HomeMy WebLinkAbout1515RESOLUTION NO. /.£1S A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting the 1999 -2004 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan. WHEREAS, after proper notice, the City Council of the City of Kent held a public hearing at the regular meeting of the City Council at 7:00p.m. on October 20, 1998, to consider public testimony on the City's proposed 1999-2004 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan and, having considered public testimony to the Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The 1999 through 2004 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and herewith filed with the City Clerk, is hereby adopted. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington -~ ~ this~dayof~ , 1998. I Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this __M_ day of {Qc:f/J--te,~~c-, 1998 /~ I (, ,co, ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: :i:&:so:~YS; ·· == I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. !.5;5 , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the ~ day of &c~ , 1998. P:\LAW\RESOLUTI\SIXYEARRES 2 ..................... ·-·······-·············-·····-····-··-·----"==, CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX-YEAR TRANSPORTATION Il\'IPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1999-2004 Don E. \Vickstrom, P .E. Director of Public Works I I CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Number Project Name Page 1 South 272°d/277th Street Corridor Project 4 Auburn Way North to Kent-Kangley Road (State Route 516) 2 South 196th/200th Street Corridor Project 5 Orillia Road to West Valley Highway (State Route 181) · 3 South 196th/200th Street Corridor Project 6 4 West Valley Highway (State Route 181) to East Valley Highway Reith Road!West Meeker at Kent-Des Moines Road Intersection Improvement Project Reith Road/Meeker Street at Kent-Des Moines Road (State Route 516) 7 5 Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements 8 Citywide South County POP Project 6 Citywide Guardrail and Safety Improvements 9 Citywide 7 Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect at Meeker Street, 10 and E. Smith Street Signal Systems Interurban Trail Crossing!RR Interconnections 8 Washington Avenue (State Route 181) High Occupancy Vehicle 11 Lanes Project James Street to Green River Bridge 9 Pacific Highway South (State Route 99) H.O.V. Lanes-Phase I 12 Kent-Des Moines Road (State Route 516) to South 252nd Street 10 Green River Valley Traffic Signal Coordination Project 13 West Valley Highway-Kent-Des Moines Road to South 1801h Street South 180'h Street-West Valley Highway to Benson Highway 11 James Street at Central Avenue Intersection Improvement Project 14 James Street at Central Avenue 12 Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad/Union Pacific 15 Railroad Grade Separation Project South 2121h Street, James Street and/or Willis Street/State Route 516 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Number Project Name Page 13 Southeast 2401h Street Widening Project 16 1161 h Avenue Southeast to 136'h Avenue Southeast 14 Americans with Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk Repair 17 and Rehabilitation Program Project Citywide 15 Commuter/Shopper Shuttle Bus Project 18 Downtown 16 Canyon Drive Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Project Alvord Avenue to 97'h Pl. South 19 17 West Meeker Street Widening Project-Phase I Washington Avenue (State Route 181) to 64 1h Avenue South 20 18 Southeast 256 1h Street Widening Project-Phase I 1161h Avenue Southeast to 1361h Avenue Southeast 21 19 1161h Avenue SE Street Widening Project 22 SE 25 6'h Street to Kent-Kangley Highway (SR 516) 20 Sound Transit Rail Station/Transit Center 23 21 Pacific Highway South (State Route 99) H.O.V. Lanes-Phase II South 252nd Street to South 272nd Street 24 (Southerly City Limits) 22 132"d Avenue Southeast Street Widening Project-Phase I 25" Southeast 256'h Street to Kent-Kangley Road (State Route 516) ..,~ _ _, South 212 1h Street Pavement Rehabilitation Project 26 Green River Bridge to West Valley Highway (State Route 181) 24 Military Road at Reith Road Intersection Improvement Project 27 25 West Meeker Street Widening Project-Phase II 28 Green River Bridge to Kent-Des Moines Road (State Route 516) 26 94 1h Avenue South at Canyon Drive (SR 516) Traffic Signal System 29 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Project Number Project Name Page 27 84 1h Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation Project South 2Iih Street to State Route 167 30 28 West Valley Road at South 2771h Street Intersection Improvement 31 Project 29 Military Road at South 272"d Street Intersection Improvement 32 Project 30 Southeast 2241h/228 1h Street Corridor Project 33 Military Road to 54 1h Avenue South 31 Military Road Widening Project-Phase I 34 Reith Road to Kent-Des Moines Road (State Route 5 I 6) 32 Miscellaneous Traffic Signal System Installation 35 33 Central Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Project 36 Willis Street (SR 5 I 6) to Green River Bridge 34 South 224 1h/228 1 h Street Corridor Project 37 841h Avenue to Benson (State Route 5 I 5) CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 1999 South 272nd/277 1h Street Corridor Project Auburn Way North to Kent-Kangley Road (State Route 516) Construct a new five-lane roadway from Auburn Way to the Kent- Kangley Road (State Route 516), via South 277th Street, Southeast 274th Street, and ll61h A venue Southeast, including a new bridge over the Green River, and a modification to the traffic signals at the intersections of South 2771h Street and Auburn Way North and at 116 1h Avenue Southeast and the Kent-Kangley Road (State Route ~ 16). Project will include the construction of full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, bike paths, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering .............. $1 ,900,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............ $3,200,000 Construction .............................. $21 ,400,000 TOTAL ..................................... $26,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIA, City of Kent, LID Funded, LID Pending, Portions under construction as of 7 /1996 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Canyon Drive/SR 516 is infeasible to widen to accommodate either existing or forecast traffic volumes. based upon existing topographic constraints through the Mill Creek ravine, and pre-existing development. Additional constraints are created by the discontinuity in the route of SR 516. Adequate additional east-west capacity to accommodate growth in the Lake Meridian and Covington areas is only available through construction of a new arterial roadway. Provides continuous arterial from Kent East Hill to SR 167 to Interstate 5. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, UATA-Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 4 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 1999 PROJECT: South 1961b/200 1b Street Corridor Project Orillia Road to West Valley Highway (State Route 181) DESCRIPTION: Construct a new five-lane roadway form Orillia Road to Russell Road, and widen Russell Road/South 1961h Street to West Valley Highway (State Route 181 ), including a new bridge over the Green River, Signalization of the intersection of South 200 1h Street at Orillia Road, and a modification to the traffic signal at the intersection of South 1961h Street at West Valley Highway. Project will include the construction of full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, bike paths, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................. $781 ,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............ $2.32.3,000 Construction ................................ $9,396,000 TOTAL ..................................... $12,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIA, King County, City of Kent, LID Funded. LID Pending, Portions under construction as of6/l997 PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The South 180 1h Street/Carr Road and South 208 1h/212'h Street 'corridors' are infeasible to widen to accommodate forecast traffic volumes without additional east-west capacity, based upon existing development and topographic constraints. Additional capacity is required to accommodate existing and continued development in the northern industrial area of the City. Both South !80th Street and South 212th Street have at-grade crossings for both the UP and BNSF railroads, which hampers east-west freight mobility. Adequate additional east-west grade-separated capacity is also required to accommodate growth in the South Renton and Kent East Hill areas. Provides first phase of continuous arterial from 140 1 h Avenue Southeast to Benson Highway to Interstate 5. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 5 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM \1EAJR: 1999 PROJECT: South 196 1h/200 1h Street Corridor Project West Valley Highway (State Route181) to East Valley Highway DESCRIPTION: Construct a new five-lane roadway from West Valley Highway to East Valley Road, including a new bridge over the Union Pacific and the Burlington Northern Railroads' mainlines; Widen South 1961h Street between West Valley Highwav and 72nd Avenue South, signalization of the intersection of South 196 1r, Street at East Valley Road. Widen 801 h A venue South. Project will include the construction of full-width paving, bridges, concrete curbs. gutters and sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, bike paths [from West Valley Highway to the Interurban Trail], landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. Portion under construction as of 711998. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering .............. $1 ,500,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............ $4. 700.000 Construction .............................. $15.800.000 TOTAL ..................................... $22,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIA, City of Kent. LID Funded. LID Pending, RIW acquired PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The South 1801h Street/Carr Road and South 208 1h/2lth Street 'corridors' are infeasible to widen to accommodate forecast traffic volumes without additional east-west capacity, based upon existing development and topographic constraints. Additional capacity is required to accommodate existing and continued development in the northern industrial area of the City. Both South 180th Street and South 212th Street have at-grade crossings for both the UP and BNSF railroads, which hampers east-west freight mobility. Adequate additional east-west grade-separated capacity is also required to accommodate growth in the South Renton and Kent East Hill areas. Provides second phase of continuous arterial from 1401h Avenue Southeast to Benson Highway to Interstate 5. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal), (U) Urban. (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement. (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA-Transportation Improvement Account. UATA-Urban Trust Account [State); LID- Local Improvement District 6 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: 1999 Reith Road/W. Meeker Street at Kent-Des Moines Road Intersection Improvement Project DESCRIPTION: Widen Reith Road and West Meeker Street from a point 500 feet west of the Kent-Des Moines Road to the Frager Road. Construct paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, bike paths, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................... $17,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....................... S-O- Construction ..................................... $83.000 TOTAL .......................................... $! 00,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP (U), City of Kent Funded, Design approval by DOT pending PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: West Meeker Street experiences considerable congestion during the morning and evening commute hours -in part, as a consequence of the signal system phasing, the high commuter traffic volumes resulting from the 'attraction· to the commercial land-uses between Washington Avenue and Russell Road. and the constriction created by the two-lane bridge over the Green River. Additional capaCity is required to accommodate existing and continued development m this area of the City. These interim improvements will partially accommodate these conditions until the long-term, ultimate widening of West Meeker Street. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal]. (U) Urban. (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA-Transportation Improvement Account. UATA-Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local improvement District 7 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 1999 -2004 PROJECT: Citywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements DESCRIPTION: Make miscellaneous improvements to the City's Bicycle Route and Pedestrian system. Potential projects include improvements to 1 00 1h A venue Southeast north of James Street, Southeast 248th Street east of 94 1h Avenue South, and 152"d Way southeast. north of Southeast 272"d Street. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................... $40,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....................... $-0- Constructlon ................................... $460.000 TOTAL .......................................... $500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP (E), City of Kent Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by compliance with the City's CTR [Commute Trip Reduction] Ordinance and the City Comprehensive Plan, to reduce peak hour single-occupant vehicle trips, encourage the use of non- motorized transportation modes. and provide safe routes for school-age pedestrians and cyclists. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal), rU) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA-Transportation Improvement Account. UATA-Urban Trust Account [State); LID- Local Improvement District 8 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 1999 -2004 PROJECT: Citywide Guardrail and Safety Improvements DESCRIPTION: Make miscellaneous guardrail improvements each year to enhance motorist safety. Candidate projects include the westerly shoulder at the intersection of 94th Avenue/South 222"d Street, Frager Road, lOOth Avenue Southeast (near the 22600 block), West Valley Road (north of the 27200 block). Upgrade existing guardrail end-treatments as mandated by State and Federal regulations. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................... $15,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....................... $-0- Construction ................................... $165,000 TOTAL .......................................... $180,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP (E), HES, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by compliance with Federal and State regulations, and the requirement to eliminate potentially hazardous roadway conditions. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements. (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, UATA-Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 9 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 1999 -2000 PROJECT: Interurban Trail Crossings Signal Interconnect at, Meeker Street, and E. Smith Street Signal Systems DESCRIPTION: Interconnect the existing traffic signals at the interurban Trail crossings at Meeker Street, and Smith Street to the UP crossing signals at said streets. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................... $\ 0,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....................... $-0- Construction ................................... $195,000 TOTAL .......................................... $205,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP (E), City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is required in order to upgrade the existing warning system originally installed by the Union Pacific Railroad a number of years ago. These improvements will provide the necessary improved advanced warning required to meet the increasing rail traffic demands that are projected with the addition of Commuter Rail service and increased commercial freight ·usage. By improving the Interurban Trail signals at Meeker Street and Smith Street, this will enable them to be activated by approaching trains and thus eliminating any potential traffic backups across the railroad tracks. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements. (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account. UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 10 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 1999 PROJECT: Washington Avenue (State Route 181) High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes Project James Street to Green River Bridge DESCRIPTION: Widen Washington Avenue (State Route 181) to seven lanes [two general purpose lanes each direction, one H.O.V. lane in each direction, plus turn lanes} from Harrison Street to State Route 516 (Kent-Des Moines Road), and four lanes south to the Green River Bridge, and modify the existing traffic signal systems at the intersections of Washington Avenue at West Meeker Street and Kent-Des Moines Road (State Route 516). Project will include the construction of full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters and 1 0-foot wide sidewalks/bicycle-ways, street lighting, storm drainage, bike paths, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. Add curbs, gutters, sidewalks and drainage (Harrison Street to James only). PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................. $160,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $300,000 Construction ................................... $946,000 TOTAL ....................................... $1,406,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP (U), UATA, City of Kent, LID Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by compliance with the City's CTR [Commute Trip Reduction] Ordinance and the City Comprehensive Plan, and the Puget Sound Regional Council's Vision 2020 to reduce peak hour single- occupant vehicle trips by encouraging high occupancy vehicle capacity. Washington Avenue is a regionally-significant north-south arterial heavily used by commuters for access from SR 516 and SR 167, to the industrial/commercial land uses in the Green River Valley. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID -· Local Improvement District II CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 1999 PROJECT: Pacific Highway South (State Route 99) H.O.V. Lanes-Phase I Kent-Des Moines Road (State Route 516) to South 252 8 d Street DESCRIPTION: Widen Pacific Highway South to provide a ,pair of High Occupancy Vehicle lanes from the Kent-Des Moines Road (State Route 516) to South 252 8 d Street, reconstruct existing sidewalks, provide a ten-foot wide concrete sidewalk/bicycle path, and modify the existing traffic signal systems at the Kent-Des Moines Road, South 240th Street, and at South 252"d Street. Project will include paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and 10- foot wide sidewalks/bicycle-ways, storm drainage syst~ms, utilities, landscaping, and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................. $466,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $500,000 Construction ................................ $3.772,000 TOTAL ....................................... $4,688,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP (U), TIA, UATA, City of Kent, LID P.E. Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by compliance with the City's CTR [Commute Trip Reduction] Ordinance and the City Comprehensive Plan, and the Puget Sound Regional Council's Vision 2020 to reduce peak hour single- occupant vehicle trips by encouraging high occupancy vehicle capacity. Pacific Highway South (SR 99) is a regionally-significant north-south arterial heavily used by commuters for access from South King county to the employment centers in South Seattle, and provides alternative access to Interstate 5 to Sea-Tac airport. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, [/ATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 12 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 1999 Green River Valley Traffic Signal Coordination Project West Valley Highway-Kent -Des Moines Road to South 1801b Street South 180 1h Street-West Valley Highway to Benson Highway Complete the design report for the Inter-agency traffic signal coordination project involving the Cities of Kent, Tukwila, and Renton, King County, and the Washington State Department of Transportation. Signal coordination recommendations to be made for West Valley Highway, from Kent-Des Moines Road to Interstate 405, and on South 2801h Street form West Valley Highway to Benson Highway (State Route 515), implement the recommendations. therein. and monitor the net level-of- service improvements. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ..................... $5,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....................... $-0- Construction ........................................... $-0- TOTAL .............................................. $5,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent Funded, Project Ongoing PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Optimize the efficiency of north-south traffic flow along the most critical north-south surface street and the highest volume east-west arterial in the northern Green River Valley. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban. (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/ Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account. UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 13 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM llEAJR: 1999 PROJECT: James Street at Central Avenue Intersection Improvement Project DESCRIPTION: Widen the easterly leg of the James Street at C!'!ntral Avenue intersection to provide an exclusive right-tum lane for westbound traffic on James Street, and widen the northerly leg of the intersection to provide an exclusive right-tum lane for southbound traffic bound for the King County Regional Justice Center, King County/METRO Downtown Kent Park and Ride Lot, and the (potential) RTA Station site. Project will also modify the existing traffic signalization system. Project will include the construction of paving, concrete curbs. gutters and sidewalks; street lighting; storm drainage facilities; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................... $25,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $200,000 Construction ................................... $525.000 TOTAL .......................................... $750,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): UATA, RTA. City ofKent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This intersection is heavily_ impacted by traffic coming off of the Kent East Hill, and traffic bound to/from the King County Regional Justice Center, to accommodate the heavy right-tum volumes in the southbound and westbound directions -in both the morning and evening commute hours. Southbound traffic is severely impacted by the congestion further south on Central A venue -and the consequent impacts to southbound through traffic at this intersection. This results in a significant 'cut- through' across the private property on the northwest comer of the intersection. Project will support improved access into the Downtown area. as well as to the R T A Commuter Rail station site, and the increased traffic generated by the changes in land-use in the Downtown area. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account. UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 14 CITY OF .KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 1999 -2004 PROJECT: Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad/Union Pacific Railroad Grade Separation Project South 212 1h Street, James Street and/or Willis Street/State Route 516 · DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separations of both the Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad's and Union Pacific Railroad's main line tracks at the South 212th Street, and at either James Street or Willis Street/State Route 516. Project will support the increased number of trains through the City resulting from the re-opening of the BNSF Railroad's Stampede Pass line and increased activity through the Ports of Seattle and Tacoma, as well as the commuter rail operations of the RTA. Project will ultimately include the construction of bridge structures, ground-water pumping systems, full- width paving, concr:ete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering .............. $5,000,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............ $3,000,000 Construction .............................. $38,000,000 TOTAL ..................................... $46,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): P.E.: City ofKent, State, RTA P.E. (Prelim. Study Only) Funded · PROJECT Construction: STP (U), State, City of Kent, Regional Transit Authority, Burlington Northern/Santa Fe Railroad and Union Pacific/Southern Pacific Railroad JUSTIFICATION: The level of freight and passenger rail traffic on both the UP/SP and BNSF Railroads' mainlines is dramatically increasing as a consequence of positive economic conditions in the Puget Sound area and the approved RTA plan. East-west freight and commuter mobility in the Green River Valley will soon reach a point of being significantly impacted by continued private development competing with the increased rail traffic -also created by private development activities and regional trade. Grade-separations are required to mitigate past and future development and increased rail traffic to maintain east-west mobility. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements. (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination. TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District IS CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ~AJR; 1999 PROJECT; Southeast 2401h Street Widening Project 1161h Avenue Southeast to 1361h Avenue Southeast DESCRIPTION; Widen Southeast 240 1h Street to provide a fiv~-lane roadway, including four general-purpose travel lanes, a center left-tum lane, and a Class II bicycle facility. Modify the existing traffic signal systems at the intersections of 132"d Avenue SE, ll61h Avenue Southeast, and construct a new signal at the intersection of 120 1h Avenue SE. Project will include the construction of full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting, storm drainage, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................. $! 00,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $400,000 Construction ................................ $3.326,000 TOTAL ..................................... $3,826,000* *City Share FUNDING SOURCE(S): King County, City of Kent Funded, Construction 8197 [by King County-Lead AgenCJ} PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development of the East Hill/Panther Lake area in King Co. and northern Kent East Hill has reached the point whereby a consistent five-lane roadway section is required to provide safe left-tum access into the adjoining properties. and accommodate past development in the area. Further, shoulder improvements: concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks. and bicycle-ways, are required to provide control of roadway drainage and prevent impacts to adjacent property owners. and to provide safe access for school-age pedestrians and cyclists, and general access needs to the area surrounding the Meridian Junior High School. STP -Surface Transportation Program (Federal], (U} Urban. (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 16 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: 1999-2004 American With Disabilities Act Compliance Sidewalk Repair and Rehabilitation Program Project DESCRIPTION: Reconstruct and repair ex1stmg sidewalks and pedestrian ramps, and install new hard surfaced sidewalks to implement the requirements of the Federal Government's American With Disabilities Act. Project will include an inventory of the City's sidewalk/walkway facilities, identification and correction of existing deficiencies. Project will include the construction of concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; minor storm drainage, and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................. $180.000 Right of Way Acquisition ....................... $-0- Construction ................................ $1.620,000 TOTAL ....................................... $1,800,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent Funded. Project on-going PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by the Federal Government's American's with Disabilities Act. Repairs ex1stmg sidewalks, replaces deficient/substandard and/or missing wheelchair/pedestrian ramps, and brings same into compliance with the adopted Federal standards. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (Uj Urban, (Cj Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality: HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA-Transportation Improvement Account. UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 17 -----·--··-···---···-···· ... ······· .... ., ...... ,. ......................... -..•. -.......... , __ ....... . ··········-······-···-··--·-.. -·-·"''"·-··· . .,, ........ -.. --~···-········-·······--.. ······-······-··---·· CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 1999-2004 Commuter/Shopper Shuttle Bus Project Provide enhanced transit service in the Dowt1town Kent business area through the use of a fixed route shuttle service, with demand-responsive routing capabilities. Service route points to include AM/PM peak hour service to new Sound Transit rail station, Aukeen District court, South King County Activity Center [SKCAC), South King County Regional Justice Center, and D.S.H.S. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ......................... $-0- Right of Way Acquisition ....................... $-0- Construction ................................... $503,000 TOTAL ........................................ $503,000* *City share Lead Agency-King County Department of Metropolitan Services FUNDING SOURCE(S): Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: STP (CMAQ). Metro. City of Kent STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, UATA-Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 18 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 1999 PROJECT: Canyon Drive Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Project Alvord Avenue 971h Place South DESCRIPTION: Improve Canyon Drive (State Route 516) by extending the ex1stmg sidewalks along the southerly side of Canyon Drive, and construct new concrete sidewalks along the southerly side of Canyon Drive, between Alvord Avenue and 94th Avenue South. and widen the pavement along the southerly side of the roadway to provide a bicycle facility. Project will include the construction of paving, concrete curbs, gutter~, and sidewalks; street lighting, minor storm drainage. and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................... $46,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....................... $-0- Construction ................................... $630,000 TOTAL .......................................... $676,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent Funded PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by compliance with the City's CTR [Commute Trip Reduction] Ordinance and the City Comprehensive Plan, to reduce peak hour single-occupant vehicle trips. and encourage the use of non- motorized transportation modes. Project is rated by SCATBd as one of the highest priority projects in South King County. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban. (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/ Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, UATA -Urban Trust Account [State); LID- Local Improvement District 19 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1nEAJR: 1999 PROJECT: West Meeker Street Widening Project-Phase 1 Washington Avenue (State Route 181) to 641h Avenue South DESCRIPTION: Widen West Meeker Street to provide a five-lane roadway, including four general-purpose travel lanes, a center left-tum lane, and a bicycle facility, and modify the existing traffic signal system at the intersections of 64th Avenue South and Washington Avenue. Project will include the construction of full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and 1 0-foot wide sidewalks/bicycle-ways: street lighting, storm drainage, utilities and appurtenances PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................. $175,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $250,000 Construction ................................ $1.075.000 TOTAL ....................................... $1,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): UATA, City ofKent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of Meeker Street has reached the point whereby a consistent five-lane roadway section is required to accommodate through traffic. Existing traffic volumes that exceed 25.000 ADT, west of the intersection of Washington Avenue, mandate a five-lane section to accommodate additional development. Shoulder improvements consisling of 1 0-foot wide sidewalks/bicycle-paths are required to provide safe access for school-age pedestrians to/from the new elementary school south of Meeker. on 64 1h Avenue South. and maintain this street as a primary bicycle route. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal), (U) Urban. (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements. (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA-Transportation Improvement Account. UATA-Urban Trust Account [State); LID- Local Improvement District 20 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: PROJECT: DESCRIPTION: 1999 Southeast 2561b Street Widening Project-Phase I 116 1h Avenue Southeast to 136 1h Avenue Southeast Widen Southeast 240th Street to provide a thre~-lane roadway, including two general-purpose travel lanes, a center left-tum lane, plus additional laneage at key intersections, and a bicycle facility. Modify the existin~ traffic signal systems at the intersections of 1161 h Avenue Southeast, 1241 Avenue Southeast and 132nd Avenue SE. Widen cross-streets to construct curb returns at the proper locations at same intersections. Project will include the construction of full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and 10-foot wide sidewalks/bicycle-ways; street lighting, storm drainage utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................. $340,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $500.000 Construction ................................ $4.767,000 TOTAL ....................................... $5,407 ,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIA. City of Kent, LID TIA Funding Secured [Transportation from King County} PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development in the Lake Meridian and Meridian Country Club areas of the City, the City of Covington, and nearby areas within King Co. has rt:ached the point whereby a consistent three-lane roadway section is required to provide safe left-turn access into the adjoining properties, and accommodate past development in the area. Further, shoulder improvements: concrete curbs. gutters. sidewalks and bicycle- ways, are required to provide control of roadway drainage and prevent impacts to adjacent property owners, and to provide safe access for school-age pedestrians and cyclists, and general access needs to the area surrounding the Meridian Elementary School. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (Uj Urban. (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/ Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA-Transportation Improvement Account. UATA-Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 21 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1nEAUR: 2000 PROJECT: 116 1h Avenue Southeast Street Widening Project SE 2561h Street to Kent-Kangley (SR 516) DESCRIPTION: Widen !16th Avenue Southeast to provide a thr~e-lane roadway, including two general-purpose travel lanes, a center left-tum lane, and a Class II bicycle facility. Project will include the construction of paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and 1 0-foot wide sidewalks/bicycle ways; paved shoulders, street lighting, storm drainage. utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................. $! 00,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $150,000 Construction ................................... $800,000 TOTAL ....................................... $1,050,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): UATA, City ofKent. LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: Traffic studies have denoted that once the 277 1h Corridor project is opened for use, heavy traffic demand will be placed on this section of !16th A venue which will act to funnel east/west movement on Southeast 256 1h Street to the 277th Corridor route. STP -Surface Transportation Program (Federal], (U) Urban. (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements. (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, UATA -Urban Trust Account (State]; LID- Local Improvement District CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 1999 PROJECT: Sound Transit Commuter Rail Stationffransit Center DESCRIPTION: Perform supplementary engineering analysis ~th regard to access and rail/motor vehicle issues associated with the site of the RTA commuter rail station. Design and construct related roadway and pedestrian improvements attributed to the station. Project will include paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, storm drainage systems, utilities, landscaping, and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................. $150,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $300,000 Construction ................................ $1.050,000 TOTAL ....................................... $! ,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): RTA, STP (U), UATA, CMAQ, HES, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The RTA commuter rail station is expected to generate approximately 290 new trips (580 trip ends and not including METRO bus trips), in 2010. These new trips will have a significant impact on the City's transportation system, in terms of traffic congestion. Further the logistics associated with railroad tracks and the proximity thereof to Central Avenue. present rail/motor-vehicle and rail/pedestrian concerns. As such. this project is required to assure reasonable movement of motor- vehicles and pedestrians into this commercial sub-area of Downtown Kent; and assuring that traffic safety issues are minimized. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban. (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account. UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 23 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 1999 PROJECT: Pacific Highway South (State Route 99) H.O.V. Lanes-Phase II South 252nd Street to South 272nd Street (Southerly City Limits) DESCRIPTION: Widen Pacific Highway South to provide a pair of High Occupancy Vehicle lanes from South 252"d ·street to South 272"ct Street, reconstruct existing 1 0-foot wide sidewalks/bicycle-ways, provide a ten-foot wide concrete sidewalk/bicycle path, and modify the existing traffic signal systems at the Fred Meyer Shopping Center, South 2601h Street, and South 272"ct Street. Project will include paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and 10- foot wide sidewalks/bicycle-ways. storm drainage systems, utilities, landscaping, and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................. $400.000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $500,000 Construction ................................ $4.000,000 TOTAL ....................................... $4,900,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP (U). TIA. UATA, City ofKent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: This project is mandated by compliance with the City's CTR [Commute Trip Reduction] Ordinance and the City Comprehensive Plan, and the Puget Sound Regional Council's Vision 2020 to reduce peak hour single- occupant vehicle trips by encouraging high occupancy vehicle capacity. Pacific Highway South (SR 99) is a regionally-significant north-south arterial heavily used by commuters for access from South King County to the employment centers in South Seattle. and provides alternative access to Interstate 5 to Sea-Tac airport. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements. (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account. UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 24 ''' ~•••-•n•-~'"''''"--'' ,,_, .. ,__ __ ,,~,, .. ,,,, '"' •>••--•-···••~··•••· ·•-•••·••• •«•-• •••••~••·••••-·~--~·· --------·----·----""'"'''"'''''''''""' , .... ~ ... , ..... , ........ ,_.fl_. ___ .. ,, .................. ,_ .... . CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM \1EAJR: 1999 PROJECT: 132nd Avenue Southeast Widening Project-Phase I Southeast 256th Street to Kent-Kangley Road (State Route 516) DESCRIPTION: Widen 132"d Avenue Southeast to provide a fi~e-lane roadway, including four general-purpose travel lanes, a center left-tum lane, and a bicycle facility, modifying the existing traffic signal systems where appropriate, at the intersections of Southeast 256th Street, and Kent-Kangley Road. Project will include the construction of full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and 10-foot wide sidewalks/bicycl~-ways; street lighting, storm drainage, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................. $480,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $500,000. Construction ................................ $3 .877,600 TOTAL ....................................... $4,857 ,600 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City ofKent. LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of 132"d Avenue has already reached the point whereby a consistent five-lane roadway section is required to provide safe left-tum access into the adjoining propertied and accommodate forecast traffic volumes. Existing traffic volumes that exceed 20,000 ADT (near the intersection of 132"d A venue Southeast and the Kent-Kangley Road) mandates an augmentation to a five-lane section. Further, shoulder improvements: concrete curbs, gutters, and 1 0-foot wide sidewalks/bicycle-ways. are required to provide control of roadway drainage and prevent impacts to adjacent property owners, and to provide safe access for school-age pedestrians and cyclists, and general access needs to the METRO Park and Ride lot. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (Cj Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 25 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 1999 PROJECT: South 212 1h Street Pavement Rehabilitation Project Green River Bridge to West Valley Highway (State Route 181) DESCRIPTION: Remove and rehabilitate the existing roadway pavement to add additional lifespan to the roadway, between the Green River Bridge and the West Valley Highway (State Route 181 ). Project will include the removal and the replacement of the upper two inches (2") of the existing pavement in the curb (#2) travel lanes in both directions, and a full-width asphaltic concrete overlay of the entire roadway. Project will also include the selective replacement of catch basin inlets and aprons, ·driveways, and curbs and gutters. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................... $43,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....................... $-0- Construction ................................... $607,000 TOTAL .......................................... $650,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP (U), City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The existing paving along this section of South 21 ih Street is exhibiting signs of distress. as demonstrated by alligatoring, longitudinal cracking, and cracking of the curbs and gutters. The design lifespan of the roadway has been reached, necessitating reconstruction of the paving to extend the lifespan of the roadway. and prevent further degradation. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban. (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account. UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 26 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2001 PROJECT: Military Road at Reith Road Intersection Improvement Project DESCRIPTION: Widen the east and west legs of the Milit~ Road at Reith Road intersection to provide exclusive left-tum lanes for traffic on Reith Road, and an exclusive right-tum lane for northbound traffic on Military Road. Modify the existing traffic signalization system. Project will include the construction of paving, paved shoulders; street lighting, storm drainage, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................... $65,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....................... $-0- Construction ................................... $485,000 TOTAL .......................................... $550,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): UATA, City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development on the Kent West Hill, coupled with the growth in the Puget Sound area and the regularly-occurring congestion along both Pacific Highway South and Interstate 5, results in significant congestion at this intersection in the morning and evening peak hours. Forecast v/c ratios will exceed the adopted standard unless interim improvements are made to provide additional capacity. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (Cj Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account. UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 27 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM '1[AJR: 2001 PROJECT: West Meeker Street Widening Project-Phase II Green River Bridge to Kent-Des Moines Road (State Route 516) DESCRIPTION: Widen West Meeker Street to provide a five-lane roadway, including four general-purpose travel lanes, a center left-tum lane, and a bicycle facility. Construct second bridge over the Green River parallel to the existing structure. Project will include the construction of full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and 1 0-foot wide sidewalks/bicycle-ways; street lighting, storm drainage, utilities and appurtenances. Project will also include the construction of a concrete span bridge over the river. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................. $376,000 Right of Way Acquisition ................. $60,000 Construction ................................ $2, 130,000 TOTAL ......................................... $2,566,00 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP (BR), UATA. City ofKent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of Meeker Street has already reached the point whereby the existing three-lane roadway section is inadequate to accommodate existing or forecast traffic volumes. Existing traffic volumes that exceed 26,000 ADT (west of the Riverbend Golf Course) mandate an augmentation to a four-lane section. Further. shoulder improvements: concrete curbs, gutters, and 1 0-foor wide sidewalks/bicycle-ways. are required to provide control of roadway drainage and prevent impacts to adjacent property owners, and to provide safe access for school-age pedestrians and cyclists, and general access needs to the area. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements. (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 28 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ~AJR: 2001 PROJECT: 94 1h Avenue South at Canyon Drive (SR 516) Traffic Signal System DESCRIPTION: Install a multi-purpose traffic signalization sys,tem at the intersection of 94th Avenue South at Canyon Drive (SR 516). Project will include pavement widening of 94th Avenue South from South 248th Street to Canyon Drive (SR 516), construction of curbs, gutters and concrete sidewalks, bicycle-ways, retaining walls/rockeries, construction of a turn island at the intersection of Canyon Drive, and construct safety improvement in the form of a right-tum deceleration lane on westbound Canyon Drive. Along the northerly side of Canyon Drive, reconstruct the existing curbs and walkways to meet current City Standards. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................... $50,000 Right of Way Acquisition ................. $60,000 Construction ................................... $540,000 TOTAL .......................................... $650,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): U AT A, City of Kent. Mitigation Agreements, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development activity in this area has reached the stage, and the combination of travel speeds and traffic volumes along Canyon Drive have reached the levels, whereby a traffic signalization system is appropriate to provide safe access into the local residential areas bounded by 94th Avenue South, 104th Avenue South, and Southeast 240th Street/James Street. Further, signal improvements are required to provide safe access for pedestrians to/from the METRO bus routes along the Canyon Drive. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA-Transportation Improvement Account. UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 29 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2001 PROJECT: 84 1h Avenue South Pavement Rehabilitation Project South 212'h Street to State Route 167 . . DESCRIPTION: Remove and rehabilitate the existing roadwal pavement to add additional lifespan to the roadway, between South 212 Street and State Route 167. Project will include the removal and replacement of the existing pavement in the curb (#2) travel lanes in both directions, and a full-width asphaltic concrete overlay of the entire roadway. Project will also include the selective replacement of catch basin inlets and aprons. driveways, and curbs and gutters. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................... $46,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....................... $-0- Construction ................................... $454.000 TOTAL ............................................ $500,00 -FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP (U), City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The existing paving along this section of 84°' Avenue South is showing signs of structural distress, as demonstrated by alligatoring, longitudinal cracking, and cracking of the curbs and gutters. Along many of the sections of the street that have been widened in conjunction with private development, there exists an inverted crown at the former curb line. This results in pending of stormwater in the street along the seam line. increasing the rate of failure of the roadway paving. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U} Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account. UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 30 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM )1[AJR: 2001 PROJECT: West Valley Road at South 2771h Street Intersection Improvement Project DESCRIPTION: Widen West Valley Road to extend the existing southbound left turn and right-tum lanes at the intersection of South 2771h Street. Project will also include the construction of paved shoulders, street lighting, storm drainage, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................... $45,000 Right of Way Acquisition ................. $50,000 Construction ................................... $225,000 TOTAL .......................................... $350,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP (E), HES, UATA, City of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The traffic volumes at this intersection have reached the point whereby an extension of the existing right-tum and left-tum lanes are required to mitigate the congestion at the intersection and to accommodate additional development in the Green River Valley. Further, shoulder improvements are required to provide control of roadway drainage and prevent impacts to adjacent property owners. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban. (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements. (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, UATA-Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 31 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM \1[~: 2001 PROJECT: Military Road at South 272"d Street Intersection Improvement Project DESCRIPTION: Widen South 272"d Street and Military Road t~ extend the existing left- turn pockets on the west and north legs of the intersection. Widen the north leg of the intersection to extend the existing southbound left turn and add a right-tum lane at the intersection of South 272"d Street. Project will also include the construction of paving. concrete curbs and gutters, paved shoulders, street lighting, storm drainage, utilities. and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................... $75.000 Right of Way Acquisition ............... $] 00.000 Construction ................................... $575.000 TOTAL .......................................... $750,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP (E), HES, UATA, City of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The traffic volumes at this intersection have reached the point whereby an extension of the existing right-tum and left-tum lanes are required to mitigate the congestion at the intersection and to accommodate additional development in the Green River Valley. Further, shoulder improvements are required to provide control of roadway drainage and prevent impacts to adjacent property owners. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/ Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account. UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2002 PROJECT: South 2241h/228 1h Street Corridor Project Military Road to 541h Avenue South DESCRIPTION: Preliminary engineering and construction of a new five-lane roadway from SR 516 along Milita;:r Road to approximately the 2241h block, than from Military Road to 541 Avenue South, including a new bridge over the Green River. Project will include the construction of full-width paving, bridges. concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. Potentiitlly may include the installation of traffic signalization systems at the Corridor's intersections of military Road and Lakeside Boulevard. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering .............. $1 ,400.000 Right of Way Acquisition ............ $1 ,000,000 Construction ................................ $8.968.000 TOTAL ..................................... $11 ,368,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIA. City of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The James Street and Meeker Street 'corridors' are infeasible to widen sufficiently to accommodate forecast traffic volumes and future devdopment without additional east-west capacity, based upon existing development patterns and topographic constraints. Additional capacity is required to accommodate existing and continued development in the northern industrial area of the City. South 2lih Street has at-grade crossings for both the UP and BNSF railroads, which also hampers east- west freight mobility. Meeker Street currently represents the only east- west arterial which crosses the Green River between the State Route 516 and Orillia Road/South 188th Street interchanges on Interstate 5. Provides first phase of continuous arterial from Benson Highway to Interstate 5 though the industrial center of Kent. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/ Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account, UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 33 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2002 PROJECT: Military Road Widening Project-Phase I Reith Road to Kent-Des Moines Road (State Route 516) DESCRIPTION: Widen and re-channelize Military Road to provide an interim three-lane roadway, including two general-purpose travel lanes, and a center left-tum lane. Project will include the construction of paving; street channelization; street lighting, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................... $40,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....................... $-0- Construction ................................... $11 0,000 TOTAL .......................................... $150,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent PROJECT .ruSTIFICATION: The level of development along this section of Military Road has reached the point whereby a three-lane roadway section is required to accommodate through traffic and provide safe left-tum access into the commercial center southwest of the National Guard facility. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements. (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 34 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM )lEAJR: 2003 PROJECT: Miscellaneous Traffic Signal System Installation DESCRIPTION: Install a multi-phase traffic signalization system as determined to warranted. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................... $20,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....................... $-0- Construction ................................... $230,000 TOTAL .......................................... $250,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): City of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The level of development activity in various locations in the City has, or will, reach the stage whereby the combination of travel speeds and traffic volumes will warrant the installation of traffic signalization systems. The City· s Traffic Signal Priority List will be used to evaluate the recommended location. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements. (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account. UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 35 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2003 PROJECT: Central Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Project Willis Street (SR 516) to Green River Bridge DESCRIPTION: Remove and rehabilitate the existing roadway pavement to add additional lifespan to the roadway, between Willis Street (State Route 516) and the Green River Bridge. Project will include the removal and replacement of the upper two inches (2") of the existing pavement in the curb (#2) travel lanes in both directions, and a full-width asphaltic concrete overlay of the entire roadway. Project will also include the selective replacement of catch basin inlets and aprons, driveways, and curbs and gutters. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................... $15 ,000 Right of Way Acquisition ....................... $-0- Construction ................................... $360,000 TOTAL .......................................... $375,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP (U), City of Kent PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The existing paving along this section of Central Avenue is exhibiting signs of distress, as demonstrated by alligatoring, longitudinal cracking, and c"racking of the curbs and gutters. The design lifespan of the roadway has been reached. necessitating reconstruction of the paving to extend the lifespan ofthe roadway, and prevent further degradation. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban, (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR) Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality; HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA -Transportation Improvement Account. UATA -Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 36 CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM YEAR: 2004 PROJECT: South 224 1h/228 1h Street Corridor Project 84 1h Avenue to Benson (State Route 515) DESCRIPTION: Construct a new three to five-lane roadway fro}ll 84th Avenue to Benson Highway (SR 515), including a new bridge over SR 167, and modification to the traffic signal at the intersection of South 224th Street and 84th A venue. Project will include the construction of full-width paving, concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks, street lighting, storm drainage, bike paths, landscaping, utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering ................. $781 ,000 Right of Way Acquisition ............ $2.323,000 Construction ................................ $9.396.000 TOTAL ..................................... $12,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIA. King County, City of Kent, LID PROJECT JUSTIFICATION: The James Street and South 208lh/212lh Street 'corridors' are infeasible to widen to accommodate forecast traffic volumes without additional east- west capacity, based upon existing development and topographic constraints. Additional capacity is required to accommodate existing and continued development in the East Hill area of the City. STP -Surface Transportation Program [Federal], (U) Urban. (C) Statewide Competitive, (BR} Bridge Replacement, (E) Enhancements, (CMAQ) Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality~ HES -Hazard Elimination, TIA-Transportation Improvement Account, UATA-Urban Trust Account [State]; LID- Local Improvement District 37