HomeMy WebLinkAbout1155RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, relating to paying and reimbursing elected officials for travel, training, and business expenses incurred while on official City business. .9-- WHEREAS, the City of Kent elected officials travel, attend various conferences and workshops, and incur other expenses during the course of official City business, and thereby provide benefit to the City and its operations; and WHEREAS, it is the policy of the City of Kent to pay for and reimburse elected officials for the reasonable and necessary expenditures made by elected officials while on official City business; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Elected officials will be reimbursed or their expenses paid for reasonable and necessary expenditures made by elected officials while on official City business. Official City business is defined as that business which requires Council repre- sentation or which will be of direct benefit to the City or its operations. Section 2. The council President will determine whether or not expenses incurred by elected officials were incurred in the course of performing official City business. Examples of allow- able expenses include the following: travel, meals, lodging, and local transportation for attendance at recognized municipal conferences, meetings, seminars, and committee meetings, such as National League of Cities, Association of washington Cities, and Suburban Cities Association, or when representing the City of Kent before legislative bodies such as King county Council and Washing- ton Legislature. Expenses shall not be paid or reimbursed for the cost of attendance at local meetings such as meetings of the Kent Chamber of Commerce, its Board of Directors or committees, or for meetings wherein elected officials meet outside of official meetings, workshops, or committee meetings of the City Council. Section 3. Meetings, conventions or training programs which require expenditures of funds to be reimbursed or paid on behalf of elected officials, which are not anticipated at the time of Budget approval, must be submitted to the Council President for written approval. The request must be presented to the Council President in a timely manner to permit an opportunity for the Council President to review and approval or deny the request based on its merits. The request shall include: 1. Name of organization sponsoring the meeting; 2. Why attendance requested, benefits to City; 3. elected officials to attend; 4. Location; 5. Attendance dates; 6. Estimated cost to the City; 7. Source of funds to pay cost. Section 4. All travel out of the state of Washington by elected officials requires approval of the City Council. Requests for such travel shall be submitted as required in Section 3. After review by the Council President, he shall forward the request to the City Council. Section 5. Reimbursement will not be allowed for meetings which are social in nature, or which are not directly concerned with municipal functions. Section 6. Reimbursement shall not include any expenditures for Council member' spouses. Section 7. Reimbursement will be made on an actual cost basis, or per diem for meals for all allowable expenses except mileage which will be reimbursed on a rate-per-mile basis at the rate established by the Internal Revenue Service. Section 8. Meal allowances for overnight trips must be itemized on an expense report for each out of town trip. Per diem for meal allowances are as follows: l. Breakfast $ 4.00 2. Lunch 5.00 3. Dinner 9.00 Total $18.00 (including tax and tip) - 2 - Per diem must be supported by receipts. The cost of alcoholic beverages will not be reimbursed. When meals are included in the conference registration, the per diem amount for those meals will not be allowed. Section 9. A report shall be made to the council at a meeting following said conference, seminar or training, in order that the full Council may benefit from the training experience received by the Council member who attended. such report shall be submitted no later than 30 days following the event attended and shall include a report of the value gained and expenses incurred. Section 10. Elected officials shall reimburse the City when failing to attend a meeting or conference for which they had been pre-registered, unless excused by the Council President. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington this ~ar day of Q;""c ~ 198 7. day of Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this -------------' 1987. ATTEST: MARIE JENSEN, CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~I~~T~~ DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ·,...,t 9-J ~ ywP~ I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. / l ,5""__1)-, passed by the City council of the City of Kent, Washington, the /~::2-r day of ~ , 1987. 4960-170 - 3 -