New Assessment J\mt.$ NOTE C~~GE LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSMENT NUMBER 9 TO READ AS FOLLOWS: IN L.I.D •. #262 ., The east 26 feet of Lot 14, Block 15, Yesler's First Addn. to Kent ADDITIONAL NOTE ADD $119.83 TO SAID ASSESSMENT NUMBER 9 If -more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "ll" REMAINDER DESCRIPTION R.c.m.::J...~N~ AsGcssment No. 8 .1/e'-'.J -Rema-:Lndcr Original Amt. $ ' . ~ ., Lot 14, Block 15 EXCEPT the east 26 feet thereof Yesler's First Addition to Kent NOTE SIJBTRACf FROM ASSllSSMENT NUMBER 8, L. I. D. lt262, Tim /\MOUNT OF $1H>.83. If more !5pacc needed,' attach dcsc1.·i.ption and refer to Exhibit "C" Approved·anu forwarded to Treasurer's Office this day of ! :.. ' , 19 together with copy of Certified Resolution ~--------------No. Property Hanager 1 ,./ • ~ ! 2 hX~_(j]_Q.OO)) 1---,.---;...._------------------------- F .. ,-lhfq <>ol-~l:lt:~='• tht~ C1lt.~· IIi II i'I•Cii·l\a ~ln "''"'"""" ~~~··1 J'!ll f••l•i!l:i.Utlit1. ~ilO per hour. 'fiLe unclerslgned hereby acc0pLs above term::~ and condi- tions and certifies to the corr~~~~~ss®.l. k n ' . · ·3l:GNED Jj,.b 0 1 .. t nn<ll · t: \OJ:"j.z(.t lteee.lpt uo.J[ '/(' L -·-·-··-·-········-~·-~-----·-----·-----.. ---·----·---··-.... _ ... --······-···~··· -·---·--·~·-········· ··-···· .. ···-·····~·-·· .~-·