HomeMy WebLinkAbout953RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, cancelling certain checks issued by the City of Kent and not presented for payment with- in one year. WHEREAS RC\oiJ' 39. 56 provides for the cancellation by cities ~f warrants not presented for payment within one year of their issue, and WHEREAS the City of Kent generally issues bank checks rather than warrants, and WHEREAS there are currently outstanding many bank checks which have not been presented for payment even though one year or more has elapsed since their issue, and WHEREAS said bank checks would not be honored if pre- sented for payment because of current banking practices which treat bank checks older than 6 months as "stale'' (i.e., not pre- sented for payment "within the normal course of business"), NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HEREBY RESOLVE: 1. The bank checks listed on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference as if fully set forth herein be and the same hereby are cancelled. 2. The Supervisor of Treasury Accounting shall transfer or cause to be transferred the records of checks so as to leave the funds as if the checks had never been drawn. 3. The Supervisor of Treasury Accounting shall send a certified copy of this Resolution in- cluding Exhibit A to the banks affected thereby. PASSED at a REGULAR HEETING of the Kent City Council this /b day of February, 198 2. ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. 96.:!::; , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Wash- ington, the 1 1-, day of ~-f_,...--, 19 8 2. I ~--·-~ __ rT __ ~--~~~~~~~~~~~(SEAL) HARIE SEN, CITY CLERK ... SEATTLE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Payroll FUND Check # Payee Date Amount General 001 21988 Gary Just 5/31/79 $93.28 General 001 22332 Gary Just 6/15/79 93.28 Parks 105 24193 Lynda Bratton 8/15/79 9-83 General 001 26006 Timothy Talbert 11/5/79 .10 Street 107 27330 Joseph E. Shorter 12/31/79 288.11 Parks 105 29155 Harvey Torr 3/15/80 23.88 Parks 105 31223 Patricia O'Connell 5/31/80 14.98 Parks 105 31740 Peter Ploegrnan 6/15/80 :37.68 Parks . 105 32563 Betty J. Wright 7/15/80 18.73 Treasurer's FUND Check # Payee Date Amount Fire 008 533 Henry Opel 2/28/79 16.50 Attorney 005 3071 Office of Public De f. 7/31/79 3,190";00 Eng. 009 8269 Just Compensation 6/30/80 69.00 Util. Clear.BOO } 1:()213 garbage refund 10/21/80 -1.31 Pks. Mtc. 0100-660 12180 PEOPLES NATIONAL BANK ' Treasurer's " FUND Check # Pa;ree Date Amount Arts Com. 610 \ 157 ACA Publications 2/15/77 --3.00 Parks 105 319 Nancy S. Schell 2/15/77 8.00 Parks 105 1300 Phil Hopkins 4/15/77 3.00 Parks 105 2647 Ruth Chadwick 7/15/82 8.00 Non-dept. 004 4036 The Ribbon House 10/14/77 170.75 Parks 105 4091 Creed W. Wood 10/14/77 10.00 General 000 6524 Walker's Baskin & Robbins 3/31/78 12.00 Parks-105 7146 Laura Maxon 5/15/78 25.00 Sewer 90 7877 McCormick Parts 6/30/78 1.52 Eng. 009 9757 King County 11/14/78 25.00 Fire 0.08 9829 Gene A. Grenstad 11/15/78 20.50 General 000 10187 Kay Bingham 12/15/78 3.00 General 000 10450 Aetna 12/29/78 2.00 --::... •-•. T Finance Committee I'1ccting Hinutes JJnuary 26, 1932 _ ~~xccrpi:. "Sta3._e ~a·~cd C:::cci:;.s" ~ancc1lation of Stale Checks I (fnal1ce-bi}~(>Cl()-r l·lcCa-rthil)l=-cscntcd a draft of a l-csolution v1ith a 1 ist of "stale" rlatcd checks over one year old, l'.'hich the City l'.'ould like to cancel. The City has ·a p r a c t i c e o f p ~ r i o d i c a 11 y c .111 c c 1 1 i n g c h r~ c k s o v c r o n e y c a r o 1 d a n d h a s not do n e s o for over three ycar~s. Basically this is a rccor-dkccping function, the hanks would not have caslied the checks anyl'lilY si11Ce t.licy ar-e in the p!'actice of noti·:onoring checks over six 1!10nths old. If for S0111e reason somebody presents this check for pay1ncnt at a bank, they 1·10uld be directed to come over to the City and the City v.·c1uld issue the party a 1121., cl1eck. i·:r. t·icCarthy also noted to the Finai1ce Co1111nittee that just bC'caiJse the check v;as 1 is ted .1s outstanding on the City records, it 1ni~ht i~.1ve br.~en cashed by the individual rayce and lost in the b.1nking systC'm. Based upon that infonnation, the Finance Dl~j'artinult doC'S not sec it necessary that \·:e try to 1rake any kind of con1act v1ith these individuals related to v;hy they haven't cashed tL c i r c h cc k s .