HomeMy WebLinkAbout725~- RESOLUTION NO. 725 WHEREAS, under and by virtue of the terms of that certain Agreement made and entered into by and between the city of ___ K~e-n~t~,~-herelnafter designated as the "city11 , and the State of Washington, acting through Its Department of Highways and the Director thereof, under date of ~ l 1 1972, the State wi II act as agent for the city in the participation of said city with the Federal Highway Administration under the provisions of the Federal Highway Act of 1968, Title 23, U.S. Code High- ways, TOPICS Program, for the construction of Federal Aid Project No. T-7106 l2J, copy of which Agreement is hereunto attached, now referred to and by such refer- ence Incorporated herein and made a part hereof, now, therefore, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that said Agreement be and the same is hereby ratified and approved; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that authorization is hereby granted for the reserva- tion of an amount of Thirty Three Thousand Four Hundred-sixty Eight Dollars ($33,468) from monthly fuel tax allotments, being an amount not In excess of the money reasonably anticipated to accrue to the city In the Motor Vehicle Fund during the current biennium as the balance of the estimated participating share and costs of the city In the above mentioned project, for the use of the Director of Highways to defray the costs incurred in the performance of the aforesaid requested work; and upon completion of the aforesaid work, payment having been made therefor, and a statement having been furnished to the city, authorization Is made to release to the city any unexpended balance of the amount reserved by this Resolution. The amount of Federal Aid participating funds wi II be credited to the city, when received from the Federal Highway Administration. The above funds wi II be withheld as follows: June $ 5,600.00 July 5,600.00 August 5,600.00 Dated this --:~;M day of lSEAU A1to~t September October November $ 5,600.00 5,600.00 5,467.50 6·. ~<~ • 19 7 d---- e~£~~ ISABEL HOGAN, MAYOR CITY OF KENT I THI.S :\GR..SE:·1EXT is execut.ed this 19Zl,'by ..:.tct ing through the \·,'ashington State Hi~hway Commission and ~he D~rec~or of Highways, hereinafter called the '' STA T:S l: .:.;ncl -c;1.e CITY Of KEET. h'AStLD:G TOX, a municipal corporation, here in- .:..fter called the nciTY 11 • \YliEREi\S, THE FEDER~\L GOVE r-.x:.;z~:-~ T ~ throu;:h its Department of Transforta- purs:.1Dnt to Ti.tl::: ::3, u.S. L>de, I:L;i:>-:<J.ys, lw.s established a program of Federal aid to the ~ta~es, dcsirrnated as the "TOFICS" Program, the general :jurfjo.se of whi.-::h ls t",o i.:-1crease the capacity and safety of arterials in ur~an areas of the U~1-ced States, dnd l~IERSAS, the parties here-co desire to accomplish this Federal Aid ?roject, Xu~ber T-7 106 ["'-2""') __ ·' ent it l.eciintersection Si.CZ'na liz2tioq. with ~nder the federal Highwav Act cf 1968, -. Ti.tlc 23, TJ.S. Code, I!:i.~~;hh"ays.~ ·rC·i-"'ICS frogrc:--:.r:~, and all ar:tendffients -r.hereto~ and the rules and regulations 1:ro~ulg~ted by said U. S. Department of Transportation, espacially rolicv and i'roccdure Memorandum 21-18; and prcccdcn~ and subsequent to the recR~ft of federal aid through the TOfiCS Frogram for such projects. all of wh1ch are set forth in such TITLE 23, NO~{, THEREFORS, in consideration of the promises, covenants, condi- tions and perforQances se~ for·th below the parties hereto agree as follows: I DELEG:I.J·J.GN OF XL'Tf!ORI TY The STATE, actin~ to fulfill 1~s'responsibilities to the FEDERAL 1 4-71 ··-.. GOVERX~IENT, shall advertise for bids, award a contract and construct the ab0ve-described project all in dccordance with the plans and specifcations as approved by the: CITY, -che STi\'1'E and :Jw FEDERAL HIGii\\'AY ADl'IINISTRATION. The CITY ngrees the STATE shall have full authority to carry out the admini- stra-clon oi this project. During the progress ar1d cons~ruction and until final corn~letion of the projcc-c., 1~he ST/iTB WJ..ll act for· the CITY in all matters concerning the [·1.-.0jecto II CO:·fPLTii. i\CI~ F:~~l)VISI Ol\S The CITY agr-ees to comp l:;r \\' J. th r,he \:;.:': c:u.:::; and conditions set forth in (l) Title 23, U. S. Code, IIighwc.ys, (2) the I<_,,gula~ions issued pursuant ·thereto ar.d ( 3) the policies and p:occdurcs ~j_f'C;ma1gated by the Federal High- The CI'l'Y shall not incur any Federal Aid parti~~paTing cos~s on this project until authorized in wri~ing by the SrATL . . ,. ·r ., . .l....L.l. PROJECT AD~INlSIRATIC~ J:'hc ST/'l. TE \vill fu.rnisJ-1 a. :ccs i..J.en··.;, en;2·.J.nec-r~inspector, or o-cher super- visor) for the supecvision and l.nspccz;i.on of \·;ork ~n progress. Sala1~y of incurred by the S~ate englnee~lng i'orce3 upon the project will be considered & cost ther·eof. If any CITY eng:necl·ing forces are utilized in the conduct of the work, the and any other expenses incurred by reason of the . ~ empl.oy.-.-.er;t:. 01 t-he Cl TY persorJ.nel~ will be con- sidcred a cost of the project. Scpdrate rGcords are to be maintained show- ing t:-tc tir.1e of each engineer ;_n.:~~.-cnr)J.oyce 1q: .. ;on the work and each charge against the p:roJccc muse be s;.,Gr-·n.ct.eci by a clcf:tnite cxpe11diture. 'l'hc City ·,"ill in.:.:..tlally pc.y all en~i.C.(::o::-:r· ... n,g: (DS\.s fran: the City 1 s own funds. ing such payments~ vouchers shall bo subm~c~ed to the State in the format p.ce:.scribed by tnc Stal~e~ 1.n t_,:·.:.;:-..L~:..;.:o.rJe> ei0he:c monthly or-at such tin;es as Such vouchers shall be supported by c8rti- ficd copies of payroll. All ens-inccring costs incurred by the State resi- dcut, en{::i:~eec.,.i:nspector and other cn.;·· .. nee;-s and employees of the STATE, .-..;;·,:ploy(;c! or wcrking on the proy:;c ;:. , i,·:;_i...l be pu. ic directly by t:he STATE in the customary mar.nc:r upon h igln;.:-~y pay roll.s and vouchers, and shall be charged as costs of t..he pr·oj ect. 2 . ' I IV All project records .sh.•{l1 be kc~n-. by ~he CITY including the br·eak·- down of coscs and acGual expend1~urcs. ,,., . • nese records are to be maintained in accor-dance •·Ji t!-1 the pol Lcies and procedures promulgated by the U. S. Depurtment of Transporta~ion and the Washington Stdte Depar~ment of High- The :·ecords of the CITY on rjhis p1Aoject shall be open 1:.0 inspection ba retai.ned and available for such inspection for a period of not l~ss t.han !:!2.r.::~_Y:2~.!:.§. from -c.he final rayrnent of any federal aid funds to the v The STATE on behalf of the li. S. Depar~ment of Transportation, shall audit the CITY 1 s records for el i.,o·J bi<:' Fcdet·aJ. Aid costs on the p:cujee:t. Cc!'t.ai.n expenses w111 occut' ·::o -che Stat.e tq~;on the StGLte' s fJ.uditl.n!?; 'Ghe Cit.y' s rcco-r·ds of costs on this projecto Such costs will be charged as a cost to the project. The ~1.c1.t:::~ wU1. b1:1 r.he City for -cheir prorat;.;. share {' o .... tf1c~ c;.ud.i t cost~ . ., Y f upon aud ..i. t. ~ t.; l.S i:' 01".nci thcJ. t co.s~s incu;:•rca. and ~aid oy T .. he City obl.:.Lgat.::..on of t!w CITY and si1C!l i b,:;, :ir1cluded in 1'Cimbur.sement:. to t,he ST.\T·,::;. and the STATE'S billing of ineli~1.bie federal 1.:.:.d cosc are not made to the ::: m '. '1-,,~ \/.1..: •. '~ .; n .1 c. ~_.1 .1. !"... L.J ' VJ." .1-.::.t...:..!. day.::; after· the -che STATE shall effect I'ei.>:;0ur::.;cment of the toto..L su~r. dw:: from mo2ith1y fuel Lax allot:r.lent.s wh.:.:.ch d-:e CITY :...,;:.; noz'mally ent,tt.if~cl t.o rece1vc from -che r.;_o"tjOf' Ver.icle Fund, and VI Ti~e olJli.~.:d.ions of t!-le S c. a cc t.o provide fu.nds under t;he terms of t,h is cr Il.d1d.:o; from t;he Federal Government.. 3 -·~ J~ \·J!lEF':;:l'.S, un(ler and by virtue: c·f' t:~c terms of that certain Agreement I tL:::tclc <:cr1d e;J.tered into by and bctv,reen the city/·~ of K e//j / t~..:=:re:l.n.:.lftcr designated as the "city"/~', and the .::;t:ate of V.Jashington, nctine through its.Department of Eighways and the Director th~reof, under J , 197~, the State will act as agent for the city/ c~'"fr't.-'J :Ln the participation of said city/~ with the Federal lU.gl1way Administra~ion under the provisions of the Federal Highway Act of 1968, Ti~le 23, U.S. Code Highways, TOPICS Program, for the construction of Federal Aid Project No. T -· 7 /O~(;z.) copy o: wjlch Agreement is hereunto attached, now referred to and by such reference incorpor·atcd herein and made a part hereof, now, therefore, BE IT HERE3Y RESOLVED that said Agreement be and the same !s hereby ratified and approved; and BE 1'1' FUHTHER HESOLVED ~at ~thorizat\on r·ese:c-vat.ion of an amount of ,,ft':?(l'f.fl '::(!;h;d.-1./ . , /a4tl/ -~/d;T ,I / ereby granted for the v,"'~J,_~t/:?·./~-r/?-zt) 7 fn m monthly fue~ tax c;.llotments .' be~ng ~n amount n~t in e~ces\t;f. ~h~ . . reasonably anticipate~ 'co c:.ccr·ue ·co tne Cl ty /c~Jc:y ln the l"lo'Cor ~~· lC .Le Fund during the current r:'~ 0C:Y'.~_,.:::: :::.s the b2.l2 .. n·~e of the e::ti=-::.2.~\ p:?.\\ti·:::i;,;::::.ti~g s:-~::..::~s ::..:-~8. ·.;ssts cf'. • (\.\ 1 \\ ·..,::.c c~·-:,y/:K..~.-ty in the above mentidna,q pr\~~e(h, ror the use of the Direct0~ T ·\\ \~ o{' }l::_g;;,:,;ayw t; "'ray the COSt;S in,\.;.rr:ed lr. the performance of the ?,foresa~.d \ \: . d d ·--' _, '-• I• .c> '-' .c> • ' ' '-• • rcqucste wo1~; an upor. co7p\~~1on~oL ~ne aLoresala worK, paymen~ navlng ':oce:1 mate b~ stt~nt havi:1g been furnished to the city/ -c~Go;.~r.l:..-y, au-cnorlzatlon J.s J\ladJto release to the city~ory an:/ unexper-.ded J by this Resolution. The amount of Federal will be credit-ed to the city/-€-e'CF.".L~ when,rece:..ved ~ro~ ~he Federal ~ighway Administration. 'l'he above funds )!IIi c j; f-£1// /·;// ;,/· /.t?ll ··' I . / {/ /. ~.·,/ ,; ; r ·&: 1-tJ tJ I Dated this will be withheld as follows: .L'.·¥ 1-r~ "), ... , / '/ /i' A'/} t/r ~;;~J"..:~;- ;[~1 I· r ;:~'/;'·.£.)- day of --------·------------' 19 --. ---------·-"-· ------------- ""•'"' . '·,.I J • :! '.··= VII ~·1A:I NTEKAKCE The .:'e3pons:.tnl i 7~Y for assu :'"'ing that the traffic operations ir::~:rcvcraer .. r.,s :..nsta lled w~ -ch Federal-aid funds including TOPICS funds ar~ p~operly ma1nta1ned w~ll rest with the City as provided by Section T~c City wLll either establi~h and maintain a traffic engineer- log Jnl~ or p~ovLde other means for the proper maintenance and opera- "G.Lun of ..._:~e completed in:prover•~ents or \vill provide other acceptable means for ass~~Lng p~oper maintenance and operation. 1'hc; City shall also agccc thc:.t the re.gul.;.tions necessary for the opcr~tion of neLwork plan shall be maintained. VIII TRAFFIC REGULAliONS Tl>e City ',.;ill not permit any changes to be ri1ade in the prov1sions for pa r·kJ..n{?; regu 1 c.. t,ions .:md traff ~c conti~ol without the prior apr:roval of d1e fcdera 1 H~gh\,·a.y AdminLstration" The City w1ll not Lnstall, or permit to be installed, any s1gns, sign~ls, or mar·kings not in ~onformance with the standards approved !J:y· t;!:w Fed0ral Hi.g;ln,•ay Aclmirust.rat.ion~ r.:;ursuant to Section 109(d), The City shall cs~ablLsh and specify in w~iting the jurisdict1ons IX FEDERAL ~In DISQUALIFICATION T!1e Cit:-y agr·ees tha.r fa1.1.ure to fulfill all the requirements of Sect ~.ons V t::: and VI I I of t;;l. 1. s ag;·pement will disqualify that munici- paJ .u:;y f~om fu1:.ur~e Feder<.~.l.""a.1.d pan~,icipation on projects for l\hich the m:..:.•~ 1 c tpal i t.~v h~ s wo. :.n tc~nctacc ."c .:;p0ns ibi li ty. Federal funds are to be \l!j t~1::c~ld. u.nc·Jl. such t1nli:: ci.~ a u·affJ.c engineering staff satisfactory to t:ie Sl.<J.te has been prope!·-iy est-ablished and functioning, deficiencies 1 n rc~u la t~ ions ha. ve b0e<1 cor !'CC t,ed > or the tra.f f ic operation itiiprove- ~enLs a~e brought to a sat1sfactory condition of maintenance. y ..:. r F..CJ EC"r· EVt\LlJ A TIOi\ The CITY agrees to i.mp1ur:e;nt; the evaluation plan and report annu~lly to the STATE for a period of not less than A years upon COii:plet;::..on of the proje'cto 4 XI cost. of irJclc;..clif1g a.il. l:·und S y; r'OV icJ C->.d unde C -~j;e !~Fv.:• l ~-s Arterial Street Fun<i --~~----·--·----·-------· ----·----~------------J t.,o the e:x1:-t?ii."t of . :· j~ 6 t'.OG · '. : '"C' ".~c· ··1 1. i·s •:·r··,.l.,-'' ·, y .P'l-"' 1 t ., x: "'-l-10 c· -· .o-.-.·-.. , ·•., ,_.._.~ .. ?-~.--~---·-··---' '-'"\i l, A-..,. .)L. V l-.~o ..1. \_ . ..i1 ..L ..._ \. >,..,.. • .1.-•04 ~A. .tll.t::;LJ. 1..,.::::;, .·• 0 ~ 'j ., ·.~ -: : :~ i 2 /. (~ ') \ ;_) J -...... .f.. ~ ........ ___ ;:;. ... ;!.,..1_b.: ':!._\ ·---..------~---.' " ( C c.J.-..: ~•., + "'•l ) --··---·· -~---=-~~,~-...J.....;_'..;.(·~ ... ~':-'~~~._. ....... ~..-.. --·-~--------·-·-·----·--·--....... ----------------------------~--~ are calch~ateti federal-aid rartlciratin& --- liabili~y or ~sss. -' . 1 r~ .. ~"·: 1:.ue. DDrf~R'f>:S:·~T OF HIGH\>'.\YS Bv: // r ~j/P( .. ____ ,__, .... ____ .. __ , ___ ,.,, ______ p_::--· ---------------- l'>.s:--:.ist.aJ1t I'Ji rect,..<J~" i'"or Plw1rdng, t/ Research and St2.te Aid .:t:, Cl T\p CF KE~!'1' i l ---· ""-'-------·~·--------·-- c:.s t.o form: "\'" ~-, ~ ___ -<.:.·--~----·-day uf -·--·-· ,_;.-_ ... ___ ,:._ ______ ,,' 19 _:_-_, -·· ...., .. _;-- ' ' I /J •. f :·· •. •\ r". ! --·~---..... -··-··-·--·· "·----.. -·.-..--p-~.-,r ...... ,4 .... •---~·:..._ _______ ... ___ .... , • ._, ..... -~ .... ._ .. , -.. -, .... _ _._._. s '. ' l,fp\ y \. .. ., '-..I j vl fV;~ ,, ·,I J • '-../ I ''\l , •, j l 1 j, L \ ! ' , \.' :' ,·.nlltltG{.r·at.ion Gu11cJ•no Wenh1ngt.on 8BE:l04 (2061 753-6000 -~r. Glen W. Sherwood City Engineer P. 0. Box 310 Kent, Wa. 98031 Dear Mr. Sherwood: May 3, 1972 City of Kent T-7106 (2) 1~ r:~ ~ 'Ki' 1r v\ ~ D J,i. \b. ..t:!& ~ .£.1 ll. . lU ! CITY EN§INEER MAY 0 8 1972 AM PM 7,s,o,w,u.~.t,2,314s5.G ~ Smith & State Street The contract for the above project was awarded April 21, 1972, to Holert Electric, Inc. Seattle, Washington. The financing figures for the project are as follows: Bid Price l 0 ~6 J: ({ c Federal Aid Total Federal Funds City/County Funds $30,425.00 3,042.50 33,467.50 22,068.46 11,399.04 The Withholding Resolution is in the following amount: Bid Price· 10% E & C · Total $30,425.00 3,042.50 33,467.50 The Pcderal Aid Funds will be credited to the city when received from the Federal Highway Administration. ~ The above amount will be withheld from the city's gas tax as follows: June 1972 July 1972 August 1972 ,., .. ,, ·•· .. 1/'-.r.· $5,600 5,600 5,600 / j, ).'~!/ ,\ /,' 1 I}!/ I September 1972 October 1972 November 1972 ;:.\ Jl l'.rt!·t ( '•I•' 1.,,.,, 1 ~ • • •. • I ,, '' , $5,600 5,600 5,467.50 Mr. Glen W. Sherwood May 3, 1972 Page 2 Please have the required number of the Finance Resolutions executed and forward to this office. An original signed copy of the agreement will be transmitted to you upon r~ceipt of the ~xecuted Finance Resolutions. GIIA:rs JLT:SSS Attachments Yery truly yours, G. H. ANDREWS, Director of Highways c;? @-~ {-«- By: J. L. Thornton, State Aid Engineer cc: R. L. Carroll ~ District #4 J. K. Milligan P. Dannenberg Priority Programming H. W. Humphres-w/attach . •