HomeMy WebLinkAbout1134RESOLUTION NO. A RBSOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, washington, declaring its inten- tion to accept dedication by deed of certain properties in Tudor Square plat in King County, Washington from Centex Homes, particularly, Tract c of Division I of the Plat to be used for Parks purposes and Tracts A, B, D, and E of Division I of the plat and Tracts A, B, and c of Division II of the plat for municipal purposes. WHEREAS, the City has the power to acquire, maintain, and use, among other things, real property of all kinds; and WHEREAS, Centex Homes, a washington Corporation, is seeking to plat a certain area called "Tudor Square" in King County, washington; and WHEREAS, King county requires the dedication of a certain portions of that plat for park purposes; and WHEREAS, Centex Corporation desires to donate the property with other properties as more fully set forth in Exhibits A through H; and WHEREAS, the City of Kent has established an annexation program that would include some or all of the platted area within the boundaries of the City upon appropriate public and Council approval, as may be required by law; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The City of Kent intends to accept the dedication of certain real property from Centex corporation in the plat within King County referred to as ••Tudor Square" as more specifically set forth in Exhibits A, B, D, E, F, G and H to be used for municipal purposes and the tract more specifically set forth in Exhibit C to be used for park and related purposes. Passed a~ a regul~r m~eting of the City council of the City of Kent, Wash1ngton th1s ~at day of~JP< 1987. Concurred in by the day of~3 .., , 1987. Mayor of the City of Kent, this~ (~.~L,~,L. ~ DAN KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: ANDRA DRISCOLL, CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /f.?-:,c/ , passed by the City Council of the City of ' Kent, washington, the s,cz{ day of~J---, 1987. -~~~~~>2 20 (SEAL) MARIE J EN, CITY CLERK EXHIBIT 11 A 11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tract A Proposed Plat Division I That portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 29. Township 22 North. Range 5 East. W.M •• in King County. Washington. more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of the said Southeast quarter of Section 29; THENCE N 00°29 1 43" W. along the West line of said Southeast quarter. said West line also being the centerline of 108th Avenue S.E •• 1664.72 feet. to the Westerly extension of the North line of Lot 2 of King County Short Plat No. 1080007. Auditor 1 s File No. 8203260610 records of King County. Washington; THENCE S 88°51 1 50 11 E. along said North line 30.01 feet to the Easterly margin of said 108th Avenue S.E. and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing S 88°51 1 50 11 E. along said North line 777.66 feet; THENCE s 01°08 1 14" w. 102.35 feet; THENCE s 57°59 1 17" w. 22.31 feet; THENCE N 60°08 1 07 11 w. 95.79 feet; THENCE N 68°29 1 38 11 w. 82.00 feet; THENCE s 59°18°17 11 w. 152.00 feet; THENCE s 01°03 1 46 11 w. 212.04 feet to the North line of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 29. Township 22 North. Range 5 East; THENCE N 88°56 1 16 11 W. along said North line. 299.71 feet to the Southeast corner Lot 1 of said short plat: THENCE N 00°29 1 43 11 w. along the East line of said Lot 1. 110.04 feet to the Northeast corner of said Lot 1; THENCE N 88°56'16 11 w. along the North line of said Lot 1. 160.06 feet to the Easterly margin of said 108th Avenue S.E.; THENCE N 00°29'43" w. along said Easterly margin 222.86 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXHIBIT 11 B11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tract "B" Proposed Plat Division I That portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 29, Township 22 North, Range 5 East, W.M •• in King County. Washington. more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of the said Southeast quarter of Sect ion 29; THENCE N 00°29'43" w. along the West line of said Southeast quarter, said West line also being the centerline of 108th Avenue Southeast, 1664.72 feet, to the Westerly extension of the North line of Lot 2 of King County Short Plat No. 1080007. Auditor's File No. 8203260610 records of King County. Washington; THENCE S 88°51 1 50" E. along said North line 807.67 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing S 88°51 1 50" E, along said North line 110.00 feet: THENCE s 01°08'1411 w. 339.96 feet; THENCE s 40°02'23 11 E, 100.00 feet; THENCE s 70°30'31 11 w. 115.00 feet; THENCE s 86°29'17 11 w. 100.00 feet: THENCE N 3°30'43" w. 120.00 feet; THENCE N 57°59 1 17 11 E, 111.44 feet; THENCE N 21°37 1 23 11 w. 183.00 feet; THENCE N 57°59'17 11 E. 22.31 feet; THENCE N 01°08 1 14" E. 102.35 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXHIBIT 11 C11 TUDOR SQUARE DIVISION I Tract C City of Kent Paik Parcel That portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 29. Township 22 North. Range 5 East. W.M •• in King County. Washington. more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of the said Southeast quarter of Section 29; THENCE N 00°29'43" W. along the West line of said Southeast quarter. said West line also being the centerline of 108th Avenue Southeast. 1664.72 feet. to the Westerly extension of the North line of Lot 2 of King County Short Plat No. 1080007. Auditor's File No. 8203260610 records of King County. Washington; THENCE S 88°51 1 50" E. along said North line 917.67 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing S 88°51'50" E along said North line. 220.00 feet; THENCE S 2°13'17" E. 201.20 feet; THENCE S 89°22'27 11 E. 100.00 feet; THENCE s 0°37 1 33" w. 25.00 feet; THENCE N 89°22'27 11 w. 122.01 feet; THENCE S 01°08'14" w. 103.92 feet; THENCE N 88°51'46" w. 210.00 feet; THENCE N 01°08'14" E. 329.96 _t~~.the TR~ POINT OF BEGINNING. EXHIBIT 11 0 11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tract "D 0 Proposed Plat Tudor Square Division I That portion of the southeast quarter of Section 29, Township 22 North, Range 5 East. W.M., in King County. Washington. more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of the said Southeast quarter of Sect ion 29; THENCE N 00°29'43" w. along the West line of said Southeast quarter, said West line also being the centerline of 108th Avenue Southeast, 1664.72 feet, to the Westerly extension of the North line of Lot 2 of King County Short Plat No. 1080007, Auditor's File No. 8203260610 records of King County, Washington; THENCE s 88°51 1 50" E, along said North line 1247.67 feet; THENCE s 0°37'33" w. 224.96 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing s 0°37'33" w. 177.20 feet; THENCE N 89°22'27" w. 110.00 feet; THENCE s 07°24'36" E, 80.97 feet; THENCE s 31°09'30" E, 77.07 feet; THENCE s 33°25'28" E, 63.26 feet; THENCE s 61°47'38" w. 42.27 feet; THENCE N 34°48'40" w. 55.96 feet; THENCE N 36°57'59" w. 115.81 feet; THENCE N 81°00'58" w. 92.17 feet; THENCE s 43°35'40" w. 110.00 feet; THENCE s 86°29'17" w. 39.69 feet; THENCE N 03°30'43" w. 58.31 feet; THENCE s 86°29' 17" w. 100.00 feet; THENCE N 3°30'43" W, 42.79 feet; THENCE N 86°29'17" E, 100.00 feet; THENCE N 70°30'31" E, 115.00 feet; THENCE N 40°02'23" w. 100.00 feet; THENCE N 01°08'14" E, 10.00 feet; THENCE s 88°51 '46" E, 210.00 feet; THENCE N 01°08'14" E. 103.92 feet; THENCE S 89°22'27" E, 122.01 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXHIBIT 11 E11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tract "E" Proposed Plat Tudor Square Division I That portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 29. Township 22 North. Range 5 East. W.M •• in King County. Washington. more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of the said Southeast quarter of Sect ion 29; THENCE N 0°29'43 11 w. along the West line of said Southeast quarter. said West line also being the centerline of 108th Avenue S.E •• 1331.77 feet. to the Westerly extension of the South line of Lot 1 of King County Short Plat No. 1080007. Auditor's File No. 8203260610 records of King County. Washington; THENCE S 88°56'16" E. along said South line of Lot 1 and the South line of Lot 2 of said Short Plat. 664.98 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing S 88°56 1 16" E. 42.87 feet; THENCE S 3°30 1 43" E. 249.08 feet to the point of curvature; THENCE Southeasterly 48.66 feet along an arc of a curve to the right, having a radius of 206.00 feet. through a central angle of 13°32'0411 to a point of non-tangency; THENCE N 79°58'39" W, 27.32 feet; THENCE N 05°32 1 43" W, 294.51 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. EXHIBIT 11 F 11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tract "A" Proposed Plat Tudor Square Division II That portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 29. Township 22 North. Range 5 East. W.M .• in King County. Washington. more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of the said Southeast quarter of Sect ion 29; THENCE South 89°14'23 11 East. along the South line of said Southeast quarter 1.851.81 feet to the Westerly margin of right- of-way of 114th Avenue southeast; THENCE North 00°45'09" East. along said Westerly margin 330.39 feet; THENCE N 89°09'4811 w. 9.00 feet; THENCE N 0°45'09" E. 55.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing N 0°45'09" E. 87.04 feet; THENCE N 89°19'02 11 w. 34.68 feet; THENCE N 28°20'32" w. 125.88 feet; THENCE N 34°31'3411 w. 79.58 feet; THENCE N 68°15 1 35" w. 80.36 feet; THENCE N 55°14'24" w. 144.45 feet; THENCE N 48°46'31" w. 302.40 feet; THENCE s 62°36'21" w. 44.63 feet; THENCE s 48°44'24" E. 320.46 feet; THENCE s 55°14'24" E. 274.08 feet; THENCE s 28° 20 I 3211 E. 126.15 feet; THENCE s 12°59'29 11 w. 25.00 feet; THENCE s 56°36'12 11 E • 93.97 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; EXHIBIT 11 G11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tract "B" Proposed Plat Tudor Square Division II That port ion of the Southeast quarter of Section 29. Township 22 North. Range 5 East. W.M •• in King County. Washington. more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of the said Southeast quarter of Sect ion 29; THENCE South 89°14'23'' East. along the South line of said Southeast quarter 1.851.81 feet to the Westerly margin of right- of-way of 114th Avenue Southeast; THENCE North 00°45'09 11 East. along said Westerly margin 330.39 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing N 00°45'09" E. along said Westerly margin. 573.09 feet; THENCE N 89°16'31" w. 122.86 feet; THENCE N 48°46'31" w. 328.00 feet; THENCE N 53°48'43" w. 95.64 feet; THENCE s 61°47'38" w. 100.00 feet; THENCE s 62°59'15 11 w. 48.01 feet; THENCE s 61°47'38" w. 93.12 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE continuing S 61°47'38 11 w. 42.22 feet; THENCE s 34°48 1 40 11 E. 75.14 feet; THENCE N 62°36'21" E. 40.50 feet; THENCE N 33°25'28" w. 75.53 feet to the TRUE POINT OF--~ING- EXHIBIT 11 H11 LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tract C Proposed Plat Tudor Square Division II That portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 29. Township 22. North. Range 5 East. W.M •• in King County. Washington. more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Southwest corner of the said Southeast quarter of Section 29; THENCE N 00°29 1 43" W along the West line of said Southeast quarter. said West line also being the centerline of 108th Avenue Southeast. 998.83 feet to the South line of the North one half. of the Northwest quarter. of the Southwest quarter. of said Southeast quarter; THENCE S 89°00 1 45 11 E. along said South line 572.54 feet to a point of curvature and the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE Southeasterly 77.90 feet along an arc of a curve to the right. having a radius of 286.79 feet. through a central angle of 15°33 1 47" to a point of reverse curvature; THENCE Northeasterly 38.51 feet along an arc of a curve to the left. having a radius of 25.00. through a central angle of 88°14 1 59" to a point of compound curvature; THENCE continuing Northeasterly 29.76 feet along an arc of a curve to the left. having a radius of 206.00 feet. through a central angle of 08°16'42" to a point of non-tangency; THENCE N 79°58 1 39 11 W. 27.32 feet; THENCE S 05°32'43 11 E. 39.63 feet; THENCE N 89°00 '45" W. 96.96 feet to the TRUE POJJf.LQF BEGINNING;