HomeMy WebLinkAbout749RESOLUTION 749 WHEREAS the protection and enhancement of environmental quality is a vital concern of the Kent City Counci I; and WHEREAS the preservation of water quality is a major environmental goal which must be considered in relation to air quality, land use and energy conservatio and WHEREAS it is the purpose and goal of the Municipality of Metropolitan Seattle to secure and maintain high standards of water quality for alI receiving water within its jurisdiction; and WHEREAS Public Law 92-500 of the 92nd Congress requires that alI publicly- owned treatment works achieve "secondary treatment" by July I, 1977, prior to the achievement of "best practicable treatment" by July I, 1983; and WHEREAS secondary treatment of municipal discharges for removal of biochemical oxygen demand lBODl is a process proven to be unnecessary to the preservation of water quality in Puget Sound; and WHEREAS construction and operation of secondary treatment facl lities would impinge on valuable open space, and consume scarce energy resources; and WHEREAS major water quality improvements other than secondary treatment, such as toxicity and floatables removal and sewer separation, are considered to be essential to receiving water quality; and WHEREAS construction and operation of secondary treatment facilities at Metro' four Puget Sound plants, including West Point, would double operating costs and require a $55 mi I lion capital expenditure which might otherwise be used for higher priority water pollution control projects by other local agencies in the Seattle area; and WHEREAS the rates charged our customers would reflect the expenditure· to meet the secondary treatment requirements; and WHEREAS this agency has higher priority water pollution control projects on which funds need to be spent; and WHEREAS limited allocations of federal funds wi II prevent the Municipality from comp I eting top priority water qua I i ty projects wh i 1 e achieving both "secondary treatment" by July 1, 1977, and "best practicable treatment" by July I, 1983; and WHEREAS a municipal system (Metro) must, at alI times, be in compliance with the requirements of the Federal Act or modifications thereof, or no local sewage project wi I I be eligible for Federal funds: and WHEREAS there is, in fact, insufficient time for the Municipality to meet the July I, 1977, deadline for "secondary treatment"; and WHEREAS to maintain and insure high standards of water quality for the metro- politan area at the earliest time and in the most cost-effective manner, it is necessary that the Municipality proceed immediately with a program to provide "b4'ist'pra~ctic:allte:trenmehtt:"'by July 1, 1983; l . NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Kent urge the Congress to amend the 1972 WATER VUALITY ACT to permit the Administrator of EPA to modify the requirement of secondary treatment for any publicly-owned treatment works discharging through deep water outfal Is into the Pacific Ocean and the con- tiguous territorial seas upon application and proof satisfactory to the Adm- inistrator that alternative treatment processes would produce an equal or better environmental effect on the receiving waters for a lesser expenditure of pub I ic resources. PASSED at a regular Counci I meeting this 4th day of September, 1973. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~~E~ DONA DE. MIRK, C1ty Attorney I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No 749, passed by the City Counci I of the City of Kent, Washi~ton the 4th day of September, 1973. /-~~ -IMRIE JENS~