HomeMy WebLinkAbout748e ~- RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Wash- ington adopting the 1974 through 1979 revision to the City of Kent's Six Year Comprehensive Street and Arterial Street Program. WHEREAS, the City of Kent has, in accordance with RCW 35.77.010 previously adopted a Six Year Comprehensive Street and Arterial Street Program, and WHEREAS, the laws of the State of Washington require annual revision and review of said Street Program, and WHEREAS, the City did prepare a revised and extended Comprehensive Street and Arterial Street Program covering the years 1974 through 1979, and WHEREAS, a public hearing was held by the City Council on June 18, 1973 after due and proper notice thereof, and WHEREAS, after said public hearing the Comprehensive Street Program attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein, and the Arterial Street Program, attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein, were approved as the official revised and extended Comprehensive and Arterial Street Programs of the City of Kent for the years 1974 through 1979, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DO HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The Comprehensive Street Program for the years 1974 through 1979 attached hereto as Exhibit A and incor- porated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein be and -1- the same hereby is approved. Section 2. The Comprehensive Arterial Street Program for the years 1974 through 1979 attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein be and the same hereby is approved as the Comprehensive Arterial Street Program for the City of Kent. Section 3. The Director of Public Works be and he here- by is authorized and directed to transmit to the Director of the State Department of Highways and to the Urban Arterial Board copies of this Resolution and the appropriate plans. PASSED at a Regular Council Meeting this 18thday of June, 1973. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: 0~t~ DON~LD E. MIRK, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. ~s/8 , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the lS·th day of June 1 1973. ~~ MA:-::=::-::-R=I=E--=J=EN~;=!v::-:-:, ~-= II=TT:==YY-· "'= cc=-L~~EE=d.Kf:=---(SEAL) -2- ~ SIX YEAR cm;sTTHJCTIOrt PnOOR/\H 19 74-19 79 II:F..ARH;G DATE 6/18/73 ADOPl'IOit D/\TE 6/18/73 -RES~ION UO. :Ji8 (CITY)_ City of Kent STntET Ufu·tE IEUGTl{ (fhousands of Dollars) ::::.f Aim T'im OF WORK Dl CCGT ES7U:J',TE :;o. FROJECT Ln1ITS MIIES I 1974 1975 19 76 1977-79 'I:r.'AL ~ ---. 1 . Lk. Fenwick Rd. . Grade, Pave, Curb, 1.5 2,000 2,000 Reith to 272nd Swk, Ill, Landscapii g, . Under grounding 2. Russell Road, Kent. Des Moines Gr. , Pave, Curb, Swl . , 0.4 831 831 to J~rnes . Landscaping, Under-, . -grounding, Dr. 3. Russell Road Gr. , Pave, Curb, Sw} • J 0.6 " 1,023 1,023 James -228th Ill., Landscape, , . . Undergrounding, Dr. - 4. Russell Road Gr., ]'ave, Curb, 11 , . 1.7 ~ 2,633 2,633 l 22ath -212th -Landscaping, Dr., . Under grounding -. 5. s. 228th Gr., Pave, Curb, 11 , 0.9 1,375 I 1,375 I Russell -68th Landscaping, Dr., I Under grounding / . 9~5 6. James Street Gr., Pave, Curb, 11 , 0.8 905 Russell Road -Wash. Landscaping, Swk., Structure, Dr. - . 7' 64th Ave. S . Gr., Pave, Curb, 111, 1.0 1,649 1,649 - Phase 1 Landscaping, Structt ft'e, " ' 212th -228th Po~er Relocation, 01. . ' . -- HB/\RH;G DATE 6/18/73 - STREET !IAHE ITI::=·f AliD NO. PROJECT LD1ITS ' ) 8. 64th Ave. S. Phase II 228th -James 9. 64th Ave. S. Phase III Jame~ -Smith 10. S. 204th St. 68th -72nd 11. S. 196th St. 68th -84th . - • l 12. 72nd Ave. S. 228th -212th 13. 72nd Ave. S. . Phase II 14. 72nd Ave. S. 204th -196th 15. 72nd Ave. S. 192nd -188th . SIX YEAR Cffi~STRUCTIOil PROJMM ADOFriOU DATE 6/18/73 19..1!-1979 RESOLUTION UO. LEHGTl{ TYffi OF WORK Dl MIIES Gr., Pave, Curb, Il , 0.8 Landscaping, Structt re, - Dr. Gr., Pave, Curb, Il , 0.2 Swk, Landscaping, D . ,• . Gr., Pave, Curb, Il , 0.3 -Landscaping, ... Structure, Dr. · . . Gr·. , pr. , Pave, Curl , 1.0 Ill, Landscaping, Undergrounding Gr., Dr., Pave, Curl , --1.0 Ill, Landscaping 0 Gr, Dr, Pave, Curb, 0.5 Landscaping, Structure Gr, Dr, Pave, Curb, 0.5 Ill, Landscaping Gr,,Dr, Pave, Curb, 0.3 Ill; Landscaping, Structure -------(CITY} City of Kent (Thousands of Dollars) CCST ESTD-!ATE 19 74 19.li. .191..L 197z-z~ 1,228 289 412 2,850 ~ 1,609 728 682 341 - TOl'Al. 1,228 289 412 . 2,850 1,609 728 682 341 SIX YEAR cm;sTRUCTIOit PRCXJIU\M 1974 -1979 Il?.A.Rlt:G DATE 6118 173 ADOPriOU DJ\TE 6/18/73 RESOr.trriON no. ______ _ (CITY) City of Kent i ' (Thousands of Dollars) STREET Irf\1·%E :mrmnt ~-2 Aim TlPE OF WORK Dl . COOT ESTif.!ATE ~~) .. PROJECT LIMITS MilES J .. 1974 1975 19 76 1977-79 Tai'.U. "'· -. 16. 4th Avenue . Gr, Dr, Pave, Curb, 0.1 56 56 Willis to Crow Landscaping, Ill, - Underground 17. Smith St. Gr, Dr, Pave, Curb, 0.3 443 443 Central -4th Landscaping, Swk, . . ru·, Undergrounding ~· - R/R Crossing 18. Smith St./ Lincoln Gr, Dr, Pave, Curb, 0.5,.. 920 920 4th -~feeker Landscaping, Swk, . . Ill_, R/R Crossing, . .. Under grounding ~ . . \ } Gowe St./ T.itus .. Gr, Dr, Pave, Curb 0.3 400 400 ~v. -State -Smith Swk, I 11, Landscapii g -. 21. Jason Ave. Landscaping, Structt re, 0.5 -· 1,260 1,260 James -230th St. . Gr, Dr; Pave, Curb, ~ Swk, Ill. 22. Jason Ave. Gr, Dr, Pave, Curb, 0.2 315 315 Smith -James Swk, Ill, Rockery, Landscaping, Under grounding 23. S. 230th St./ 88th Ave. Gr, Dr,. Pave, Curb, 0.4 850 850 .Central -228th Ill·. Landscaping, Signal - ., srx YEAR cm;sTnUCTIOit moorW.t 1974-1979 -- UF.ARH;G DATE 6/18/73 . ADOPI'IOU DJ\TE 6/1 8/73 RESOLUTION IlO. CTI~·1 NO. I 24. 25. 26. 28. 29. 30. 31. .32. .33. STREET IrAm~ AIID PROJECT LIMITS 94th Ave. South • James -Canyon Drive 104th Ave. 240th -256th . . lOlst Ave. SE/S~ 260th St. 256th -108th Ave. 208th St. Kent-Kangley Rd. Phase I Jason -104th N. 2nd Ave. Meeker -Smith 108th Ave. S.E. 240th -236th 42nd Ave. So. 262nd -Reith Rd. 42nd Ave. So. 216th -212th 'fiFE OF WORK Gr, Dr, Ill, Swk, Landscaping, Curb, Undergrounding, Pave Gr, Dr, Gurb, Land- scaping, Ill, Swk, Undergrounding, Pave Gr, Dr, Pave, Swk, ··Curb, Ill Widen, Dr, Pave, Dr, Curb, ,Landscaping, Ill. Widen, Gr, Dr, Pave, Signal 0 'Gr, Dr, Pave, Swk, Curb, Ill. Gr, Dr, Pave, Swk, Curb, lll. Gr, Dr, Pave, Swk, Curb, Ill. Gr, 'Dr, Pave, Curb IElmTH nr MilES , .. 0.6 0.9 0.4 .. , 0.5 1.8 Q.l 0 .• 3 0.3 0.3 --4-------(CITY) City of Kent 19 74 -1975 - 400 120 (Thousands of Dollars ) CCST F..sTU!NrE 19 76 -19zz.:z2 847 810 300 421 537 485 164 310 322 • 'I~AL 847 r,uo 958 485 400 120 164 310 322 SIX YEAR Cffi:STIHJCTIOU PROOMM 1974 -1979 -- UF.ARH;c; DATE 6/18/73 ADOPriOH DJ\TE 6/18/73 . . RESO:wriON ItO. -------(CITY)~-City of Kent STREET tmm: IEHGTl{ (Thousands of Dollars) ~"':-! Aim TlFE OF WORK Dl COOT ESITt!ATE ;o. PROJECT LIMITS MII.ES . I 1974 19 75 1976 19 77-79 'I~:.:, " ---. 34. 112th Ave. S.E. Gr, Dr, Pave, Curb 0.5 . 572 572 SE 232nd -SE 240th . 58. W.V.H. & Meeker St. Pave, Curb, Ill, 0.2 100 100 Intersection Imp Signal Revision - 59. 72nd" Ave. S. . Gr,· Dr, Pave, Curb, .r ... 35 356 3:; 196th -192nd .. Ill, Landscaping, Structure , .. . 60, 72nd Ave. S. Gr, Dr, Pave, Curb, . ,.35 341 341 188th -180th Ill_, Landscaping . ' .., Sm~th St. _ . Gr, Dr, Pave, Curb, 0.2 1,187 1,187 '• Lincoln -Washington Landscaping, Swk, --· Ill, Undergrounding . Struct1,1re TOTAL 1,241 619 4,799 23,412 i 30,071 . -. . . - ~ GIX YEAR cm;sTRUCTIOn PROOnAM lffii.JUt;G DATE 6/18/73 • ADOPriO!t DATE 6/18/73 19 74-19 79 RESOLUTION UO. 1ig , (CI7Y) City of Kent -- STREET !IAHE IEUGTH (Thousands o£ Dollars) ITI~·1 AIID TYI£ OF WORK n-r CCS1' ES7:D!ATE t:O. PROJECT LTI-o:TS MIIES l 1974 1975 .19'76 19 77-79 UAB PROJECTS . . 35. South Central Ave. Structure 0.1 711 Bridge 36. 84th Ave. S. Gr, Dr, Pave, Ill, 2.1 4,655 East Valley Higbway Curb, Undergroundin~ ,' ' .. 180th -212th Structure, Landscapi ng 37. Reith Rd. Gr, Dr, Pave, Swk, 0. 7 /-200 1,852 44th Ave. to r.tilitary Ill, Sig, Landscapir ~~ Road -Phase II Curb, Undergroundin~ . ... • 38. Kent-Des r.foines Rd. Gr, Dr, Pave, Swk, 0.7 1,414 l \\'ash. to Russell Curb, Landscaping, Ill, Undergrounding, 39. Kent-Des ~toines Rd. Sig. I Gr, Dr, P;ave, Swk, 0.7 452 1,027 Russell -Reith -Curb, Latidscape~ \ Ill, Underground, Structure 40. 104th Ave. S.E. Gr, Dr, Pave, Swk, 0.5 819 I 256th -264th Curb, Ill, Land- scaping, Underground ing ' ... ' . I " 4·1. Reiten Rd. Gr, Dr, Pave, Swk, 0. 7. 1,216 Smith -Chicago Ill, Landscaping, f Undergrounding, Cur~ I . -~ • 'IT'~ 711 4,655 2,052 1,414 1,479 819 1,216 . \ ' SDC YEAR COi':STRUCTIOit PROOMM ', 1974 -19~- IIFARlt:U DATE 6/18/73 ADOPl'IOit DJ\TE 6/18/73 nESOr.trriON UO. ______ _ (CITY) __ City Qf Kent~ - (Thousands of Dollars) . GTnEET !Uu·1E IEHGTll TI~·t AIID TYIE OF WORK nr . COOT ES71l!A TE :;o •. PROJECT LIMITS MirES ) 1974 19 75 19a 1977-79 'I~AL "' --. 42. Reiten Rd/ Maple St. Gr, Dr, Pave, Swk, 0.7 1,213 1,213 Chicago -Woodland Way Ill, Landscaping, . Undergrounding , Cut lb 43. \\oodland Way Gr, Dr, Pave, Ill, 1.3 1,883 1,883 ~1aple St. -104th Ave. Swk, Landscaping, . . Structure, Curb,· ~· . Undergroundl.ng 1.3,.. . 44. S. 180th St. Widen, Gr ,· Curb, 508 1,292 1,800 . . (SW 43rd St.) Storm Sewers, Dr, -Swk, Pave, Traffic Control, Ill, R/W, , ) . Structures . : 4.5. Pacific Highway So. Curb, Dr, Ill, Swk, 1.3 1,573 1,573 Landscaping, Under-. --. -. grounding 46. S.E. 256th St. ··. Gr, Dr, Pave, Ill, 0.6 1,235 1,235 . 116th Ave. -SR 516 Swk, Undergrounding Landscaping . 47. ~!i 1 i tar.y Road Widen, Surface, Dr, 1.4 823 1,807 2,630 SR 516 -Reith Rd. Ill , Swk, Under- grounding, Cur.b, ' Landscaping, Struct re, -Channelization . ' ' . . - SIX YEAR COi'iSTRUCTIOU PROORJ\M 1974 -19 79 HBARH;G DATE 6/18/73 ADOPriOU DATE 6/18/ 73 RESOLUTION UO. ______ _ (CITY) Cit·.· of Kent STREET NAUE IEUGTl{ (Thousands of Dollars) ~-::-! AliD TYIE OF WORK IU CC6T ES7:DJ\'i"E i:;o. PROJECT LIMITS MITES ) 19 74 1975 1976 19 7Z-Z~ 'Iryi'AL '"' --. . . 48. Military Road Widen, Surface, Dr 0.9 725 639 1,364 . S. 268th -Reith Rd. Ill, Curb, Under-. Grounding, Swk, Landscaping, Channelization . . , . Widen, Surf, Dr, . . 49. tv1i 1 i tary Road 1.3 2,232 2,232 SR 516 -S. 216th Ill, Undergroundin ' Curb, Swk, Land-, .. . scaping, Channelizl tion so. Kent-Kangley Rd. . Gr; Dr, Pave, Ill, 0.9 865 529 1,394 104th Ave. -116th Ave. Swk, · Landscaping, ' I Curb, Undergroundil g -.. 51. Frager Road Gr, Dr, Pave, Curb 2.3 2,265 2,265 (Southcenter Parkway) I Swk, !11 Tukwila 53. 4th Ave. . I Surface 0.3 47 \ 47 Harrison -Willis .. . 54. 4th Ave. Gr, Dr, Curb, Ill, 1.0 1,380 1,197 2,577" 212th -228th Landscaping, Pave, . Undergrounding, ', ; Signal. ' .. 56. .S. Central Ave. Gr'; Dr, Swk, Pave, \ . 1..1 910 186 1 096 . Ill, Undergroundin1 '· Landscaping TOTAL 1,665 7,497 ' 5,217 19,276 33~655 . -