HomeMy WebLinkAbout951CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON RESOLUTION NO. ~~~ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, declaring its intention to construct and install certain street, water and sanitary sewer improvements on SE 260th Street from 104th Avenue SE to 108th Avenue SE within the City; and to create a local improvement district to assess the cost and expense of carrying out such improvement against the property specially benefited thereby; and notifying all persons who desire to object to the improvement to appea~ and present their objections at a hearing before the City Council. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, as follows: Section 1. It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, to order the improvement of the property described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, by the construction and installation of certain street, water and sewer improvements on SE 260th Street from 104th Avenue SE to 108th Avenue SE within the City, as described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. Section 2. The total estimated cost and expense of the improvement is declared to be $837,043. Approximately $824,060 of the cost of the improvement shall be borne by and assessed against the property specially benefited by such improvement to be included in a local improvement district to be established embracing as near as may be all property specially benefited by such improvement. The remainder of the cost of the improvement shall be paid by the City from other money legally available therefor. Section 3. All persons who may desire to object to the improvement herein described are notified to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall, 220 s. 4th Avenue, Kent, washington, at 8:00p.m., local time, on March 15, 1982, which time and place are fixed for hearing all matters relating to the proposed improve- ment, and all objections thereto, and for determining the method of payment for that improvement. Section 4. The Public Works Director of the City is directed to submit to the City Council, on or prior to the day fixed above for the hearing, all data and information required by law to be submitted. Section 5. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to publish this resolution in at least two consecutive issues of the official newspaper of the City, or if there is no official newspaper, then in any legal newspaper of general circulation within the City, the first publication to be at least fifteen days before the day fixed for the hearing, and to give notice of the hearing set hereinabove by mail, at least fifteen days before the day fixed for the hearing, to the owners or reputed owners of all lots, tracts and parcels of land or other property to be specially benefited by the proposed improvement, as shown on the rolls of the King County Comptroller, directed to the address shown thereon, which notice shall also set forth the nature of the proposed improvement, the estimated cost and the estimated benefits of the particular lot, tract or parcel. The foregoing resolution was adopted by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, and approved by the Mayor, at a regular open public meeting this 1 6t~-dJ~of Fe{bruar~y, 1982. //'" // .·· ' I,;; __./ j ~--~,~ /~----------Mayor ~ ATTEST: FORM APPROVED: 1 C~t~~~ey /L7------- 2 EXHIBIT 11 A11 LID 308 SE 260th STREET IMPROVEMENTS 104th AVE SE to l08th AVE SE LID BOUNDARY LEGAL DESCRIPTION That portion of the East half of the Northwest quarter of Section 29, Township 22 N, Range 5 E, \~.M. in King County, Washington described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the South line of the Northeast quarter of said Northwest quarter and the Westerly margin of 108th Ave. S.E., this being the True Point of Beginning, thence Northerly along said Westerly margin a distance of 130.00 feet, thence Westerly parallel to the South line of the Northeast quarter of said Northwest quarter a distance of 130.00 feet, thence Northerly oarallel to the Westerly margin of 108th Ave. S.E. a distance of 370.00 feet, thence Northeasterly to a point lying 116.00 feet West of the Westerly margin of 108th Avenue S.E. and 30.00 feet Southerly of the centerline of Kent-Kangley Road when measured at right angles, thence North\'Jesterly parallel with the centerline of Kent Kangley Road to the Easterly line of the Westerly 808.00 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section, thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said Westerly 808.00 feet to the Northerly line of the Southerly 434.45 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section, thence Westerly along said Northerly line a distance of 208.00 feet, thence Northerly along the Easterly line of the West 600.00 feet of the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said section to a point lying 50.57 feet south of a point lying on said Easterly line and 50.00 feet South- westerly of the centerline of Kent-Kangley Road when measured at right angles, thence Westerly parallel with the Southerly line of said sub- division, a distance of 129.40 feet, thence Northerly parallel to the Easterly line of the West 600.00 feet of said subdivision to a point lying 50.00 feet Southwesterly of the centerline of Kent-Kangley Road when measured at right angles, thence Northwesterly parallel with the centerline of Kent-Kangley Road to the Easterly line of the v!est 300.00 feet of said subdivision thence Southerly along the Easterly line of said West 300.00 feet to the Southerly line of the North 878.00 feet of the Northwest quarter of said section, thence Westerly alonq the Southerly line of said North 878.00 feet to the Easterly margin of 104th Ave. S.E., thence Southerly along the Easterly margin of said 104th Ave. S.E. to the South"line of the Northeast quarter of said Northwest quarter thence Easterly and Southerly along the Easterly margin of 104th Ave. S.E. to the Southerly line of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section, thence Easterly along the Southerly line of the North half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said Section, to the East line of the West half of the Southeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of said section, thence North along the Easterly line of the West half of the South- east quarter of the Northwest quarter a distance of 165.00 feet, thence Easterly along the Northerly line of the Southerly 165.00 feet to the Westerly margin of 108th Ave. S.E. thence Northerly along the Westerly margin of 108th Ave. S.E. to the True Point of Beginning. EXCEPT any portion therein lying within Public Rights of Way. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: EXHIBIT B LID 308 SE 260TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS (104TH AVE SE TO 108TH AVE SE) See Exhibit 11 A11 attached and made a part hereof. STREET IMPROVEMENTS Description: Constructing a street 36' wide curb to curb to include asphalt pavement, concrete curb and gutter, channelization, concrete sidewalks, storm drainage, street liqhting and landscaping. ON FROM TO SE 260TH Street l04TH Ave. S.E. 1 08TH Ave. S . E. SANITARY SEWER Description: Includes constructing a sanitary sewer and related appurten- ances including side sewers. SIZE ON FROM TO 811 SE 260TH St. Approximately 104th Ave. S.E. l08th Ave. S.E. WATER MAIN Description: Includes constructing a water main and related appurtenances including stubs to properties. SIZE 811 811 ON FROM SE 260TH ST. 104TH Ave. S.E. l08th Ave S.E. SE 260th Ave. St. TO 1 08TH Ave • S . E. 375' North . . . . I, MARIE JENSEN, City Clerk of the City of Kent, Washington, certify that the attached copy of Resolution No. 2~/ is a true and correct copy of the original resolution adopted on the I~ day of February, 1982, as that resolution appears on the Minute Book of the City. DATED this~ day of February, 1982. I