HomeMy WebLinkAbout790C\' \ RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, directing the Super- visor of Treasury Accounting to make segregation of certain assessments levied under ULID No. 1 and LID No. 255. WHEREAS, COLDWELL, BANKER AND COMPANY has requested segregation of certain assessments levied against properties under ULID No. 1 and LID No. 255, and WHEREAS, all clerical and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, and the application being in all respects proper, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: Section 1. That the Supervisor of Treasury Accounting be and she hereby is directed to make segregation of the assess- ments requested by COLDWELL, BANKER AND COMPANY on applications attached hereto as Exhibits 1 and 2, and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. Section 2. The assessments involved are No. 380 of ULID No. 1 and No. 13 of LID 255. PASSED at a Regular Meeting of the Kent City Council this 21st day of July, 1975. ATTEST: AP::_u:~ ONALD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. ')'J'(-, passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the · :~· I day of July, 1975. ·-----·" ~~~)~·~'t~-~~<~~~~----~~-~~~/~z_~~~~~-,~7~-~J~ ____ (SEAL) MARIE JENS ITY CLERK L.I,D: SEGREGATION CERTIFICAl'F --~----------------~~ Requested by: Shirley Giles, ~-~row Officer Coldwell Banker Escrow Date Loc<1l Imp.· District No. 255 Suite 1705 Park Place Bldg. Seattle, WA 98101 6-19-75 ASSESSHENT NO. 13 Owner & Address Western Gear Corp. P. 0. Box 182 Lynwood, CA 90262 Owner & Address Commission Co., Int-. 4100 Fourth S. Seattle, WA $10 Fee Received t, f.)t;' /197'> / ) -- Receipt II .Z2 j y/ Owner & Address Western Gear Corp. P. 0. Box 182 Lynwood, CA 90262 Additional Fees Paid t:· '. ')r Jl97J-- Additional Hours 1~ Additional Fee $15 Receipt NoJ .~ ~ .'/( ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Ori~jnal Amount $ Tax Lot 139, North half of the northeast quarter in Section 13 Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.H., King County, Washington, lying easterly of Northern Pacific Right-of-Way; LESS west 315 feet of the east 345 feet of the south 720 feet of the north 780 feet; LESS public right-of-ways. If more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "ll" NEW DESCRIPTION Hew Assessment No. 13-1 New Assessment Amt.$4031.63 The north 600 feet of the northeast quarter measured parallel with the north line of said subdivision in Section 13, Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., King County, Washington, lying easterly of the Railroad Right-of-Way; westerly and northerly of public rights-of-way (S 228th St.) If more space needed, attach description and refer to Dxhibit "IJ" REMAINDER DESCRIPTION RemJ~nder Assessment No. Remalnder Original Amt. ~ Tax Lot 139, North half of the northeast quarter in Section 13 Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., King County, Washington, lying easterly of Northern Pacific Right-of-Way; LESS west 315 feet of the east 345 feet of the south 720 feet of the north 780 feet; LESS public rights-of-way AND ALSO EXCEPT the north 600 feet thereof. If Ill:Jrc space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "C" . R..£1- 13 Apprq,ve4; and forwarded t~Trensurer' s Office this cJ3_ . day of /~~ , 19 ?5 together with copy of Certlfled Resolution No~ ( 790 . ' ' Property Hii'1ager For this service, the City \vill charge $10 minimum and an additional $10 per hour. The undersigned hereby accepts above terms and condi- tions and certifies to the correctness herein. ---~-----. --.-c-----~~~-~--~------------------------ L I 1. u. SUjl{LuAT ro~ 1 Ccl< 1 1::1 Cf\ ll ··----,.... ----------- :zeqtir~st~_d by: Shirley Giles, L rov Officer Coldv.rell Banker Escrc"v Date Lo" _j_ 1mp.· lJistrJc.t No. U.L.I.D.l ------ Suite 1705 Park Place Bldg. Seattle, HA 98101 6-19-75 ASSESS11ENT NO. 380 1 1 ,,.n c r [, Ad d r c s s !L·stern Gear Corp. '. 0. Box 182 l.ynwood, CA 90262 UP-.JGIN/\L DLSCRJPTlU01 Original Amount $ Tax Lot 139, North half of the northeast quarter in Section 13 Township 22 North, Range 4 East, H.li., King County, Hashington, lying easterly of Northern Pacific Right-of-Hay; LESS west 315 feet of the 0ast 345 feet of the south 720 feet of the north 780 feet; LESS public right-of-ways. -------------4--------------------------------------------------------------~--------------1 0\mer & Address Commission Co., In. 4100 Fourth S. Seattle, HA :10 Fee Received 1 _L_! .)y /19 _7s ·- If more SfJdcc ll~}!..Ylccl, attc1c1J dcscrJ:ption anrl refer to r:xJ;ihit "ll." NL\\' DESCRIPTION !lew Asscsst7lent No. 380-1 New Assessment Amt.$3845.76 The north 600 feet of the northeast quarter measured parallel with the north line of said subdivision in Section 13, Tmvnship 22 North, Range 4 East, W .M., King Colllty, Hashing ton, lying easterly of the Railroad Right-of-~.Jay; westerly and of public dghts-of-way (S 228th St.) northerly 1 :eceipt fl ;;·.-7 _5 ;;-( 11------------+----------------------------------------~~~----~ lf more space needed, attach dcscripti.on and rcfr.r to Exhibit "13" I I Owner & Address RE\11\l NDER DESC!UPT I ON Remoinder Assessment Ho. 380 Remainder Od1;inal Amt. ~ I \ Western Gear Corp. I', 0. Box 182 !Lynwood, CA 90262 I Tax Lot 139, North half of the northeast quarter in Section 13 Township 22 North, Range 4 East, W.M., King County, Washington, lying easterly of Northern Pacific Right·-·o£-Hay; LESS west 315 feet of the east 345 feet of the south 720 feet of the north 780 feet; LESS public rights-of-way AND ALSO EXCEPT the north 600 feet thereof. I I I I ~---------------~~--~~~--~------------------------------------1 Lf nor-c sj:.Jcc needed, o.ttach description and rcfc;r to Exhibit "C" I I I I If ,\ddi.tional Fees Approved 1and forv.~art!eu to Trea~;urer 1 s Of fie e. tlli s ,Jj.RO day of !'aid Q~ _, 19 1.5-together with copy of Certified Resolution j ( I ? Y /19 '/s--No. f' 71cJ • I --L:_ ~c&vzL---I I Additional Hours ..,. Property H nager I 1/ 1----------------------------------------------------------l' '2 For th:ls service, the City ~,,ill ch~1rp,e $10 minimum and an additiollal 1'\dditional Fee $5 ·. $10 per hour. The undersigned l1ereby accepts above terms and condi-I : Receipt No. ~07 3/l. tlons and certifies to the correctness herein.