HomeMy WebLinkAbout676_ _.,.-- f' RESOLUTION No. b 7b A RESOLUTION approving Des Moines Sewer District Resolution 197 0-19. WHEREAS, a plan of additions and betterments for the Des Moines Sewer District consisting of a resolution of the Sewer District entitled: RESOLUTION 1970-19 A RESOLUTION of the Board of Commissioners of Des Moines Sewer District, King County I washington, adopting a plan for additions and betterments to the Comprehensive Plan for a system of sewers for the Dis- trict, as amended, consisting of the construction of an office building and appurtenances upon real property owned by the District described in this resolution, and also providing the method for paying the cost thereof. has been submitted to the City of Kent for approval pursuant to the provisions of R • C . W. 56 . 0 8 • 0 2 0 , and WHEREAS I the City Council having reviewed this plan and finding it adequate; now 1 therefore, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: The plan as set forth in Resolution 1970-19 of the DES MOINES SEWER DISTRICT to amend and add to the sewer system of the Des Moines Sewer Dis- trict is hereby approved. DATED at Kent, Washington, this {,d.. day of~, 1970. l) / City Attorney ATTEST: City Clerk • RESOLUTION 1970-19 A RESOLUTION of the Board of Commissioners of Des Moines Sewer District, King County, Washington, adopting a plan for additions and betterments to the Comprehensive Plan for a sys- tem of sewers for the District, as amended, con- sisting of the construction of an office building and appurtenances upon real property owned by the District described in this resolution, and also providing the method for paying the cost thereof. WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners adopted their original Com- prehensive Plan for a system of sewers for the District by Resolution 1956-1 on August 23, 1956 and have amended the same providing for addi- tions and betterments thereto by their Resolution 1961 adopted January 4, 1961 1 Resolution 1962-11 adopted August 22, 1962 1 Resolution 1963-2 adopt- ed January 2, 1963, Resolution 1963-7 adopted March 6, 1963 1 Resolution 1964-5 adopted February 5, 1964 1 Resolution 1964-9 adopted March 4 1 1964 1 Resolution 1965-4 adopted February 17, 1965 1 Resolution 1966-12 adopted March 9, 1966 1 Resolution 1966-36 adopted October 5 1 1966, Resolution 1967-7 adopted April 26,· 1967 1 Resolution 1968-15 adopted May 8, 19681 Resolution 1968-25 adopted July 10 1 1968 1 Resolution 1969-4 adopted Febru- ary 5 1 1969 1 Resolution 1969-6 adopted March 12, 1969 1 Resolution 1969-15 adopted May 14 1 1969 1 Resolution 1969-36 adopted July 23 1 1969 I Resolution 1969-47 adopted September 24 1 1969 1 and Resolution 1970-1 adopted Janu- ary 281 1970; and WHEREAS 1 the Board of Commissioners has I as required by law 1 investigated all portions and sections and parts of the District and annexa- tions and mergers thereto for the purpose of selecting a further plan of addi- Page One. tions and betterments to the Comprehensive Plan, as amended, to consist of an office building and appurtenances upon the real property hereinafter described in this resolution, suitable and adequate for the present and future needs thereof; and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has selected such plan which provides for the erection of an office building and appurtenances upon said real property; and . WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has further considered a plan for providing funds to construct and install said office building and ap- purtenances and which plan provides for the issuance and sale of sewer rev- enue bonds of the District in the amount of $90,000.00, the estimated cost of the improvement, or such lesser amount as may be found necessary to pay the cost of such improvement and expenses incident thereto; now, tie re- .... fore, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of Des Moines Sewer District, King County, Washington, as follows: Section 1. The plan of additions and betterments to the Comprehensive Plan for a system of sewers for the District, as amended, as set forth I:tereinafter in Sections 2 through 7 of this resolution, is hereby adopted • . Section 2. The District shall construct and install an office building and appurtenances upon the following described property owned by the District situated in King County, Washington, described as follows: Page Two. Lots 6 and 7 and the North half of Lot 8, Block 7 4, City of Des Moines, according to the plat thereof recorded in Volume 4 of Plats, page 33, records of King County I washington. The above described office building shall be installed complete with all necessary appurtenances and all in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory agencies and offices of King County and the State of Wash- ington. It is part of this plan of additions and betterments to the Comprehen- sive Plan of the District, as amended, that the above set forth plans of im- provements shall be subject to such changes as to details not affecting the main general purpose of said plans as shall be authorized by the Board of Commissioners either prior to or during the actual course of construction. Section 3. The various portions of said plan of additions and betterments to the Comprehensive Plan, as amended, shall be constructed and installed at such time or times as may be found to be necessary, advisa- ble and economically feasible by the Board of Commissioners and such Board shall take all actions and do all things as may be necessary and proper in. the C?-rrying out of this plan of additions and betterments to the Comprehen- sive Plan, as amended. Section 4. The Board of Commissioners shall have the 'right to cooperate, coordinate, enter into contracts and do all things that are neces- sary and proper with other sewer districts, cities, towns, port authorities, and all other governmental units to the end that the sewer system and the people of the District are benefited. Page Three. Section 5. For the purpose of providing the funds necessary to carry out this plan of additions and betterments, the District shall issue and sell its sewer revenue bonds in the total principal amo\lrit of $90,000.00 or such part thereof as may be found necessary to carry out the above portion of the additions and betterments to said Comprehensive Plan, as amended. Section 6. Said bonds may bear interest at as much as the maximum rate permissible per annum, payable semi-annually, shall be is- sued in such amounts and at such time or times as may be found. necessary and shall mature in various amounts each year from one to not exceeding thirty years from the date of issue to be determined by the Board of Commis- stoners. ; Both the principal ~nd interest on said bonds shall be paid from. the gross revenue of the sewer system of the District. ) Section 7. The total estimated costs of the improvement is ' . $90,000.00 which shall be paid for from revenues received by the District for charges made for the use of the sewer system. ·ADOPTED by the Board of Commissioners of the Des Moines Sewer District, King County, washington, at their regular meeting thereof held ~is 24th day of June, 1970. -.. ., .. -.. ATTEST: /s/ PATRICK B. McHUGH DES MOINES SEWER DISTRICT KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON By Is/ I. R. STOCKDALE By Is/ HOMER J. KLINE By /s/ PATRICK B. McHUGH Commissioners Secretary of the Board of Commissioners ·Page Four. CERTIFICATE I, PATRICK B. McHUGH, Secretary of the Board of Commissioners of Des Moines Sewer District, King County, Washington, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of Resolution 1970-19 of said Boord, duly adopted at a regular meeting thereof held on the 24th day of June, 19 7 0 •