HomeMy WebLinkAbout1033CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. /o_3~ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, declaring its intention to add five parcels of land to Local Improvement District No. 309, and fixing the date, time and place for a public hearing on the proposed addition and on the final assessment roll of Local Improvement District No. 309. WHEREAS, by Resolution No. 958, adopted on March 15, 1982, the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, declared its intention to create Local Improvement District No. 309 {"LID No. 309" or "the LID") and ordered a hearing on the formation of the LID for the purpose of hearing objections by the owners of the property to be specially benefited thereby, that property specially benefited being listed in Exhibit A to that resolution {the "Exhibit A Properties"); and WHEREAS, notice was given to the owners of the Exhibit A Properties as ordered by Resolution No. 958 and the hearing therein ordered was held on April 19, 1982; and WHEREAS, by Ordinance No. 2344, adopted on May 3, 1982, the City created LID No. 309, ordered the construction and installa- tion of certain water main improvements, as described in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference, and ordered the filing with the City Treasurer of the preliminary assessment roll applicable to the Exhibit A Properties; and WHEREAS, certain properties specially benefited by the improvements in LID No. 309 were omitted from the list of Exhibit A Properties contained in Resolution No. 958 and in Ordinance No. 2344 {the "Additional Properties"); and WHEREAS, such addition of the Additional Properties to the boundaries of LID No. 309 will not add to the cost of the improvements therein to be assessed against the Exhibit A Properties within the LID nor increase the proportionate share of the cost to be borne by assessments from the proportion stated in the notice of the 1982 hearing on the formation of LID No. 309; and WHEREAS, there has been prepared the final assessment roll for LID No. 309 and such final assessment roll has been filed with the City Clerk, and pursuant to the provisions of RCW 35.44.070 it is necessary to fix the date, time and place of public hearing on the final assessment roll and to give notice of the filing of such roll and of such public hearing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1. Because of the receipt of special benefits by the five parcels from the improvements in LID No. 309 estab- lished by Ordinance No. 2344 of the City, it is the intention of the City Council to add those five parcels to LID No. 309, which omitted properties and increased boundaries are described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof (being the "Additional Properties" heretofore referenced). Section 2. A public hearing on the addition of such Additional Properties and on the final assessment roll of LID No. 309 shall be held at a meeting of the City Council at {:00 p.m., local time, on bee.:.... .3 J , 1984, in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, 220 South Fourth Avenue, Kent, Washington. Section 3. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to cause this resolution to be published in at least two consecu- tive issues of the official newspaper of the City or, if there is no official newspaper, in any legal newspaper of general circulation therein, the first publication to be at least fifteen days before the date fixed for the hearing. Notice of - 2 - the hearing upon this resolution shall also be given by mail at least fifteen days before the day fixed for hearing to the owners of the Additional Properties to be included within LID No. 309, such notice to be directed to the addresses of those owners as shown on the rolls of the King County Assessor. The notice shall set forth the nature of the proposed improvement, the estimated cost and the estimated benefits to the particular Additional Properties. Section 4. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to cause to be published at least five times in a daily newspaper or at least two times in a weekly newspaper, the publication to be made in the official newspaper of the City or, if there is no official newspaper, then in any legal newspaper of general circulation within the City, the last publication to be at least fifteen days before the day fixed for the hearing, the notice of such hearing stating that (1) a hearing will be held on the addition of the Additional Properties to LID No. 309 and (2) the assessment roll is on file and open to inspection in the office of the City Clerk and stating the time when the public hearing will be held on such assessment roll before the City Council on the protests filed and advising the property owners that protests must be filed with the City Clerk against any assessments shown on the roll at or prior to the time of the public hearing. Similar notices shall be mailed to the owners or reputed owners of the property whose names appear on the assessment roll for LID No. 309, at the addresses of such owners as shown on the records of the King County Assessor, such notices to be mailed at least fifteen days before the date fixed for the hearing. - 3 - The foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor, at a regular open public meeting this 5~day of ~ , 1984. ~Jj~f }~ Mayor ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1230k - 4 - EXHIBIT A LID 309 EAST HILL WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS (KENT KANGLEY ROAD. 104th AVENUE. 106th AVENUE AND 264th STREET) WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS Description; Includes the installation of water mains and related appurtenances. SIZE ON FROM TO 12" 104th Ave. S.E. S.E. 267th St. 230' South 8" 106th Ave. S .E. S.E. 264th St. 1335' South 8" Kent Kangley Rd. 116th Ave. S.E. 300' West of Ave. S .E. 132nd 8" 12Bth Pl. S .E. Kent Kangley Rd. 625' Southeasterly of Kent Kangley Rd. 8" Easement lOBth Ave. S .E. BOO' East (Extension of S .E. 264th St.) 1260k/l EXHIBIT B LID 309 EAST HILL WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS (KENT KANGLEY ROAD. 104th AVENUE. 106th AVENUE AND 264th STREET) That portion of Section 28, Township 22N, Range SE, V.M. in King County. Washington, described as follows: · Beginning 342.35 feet North of Southwest corner of Southeast 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 thence North 105.73 feet thence N79.37'44• East 104 feet to Westerly 11ne of County Road thence S22.10'16• East 105.71 feet thence S 79.37'41• West to beginning. AND ALSO That portion of Section 28, Township 22N, Range 5£, W.M. in King County, Washington, described as follows: Beginning at point 443.08 feet North of Southwest corner of Southeast 1/4 of Southeast 1/4 thence North 79.37'44• East 104.00 feet to Southerly boundar,y of County road thence North 22•10'16• West 177.04 feet to Southerly boundar,y of State Highw~ thence Northwesterly along said boundary 60.45 feet to West lfne of subdivision thence S 231.09 feet to beginning. AND ALSO The South 767.00 feet of tracts one and two of the unrecorded plat of part of Section 29 Township 22N, Range SE, V.M. AND ALSO That portion of Section 28 Township 22N Range 5E W.M. described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Section thence North aa•s2'41• West along South line 790.00 feet thence North 01.09'25• East to a point on northerly ~argin of Coun~ Road AKA Point A this description thence continuing North 01•o,•2s• East to southwesterly margin of State Highway thence northwesterly along said marvin 74.88 feet thence South 53.49'00 West 74.00 feet thence South 29.29'04 East 86.00 feet to TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING thence North 29•29•04• West 86.00 feet thence South 53•49'00• West to said northerly margin thence easterly along said margin to a point 100.00 feet westerly along said .argin from said Point A thence northeasterly to TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. AND ALSO That portion of Lot 1 trows Unrecorded Plat described as follows: Beginning 20 feet East and 305 feet North of Southeast Corner of said Lot 1 thence North to North line thence West along said line to point 10 feet West of Northwest corner thence South to point 275 feet North and 10 feet West of Southwest corner thence northeasterly to begfnnfng less County Roads.