HomeMy WebLinkAbout948RESOLUTION NO. s·)~g A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, revoking the business license of DBT Enterprises, Inc. d/b/a VIP Health Spa. WHEREAS, DBT Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a VIP Health Spa (hereinafter referred to as licensee) was issued a general bus- iness license on February 12, 1981 under the provisions of the licensing regulations of the Kent City Code; and ness sage from WHEREAS, as license, licensee business until an theCity; and a condition of receiving a general busi- agreed in writing to not engage in a mas- appropriate massage permit was obtained WHEREAS, in spite of its written agreement, licensee has engaged in and continues to engage in the massage business without the appropriate City of Kent permit; and WHEREAS, the Public Safety Committee of the Kent City Council has reviewed information supplied by members of the Kent Police Department as well as undercover officers from other de- partments relative to activities observed by said officers on the premises of the licensee; and WHEREAS, the matter was noted for hearing at a regular City Council meeting October 19, 1981 in accordance with the pro- visions of Section 5.02.42 et seq of the Kent City Code, and timely notice of the hearing was received by licensee prior to the hearing; and WHEREAS, the licensee was personally present at the hearing and represented by counsel; and WHEREAS, licensee was afforded the opportunity to and did present testimony on its own behalf and was given the oppor- tunity to examine and cross examine witnesses testifying on be- half of the City; and WHEREAS, The City Council heard testimony from Officers \~inters and Koransky of the Kent Police Department and Officer Driggers of the Renton Police Department, and from Don B. Thomas, former president of DBT Enterprises, Inc., NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL MAKES THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS: 1. The licensee has been engaged in the business of giving massages at its location in the City of Kent. 2. The licensee has never been issued a permit to con- duct a massage business in the City of Kent. 3. The licensee has violated the conditions of the gen- eral business license issued to it on February 12, 1981, specifi- cally by engaging in the massage business without the requisite City of Kent permit. 4. Persons employed by or under contract to licensee have engaged in the giving of massages without the requisite city permits required of individual massagists. 5. Persons employed by or under contract to licensee have offered to engage in acts of sexual misconduct with police officers posing as customers of licensee's business. 6. A search of licensee's premises, conducted under the auspices of a search warran~ issued by Aukeen District Jus- tice Court reveal physical evidence of acts of a sexual nature being performed on licensee's premises. 7. The conduct by the licensee of a massage business without a massage business permit is a violation of the laws of the City of Kent and a breach of licensee's agreement with the City of Kent to not engage in such business until after receipt of a lawful massage business permit. 8. The acts of persons employed by or under contract to licensee in agreeing to engage in acts of unlawful sexual con- duct is conduct injurious to the health and welfare of the cit- izens of Kent. Based on the foregoing findings the Kent City Council does hereby resolve: Section 1. The business license of DBT Enterprises, Inc., d/b/a VIP Health Spa issued February 12, 1981 be and the same hereby is revoked effective five (5) p.m. January 15, 1982. PASSED at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council - 2 - this 4th day of January, 1982. ATTEST: ~'8o~~ MARIE JENs~ CITT CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~bf:1tii.~k'ffJMv C-T '"''Y \ I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolu- tion No. :)IJg , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 4th day of January, 1982. - 3 -