HomeMy WebLinkAbout1017( RESOLUTION NO. /CJ/7 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington adopting the SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1984 TO 1989; superseding Resolution No. 999. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington adopted a SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, 1984 TO 1989, by Resolution No. 999; and WHEREAS, on May 7, 1984 the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington conducted a public hearing, due notice having been given, on the amendment of the SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM, 1984 TO 1989 to include intersection improvements at 116th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 256th Street; and WHEREAS, it h~ving been determined that the SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROV~ENT PROGRAM, 1984 TO 1989 should be amended to include intersection improvements at 116th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 256th Street; NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1984 TO 1989, as set forth in the attachments hereto and herewith filed with the City Clerk, originally approved by Resolution No. 999 and hereby modified to incorporate intersection improvements at 116th Avenue S.E. and S.E. 256th Street, is hereby adopted. Section 2. Resolution No. 999 is superseded. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent Washington this~,?M day of 77zay= 1984. Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this 2Z day of '1274dj< , 1 984. ~~Jir~ S AN, ~ R ATTEST: ~zz#-x!(__~-----,j<---- BETTY G~Y, DEPU~ITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: P~~ORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of R e so 1 u t i o n N o • 10 1 '7 , p a s s e d by t h e C i t y Co u n c il o f t h e C i t y of Kent, Washington, the d./A day of 'zJ?a-:;=, 1984. L&~ ~~ (SEAL) BETTY GgA~ DE~CITY CLERK 220-10 - 2 - -OBLIGAfiC\'-j PROGRA f'l1 -----· ' 2 3 '. I I lSI 1215 161T~LL-r~~~~~~V1~~~~-~~PL~~~ ~ Reconstruction, alignment correction -grading, draining, paving, bikeway. Jl' 1 F 1 s 1 T 1 _l]LLJ.\_Ll..L__l_H_ilUYL.Jli. lT 1 1 w 1 1.1 , ,\..1;'-:Ur_·_ ...._! S.._._1 -.L' s-1-L, . .L-l_,r<LL.CI S Extend left turn lane at James, add left turn lane a!~ S. 2~8th.St .. grading, draining,, paving, en.•; nne 11 za t1 on ----· r ~------------------;-; -----. ---~---. -. s_, _ _J 2 -LLJ0LL-iL eS.d_L_,_A_J}J_d2J ,s ,4 I T__JL _ _j_t-J..l'_Lf,_~_L_L_ 2 • 611\cC: r.i,r:ht turn l~mes-grDding, draining, -paving, :::q·b [, ~,utte1·, sid<'\·!~111:., chrmnelizadon, signing .. I ------------------------------·----------------:;::;-~------. '!\ '-, __ j__l ,:J_J 1 : . 1:. ! 11 . , : ;_j _:2 ~~ _j <i.J~Lill___L__j=---l___J 3_!1LiJ.:..t.!:L. _ _J_s_L.----L-+'-----";,.:;'""~"Al,_jH_,n _ _lH _tlL\'LlQ 7 1\~:.:.:cnstrw:t uu·ve, add left turn lane, bikepath, J 0 pedestrian shoulder -grading, draining,paving, -tfl~~~i~t~~¥.~~1~;[-, 1 ~r~~~~[-,~~~~~f~~ 1 A_1~~_0;y_,E t-=-=---i ~ '· ~~;', \2ht-oJ-1·::iy purck;sc for futute ] eft turn lanes I ' I . '-----------------·-~ ---~~-·~N--··-• -----·--~------ 0151f<:! ,',cJ"-r!OT-...J I CX'Y PI::-Tr<\CT STATE AID E!-.lS\HE.-E'R ··v . .., ! ; ~-• ( ' ' ~ 'v'' . ' ' _1 '>...• •• --· l '. ,. ! I I I l ~: r ~--+------------------------I ..L6_13J.5 _j _ _L~~-5: I I I l J ..:·~-~---\ U I ':J :~ ·:; ------""~ended i'-1ay 21, 1984 He_or!ng Po.te ~l_:tgust 1_2.._.!_~_§3_ ----~-- / Adop!-ion Do re Au'i~s_t _}_!_}~~~-____ _ -OBLIGATION PROGRAM-- _ ~ ~~ ~;.u nty _ Ke~pun chi ng Note: ~:+~n e~_te~~~J~ ~~~~clr~~df~:~ ~=~=--==-=-~_:;=-=--=-==--=--:--______ R~~~-~ N u~-b~~-==--~~-·:·c:=;-. ount8 No. thi.s fonr1, 12 Q PRO,)ECT co:sT5 li'J THOU8AND5 OF DOLLARS · -------__ -=:..:c.:: __ :;..::=:;-·---------==-=-:-.. -------· d ~ "-J · ·-·-· ----------· • -----------·---------:::=..: === __eRol)__scT r_r;;}:NTlFtc_&Tio~_ ~t~ ~ _g £ ~in.xc-/'~IJO~~-~~~~uLe ___ ~---1 ·FUNDING 5ou-R"cE"--· -~ l"ii le,_B_o_\.ll~ ~ fZoo.d tag No • ., Section No.~ .2 ~ ''JDr'' T oto.l c :3 ~ y E A R -----=-_. {-------~-----. Location/T~r. ··ini,Dcocripiion of \Vo•·k, ';'c, ~ , " lenqtl> ·" '-, ;:r-1--;· -l--·-·]----~ ---l ED I: RAL IOl,'\ L .~! Beginning )v1i\c;-jobt 4-5ridget-.\o. -~<+-Jooc (t;i(l~s) t-ij <'!( ::-)T 2nd .:)rd 4 1S . ··:r·-------U./~.i.."•. lv0C 1\L FU['-\Df.-) i, -~~--~-~-----~"~~~· z ... -.-c. -~~,:!~----4~·-c--~5~_1~ ~ ~~c~:¥~1) ·J~_;)~=--~-~ 1~~~--t· ~:=;z-+:_~-l~_t,~;i'J~~~ ~RD~~~~~~~ --~-~rrf=-_-,--=-~1?3~ ==--17--_--_! r9 o5 3~ 37 M 11 441-1-s-4-G ~-, 48 !51 ~-t ss :,;; "" .;o &:'i b.f G1 •e ·n rz 15 7& 1r: 1!,') e' -~-\\{;j_Jr~i-1 I 1 s ~-L.:~.I.~. 1 A, r, 1 c, E1 N1 T, R, £ kL . .i.ALY.LllL_ 2 ~ B ,"Q~0-_J_Q.d ·s-N" u --, 7 st-.L L~-LL.J-J , u :-· I__L _.----, 1 --~ 1 , 7, s -'-~-Ll""· .. i\dd turn lane -grading, draining, paving, curb & G H K ! gutter, sidewalk, channelization, signing l I -l------------------11---------t .. ~_. I 2 I 51 2 I N I D I ~ T I I A, T I ~~2.~ -, s I I dhJi.L.& L L._LJ _...L....J. 5 ~ ~ () 1 8 F A U S 1 2 !0 New signal L ---- l_to J4 . .1L~~ 1E ,-~~82 ,6 ,o_,T 1H, ,T 10, ,s 1E 12 1.0..11....ti..JI:I __ ~-"2,___u:L4'-~JILD.£ _ Jl.Q_ili Lxtend 5 lanes -grading, draining, paving, curb & G H J K gutter, sidewalk, channelization, lighting, signing, street trees S E 2 4 0 T H J\~~ 11 10 12 ,N1D, ,S 1E 1 1 1 .J_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ improve 102nd -grading, draining, gutter, sidewalk, signing, possible signalization otential LID _9~'[J.t:!.J._0...1.YJJh.......L~.tful. ,T ,H I IT ,o I Is t_L~1..&.i . ..c.T....L.....H...L....-<------t-"-'-'-"4 13 ~ew construction 5 lanes-grading, draining, paving '· curb f1 gutter, sidewalk, street lights, signing, ~r:'-· +--'--=1'---'.'---'-o. _ o s u K ---~trect _!rees, b).t_e~.'.£1)' ___ -------------------t--'f7770;~------ :] ,6 ,T IH I ,A ,v ,E..L.l.?_LJl_.tl.ll.JI ,HI ,s I l :\e1~ construct ion -grJding, draining, paving, curb _...:_! ~:u t~cr-~iclch·~~~:.trr~~-~~-~ghts 1 signing' street rrees c; I R ..tb. ... d~J.H L...ill..J. L.1.1'_L .J!3 ...IR..ili.J.G....l Is I 0 LiC....JE..Ll'J.J.I....ill...J.iLJ.Ll-J'-t;;.._ 15 Kiden ftmctionally deficient bridge to.4 lanes. 16 ---------------D\51R! BUll ON I COPY P!STR\CT STATE AID 'ENG\t-...!f'ER !.':-l;/0. 0 -+-------------. _L__J ,S,I ·"] ' -------- ( ,ii..l l.:.:i~ 1:~ SlX '(EAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVE:ivtENT PE?OGRAM -OBLIGATION PROGRArv1- 19-M_ TO 19 89 Amendment May 21, 1984 He-aring Pate August 1, 1983 Adoption Oa.te August 1, 1983 Re6olut ioo Number ______ _ City/County [QliJJ:lil ~ J<eypunching Note: Data entered in cole> 1-8 rnust d h d tl Cit.y No. 3~_G be ~n all co.r 5 punc e rom Count~ N.o. 1 7 7-8 th\5 .forrYI. g 8 PRO-,::reCT.C05T5'1N THOUBAN05 OF OOLLARS r 0 s:: £ 0BUGAT10N ·scHEDUlE I PROJE.CT !DENTIEICATION ~ _fUNDiNG SOURCE I . 1/) -.Q oQ_x I 0 Iitle, Rouje, Road \.og No • ., Section No., Or... Toted d L.. t -YCE A R z ~~ Work. ~ s FEDERAL l"OT AL. I I Location Termini.,D~ecripiion of Work'> length > r-- Code +: -~ 1st-.c. Znd .3 rd 4,5 U.A.B. LOCAL FUND5 i t Beginning Mi!epoet ~ Bridge No. -~«+ (Miles) 0 --2 I i Ql (I Q c t: (Ann-uctl * Gth AMOUNT PROGRAM I i .... ¢ :J c.'J ; ~ ~ ex Element) ~ ·1 _f. -s 4 _401tr 5 e 7 8 3 I-:tO ll 12. ·~ . -14 ~ t5 \6 17 t-9 -&!5 ~-a7 44 48 ' 5l 51_-_ '5 SQ 59 100 G3 ~4 --61 ~ 11 15 76 ,9 ~ Mi I S E l 2 5161 t_j_ h 1A1 T, _11_11_16 t_j_ hi I s E1 I t 1 I I I 2~ D1 H1 I__tJ OJ. 2.1 0 c u X-1 21 l; 0 I I _l _l _l _tl (7 ·j4 FA 1U 1s . I 1 I I _13 .J6 _l _l .12 1l1 0_/ !17 ' New signal, illumination, add left turn lanes ' I ! I ! \ I I . I J l I l_j I ~-1 _1 I I I I I _j _l _l I I I I I I I _I _1 _1 _1 _j _1 I ! l I I I I I l I I-I _L _L j_ _L _L I I I I I I 1 I I ~ _.L_ I I I I _l _l l __t'_t _L I I I I I I I I I I I l l _L I I , I I I .I ~l 1 I I I ~ I _j_ __l _L I I I I I .1 ,-l _j _l _I _L I I I I I I _L _l _l I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _I i I I .!{a I ~ 1 I I 1 ,. _j_ l l _j_ _j_ _l I I I I 1 l L l I I _l _l _L _l _j i I I \ I I I I I L I I l _l I _'t -~ _l .1 _._ _1 _j I I l I I I I I I 1 1 _I I I I I I I I .I l I I I I I 1 I I I I I I ~ "' I I I I I I J L L _j_ _j_ j_ _l I I I I I _j _j_ l _j_ I I I I - j_ _I I. I I _] _1 I I ~ l I -I I I I L L i I I I I I _L .1 _l_Lj__j_j_ ' 0\SiRtBUIION 1 COPY DISIRICi STATE AID 'ENG\N~ER