HomeMy WebLinkAbout716CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. 7 /(:;, A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Washington establishing rules of pro- cedure for meetings of the Council. WHEREAS, a predetermined order of procedure for City Council meetings will be the most expedient means of conducting council meetings, and WHEREAS, such order of procedure will avoid con- fusion and guarantee the proper and timely handling of the people's business, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington at a regular meeting duly assembled as follows: Section 1. The order of procedure herein contained shall govern all meetings of the council of the City of Kent, Washington and committees thereof. Section 2. Regular meetings of the council shall be held as provided by City Ordinance. Section 3. Special meetings of the council may be called by the Mayor or any three members of the council by written notice delivered to each member of the council at least twelve (12) hours before the time specified for the proposed special meeting. Section 4. Council-of-the-whole meetings, wherein the - 1 - council sits as a committee, shall be held in the council chambers at 8:00 p.m. on the second and fourth Mondays of every month. Section 5. Regular meetings of the Council shall be presided over by the Mayor, if present, or the Mayor Pro Tempore, or by a member of the Council selected by a majority of the council membership if the Mayor Pro Tempore is absent. Selection of a council member to preside over the meeting shall not in any way abridge his right to vote on matters before the council during such meeting. Section 6. At all meetings of the council, a majority of the council membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction business, but a lesser number may adjourn from time to time and may compel the attendance of absent members in such manner and under such penalties as may be prescribed by Ordinance. At the demand of any member, any question shall be voted upon by roll call and the 11 ayes 11 and "nays 11 shall be recorded in the journal. Section 7. The passage of any Ordinance, grant or revocation of any franchise or license and any resolution for the payment of money shall require the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the whole membership of the council. Section 8. The order of business of all meetings of the council shall be as follows: 1. Call to order; 2. Roll call; 3. Approval of the minutes of the previous meeting; 4. Public hearings; 5. Petitions, applications, complaints, appeals, communications; 6. Presentations from the public not on the agenda; 7. Consideration of bids, payment of bills and re- lated matters; 8. Report from standing committees; -2- 9. Report from special committees; 10. Other business to be considered; 11. Adjournment. Section 9. No member shall speak more than twice on the same subject. This limitation shall not apply in the event of multiple amendments to a motion. In that case, each member may speak as many times as there are amendments proposed. Section 10. Every officer of the City who shall fail to report to the council at times and in a manner requested by the council, shall be penalized in accordance with the direction of the council. Section 11. Motions shall be reduced to writing when demanded by any member of the council. All Resolutions and Ordinances shall be in writing. Section 12. Notice of a motion for reconsideration may be made only on the day the vote to be reconsidered was taken. A motion to reconsider can be made only by a member voting on the prevailing side. A motion to reconsider can be decided only once when decided in the negative. Section 13. If the Mayor is to address the council on any matter, or participate in the debate of any question, he shall call the Mayor Pro Tempore to take the chair and address the council as a citizen. Section 14. Motions to lay any matter on the table shall be first in order. A motion to lay an amendment on the table shall not carry the main question with it unless so speci- fied in the motion to table. On all questions the last amend- ment, the most distant day, and the largest sum shall be put first. Section 15. Every member who was in the council chamber when the question was put shall give his vote unless the council for special reasons shall excuse him. -3- Section 16. The President of the Council, who is ~~ Mayor Pro Tempore shall be elected by the Council at the £±rst - 1-, ~ ~,..._.._._....-,_ ,:,1..->"~r7 ~~..L--··"~-~ regualr meeting of the Council fol~vin~eaeh general ele~ and shall be elected for a two year term. Standing committees, their membership and times of meeting shall be decided by the president of the council. Section 17. The chairman of every standing committee, or in his absence his designee, shall report the status of business assigned to his committee to every regular meeting of the council. Section 18. Except during the fourth and fifth orders of business and Section 13 of this Resolution, no person shall address the council without the consent of the presiding officer. Section 19. Any section of this Resolution may be amended or temporarily suspended by a vote of two-thirds of the members present. Section 20. REED'S PARLIAMENTARY RULES shall govern the deliberations of the council except when they are in conflict with the provisions of this Resolution. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington this f{D day of ~~~~{ , 1972. ATTEST: -~~ MARIE JENS~rk DONALD E. MIRK, City Attorney -4- I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. "71~ , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washingt;;n, the c><o-J.. day of ~\0-~~ , 1972. ·-~--R .... I"""'E..,...w;J...;;.E...;::~::o..S-~---:~C-'i-'t;,._y_C--'lr-;:\-~-k---(SEAL) - 5 - 1!-19-?..J' TAX LEVY SHORELINE MASTER PROGRAM COUNCIL PROCEDURES TRANSPOR- TATION AMERICAN REVOLUTION BICENTENNIAL COMMISSION by November 29, and Street pointed out that it may be necessary to call a special short council meet- ing to approve the ordinance, for which proper noti- fication will be given, as required by law. It was announced that the Planning Commission will have a public hearing at the Kent City Hall on Tuesday, November 20, regarding the Green River Shoreline Master Program. It was noted that Resolution 716 adopted March 20, 1972, establishes rules of procedure for meetings of the City Council and that Section 16 reads as follows: "The President of the Council, who is Mayor Pro Tempore shall be elected by the Council at the first regular meeting of the Council following each general election, and shall be elected for a two year term. Standing committees, their membership and times of meeting shall be decided by the president of the Council." Street pointed out that this section is in conflict with State statutes and has suggested that Section 16 be amended to read as follows: "The President of the Council, who is Mayor Pro Tempore, shall be elected by the Council at the second regular meeting of the Council in January on even numbered years, and shall be elected for a two (2"1"-year term. Standing Committees, their membership and times of meeting shall be declared by the President of the Council." ELLIOTT MOVED to amend Resolution 716 in accordance with Street's recommendations, Kitto seconded, motion carried. It was noted that there will be a meeting on Tuesday, November 27, at 7:30 p.m. at Highline High School · regarding the 1990 Transportation Systems Plan. A letter was read from John L. Fournier, Jr., Vice- Chairman of Seattle-King County American Revolution Bicentennial Commission noting that a meeting will be held on November 29 at 7:30 p.m. in the Kent Library. JUST MOVED to confirm Mayor Hogan's appointment of Mrs. Paul Bailey as the representative from the Kent area, Martell seconded, motion carried. - 4 - ( (