HomeMy WebLinkAbout1463RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of Washington, regarding portion of SE 266th St., public street, lying east the City of Kent, and hearing on the proposed May 7, 1996. the City of Kent, the vacation of a a dedicated, unopened of 128th Ave. SE. in setting the public street vacation for WHEREAS, a petition has been filed by various property owners to vacate a portion of SE 266th Street, a dedicated, unopened public street, lying east of 128th Avenue SE in the City of Kent, King County, Washington; and WHEREAS, these property owners own at least two-thirds of the property abutting that portion of SE 266th Street that is now being sought to be vacated; and WHEREAS, the petition is in all respects proper. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. A public hearing on the street vacation petition requesting the vacation of a portion of SE 266th Street shall be held at a regular meeting of the Kent City Council at 7:00 1 p.m., Tuesday, May 7, 1996, in the Council Chambers of City Hall located at 220 4th Avenue South, Kent, Washington, 98032. Section 2. The City Clerk shall give proper notice of the hearing and cause the notice to be posted as provided by law. Section 3. The Planning director shall obtain the necessary approval or rejection or other information from the Public Works Department and other appropriate departments and shall transmit information to the Council so that the Council may consider the matter at its regularly scheduled meeting on May 7, 1996. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington this 11 day of /Ylt:vtcf.--= 1996. Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, Washington, this /J. D-f1-t._ day of '-d21A._.'--L-l........,.h"""L:"'"""'".A~------, 19 9 6 . ATTEST: BR:KNDA JACOBER, CITY CLERK 1 :)EPUTY 'J) 0 A) A.) fi sw fli-t) 2 APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. ----~'~Lf~~-3 _______ , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the /1 day of /11CiA~ 1996. -tM\doa"'-~z....· u.'/uY..<J.u;L~..,:.4:y.:~.~..c..-' ""'ca~u'""":.__'-----(SEAL) BREUDA: JACOBER, CITY CLERK, J)EP~I'-( :Do tJ N .A ..s w A w STVAC#ll.res 3 ~ . . . ' . ~I ~-\ .. , . ( l._ '~!''!'I" )I •I ·-~ MAIL TO: CI'fY OF KENT Property Management 220 So. 4th Ave. Kent, WA 98032 Attn: .Te.rr} Mc..C.a.u{}h ct...n APPLICANT: NAME: Address: Phone: ~ ~'~R ~ ~ !6~ ill] CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK 6e&' ,;q..e f3. webb J n v Til A -~ 7-0 5"2-L{-{ 7-'5'-ffLie., 0,c=, Ken+--, U/lL C( "6 0 '31 I STREET AND/OR ALLEY VACATION APPLICATION AND PETITION Dear Mayor and Kent city Council: We, the undersigned abutting property own~rs, that certain Q.C:::. z.M;; 7!Lst hereby be vacated. hereby respectfully request (General Location) E..a. s t' b ~ 1·2-r:f -:ct. A-ve, c.;., E. Legal description (Must Contain Total Square Feet of Area Sought To Be Vacated) BRIEF STATEMENT WHY VACATION IS BEING SOUGHT Sufficient proof, copy of deed contract etc. supported by King County Tax Rolls shall be submitted for verification of signatures. Without these a 11 CURRENT 11 title report shall be required. When Corporations, PartnershipS. etc.-are being signed for, then proof of individual's authority to Sign for same shall also be submitted. Attach a color coded map of a scale of not less than 1 11 = 200 1 of the area sought for vacation. (NOTE) Map must correspond with legal description. 5224 -33A 'l'AX LO'r # LOT, BLOCK & PLAT/SEC. TWN. RG Z-65}Pf tz'IJT!I-/1-ve. SliZ /.(oe-""1 f-. lt.!<L Cf9CJ"51 7-'&2-2-05-'102"{--00 I i 2-$ ;:>:z._ s. E. '2-6 ~ l.Lj,t; 1<"41 i, w.4 '1f?o·31 -z_<;;-z--z..otJ-7-z--'-tf>-03 Treasurer • s Receipt No. 1 3"'-f .3C Treasurer's Receipt No. Treasurer's Receipt No. Date ______________________________ __ Date ______________ ~~~--rr-~.------JF' /\ ll JD.J MAr? '' 19~11) CITY Ul :<H·l t TRF./\SI JP'. 220 4th AVE. SO., I KENT, WASHINGTON 98032-5895 I ENGINEERING (206)859-3383 I OPERA liONS (206)859 3395 1 FAX# 859-3334 STREET VACATION APPUCATION cont'd. -S.E. 266th Street ~~;! ~:,!6&@ Legal description: CITY OF KENT CITY CLERK That portion of S.E. 266th Street lying within the West 112 of the Northeast 114 of the Southeast 114 of Section 28 Township 22 Range 05, King County, Washington, except that portion, if any, lying within 128th Ave. S.E. The total area to be vacated is approximately 28,670 square feet: Property No. 282205-9024-00 = 8,610 square feet (30 feet by 287 feet). Property No. 282205-9245-03 = 6, 860 square feet (20 feet by 343 feet). Property No. 282205-9025-09 = 13,200 square feet (20 feet by 660 feet). Why Vacation is being sought: This vacation is desired so that the 30 feet of right-of-way adjacent to the Webb's property (No. 282205-9024) may be returned to the Webb's to provide a buffer area between the Webb house and the south property line that can be used for gardening and other uses. This will move the property line 30 feet south to the approximate location of an existing fence. Another benefit of this vacation is that the future S.E. 266th St. would no longer have to cross the Meridian Meadows Wetlands and Stormwater Storage Pond, nor the salmonoid stream that flows into it. This would avoid disturbing the wetlands and stream with future road construction. Further, the traffic volume in the Meridian Meadows subdivision area (127th Ave.S.E. ---128th Ave.S.E.) does not support the need for a future road connection between 128th Ave.S.E. and 132nd Ave.S.E. Access to properties north of the wetlands and S.E. 266th St. is from 128th. Ave.S.E. and S.E. 265th St. If required to provide access to undeveloped property east of the wetlands and stream, S.E. 266th St. could still be extended west from 132nd Ave.S.E. The vacation is for the road right-of-way, however, the City of Kent will maintain an easement through the above vacated property for any future utility access such as sewer, water, natural gas, or underground electricity, telephone or cable. -. _._. ........ ~ r..{) I ~: I co (\J w (/) a:: 0 C/) V"J LJJ (/) .., U1 ~ <( c:-' ~ d) "' w z z ::J 0 u (.!) z -~ '! N ~ • • i··----- ---.. · 'l •.:·· .. ,, ....... •• t:~rl J I '®' , ~~I I _ _j P'lt'tll' ~ ... !:! l ~, I ... ,. C\1 \. ct ------.,-,-.. -.---'1 .. vc: .10 .1 s-- ~· ~,, ,r, .1":• ""~· •;:•::· ":._-~::....:.;:.;.;._.~:-;-;-;------t---"~::·:.::•.:_/;.:".:.;"' .. "' I 31\.Y •6 "''• N .,. '=. .. ...... ' ~· -~· I I fD) ~ ~; gi \W@ f[JI U1j ~A.R .. t-1996 ~ n• ... ... -... _ .. I '• C11Y ~KENT Cr tERK ·~ '• -. ' * ., .. 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