HomeMy WebLinkAbout914RESOLUTION NO. (2/~ A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting the "Groundwater Development Standards" as an addendum to the City of Kent's Water System Plan. WHEREAS, the City of Kent has, by Resolution 879, adopted a Water System Plan to provide for the orderly expansion and im- provement of plants and facilities of the Water Department of the City of Kent, and WHEREAS, the City has determined that in certain situations developers of property may develop their own sources of domestic water supply, and WHEREAS, in such situations it is contemplated that the sources of water will be turned over to the City which will then assume maintenance and operation responsibilities for such sources, and WHEREAS, the Ctiy has developed procedures for determining that such water sources will be developed in accordance with the best methods and practices for assuring a potable supply of do- mestic water, and that such procedures have been designated as "Groundwater Development Standards", and WHEREAS, the City wishes to include said "Groundwater De- velopment Standards" as an addendum to the water system's plan previously adopted by Resolution 879, NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DO HERE- BY RESOLVE: Section 1. The Groundwater Development Standards, attach- ed hereto and incorporated herein by reference be and the same hereby are adopted as an addendum to the Water System Plan of the City of Kent adopted by Resolution 879. Section 2. Passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington at a Regular Meeting this 2nd day of February, 1981. i /- . ,'"?fi I~ ()HOG.;!A···N·~,/ ~· . r:y·"'O·R· --· .. /' t..< ·t!.£ . -c,.---z_ .~ ISABEL ATTEST: I hereby certify that this is a true copy of Resolution No. c~ I' { · , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 2nd day of February, 1981. (SEAL} CLERK - 2 - Metering All water entering the City•s system shall be metered. Treatment The water shall minimally be chlorinated and fluoridated. Additional treatment may be required to meet water quality standards. Control Building The well source facility shall have a Control Building generally conforming to the details denoted in Figure 3. Said building shall house the electrical controls, the valving and piping works, the alarm and telemetering system, the treatment facilities and other related appurtenances. The Control Building site shall be of legal lot size under the respective land use designation and shall be owned in fee simple by the City of Kent. The lot shall have access ing·r.ess/egress, utility and drainage rights to a public right-of-way which is open to and in public use. The facility shall be surrounded by a 6 feet chain link fence with 3 strands of barbed wire placed above it. The access ingress/egress thereto and the respective parking and turn-around areas shall be paved with asphalt concrete pavement. Sufficient area surrounding the well head and road access thereto from the paved area shall be gravelled to support heavy equipment loadings. Pump Controls and Alarm System The facility shall be both manually and automatically operable. The facility shall be integrated into the City•s control system and as such its operation shall be controled from the Central Control System located at the City Shops (James St. and Russell Road) The following actions and/or tasks shall be telemetered to the City Shops: 1} Unauthorized Entry 2} Power Failure 3) Check Valve Failure 4) Well Pump On 5) Chlorine Leak 6) Flow 7) Pump Control _,. GROUND WATER SUPPLY DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Development of a ground water supply for incorporation into the City's water system shall be in accordance with the Washington State Department of Social and Health Services published, "Rules and Regulations of the State Board of Health regarding Public Water Systems-1978", or the latest edition thereof, the ~Jashington State Department of Ecology published, "f1inimum Standards of Construction and Maintenance of Water Wells'', or the latest edition thereof, and the following standards: Well Site City of Kent approval of the site is required. Layout of facilities shall generally correspond to Figure 1. Water Rights The City of Kent shall have sole possession of the \'later rights. Well Diameter Minimum acceptable well diameter shall be as follows: Anticipated Well Yield, in gpm 75 or less to 175 150 to 400 350 to 650 600 to 900 850 to 1300 1200 to 1800 1600 to 3000 Well Pump and Water Size of Well Casing, in inches 8 1D 10 1D 12 10 14 OD 16 OD 20 OD 24 OD Well Pump and Motor shall be submersible and of Byron Jackson manufacture. ~Jell Head The Well Head shall be enclosed in an underground vault as detailed in Figure 2. Well Flushing The well facilities shall incorporate an automatic flushing operation. Said flushing shall be triggered with every start up and shall preceed any treatment operation. ------------~-------r-------- I I I LEGE.ND GRA.\lEL z.o' ""''"'· l / / PUBL\C. ~T"Re E.T DRt~e.WAY ,.c.c.ess Pe.R Loc.AL ,)IJRIS 0\C.TlON RaQIJ IkE ME..NTS Of SIGNED DRAWN CHECKED APPROVED l )( / P/L- E..ASEME.NT TO PUP...\/E.'(OR, G.RAt{f- \I'(G C..OM Pl.-E. TE S"N I~R..'( fit£.JtlTIE$ c..o t·l"T'R.Ol.-1'1\eR.e.tfot' SCALE~ '".SCA L,.C DATE JAN· \"'.I., fiLE NO. CitY ENGINUI't NOTE: I.ISI! P\PI! "Sl-E..E\IE W/ DR.'( PAC~ CONC. C.ROUT ~ WAl-L PIPif PENe nv.noN<>. 8" S'·k.·' MIN. \ '2.. .. 2.'-(o. l 4J'SUMP DRAIN 'RATe 0\/E. 1'- ~MP LALVM.) &. t---.......,----------7 1 C:," MIN. ~----;'-o" UT C.N;I ""-4 INEL-P C.A61NC. FLAIII&.e l-10\i&:L #.LOM· L~PC>E~ • 4i.E E. o<; TP ·Per" ... II ... WATeRP~OOF SWITC.M ~...._-4--WATEP.P~F __ \ _______ _ OUTl-11'46 OF' 4-1 -o"l(t;.'-o• Fw..H'-I!!P "'ATC..t' G0uf"'.U"C. AD 1---------' PLAN VIEW NOI TO t;LALE:. DESIGNED DRAWN t1.~ CHECKED (~'J'\1 @~ ~~lro'J' ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT WELL HEAD ENCLOSURE FIGURE 2A SCALE M SHOWN DA Tf ,).,II,N • \ 9 8 I fll£ NO._ FL.AN~e.P ~t>APTOR ELEVATION VIEW NOT IO SC.ALc DESIGNED DRAWN CHECKED APPROVED <COirV @~ ~~~~ ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT WELL HEAD ENCLOSURE FIGURE 26 SCAlf,., Sit DIN N fll£ NO I I sLOpe,_ FLOoR 1't> I t>RMM «a '1&"1 Fr. I I l'Zzz22224~~ I FL-OoR DP..AlHS "'"o e£ ne.o tH DRAII'4W-E. S~TE.M I llk'-'~-...-...::..~Lto~ I I I I ~----- FLOOR PLAN HCT TO sCAce= ~ ~. -· .. ~-" . --·- ~ p~c~ --.. F----=--I" I B~EC..L.Asl> "::>~ lNG. LES. ~ ~ '":" 2 f •• ..J ~ I -N Sfa"T\-ll SIDING:. I "-srE I EL DOO~ 81 l ~8RIC.l< '" ~ ~ / :I ~ g I-- ELEVATION. :X01 I 0 SCOAL£t FRAME: DfSIGNED DRAWN M.& CHECKED APPI!OVED ELEVATION <C~ir\l @~ ~~lroir ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT CONTROL BUILDING FIGURE 3 SCAlE A5t t'Of"l& ~ DATE )I,.M. "·'~--=4--------1 Clf't' (NC;INEHf filE NO