HomeMy WebLinkAbout797RESOLUTION NO. ~ A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, cancelling certain checks issued by the City of Kent and not presented for pay- ment within one year. WHEREAS, RCW 39.56 provides for the cancellation by cities of warrants not presented for payment within one year of their issue, and WHEREAS, the City of Kent generally issues bank checks rather than warrants, and WHEREAS, there are currently outstanding many bank checks which have not been presented for payment even though one year or more has elapsed since their issue, and WHEREAS, said bank checks would not be honored if pre- sented for payment because of current banking practices which treat bank checks older than six months as "stale" (i.e., not presented for payment "within the normal course of business"), NOW, THEREFORE , THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. The bank checks listed on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein be and the same hereby are cancelled. 2. The Supervisor of Treasury Accounting shall transfer or cause to be transferred the records of checks so as to leave the funds as if the checks had never been drawn. 3. The Supervisor of Treasury Accounting shall send a certified copy of this Resolution including Exhibit A to the banks affected thereby. DONE at the Regular Meeting of the Kent City Council this 2nd day of February, 1976. ., i -····./ --·-7;:--./ ,: \. t.----~-- ISABEL HOGAN, MAiOR ATTEST: ~PROVED AS TO FORM: I \ G~ ~RK, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. ~9J, passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, " -----/1 Washington, the ,-...__ day of (5£?;;//-, 1976. _/·-----~t~J __ '~-~--77 ~' "-.._ _ _.......- - 2 - (SEAL) L ... :P10 TO: Gerald Winkle ~RnM: Margaret Drotz SUB.JECT: Outstanding. Bank Checks CITY TREASURER November 24, 1975 The following list represents the check outstanding in Peoples National Bank, the payee, amount, and fund paid from: Check No. Pa:t:ee Pa:t:roll 17685 Gary Just Treas. Checkr: 5506 DesMoines Park Dept. 5559 Janco 6259 Pitney Bowes 8209 A.E. Smith 510 The Gliddon Co. 2162 Eric Metcalf 2543 Wayne Shaffer 6509 S1ayton/H & B Cement 1909 Pederson Linoleum 7452 Verna Wilson 8199 K.C. Auditor Pacific National Bank of ~/ashington Payroll 12907 Treas. Checks 7843 10419 12030 13134 13305 Charles Durand Nat'l Bank of ~d.Comm. Winston Luby F..mid Schramm ',o/CPPA ~ Land Surveyors amount fund Date 18.90 Current Expense 10.00 Park 8/9/71 50.88 C.E. 8/10/71 42.00 C.E. 10/10/71 2.00 C.E. 12/31/71 4.48 C.E. 5/15/72 4.00 C.E. 10/13/72 4.00 C. E. ll/15/72 541.51 Park Frw. Thrst 10/21/71 52.50 City Hall Constr. 9/13/72 177.42 Benaroya Swr. 12/31/71 2.00 Water 12/31/71 909.69 14.98 Park 19.13 Utili ties Pre-pay 7.59 II II 8.00 Parks 10/17/74 25.00 C.E. 12/31/74 15.00 C.E. 12/31/7~ 89.70