HomeMy WebLinkAbout1502RESOLUTION NO. 15 0 ;L, A RESOLUTION of the City ofKent, Washington, regarding the vacation of a dedicated, open portion of South 188th Street located between 80th Place south and 80th A venue South, and setting the public hearing on the proposed street vacation for January 20, 1~8. WHEREAS, a petition, attached as Exhibit A, has been filed by various property owners to vacate a dedicated, unopened portion of South 188th Street located between 80th Place south and 80th Avenue South in the City of Kent, King County. Washington; and WHEREAS, these property owners own at least two-thirds of the property abutting that portion of South 188th Street that is now being sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the petition is in all respects proper. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A public hearing on the street vacation petition requesting the vacation of a portion of South 188th Street shall be held at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council at 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, January 20, 19~8, in the Council Chambers of City Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington, 98032. Section 2. The City Clerk shall give proper notice of the hearing and cause the notice to be posted as provided by state law, Chapter 35.79 RCW. 1 Section 3. The Planning director shall obtain the necessary approval or rejection or other information from the Public Works Department and other appropriate departments and shall transmit information to the Council so that the Council may consider the matter at its regularly scheduled meeting on January 20, I9t8. 0 Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council ofthe City of Kent, Washington this ~dayof ~' 1997. Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this _!l_day of ~ , 1 997. JI ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /6 0 J._, , passed by the City Council ofthe City of Kent, Washington. the 3._ day of ~·, 1997. EAL) P:\LA W\RESOLUTI\STVAC# !.RES 2 l.o\AIL TO: Gera1 d a. McCaughun. C!TY OF KENT 2.20 So. 4t.h Ave. Kent, WA 98032 ~~~me: ~: JF!iiSUCiil e!o Trammell Crow Company Aadr.ess: 1687 ·114th Avenue SE, Suite 250 ~.Bellevue~ W~ 98009 Phorie: _1425) 453-8600 STREET AJlO/OR ALLE.Y VkCATlOW APPLICATlOtl AJIO PET!TION Dear Mayor and K~n~ City Counci1: We, t:he under'!li.gned ahutt1 ng ·propert;.y owne.~s. hereby re·~ ec~fu1 1 y request 'that certain S. 188th hereby tle va.ca'ted. · (General Location) .Street R.o:.w. Legal Descrfpt1 on . ~ee.atta~hed lagal description SR:IEF. STA.TE!I'.BIT \o.'HY VACI.TION IS BE!tlli SOUGHT A PORTION OF TR~ SOUTH l88TH STREET RIGHT OF ¥AY LOCATED BETWEEN 80TH'PLACE SOUTH AND 80TH AVENUE' SOUTH LIES:= . .AD.IJACENT IO THE SUB.iECT PROFERIY.. THE EXISTING RIGI:l'I OF \lAY UIDTR IS 30'. CONDl'!lON-113 OF THE MONS ISStrED ON DECEMBER 10, 1992..FOR !'HE :rROPOSED DEVELOPMENT STATES 'IHAT IN LIEU OF PROVIDING ~ RICHT OF WAY DEDICATION; THAT rc>llTION OF· SOUTH ·188TH STREET MAY BE VACATED SUB.IECT IO ·;APPROVAL BY".::TBE CIT't. SINCE ACCESS TO tllE SITE. IS AVAli.AlSLE FROM BOTH 80TH FUC.E. SOtTrn AND 80TH AVENUE SOtr.PH. THE DEVELOPER I.S :REQUESTING TO VACA'!E THIS l'ORTION OF SOUIR. 188IH STREET TO OBTAIN 'l'HE ADDITIONAL PROP_r;RTY--. ': · . Sufficient proof, copy oi' deed cmtn~;i etc:. s:uppo'l"'ted by King Coun-ty T~x ~ol1s shal1 be sub~i~ted fbr.v~ri~icaticn of sign~tures. Without these a ·cuRRENT• title report shall be required. ~hen·Ccrparations. : Partne.rshiJl$ et!:. aN being signed far~ then proof of indiv1duat•s authol"'it,y to sign for S!lill! shall also be subllrltted. · .Atticll a color c:odeclllllp of a sc~le af no't. less than 1• =ZOO' of tbe a.rea sought far vac:a~ott. (MOTE) Map IIIUS~·eor~spond •,rftb legal description • ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS SIGNATURES AND ~DRESSES. * see attached · signature b 1 ock * see attached . TAX LoT I UlT. BLOCK & PLAT/SEC. 'TW. !tG 362304-902.6. (~NCP Phase IV & Vl SE 36-23-0AE · 362304-9004 {KNCP Phase I I I) signature b 1 09~---···-------S~E_3_6_-_2._3_-..,o_4_E ___ . ___ __.. $150.0Q F~e Paid ~pratsa1 ~ee Paid Lc.nd Value flaid Oeed Accepted Tnde Acc~ptcd ,Treasurer'!: Receipt No. Treasurer's Receipt ~o. Treasurer's Receipl: lJo. Oatc ·------------------------------- SPECIAL POWER OF ATTORNEY (Leases) (jJ :,~ ~1f0_r:.;j@@ "' 4.. "'Q7 U!J #, .. ~...., CITY OF KE~ CITY CLEA~T The undersigned, California state Teachers' Retirement System ("CALSTRS") and State of California Public Employees' Retirement System ("CALPERS"), being the sole joint venturers in Pacific Northwest Group A, a joint venture ("PNGA"), hereby appoint William G. Williams III as the true and lawful attorney for CALSTRS and CALPERS as joint venturers in PNGA, and in their name and stead, and for their use and benefit to execute all leases of PNGA real property, and all amendments, modifications, extensions a~d terminations thereof, as well as any and all necessary or appropriate related documentation for any and all real property now or hereafter owned by PNGA. Giving and granting unto our said attorney in fact full authority and power to do and perform any and all other acts necessary or incident to the performance and execution of the powers herein expressly granted with power to do and perform all acts authorized hereby; as fully to all intents and purposes as PNGA or the undersigned as its sole joint venturers might or could do if personally present. This Special Power of Attorney may be terminated as to real property located in a particular county by recording a written instrument of revocation in the office of the recorder or auditor of such county. Dated this \~ day of M I 1991. TEACHERS' Its: STATE OF CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM stment Officer CITY OF KENT NOV 0 41997 ENGINEEHif\JG DEPT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ) WITNESS my hand and official seal. ~the state STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) )ss. COUNTY OF SACRAMENTO ) of California. On _tpis 4 day ~C' J-; ... , in the year 1991, before me, ~Jn::&Ji.S_-h:.C:..s, a nota ~n and for said county and state, personally appeared -· , personally known to me (or proved to me on the asis of satist~E!R~X evidence) to be the person who executed t ' · s instrument as 'l!ft~rnvestment Officer of STATE OF CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM, and acknowledged to me that said public agency executed it. WITNESS my hand and official seal. ::JIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJ:IIIIIIIIlllllllllliJUIIHII!IliJJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIII~ ~ ~ DEBOR~.~ l. STOKES ~ ~ ~4~ r4-~f1 ·;Q~'.-I!Y ?vBUC.-CAUFOI!NIA § ~ 't;.•··~,i.~ · ·.~c:u.MENTO CaJNT"f g '" . :;y. ,..., eo, .......... Ex;li ..... No¥. -4, 1,.. s ·: :: • 0 ... ~·~·~Ht't! , .... !~ ~ ...... ' •..... I •••• t!lt• •••• , ............... ; .... .,.. ......... . CITY OF KENT Novo 41997 ENGJNr.:..··· · ,;;;;t::.HIJV(i Ut:.l'-' 11121197 16:56 FAX 2062518782 BARGHAUSE~ E::-.lG ~ 002/008 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (South 188th Street Right-of-Way To Be Vacated! CITY OF KENT CITY CLeRK The North 30.00 feet of the Southee&t quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 4 East. W.M .• lying West of 80th Plitce South, as conveyed to King County by deeds recorded under Recording Nos. 3542123 and 35421 24; AND That portion of the Southeast quarter of Section 36, Township 23 North, Range 4 East. W.M .• more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at the Northwest comer of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 36; ' THENCE South 01 o 47' 28" West, 30 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING. -Said point being further described as lying North 01 a 47' 28" East 1283.53 feet from the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 36; THENCE South 88" 17' 48" Eaat, 120 feet; THENCE South 74" 10' 17" We1it, 99.72 fest to a point of nontangent curvature to the left: THENCE along said curvs to the left, having a radius of 25 feet, the center of which bears South 01~ 42' 12" West, an arc di$1ance of 39.23 feet, through a central angle of 39° 54' 44•; THENCE North 01 o 47' zs· East. 55 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING, as conveyed to the City of Kent for street purposes under deed recorded under Recording No. 7501220005. PNjec:.t: Kcnr Nonh Corporate Park Novembef-21, 1997 DJS/smlbd. 6177L.001 RECEIVED PROPERTY MANAGEMENT DATE //-J'( -rz • I '' • .. n • .)...J,/V ,; 15"32''56• --:---._ / l. -= 51.60 R " 389.26 -, ~~. -~~~---~~~----;~~:--;~:-:;:::--=-:=--------~L~-=~1~0~5.64 --- EX. 10 ···~ 80TH PLACE SO. FX. 1u· w _____.r --~ ~4"SS ;.::> ------l,--ll------~s~~-~4~s~·o~r-~w~~==~~~==~~~~~~~-~-------~-~ ( ~a· !" 520.13' J J H -~ ~I I ~I (\? ~I ,~ I ·I ~, ~ I I 1 ' ... i.: ','\. 'i~ :" H. . ,- i. !-"'. +-t ... PROPOSED ACCESS TO LOT I LOT 1 AREA = 317,472 S.F. PROPOSED ACCESS TO LOT 2 /) k Brv'T NoRTI+ {o~p. rfr!Zk- LOT 2 tJor<PAc SI·TE AREA = 93,075 S.F. '• I~-~ iII ''I ~; :1 111 'iJ 'I .. _,, ..... -.• -oE~,_I_?~W Nl EX.[12'W -<f'F.M 468.32' 0 U . r ~~-r<'l_ -'rr -:.. : -, . =-·(c. -"· . __ ' ' ·__ --~--' --,.-; --' ~ ...-J.-_ ~ .. _____ tt--aoru-EX. 1e· so : t Ex. 72· ss [) ,:.. ~Ave-.----~:<.12· ss- ~ ~I I ~ ~·J • I z 11 1"4/'28' !:. 130.00' . 0 1{)--~ ':!a a,l'.i (%)0 cO' ST OHM DRAit-lAGE EASEMENT PER ~EC. NO. 7501220041 . r~ l:,_ 12· w -_,, ' -:. ·.·.:. ~ --:-.: ·_; II !:X. rs· ~;r, · (~---. -------· '