HomeMy WebLinkAbout1434RESOLUTION NO. / tf 3 t..f A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting a schedule of fees for permits under the Uniform Building Code, the Uniform Mechanical Code, the Uniform Plumbing Code and the Uniform Fire Code. WHEREAS, the City of Kent has previously adopted the 1991 editions of the uniform building, mechanical, plumbing, and fire codes which allow the administrative authority in charge of enforcing the codes to approve and issue permits under the same; and WHEREAS, the City Council is, concurrently with this resolution, considering an ordinance to adopt the 1994 editions of the Uniform Building Code and the Uniform Mechanical Code recently adopted by the State; and WHEREAS, the administrative authority is directed in the uniform codes (as adopted by their respective ordinances) to prepare a schedule of fees applicable to the various types of permits, in amounts commensurate with the cost of administration and inspection involved in the processing and issuance of the permits thereby granted; and WHEREAS, any such schedules adopted by the City Council by resolution shall govern the amount of the fees which shall be collected as a condition to processing and prior to issuance of any such permiti and WHEREAS, the 1994 editions of the Uniform Building Code and the Uniform Mechanical Code contain fee tables incorporating fee increases above fees currently listed in prior code editions and as adopted by the City of Kent by Resolutions No. 1308 and 1388i and WHEREAS, these fees have not increased since June, 1986 and it is appropriate to adjust the fees to the schedules proposed in the uniform codesi NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. FEES ESTABLISHED. The following schedules of fees shall govern the monetary charges for the processing and issuance of permits under the Uniform Building, Mechanical, Plumbing, and Fire Codes: A. BUILDING PERMIT FEES. Pursuant to Section 14.02.020 of the Kent City Code, Table 1-A of the 1994 edition of the Uniform Building Code establishing building permit fees (attached hereto as Exhibit A) , is hereby adopted as the City of 2 Kent 1 s building permit fee schedule, with the following modification: 1. Basic plan review fees: The basic plan review fee, after, and in addition to, the payment of the initial plan review fee set forth in Section 107.3 of the 1994 edition of the Uniform Building Code, shall be a fee of $50.00 for each permit issued upon a certified basic plan. Additional plan review fees shall also be assessed at an hourly rate as set forth in Table 1-A for additional plan review required for changes, additions, or revisions to plans. 2. Administration of basic plans: Basic plans shall be administered as follows: a. 11 Basic plans 11 are defined as complete plans for an entire detached single family residential building, approved as such by the building official, which: l. Are clearly marked as being approved and certified as basics by the building official; ll. Bear the author 1 s (including but not limited to architect, engineer, or others) acknowledgment and approval of the plans submitted for use in the construction of a number of buildings, without any limitation of quantity or location. If any portion is designed by a licensed architect or engineer, this acknowledgement shall bear the author 1 s stamp and signature. 3 iii. Basic plan review fees shall apply only to detached single family residential buildings and shall apply only to the originating owner or applicant. lV. Changes to basic plans which alter the exterior dimensions or structure of the building shall be treated as a new permit application. b. The process for administering basic plans shall be as follows: l. Any person may apply for plan review and certification of a basic by filing with the building official a written request for such plan review and certification, along with two or more complete sets of plans and the normal plan review fee. ll. Upon completion and approval of plan review, the applicant shall provide reproducible copies of complete approved plans to the building official. c. The City building official is authorized and empowered to interpret and determine the applicability and administration of the provisions of this resolution. B. MECHANICAL PERMIT AND PLAN REVIEW FEES. Pursuant to Section 14.03.020 of the Kent City Code, Table 1-A of the 1994 edition of the Uniform Mechanical Code establishing mechanical permit fees (attached hereto as Exhibit B) is hereby adopted as the City of Kent's mechanical permit fee schedule. C. PLUMBING PERMIT FEES. Pursuant to Section 14.04.030 of the Kent City Code, Table 3-A of the 1991 edition of 4 the Uniform Plumbing Code establishing plumbing permit fees (attached hereto as Exhibit C) is hereby adopted as the City of Kent's plumbing permit fee schedule. D. FIRE PERMIT FEES. Pursuant to Section 13.02.020 of the Kent City Code, fire permits or certificates issued under the Uniform Fire Code shall be $42.00 per year. Whenever more than one permit or certificate is required for the same location, such permits or certificates may be consolidated into a single permit or certificate. SECTION 2. REPEALED. Resolution Nos. 1308, 1341, and 1388 are hereby repealed in their entirety on the effective date of this resolution. SECTION 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. The effective date of this resolution shall be June 30, 1995. Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington this ~ day of z;t~ , 1995. Concurred in by the Mayor of the Clty of Kent, this day of Sbt~ 1 19r• {) 5 ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. / lf 3l/ , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the AL) codes.res 6 1994 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 1-A TABLE 1-A-BUILDING PERMIT FEES TOTAL VALUATION FEE 51.00 to 5500.00 522.00 550 l.OO to 52.000.00 522.00 for the first 5500.00 plus 52.75 for each additional 5 I 00.00. or fraction thereof, to and including 52.000.00 52.001.00 to 525.000.00 563.00 for the first 52,000.00 plus 5 I 2.50 for each additional 51,000.00, or fraction thereof. to and including 525.000.00 525,001.00 to 550.000.00 5352.00 for the first $25,000.00 plus 59.00 for each .... additional 5 1,000.00. or fraction thereof. to and including 550,000.00 550.001.00 to 5100.000.00 5580.00 for the first 550.000.00 plus 56.25 for each additional 5 1.000.00, or fraction thereof, to and including 5100.000.00 - S 100.001.00 to 5500.000.00 5895.00 for the first 5100.000.00 plus 55.00 for each additional S I .000.00. or fraction thereof 5500.001.00 to S 1.000,000.00 52.855.00 for the first 5500.000.00 plus 5 .. 1-.25 for e~ch additional 5 1.000.00. or fraction thereof. to and incl:.~ding 51.000.00 51,000.001.00 and up $4,955.00 for the first 51,000.000.00 plus 52.75 for each additional S 1.000~0. or fraction thereof Other Inspections and Fees: I. Inspections outside of normal business hours ................................... $42.00 per hour (minimum charge-two hours) 2. Reinspection fees assessed under provisions of Section 108.8 ............................................................ $42.00 per hour* 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated . ............................ $42.00 per hour" (minimum charge-one-half hour) 4. Additional plan review required by changes. additions or revisions to plans ............ : .......................................... $42.00 per hour* (minimum charge-one-half hour) 5. For use of outside consultants for plan checking and inspections. or both ......................................................... Actuai costs** *Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction. whichever is the greatest. This cost shall include supervision. overhead. equipment. hourly wages and fringe bene firs of the employees involved. •* Actual costs include administrative and overhead costs. EXHIBIT ...J... 1-11 I I I I I I I I 1fiOLE 1-fi-MECIIfiNICfll PEnMIT r-EES tln•ilh,u:utu• htr lhl· j\\U;Uit"C t,t[ (';ldljl\'llllil , .•.... , , , , . , ... , . l't.•r j,-;uiul! t..':t..,·h o,;uppknl~o'lll:tlj'L'IIIlit hu whid1lhl' wigina[ p~nuil lws not c.,pill:d, l'l'Cill.':llll.'t.."ll.'ll ur linakJ ................. . nil Fcc Sd•rdulc {Nt•lc: 'j he [u\luwiLI}! tit.! IIIII illdllllc jlt.'flllil-i~!-i.Uillg lc.:C.) Fnrunn·s $22.011 (t.50 Ft•r the in ... t:•llalitHI t•r rduGIIittnuf c:1t.:h h•tn•d-air or ~.nvity·I)'I'C hunan: ot !nunc•. indudiug duds 1111J vents :•ll;~du:d h•.o;m:h ••J'pli:ml-1.', uptu :unl int:ludinl! 100,000 Btu/h {2lJ.J kW) . . . . . . . . . . . . IJ.2.'i Fur the ino;t:lil:tliun ur u:h'l·:lliuu ol t.':Kh luu:ct.l-air m (!ravity-typc llllll:n:c ur but net, indudiug Juct:o-; nnd vents :ttl:tt.:hl.'tiiO ~111:h appli:tm:c nv~:1 lll\1,000 lltu/h (2~.:\ k W} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 tJ.25 r,,, the in-.t;dl:llillll ur rclu~:lli111111r cac.:h I lour hnn:u.:c, including vent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I J.25 F1•r the iw.t:JII:lli~ul ur rchK.'iltinn ul c:•~:h ~u~pcmlc..J hciltcr, rc~.:c~scd wnll h~.:alcr u1 lluof·llllJUIIIcd unit llc:Jtcr 1.\.2~ Al•l'liall\:c \'cui~ _ For the ino;I:III:Hiun, rc\Vl'uliun or n.:pl:~t.:cruc11t of cad1 applialll'C \'CHI instalktl nnd nut ilrclutlcd in an applhuKc \1\.'llllil ........................... '' ... ' ............................ '......... 6.50 Hrpair.~ or /uldiliuns Fur tile ll.'p:lir ul. nltcwtiontlf, ur ntlditiuntu cnch llcnling ilpplinm:c, n:lli);!Ciilliun unit, cooling llllil, ah.,~Jiptiort U11it, or c:1ch hc:llin~. t:tlulilll!, :~h!"lUption ur cvilpm<~tivc ~.:ouling f.y~tCIII, jll(.;luJiug in\tallation ol conliols IC'l!UI011C\I hy the Mcl:h:lnit.:al CuJc • . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.25 11uilcr~. Cumprr~~~~~~ 1111d Ah_-.,,qtliun 5) slrllls Fur the inst:lll;,tiun ur rcltK.·atiuu ul' c:1dt hoih·r or \:11111\IIC~sur hJ :uul including IInce horsepower { 10.(1 kW), or lur c;u,;h ubso1 ptiun ~y~tcm tu ami indu..Jing 100,000 Lllu/h (29.3 kW) . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . ..... , 11.15 1·\u tht.• in.,lall:11iun ur rch11.:utiun ul c;11,.'h huilcr ur conlprc~.·wr uvcr !\nee h01!"cpowcr ( 10.6 k W) 10 :~ml i11d1Jdint1, 1.~ luH~l'\'UWCr l~2.7 kW), ur lor c;tdl ulJsUijJtiurl !-iystcm over IOU.UUO Btu/h (29.3 kW) to tuuJ int..:luJiaag 5UO,IIOU llluAll146.61.W) .................................................................... 24.25 rur the iu~ta\lntiunor IChM.':\tion u[ each hui\cr m cumpre$SUr uver r5 lnm>t-powcr (52.7 kW) to and including :\0 \uli"C'JlOWCr ( 10~.5 kW),ur lor each nh!ioqlliun sptcnl over 500.000 Utu/h { 146.6 k W) to ;m..J including l,OOU.OOU UwA• \2Y.U kW) . -......... -... ---................. _ ... -.-...................... 33.25 For the instnll;1tiou ur rc\t)(;ulitnl u[ cat.:h huilcr or cmnp1cssor over' 30 hurscpowcr ( 105.5 kW) to nnt.l im:luding ~0 hm,.q"K•wcr (17h k\V), ur lur c:H.:h ab:o.\lfJllion !>y."tcm uvcr I.UUO,U<JO [Hu/h (2~J.I kW) to nntl includin~ 1.1~0.\XXIIIIuAI\~ 12.Y k\V) _.-........................... -....................... . . 4Y.50 Ftlf the illst:~llaliun tH rd,14.::tlhu' 111 each hoilrr or compaessor over 50 horsepower ( 176 k W), or lor each ah~111p1iuu ~y~lrnt over 1.7~U.OlK.l Btu/h l512.1J kW) ....................•.........•........ R2.75 Air llnmllors h1r 1.':\th ;~ir-h;uullinr. unit tv :md iududin~ IU,OOU t..:ubic teet per 111inutc (4'12U L/s), including Uut:\$ :~Uad1cd thtiCtn ...........•.... ,............................................ . . . . . . . . . 9.50 10 Nulc: 'I hi~ fcc tloc~ nut:tpply lu :m Olir-h:mdlilll:! unit which i.o; n rortion of a faclm y-a~scmhlcd appliance, conling unil. cv;•pur:uivc t.:Utllcr vr nb~urpliun unit lor whid• a permit i~ rcquircJ cl:>cwhcre in the Mel'hanic:.d Code. Fur c:tdl air-h;UIIIIiuf uuit Cll.tccOing lti.OOIJ elm (4720 u~) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.15 E' 11)111flllh t Cuulcr!\ l'11r l'a~.:h ~:v:IJ"IHI\ivc t.'\"1\cr ulill'f lh;m I'Kllliih\c I)'IIC \'culilntiun UIH.I E.,hnu~t Fur c:u,;h \ICntil;ltiun l:m t.·u•mcctcd lu 11 ~inglc duct h1r t:tdl vcntil:llinn ~piCIII \\hkh i~ nut uputtion uf healing or :1ir-conJitiuning systcnl :IU\hllail.t\1 Uy "jM:llllit •.••...•.•....•.•....••..............•............ Ft,r the iuo;l:illatiun uf c;•~:h hood whkh i~ \trvcU by nu.;dwnicul cxh;.~usl, incllu.ling the thll'IS hH ~\11:\1 IU'K'Ki • , , •.••• , , , .....• , •..•...•. lndnunlur~ J-'\lf 1\IC inst;~l\;ltiUiliH ICitK.':IIi\11\ uf l.'ilt.'h Jul\le~lk-typc int.:inclliiOf hu tin.· in~tall:•tiun ur lt.'hw.;;,tiun uf l'ilt.'h t.'lllllllll'Jt.:ial or imluo;ttial-type in~.:incwtur . 9.511 6.50 9.5U 9.5ll 16.25 66.~0 IY~•I UIW-UHM Mt:\AIAI<I<.;AL I,;UUlo l fiBLE 1-A-MECIIAI IICfll P EIIMI f rEES-(Colllillueu) I.J. 1\lis~.:dl:nlt.'UIJ~ Fur cnch ~l'pli:111cc or piece ol Ctjuiprncntl~·v.ulalcd hy the Mcdlimiud Code llulllnt dav.ctl in uthcr app\i;lt catcgurico;, or lor whil-h 11u other Icc i'i listed in lhc cuJc , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II Whcn/\ppcndix B, Clrat'tcr 11. is "l'lllic:lhlc (sec Sec lion IU.1).J1CIIIlil lcc.c; lt1r IIICI·g!l'i !Jit1i11g -;\rail he no.; lc1lh 1 For CiiCh ga~-pipiug system o\' one IU lour ()U\\ct~ .. , ...... , , . , . r,;, each ga~-piping sysiCIII, mJUitional outlets over live, cnch .... When Appt>11...lix B, Chapter 14, is applicnblc (sec Sct:tiun I OJ), pel!nit Icc'\ lor jllOl'C'S piping o;hall he ac; lollu Fnr c:~~:h lulr.arduus p10ccs'i piping o;ystcm {IIPP) ol one h• lour uutlcs ... , ... , ........ . Fm each piping :o::y<;\cln ul live 111 111urc oullcto;, per uullcl . . . . . . . . ...... . hJI each nonhaz:uduu~ pun.:cs~ pi pin~ ~y~ICIH ~NI'P) ol one to llJUr uutll.!lo; ... , Fur c;.~ch pipiug sysiCill or live Ul 111\IIC outlct"·I'Cf uullct .... Olht"r lnsl'edlun~ nntl Fees: I. ln~pcction~ UUI.'iidc ur norm:ll hu~ii!CS'i houl~. per hour .... \•.... . ... '' .. '............. 1-·1·1 (milliu1unt clmrgc-twu hours) 2. Reinspcction Ices ao:.~e!;scd umJcr p10visiuu5 uf Section \\(!,(,,per in-;pcdiml . . . . . . . . . . \·14 .. 3. Inspection~ for which no Ice is ~pccilicnlly incJicutctl, per hour {111ini!num dlalr.c-•mc-lm\1 hour) $,1,1 .. 4. Athlitionall>lan review requirctl hy changes, :uldilitlll~ or tcvh;ion.o; lu pl;ul'i or lo plnno: lor whit..:h an initi:tllc\'i has been complclcd ~minimum chmgc--(IIIC-ha\f hour) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. $44. •or I he lul:ll hnurly cu~t lu the jmi~di~:tinn. whichever i~ the grc:tJco;l, 'I his l.'H"I slmll indudc ~upcrvisi(lll, uvciiH equip111CIII, hourly wngc:> um.l hinge hcnclit.-. of the cmpluycc~ involved. Q)l 1--co -:r: >< UJ Table No. 3-A-PLUMBING PERMIT FEES Permit Issuance 1. For issuing each permit.. ........................................................... $20.00 2. For issuing each supplemental permit ...................................... $1 0.00 Unit Fee Schedule (in addition to Items 1 and 2 above) 1. For each plumbing fixture on one trap or a set of fixtures on one trap (including water, drainage piping and backflow protection therefor) .......... ~ ........... $7.00 2. For each building sewer and each trailer park sewer ............... $15.00 3. Rainwater systems-per drain (inside building) ......................... $7.00 4. For each cesspool (where permitted) ............ : .......................... $25.00 5. For each private sewage disposal system ................................ $40.00 6. For each water heater and/or vent. ............................................. $7.00 7. For each gas-piping system of one to five ·autlets ....................... $5.00 8. For each additional gas piping system outlet, per outlet. ............ $1.00 9. For each industrial waste pretreatment · interceptor including its trap and vent, excepting kitchen-type grease interceptors functioning as fixture traps ...... $7.00 10. For each installation, alteration or repair of water piping and/or water treating equipment, each ................... $7.00 11. For each repair or alteration of drainage or vent piping, each fixture ........................................... $7.00 12. For each lawn sprinkler system on any one meter including backflow protection devices therefor ................. $7.00 13. For atmospheric-type vacuum breakers not included in item 12: 1 to 5 ....................................................................................... : ... $5.00 over 5, each ......... ." ...................................................................... $1.00 14. For each backflow protective device other than atmospheric type vacuum breakers: 2 inch diameter and smaller ......... _ ..... , ......................................... $7.00 over 2 inch diameter ................................................................. $15.00 Other Inspections and Fees 1. Inspections outside of normal business hours .............. _ ........... $30.00* 2 R . . f . . etnspect1on ee ....................................................................... $30.00 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated ............... $30.00* 4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans, (minimum charge-one-half hour) ................ $30.00* *Or the total hourly cost to thejurisdiction, whichever is greater. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of all the employees involved. EXHJBJT ~