HomeMy WebLinkAbout1459RESOLUTION NO. I '-/5/ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent/ Washington/ ratifying the countywide planning policies adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council pursuant to the Growth Management Act. WHEREAS 1 the Growth Management Act (RCW 36.70A.210) requires the adoption of countywide planning policies by the legislative authority of King County/ and that said policies are to provide a countywide framework from which local comprehensive plans are to be developed; and WHEREAS/ since 1992 1 King County has provided the City of Seattle and the incorporated suburban cities and towns in King County countywide planning policies; and WHEREAS/ the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) met on September 20 1 1995 1 and voted to pass an amendment to the Phase II Countywide Planning Policy/ Wetlands Protection Section (Policy CA-l) to make the GMA RATIFY 1 language of the policy consistent with the state law (ESB 5776); and WHEREAS, the King County Council passed and ratified this amendment on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County pursuant to Ordinance No. 12027 on November 20, 1995; and WHEREAS, as outlined in an interlocal agreement between King County, the City of Seattle, and suburban cities and towns in King County, the City of Kent has 90 days to ratify or disapprove the Phase II policies as adopted in Ordinance No. 12027; and WHEREAS, the City Council Planning Committee reviewed the amended countywide planning policy attached to this Resolution as Exhibit A, and approved a motion recommending ratification of the amended policy; WHEREAS, in November of 1995, the Metropolitan King County Council also reviewed and approved an amendment to the countywide planning policies resolving the boundaries of Renton's Joint Planning Area (JPA); and WHEREAS, the JPA was approved by the GMPG in November of 1995 and adopted by the Metropolitan King County council on December 19, 1995, pursuant to Ordinance No. 12081; and 2 WHEREAS, the Kent Planning Committee reviewed the amended countywide planning policy resolving the boundaries of Renton's JPA with King County as depicted in Exhibit B and approved a motion recommending ratification of the amended countywide planning policy; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON, DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: The City of Kent, acting pursuant to the Interlocal Agreement among King County, the City of Seattle and the suburban cities and towns in King County, hereby ratify the countywide planning policy as adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council pursuant to Ordinance No. 12027 attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 2: The City of Kent hereby ratifies the county wide planning policy as adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council pursuant to Ordinance No. 12081 attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated herein by this reference. SECTION 3: The countywide planning policy adopted herein shall be filed with the City Clerk and in the office of the planning department and made available to the public for inspection. 3 Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington this 5 day of ~eM 1996. Concurred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this day of Jn_U/L-~ f 1996 ATTEST: CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: ROGER A. LUBOVICH, CITY ATTORNEY \\-'<.JMA. '> C . 17tLUieA\L.E.tL N.l"llvC 1 I 4 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. ~~~J, passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the ~ day of 7Y1 0/L~ 1 1996 • EAL) BRENDA GMAKC.res 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J.O D. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 .20 .22 23 25 2B Hm.•-21-1995 17:22 .,,,,.,, .. ,"'''' _ ..... -~ ............... October 17, 1995 CPPAMSA0.95R.rc f'. C D.EC Cff[ ::E Introduc~ By: Proposed No.: EXHIBIT ........ Christopher Vance 95 ~ 730 ORDJNANCEN0.120 2 7 AN ORDINANCE adopting :m runClldmem lo the Countyv.'ide Planning Policies pursuant to R.CW 36. 70A.21 0; ratifying the 111nended Countywide Planning Policies for uninwrporntc:d King County; amending Ordinance 10450, SectionS 3 through 5, as amended, and emendiog K..C.C. 20.10.030, K.C.C. 20.1 0.04{] and K.C.C. 20.1 0.050. BE IT ORDArN'ED BY THE COUNCIL OF KING COlTh'TY: SECTION 1. FINDINGS. The council makes the following findings. A. On May 25, 1994, The Growth Mnnagement Planning C01mcil took final action recommending Phase IT amends to the Phase 1 Cownywide Pl:mning PoliCies. The GMPC recomm:::ndations can be found in the document entitled Kintl County 2012 -Countyv.:ide Planning Policies [5/25194]. B. The Metropolitan King County Council adopu:d and ratified the GMPC recommended King Courrty 2012-Countyv.-ide Planning Policies[S/25/94] on August 15, 1994 pursuant to Ordinmce 11446. C. The GMPC mel on September 2o', 1995 and unar..imously voted to pass an amendment to the King; County 2012-CoUIItywide Plnnning Policics[5f.25/94], page 10, B. Wetl:mds Protection, CA-l, making the language consistent v.ith state law (ESE 5776) . SECTION 2 Ordinance 10450, Section 3, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.030 ere each hereby amended to read es follows: A. The Phase li Am::nd.rc.ents to the King Co~ty 20l:i-Countywide Planning Policies Etttacbed to Ordinance ll<Wi are h!:reby approved aud adopted . .B. The Phase II Amendments 10 the Kine Counzy 2012-Counn·\\id<> Planning Policies are a')leodcd, as sho'='rn bv Anuchmen( I tn this On:linan~. SECTION 3 Ordinance 10450, Section 4, e.s amcndec, and.KC.C. 20.10.040 are eacll hereby amended to read as follows: 2052950194 P.03 -•) C:.•--:::. -1_: ... : :'1 . _-;. -·-"-' 12027 1 A. Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance 10450 for the purpose 2 specified are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of unincorporated King County. 3 B. The amendments to Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance l 0840 · 4: are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of.unincorporated King County. 5 C. The amendments to the Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance 6 11061 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population ofunincorporated King County. 7 D. The Phase II Amendments to the King County-2012 Countywide Planning 8 Policies adopted by Ordinance 11446 are hereby ratified on behalf of the population of 9 unincorporated King County. 10 E. The amendments to the Kin2 CCiuoty-20)'1 Countywide PlanniM Policies as 11 shown bv :\t;achmem I to this Ordinance are hereby ratified no behalf nr the populaOno 12 of unincorporated Kin~ Cnunty. 13 SECTION 4 Ordinance I 0450, Section 5, as amended, and K.C.C. 20.10.050 are 14 each amended to read as follows; 15 A. The Countywide Planning Policies adopted by Ordinance 10450 shall become 16 effective when ratified by ordinance or resolution by at least thirty percent of the city and 17 county gove~ents represent.ing seventy percent of the population of King County 18 according to the inter1ocal agreement. A city shall be deemed to have ratified the 19 Countywide Planning Policies unless, within ninety days of adoption by King County 2 0 unless, the city by legislative action disapproves the Countywide Planning Policies. 21 B. The Countyv.ide P:anning Polices adopted by Ordinance 10840 shall become 2 2 effective v.nen ratified by ordina.'1ce or resolution by at least thirty percent of the city and 2 3 county governments representing seventy percent of the population of King County 24 according to the interlocal agreement. A city shall be deemed to have ratified the 2 5 Countywide Planning Polices unless, within ninety days of adoption by King County, the 2 6 city by legislative :~ction disapproves the Countywide Planning Polices. 27 C. The Countywide Planning Policies adop~d by Ordinance 11061 shall become I 2 8 effectiYe when ratified by ordi:-.:.mce or resolution b( at least thirty percent of the city and ( 2 9 county governments rep'resenting seventy percent of the population of King Counry .3 0 according to the interlocalagreeme:lt. A city shall be deemed to have ratified the g/~pp\cppams&Q.95r •• :s PM lC.'le/SS -2 - 12027 1 Countywide Planning Policies unless, within ninety days of adoption by King Co:.~nty. the 2 city by legislative action disapproves the Countywide Planning Policies. 3 D. The King County-201~ Countywide Planning Policies adopted by this 4 Ordinance 11446 shall become effective when ratified by ordinance or resolution by at 5 least thirty percent of the city and counry governments representing seventy percent of the 6 population of King County according to the interlocal agreement. A city shall be deemed 7 to have ratified th{" King County -2012 Countywide Planning Po!i.; ies unless. within 8 ninety days of adoption by King County, the city by legislative action disapproves the 9 King County-2012 Countywide Plalllling Policies. 10 11 12 13 14 :5 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 g/epp\cppa.mu:. ~~~ l2, ;:s P~ :D/le.'~l -3 - 12027 1 2 E. The amendments to the Kin2 Count\"-?Q]? Countv\\'jde P!annin~ Policies, 3 adopted by this ordinance ~ball become effective when ratified by ordinance or re~o!mjon · 4 by at least thirty percent of the city and county goyemmems representin~: seventy percent 5 of the population of Kim~ County accordini! to the intr:r]ocal a!,;reemem. A city shall be 6 deemed to hilve ratified the Kin~: Coumv-"OJ? Coumvwjde Plannine Policies unles~. 7 within nim·!~' days of adoption by Kin~ Coumy the city by Je~islative action disarpr<l\'eS B the 'Kine-County • 20]2 Countndde ?!annine Policies 9 INTRODUCED AND READ for the first time this .2/..:?u..J day of 10 Oc'i':z.bo_.,_., , 1995. 11 PASSED by a vote of .1/_ to .Q_this .:::2.c ~ay of A)~ · , 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1995. ATTEST: KING COUNTY COUNCIL KlNG COUNTY, WASHINGTON ~(J~ Chair 20 Clerk of the Council ) j APPROVED this / .,. day of 'IJ<~....J,.,,..-, 1995. .• 21 22 23 Attachments: Artaclunent I; Amendment to the King County-2012 Countywide Planning 24 Policies, CA-l . g/cpp\cppamsao.,!r 1~'"' P~ 10/lB/95 -4 - September I 9, I 995 Attachment 1 I 1 Sponsor: --::-.,--,.-:-:----::c--:--=:-~~-­ Chris Vance for the GMPC 1 AMENDMENT to the KinE: County· 2012 Countywide PlanninE Polices [512"1941 2 Page 10, B. Wetlands Protection, CA-l is hereby amended: 3 CA-l. Until the Washincton State Department of Ecology adopts a manual for the 4 delineation of wetlands pursuant to section I I of chapter 3 82 of the Laws of I 995 5 jurisdictions shall have the option of using either the I 989 manual of the United States 6 Army Corps of Encineers or the Com~· I 987 manual in conjunction with the Corps' 7 Washincton Recional Guidance Once the Department of Ecology adopt~ it~ manual for 8 the delineation of wetlands all jurisdictions shall use such state mamwl as it is initiiJ!ly · 9 adopted or thereafter amended ((the 1989 Federal Manual fer Identifying end Delineating 10 Juriselietienal Wetlanels as minimum slandarels and reference the 1989 manual in their 11 wet lanes preleeli en orelinances)). 12 Effect: Makes the CPPs consistent with state law (ESB 5776) ,G:Icpplcpmn87c.doc. 10/1 ;195 7:19PM EXHIBIT L 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 December 6, 1995 Introduced by: ,.C-L!h-'-'ri_,_s_:V,_,a"-'-n""c"'-e ____ _ g:\comp-pla\ '9 5 Amend\rentons.doc Proposed No.: .L9..>f.5_-7~6.>L3 ____ _ December 19, 1995 clerk ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE related to comprehensive planning, implementing recommendations relative to the joint planning area for the City of Renton identified on the Growth Management Planning Council's Countywide Growth Pattern map; amending the King County Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map, and ratifying the amended Countywide Planning Policies for Unincorporated King County, amending Ordinance 11581, Section 1 and K.C.C. 20.10.065 and adding a new section to K.C.C. 20.12. FINDINGS: I. 2. 3. 4. Joint Planning Areas (JPA) were designated by the Growth Management Planning Council (GMPC) in Countywide Planning Policy (CPP) FW-1 Step 8b for those cities, including Renton, where agreement on the boundaries of each city's urban growth areas (UGA) had not been reached. The GMPC determined that the UGA for each city should be finalized by the end of 1995. Consistent with CPP FW-1 Step 8. King County Comprehensive Plan (KCCP) Policy 1-206 states that the county will complete a joint planning process with the cities of North Bend. Issaquah, Redmond, Renton, Black Diamond and Snoqualmie to determine the final UGA boundaries for each city. This ordinance is required to amend the boundaries of the UGA for the city of Renton in accordance with the recommendations of the Executive's 1995 KCCP Amendments. This ordinance is consistent with the recommendations made by the GMPC at their November IS. 1995 meeting regarding amendment of the Renton joint planning area. . BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF KING COUNTY: EXHIBIT~ NEW SECTION I. There is hereby added to K.C.C. 20.12 to read as follows: 4 2 The Urban Growth Area as adopted by the Metropolitan King County Council in 4 3 Or?inam:c 11575 adopting the 1994 King County Comprehensive Plan is hereby amended as 4 4 follows: 4 5 The overlay designation of the Renton Joint Planning Area as shown on Attachment I 4 6 to this ordinance shall be deleted from the Countywide Growth Pattern map and shall remain / 12081 1 properties should be utilized to maintain a buffer from agricultural lands of the Sammamish 2 Valley. 3 D. Ordinance 11446, UGA map in Appendix I is hereby amended as shown on the 4 attached recommendation (to Ordinance 11593) for the city of Issaquah. 5 INTRODUCED AND READ for the first time this {p -;:r{ day of 6 N~ ,1975. 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 PASSED by a vote of__1 to A:_ this /?;d.. day of f)~ , 192.£ KING COUNTY COUNCIL KING COUNTY, WASHINGTON Chair ATTEST: ' Clerk of the Council ~,.. ~ APPROVED this Z,\ -day of 1),t~r ,19h- 17 Ki 18 Attachment I: Map of Renton Joint Planning Area 3 : ... :.······ .. · ... =~·;: ·-· -~-:'. ·:' •.···' .. .. · :.Renta·n. :: o.:. • · .... ··.··. -' ~I N ;\ 0 Novem~e· 199:0 1000 2000 3000 Feet l Renton Existing Joint Planning Area Ill! Joint Planning Area Not 0riginaly in JPA ..1'-/ UGA Correction 1\1 UGA existing I~ 7'\ j.../ J...,/ . ..