HomeMy WebLinkAbout773.. L ... RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, directing the City Treasurer to make segregations of certain assessments levied under Local Improvement District 273. WHEREAS, Kent Development Company has requested its agent, MILES DRAKE, the segregation of certain assessments levied against its property under Local Improvement District 273, and WHEREAS, said request was reviewed by the Finance Committee and said Committee recommended approval of the request, and WHEREAS, all clerical and engineering fees have been paid as required by law, and the application being in all respects proper, NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. The City Treasurer be and she hereby is directed to make segregation of the assessments requested by Kent Development Company on an application dated April 16, 1974 and receipted for by the Property Management Department of the City of Kent on October 30, 1974, said application being attached hereto as· Ex- hibit A and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein. 2. The assessments involved are Numbers 6, 6A, 24, 26, 38, and 40 of Local Improvement District No. 273. PASSED at a Regular Meeting of the Kent City Council this 4th day of November, 1974. I c~u ISABEL HOGAN, ATTEST: -------:-)~ ~-;71JL, ) RIE JENSEN, ·~CLERK \ I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. J·Js Washington, , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, the ~day of November, 1974. ,-~ '>4:";n~~ (SEAL) MARIE JENSEN:,--C'ITY CLE 302 Scenic (Jay l Kent WA 9R031 ASSESSMENT NO: __ 6 __ _ lliles DraLe 4/16/74 local Imp. District No: lJ·-------.---------l..-------4--------- J/ ________ o_w_n_e_r ________ _,r-----------------o_R_I_G_I_N_A_L __ D_E_s_c_R_IP_T_I_O_N _________________________ Am_~_~_;~_1. l ; I I I ' Kent Development 1568 S. Anr,clin0. St.. Seattle tVA 91JJ.Or Owner & Address Engineers Approval ,. PA I 0 \R \'GaGs-,., (I 1·· f) ,_. ; i:., I ' I l.l _'-l ,J: ; Cl"f\' TfU::#t~UHf.:R w ... Pt11 o[ Lots 1, 2, & 3, Shinn's Garden Add to Kent & por vac lnne ad_1 on N less beg. on S ln GL 1 510.02 ft. E of SW corn; th N 220ft,; thE 220ft., th S 220 ft., th W 220 ft. to beg. & lcs" n~r W of ln be~. on sd S In 450ft Eo( sd cor.; th N 01"07 1 421! E 380.72 ft. to curve rpt rad 50 ;-t. center of wch hen,~s !'! 37°59 1 54'' E; tl, 1ft alr. sd curve 156.48 ft. th N 37~ 59 1 54" F 90.79 ft; thence N Ol 0 07tl~2" S: 12S.3J. ft toN ln or S ~ GL 1 lesR ST service rd. C/1'<-t -R«:.. a7r t'le.f'A;-;t..: ~~~-//.tf?~ .50 Orir.lnal amount $1,991.85 Total paid -0 - PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS Assessment # 6-1 ~Th ~or of Trct 3, Shinn's Gdn. add & vac st. adj in GL 1, 18-22-5 AF: Bc2, at the KW cor of the S 1/2 of sd GL 1; TH N 89°42'42" E alg the N n of sci S 1/2 554.51 ft to the TPOB; TH S l 0 07'42'' W pll to the W ln of s·· L 1 a dist of 129.31 ft; TH S 37°59 1 54" W 90.79 ft to the arc of a curve 1 hs rt having a radius of 50 ft, the radial C(mter of wh bears S 37°59' 54" 0 ft. fr the last mend. pt; Til Sly alg the ~.rc of sd curve, through a cen1 ·nglo of 51°45'47" an arc dist of 45.17 ft; TH N 89°45'41" E pll to the S J f sd GL 1 a dist of 295 ft, + to the E 1n of sd Trct 3; Tii Nly alg sd E 11 41 ft, + to the N 1n of the S 1/2 of ~d GL 1; TII S 89°42'42" W alg sd N 11 55 ft, ~ to the TPOB Situate in the County of King, State of Washington. t--,-----~--As&-ossmen~f..-6.9-----------'--PAECEL RH!AINDER DESCFlFT Wll -i--'l'nat:poror·t.rAc'n' lj 2 ·a-rfilSblnii,-5-Ganaacfll~F-:-Be·g-a""t-"NE cor on· ret 3; TII S a1g E: li\' Lho f 225". 5"0' to the TPOB; TII cont S alg E' lns of sd rcts 112 G 3 to a pt on N 1n of S 228th; Til W alg sd N ln TAP 220 ft E of 5th Pl S; TH N pllw sd W Ins 200 ft; TH W 220 ft TAP on E ln of 85th Pl S H N pllw W Ins of sd Trcts 190 ft + TAP wh bears S 89°45'41" W from POB; H N 89°45 1 41" E 318 1 + to the TPOBT EXCEPT that ptn lyn within 85th Pl. S If more space is required, use other side. Approved and Forwarded to Engineers Office-------------·-··--- For this service the City will charge$ for the first hour and on odditionaiCJY--- per hour os required. Minimum charge $ . Up to ten (10) days may be required for completion and submission of report by the Engineers' Department. . Applicant 0 The unders1gned accepts terms os noted, and certifies to correctness of Owner 0 other information submitted necessary to make the segregation ~s ordered.1 / fc ( ~ ~ ( L( ~ z4· __/; <-r -z-t.--v/ { 21 Signed ) '7 {( 1.-.rt-l 1--i' d__J, {· I =====L=··-· .) t~ Kt:L?A l_i_ UN Lt: ~iJ_f J.lr=r=A==T==E ======= , 'by: ' DATE ~, i.lcs nrnl·e Local Imp. District No: _..:::2..:...7=.3 __ 302 Seen ic ~:ny ''~nt ~lA 9f.O] l ASSESSMENT NO: __ 6_A __ _ Owner Jer~. T Ivy 1005 .• l inr• Sea 1 ~JA 98104 /(I!NT "!Jevt-Lo~HENr IS'&~ S A WGC:. LttJc f'r. .Sl!ATit.l!, WN ,~,0~ ORIGINAl DESCRIPTION Ptn o[ Lot 4 .Shinn's Garden Add Lo i:cnt. Por ly t.J of VD tfl & N o( N 1 n of S 22:1th ::>t. TG~J por vac lane ad i. Oririnal amount $591.65 Total paid -0 - Original Amount Cue l--~--------i Owner & Address Engineers Approval CITV TBtA~UHt::R PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS ASSESSMENT NO. 6A - 1 ''A" The North 241.00 ft of the fol: Ptn of Lot 4 Shinn's Garden Add to Kent. Por ly W of DD 11 & N of N ln of S 228th St. TGW por vac laue adj. NEW ASSESSMENT $182.12 Ptn of Lot 4 Shinn 1 s Garden Add to Kent. Por 1y l'/ of DD Ill & N of N ln of S 228th St. Less the North 241.00 ft THEREOF. If more space is required, use other side. Approved and Forwarded to Engineers Office ____________ l9_f---l,-- For this service the City will charge $. ___ _ per hour as required. Minimum charge $ . Up to ten (10) days may be for completion and submission of report by the Engineers' Department. . Applicant 0 The unders1gned Owner 0 accepts terms as noted, and certifies to correctness of other information submitted necessary to make the segregation as ordered. I~ "D.--~~~ Signecld ~~~"lf-_,.-___j~~~~~L.J[;,~.J.r~. !!!!!"'...,1!1.-.~'-...S:r:___ ~ 1 1 I / ······ ·---·-·---+------::-=-----=-------=-=-=~~-=-----­ b;==y:=====L=.It SEGREGAliON CEO~~IF~~A~T:::::::::E ======= • Hiles Dral:e 273 302 Scenic Hay f~ent WA 98031 Owner 4/16/74 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Local Imp. District No: --""-'-~---·· ASSESSMENT NO: -~2:._.:4c___ __ _ Original Amount Due --··------------1----------------------------------,------- Kent Development 1568 S Angeline St. Seattle HA 9rlJOr Owner & Address Ptn of Lots 1 & 4 Shinn's Garden Add to Knnt. Por of 4 ~ oi f.t. Service Rd & E of DD Ul & GL 2 E of sd DD & N of. ln r.n;c N 89°45 1 41 11 E from pt dn W Jn r,d GL N 01n 07!/~2-: E 73(,.12 ft. for l-1~ cor. except E 33ft thereof. Oririnal amount $2,430.l8 TotaJ paid -0 - PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS Assessment # 24-1 ....,. Ptn of Lots 1 & 4 Shinn's Garden Add to Kent. Por of 4 S of St. Service Rd & E of DO #1 & GL 2 E of sd DO & N of 1n rng N 89°45'41" E from pt on W 1n sd GL N 01° 07'42" E 736.12 ft. for W1/4 cor. except E 158.40 ft thereof. New Assessment $1,051.20 --·--------------------~-----------~~--------------~------------------+--PAI\C.B_!~---.. _ ··-.. _BE~~'!_"!_NDER DESCRIP?;_"!._Q!-!_____.hssess_DJ~e~n..!<.t_l::--!2=.::4!-... ___ _.; __ _ fThe east .12.5~·11> of the fo1 desc ppty: Engineers Approval _pAID \ f?_ \"{;a<O~ GCT 2:: lq!.:l . ~riY 1· ~~tASUHER 'ROPE RECEIVED . Rry lf· _,.~ MANAGEMErr Ptn of Lots 1 & 4 Shinn's Garden Add to Kent. Por of 4 S of St. Service Rd & E of DO #1 & GL 2 E of sd DO & N of ln rng N 89°45'41" E from pt on W 1n sd GL N 01° 07'42" E 736.12 ft. for W 1/4 cor. except ptn thereof 1yn with 88th Ave s. If more space is required, use other side. Approved and Forwarded to Engineers Office_-----··· ________ ---·--:-·--,-19 ___ ----('1 ( \ ~·-· ... ~ -;;;p0 Lu~ / # }),!zl!t · 1; City Treasurer l) For this service the City will charge$ for the 1 first hour and on additional$ . _..;' per hour as required. Minimum charge $. ____ . Up to ten (10) days may be re uired for completion and submission of report by the Engineers' Deportment . . Applicant 0 The unders1gned accepts terms as noted, and certifies to correctness of Owner 0 other information submitted necessary to make the segregation as ordered. /L c ,_ .-'( .[{:' (_ ·c 'Y:. · f t-p ~ ~ ... .f-~:, Signed .l7 (( )=rt t 11) 1 6L/(.< "•~ I ------~ f -=/ 1 ====L=.I.i. SEGREGATION CERTI FJ';-FAT~E~========= · AY=. Miles OraLe 1 DATE I 302 Scenic Hay Kent HA 98031 Local Imp. District No: _ __:2;...c7__:3 __ _ 4/16/7'+ ASSESSMENT NO: _ _:2=.:6::o__ __ _ Owner ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Original Amount Due -·--·-----------t------_:_ ______ ___:_ _______________________ _ Kent Development 1568 S Anr,eltn~ ~t. Seattle HA 9H10~ Owner & Address Engineers Approval ;«:;- ~~~~?:7 \ OCT 2. Z, i~){:1 Cl'fY iH~UHER ·- ShJ.nn 1 s Garden Add to Kent, ptn of Lot 1. Ptn GL 2 E 230 ft of F 6f>O ft. of 1 S of Co. Rd & E 230 ft. of W 680 ft. or GL 2 N o:' b rnr N 89n45'41T' E fr pt on H l:n sd GL N 01°07 1 42:' E 73rl,l/. :-t. fr ~-i l cor, except the r. 60Ft. r:hcr~or.; Oririnal amount $1,423.90 Totnl paid -0 - PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS Assessment 126-1 .. That por of GL ~ in 18-22-5 in K/Co, WA OAF: Beg at the NW cor of sd GL 2 axrttuxdxtiti.pc!N~xMxbxmixUxikx.ixaxal TH N 89°45'41'' E a1g theN 1n of sd GL 2 a dist of 450'; TH I 5 1°07'42" W parellel to theW 1n of sd GL 2 a dist of 153.01'; TH N 89°45 1 41'' E 5.30 1 to the TPOB; Til cont N 89°45'41" E 164.68'; TH S 1°07'42" W 106 1 TH S 89°45'41" W 169.98' Til N 1°07'42" E 18'; Til 5 88°52 1 18" E 5.30'; TH N 1°07 1 42" E 88.13' Ito the TPOB. Ne\f Assessment .~194.68 -----·---···-------··-----·-·-----------------·-·------ f-. PA~CE_!. ____________ gENA}ND_ER _!?ESCRIPJIOJ~ __ ..As.s.e.s.sment..Jl.26. .. ______ _ f Shinn's Garden add to Kent, ptn of Lot 1, ptn GL 2 E 230 ft of w 680 ft. of 1 S of Co. Rd & E 230 ft of W 680 ft of GL 2 N of 1n rng N 89°45'41" E fr pt on W 1n sd GL N 01°07'42" E 736.12 ft. fr W 1/4 cor, EXCEPT the E 60 ft thereof, AND EXCEPT that por of GL 2 in 18-22-~ in K/Co, WA OAF: Beg at the NW cor of sd GL 2; TH N 89°45'41" E a1g the N 1n of sd GL 2 a dist of 450 ft; TH S 1°07'42" W pll to theW 1n of sd GL 2 a dist of 153.01 ft; TH N 89°45 1 41" E 5.30 ft to the TPOB; TH cont N 89°45'41" E 164.68 ft; TH S 1°07'42" W 106ft; TH S 89°45'41" W 169.98 ft; TH N 1°07'42" E 18ft; Til 88°52'18" E 5.30 ft; TH N 1°07'42" E 88.13 ft to the TPOB. If more space is required, use other side. Approved and Forwarded to Engineers Office-----------·-·--------~-c ~ Q -~;~~}C'rf'M,d /£))hilt).:\ / / 1' City Treasur~·r { I I 1/ ----=:::-- For this service the City will charge$ for the first hour and an additional$. __ _ per hour as required. Minimum charge $ . Up to ten (10) days may be required for completion and submission of report by the Engineers' Department. . Applicant D The understgned Owner D accepts terms as noted, and certifies to correctness of other information submitted necessary to make the ~egre~ation as orde:;d/_" /~J , , f .JJ_. _d -C:y' , ... , I r.. i. • sign edl ____ ..... k:__/ !L._!u~r_ . .,L)~-d'-'--.J.i-'..1 ..:..' ~------'.,..:..-;_=-~. .... c~· ---------- / ''A" - 302 Seen 1 c '.lny ~·ent 'tJ!\ 98031 Local Imp. District No: ---'2.,_.7,_.)'----- ASSESSMENT NO: __ 3_1'l ____ _ ---------------------,-------------------------L-----------~----------------------------Owner f l':ant Drrv~lopn•Pnt 15F8 ~. Anp~l!nc ~t. ~cattle 11!1 li 1 'J0'~ Owner & Address Engineers Approval a ~~/l­ ~vt.. \Q \~t)~S"" r;r,r 2 z mm _pAID \ CIYY 'H\~Ui1ER - ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Tlwt or of C:ov't Lot 2 In Sec lf' Twn 22 N, :·r 5 EVt! lyin,t·, F of on ~1; rxccpt the N 205 ft. thereof nnd axcopt nor lyin~­ ,.. n 1 ;1 ln r·unn[np 1-r {l,l'.l"4.'>'41'' r. fron· a ;"'t nn 11 ln of sJ Gcnr't Original Amount Due !Pt :: 1'07'1+2" E 7Jf..12 ft. (rrw '.1 \ cnr; e:tt:l':-t t~1~ F. 13ft theraof. c~·':·.!nal ttmourt $750.et. PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS • . ·-------··· '..,~ -.. The east 12So40 feet of the fol: That por of Gov't Lot 2 in Sec 18 Twn 22 N, Rg 5 EWM lying E of DD 11; Except the N 205 ft. thereof and except por lying S of a ln running N 89°45 1 41" E from a pt on W ln of sd Gov't Lot N 1°07 1 42" E 736.12 ft. from W 1/4 cor; except ptn in 88th Ave S. New Assessnent $316.17 -(J - f--.......... -... ·----·------·-------·····----.. ____________ : ______ ----··---·--···--------------- t--·_T'_A1~9.!:!.:_ ___________ £f:.!:].A_l_~!.!_)_F:_.P _ _n_F_.:·:_c~~!_PJ_l_f~L. __ As~e_S_!_JJ1ep.~t...._.,lt:.::3~8~~------- That por of Gov't Lot 2 in Sec 18 Twn 22 N, Rg 5 EWM lying E of DD U; Except the N 205 ft.· thereof and exc_cpt por lying S of a In running N 89°45 1 41" E from a pt on W ln of sd Gov't Lot N 1°07 1 42" E 736.12 ft. from W 1/4 cor; except the E 158.40 ft thereof. If more space is required, use other side. Approved and Forwarded to Engineers Office--------------(--;;-----~9~ \ _/?Zl<l l'f] ,{_l J /!-/ > .·~ '7( // .J City Tr~asurer ) For this service the City will charge$. ____ for the first hour and an additional~-~--'-'-- per hour as required. Minimum charge $ _____ . Up to ten (10) days may be required for completion and submission of report by the Engineers' Department. . Applicant 0 The unders1gned accepts terms as noted, and certifies to correctness of Owner EJ other information submitted necessary to make the segregation as ordered. /C.th.--L f ~A--z~t· .f.1 01'L-'••/( c, Signed __ ,R'] {( }-rt--"1. ~' A.£ C L.l It ~!lles nratc J 302 Sccn£c Fny Kent tJA 9f03 l 4/16/74 Local Imp. District No: 273 ASSESSMENT NO: _A_O"--- Owner Kent Dcvclopn-!.::~!~ 156~ s. Anrc1fnc ~t. Seatt 1 e · .1/, ·,-11 ~ 11 Owner & Address Engineers Approval d.~"-f'f./Z1 ,)Y-vVM_ ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION .' ...... 0f G•v't• Lot 2 f.n Sec. 18, 1Vn'22N, f'J' 5 E\-TM~ thAt por or r.nv't T.ot 2 defined as follows: TheE 230 ft. o 11 (l&O ft. u· r.,; ln1· ly!n)' f. ;)f S 22P.th ')t. ~nd 1yf.r' .. of,, line runnfnr, ~~ ,.,.-/~'5 1 '&1" F. frcm> n pt on \.,t ::'\,;51 1ol i': 1''07'1,1'' ~ 736.12 ft. fror~ i! l corner; Except Lht-l '( '· t ~h·•:t~·J ""'d less the :: ~,11 . 1.: the rt!u;. Originol Amount Du"' Oririnal arrou~t $425.48 Totnl naid -0 ~ PARCEL NEW DESCRIPTIONS Assessment # 40-1 • That por of GL 2 in 18-22-5 in K/Co~ ';/A DAF: Beg at the NW cor of sd GL 2; T~I ;~ S:J 0 il5'41" E a1g the N 1u of stl GL 2 a tlist of 450 ft; lli S 1°07'42" W pll to tho W ln of sd GL 2 a dist of 15.3.01 ft; Til N 89°45 1 41" 5.30 ft to the TPOB; TI1 cont N 39°45'41" E 164.63 ft; TH S 1°07'42" W lv ; l'il S 89°45'41" \'1 16V.9S ft; TH N 1°07 1 42" E 18ft; TH S 88°52'18" E .30 ft; Til N 1°07'42'! E 83.13 ft to the 1'POBJ EXCEPT that ptn 1yg within N 205' of sd GL 2. N0\'1 Assessment $53. 9~ ~ ·1:'_/\f:§~i.~~~ ~----:_-~:--.-~~-RAi)~n~F.~o.~:{c£1Ji.i5i~ :·-~·;;;~~-nt t4o~~==---·--· A por of GL 2 in 18-22-5; t~ por of GL 2 OAF: The E 230 ft of W 680 ft. of sd lot 1yn S of 5 228th 5t. and lyn N of a 1n rnning N 89° 45 '41" E from a 1 on W ln of sd lot N 1°07'42" E 736.12 ft. from W 1/4 cor; EXCEPT theN 165 ft thof and less the E 60 ft tho£; AND ALSO EXCEPT that por of GL 2 in 18-22-5 in K/Co, WA DAF: Beg at the NW cor of sd GL 2; nt N 89°45'41" E ali theN ln of sd GL 2 a dist of 450 ft; TH 5 1°07'42" W pll to the W ln of sc GL 2 a dist of 153.01 ft; TH N 89°45'41" E 5.30 ft to the TPOB; nt cont N 89°45'41" E 164.68 ft; nt 5 1°07 1 42" W 106 ft; TH 5 89°45 1 41" W 169.98 ft lli N 1°07'42" E 18 ft; TH S 88A52 1 18" E 5.30 ft; nt N 1°07'42" E 88.13 ft to the TPOB. If more space is required, use other side. Approved and Forwarded to Engineers Office _______ ----------------------+ 19_--f--..,- " --) I(. # {'J7y;. [~ --. y( . / / ; City Treasurer r ;! For this service the City will charge$ ____ for the f'irst hour and an additional $?- per hour as required. Minimum charge $ . Up to ten (10) days may be required for completion and submission of report by the Engineers' Department. . Applicant D The unders1gned accepts· terms as noted, and certifies to correctness of Owner 0 other information submitted necessary to make the s_egregation as ordered. /'CL t ~'11.1 ( 1·1·-( ""'7/\.L-, /I r; Signed J "-z (/ )-ct. -z. '~--. ~l C- /