HomeMy WebLinkAbout935RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent~ Washington~ revoking the business license of the Roadside Inn Tavern. WHEREAS~ the Roadside Inn Tavern is licensed under the provisions of the licensing regulations of the Kent City Code, and WHEREAS, said regulations provide for revocation of business licenses under certain specified circumstances, among them being that the business has engaged in conduct which is in- jurious to the citizens of Kent~ and WHEREAS, complaints in writing have been made to the City of Kent from residents of a mobile home park adjacent to the Roadside Inn Tavern complaining of certain activities occur- ring at the Roadside Inn Tavern, and WHEREAS, the Public Safety Committee of the Kent City Council has reviewed the written complaints together with information supplied by members of the Kent Police Department relative to activities observed by said police officers on the premises of the Roadside Inn Tavern, and WHEREAS, the Kent City Council upon recommendation of the Public Safety Committee scheduled a public hearing rel- ative to possible revocation of the business license for the Roadside Inn Tavern, and WHEREAS, the matter was noted for hearing in accord- ance with the provisions of Section 5.02.42 et seq of the Kent City Code, and timely notice of the hearing was given and re- ceived by the licensee prior to the hearing, and WHEREAS, licensee was personally present at the hear- ing represented by counsel, and WHEREAS, licensee was offered the opportunity to pre- sent witnesses and to cross examine witnesses testifying on behalf of the City, and licensee declined to take advantage of such opportunity, and WHEREAS, the City presented testimony from Officers Byerly, Boone and Sommers, of the Kent Police Department, and citizens of the Bonnel Mobile Home Park located adjacent to the Roadside Inn Tavern, and WHEREAS, the City was previously presented with a petition signed by numerous residents of the mobile home park relative to the operation of the tavern, said petition having been made a part of the record of the hearing, and WHEREAS, since the date of the public hearing numer- ous convictions for prostitution have been obtained in the Aukeen District Justice Court against various dancers either employed by or performing in the Roadside Inn Tavern, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL MAKES THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS: 1. Activities in and around the Roadside Tavern have resulted in disturbances to the quiet and repose of the residents of the mobile home park located adjacent to the tavern. 2. The activities complained of have occurred over a period of several years. 3. The City of Kent police officers and officers from other jurisdictions witnessed numerous acts of lewd conduct en- . gaged in by dancers on the premises of the tavern. 4. The acts of lewd conduct have occurred with such frequency and in such numbers that the management of the tavern either knew or with reasonable diligence should have known of such activities. 5. Numerous drug transactions have occurred on the premises of the tavern, many of them involving the dancers. The drug transactions occurred with such frequency and in such num- bers that the management either knew of or with reasonable dili- gence should have known of such activity. 6. The operation of the Roadside Inn Tavern has been and continues to be a nuisance. 7. The Roadside Inn Tavern has engaged in conduct which is injurious to the health and welfare of the citizens of Kent and is a public nuisance. - 2 - BASED ON THE FOREGOING FINDINGS THE KENT CITY COUNCIL DO HEREBY RESOLVE: Section 1. That the business and cabaret licenses of the Roadside Inn Tavern be and the same hereby are revoked effec- tive at six 0 1 clock a.m. on Thursday, October 1, 1981. this 21st ATTEST: D PASSED at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council day of September,~~~---- ABEL HOG~R FOR~1: I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolu- t ion no . ~b , p a s sed by the C i ty Co u n c il of the C i t y of Kent , Washington, the 21st day of September, 1981. "-~----_· -· -~--_,~.....,---,_,..,.,.....,...·""""'T'''"N .... s ..... E""'N-, -c~r ..... T ..... Y,...._t.,...L .... E R"'"'K,.,..-__ ( sEAL) - 3 -