HomeMy WebLinkAbout1399RESOLUTION NO. /3 2 9 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting the 1995- 2000 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan. WHEREAS, after proper notice, the City Council of the City of Kent held a public hearing at the regular meeting of the City Council held at 7:00p.m. on August 2, 1994, to consider public testimony on the proposed Transportation Improvement Plan for the City and having considered public testimony to the Plan; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The 1995 through 2000 Six Year Transportation Improvement Plan, as set forth in the exhibit attached hereto and herewith filed with the City Clerk, is hereby adopted. Passed at a regular meeting of the City of Kent, Washington this c>L day of City Council ~u-d.' of the 1994. t:?~curred in by the Mayor of the City of Kent, this ~ day of ~ ......:t-: , 1994. ATTEST: CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /399 , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the ~ day of ~~ , 1994. BRENDA JAC sixyear.res 2 ~-(SEAL) CITY CLERK ~----~·--------------------------~.-,~-~· CITY OF KENT SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 1995-2000 Don E. Wickstrom, P .E. Director of Public Works ---------------- r·- r;;--· \,• '":';' s~ ---~-"';""":~~--";,_;: ;.-_~- ,~e.r,;,s:_;:..·ce :!.=-~ . ]'-. M N ~~ \ .. ;// ~ ; t:~wt/~ . S 2:'1' S': . ' : .?fif( ~ : : ~; :f'! -;::~ ; ''l l "i';'( ----·-------·-- ~!:1 I i -~q-1) 1•" -;--- t ~ ;---'-_c_ Jlt L-C 7i ::' ~; .. ' ~E~S~~ \~~i;~:c~=~ - -- ~ '•\Ti2B4ST7 · .. 1 __ -!.·'~;< -;: "6 7'·'5-rt _ _...i ! : ~ S!:...-!:~--.--.. ·I ~-' ·..____._f. SE\.271_,_8~~ :1 ---, _~:-'---.:_; --~-=--\ CITY no v~ l{2 ~\~T ~ T\..-~-~ /\ R' ~ ..:.._~':..__ 1 ...:......J~~_L rn R ,, '· --.. .... ,. T) "' .: _...., ~ ,..... '· -.'.. ~ ~1'\.l\:::) :-' 0 ~'\. l _'-\_ .L l U ~'I -1 "" R o--;--,-, ,., 11. l,ij_1 iJ 1 \· I>-< t'r -'L...l..V' _!_ ..1.. \' J:...._j _!._j PROGRAh/i NORTH /-;t~· I/''':>) I \ /;A. ___;_._-~~ \ \<~:=:co- V;'./ ~'"-' • '-.......'' -.....v· -1, __ / LEGEND r----------- 'T' j_ ) KENT CITY LIMITS c___ ___ j ANNUAL ELEMENT PROJECTS ARE SHOWN IN RED YEAR 1996 -YEAR 2000 PROJECTS ARE SHOWN IN GREEN u . . : -~ .... -ll8~~:--~~~ TRANSPORTATIO!\ DIVISIOI\ City of Kent, Washington Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1995 Through 2000 Project Listing First Year: 1995 Project Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Project Name South 272nd/277th Street Corridor Project - . Page 10 Auburn Way to Kent-Kangley Road South 196thl 200th Street Corridor Project . . Page 11 Orilla Road to West Valley Highway ( SR 181 ) South 196th/200th Street Corridor Project . . . Page 12 West Valley Highway ( SR 181 ) to East Valley Highway Canyon Drive Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility . . . . . . Page 13 Alvord Avenue to 94th Al:~~-~ R.ood Reith Road/West Meeker St. at Kent es 0 '.i~tersection lmprov. Page 14 Reith Road/Meeker St. at Kent-Des Moines Road ( SR 516 ) South 212th Street High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes Page 15 West Valley Highway ( SR 181) to SR 167 Commute Trip Reduction . . . . . . . . Page 16 CITY-WIDE Green River Valley Signal Coordination Project Page 17 West Valley Highway --SR 516 to South 180th Street South 180th Street--West Valley Highway to Benson Highway James Street Safety Improvements . . . . . Page 18 Central Avenue to 98th Avenue Southeast Neighborhood Traffic Control Program . . . Page 19 CITY-WIDE ADA Complience Program -Sidewalk Repair and Rehabilitation . Page 20 CITY-WIDE West Meeker Street Widening -Phase One . . . . Page 21 Kent-Des Moines Road to Green River Bridge City-Wide Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program Page 22 CITY-WIDE METRO Park and Ride Lot Bicycle Lockers . . . . Page 23 Downtown Kent Park and Ride Pacific Highway South ( SR 99) High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes Phase One . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 24 Kent-Des Moines Road ( SR 516) to South 240th Street Washington Avenue ( SR 181 ) Widening Project --Phase One Page 25 Harrison Street to Green River Bridge Russell Road at West Meeker Street Traffic Signal Project . Page 26 Russell Road at West Meeker Street Page 1 City of Kent, Washington Six-Year Transportation Improvement Program 1995 Through 2000 Project Listing SECOND/ THIRD YEAR: 1996 -1997 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 East Valley Highway Pavement Rehabilitation . South 192nd Street to South 212th Street Military Road Improvements . · · · · · · Kent-Des Moines Road ( SR 516) to Reith Road Burlington Northern Railroad Grade Separations . South 212th Street, South 228th Street James Street, Smith Street, Willis Street 72nd Avenue Extension . . . . . . . . South 194th Street to South 196th Street Southeast 256th Street Widening . . . . . Kent-Kangley Road to 116th Avenue Southeast 64th Avenue South Extension . . . . . . . . South 216th Street to South 226th Street Lincoln Avenue at Smith Street Traffic Signal Project Lincoln Avenue at Smith Street Willis Street ( SR 516) at 4th Avenue South Intersection Improvements ( 1997 ) Willis Street ( SR 516) at 4th Avenue North Central Avenue Pavement Rehablitation . . . Willis Street ( SR 516) to Green River Bridge Fourth/ Fifth/ Sixth Years: 1998, 1999, 2000 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 South 224th/228th Street Corridor Project . . . . . . . · South 228th Street--Military Road to 54th Ave So. Military Road--So. 228th St. to Kent-Des Moines Road West Meeker Street Widening -Phase Two . . . . . Green River Bridge to West Valley Highway Pacific Highway South High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes -- Phase Two South 240th Street to South 252nd Street Central Avenue at Smith Street Intersection Improvements Central Avenue at Smith Street James Street at Central Avenue Intersection Improvements James Street at Central Avenue Smith Street at 4th Avenue North Intersection Improvements Smith Street at 4th Avenue North 94th Avenue South Widening . . . . . . . . . . James Street ( South 240th Street ) to Canyon Drive Southeast 248th Street Widening. . . . . . . 94th Avenue South to 116th Avenue Southeast Page 2 Page 27 Page 28 Page 29 Page 30 Page 31 Page 32 Page 33 Page 34 Page 35 Page 36 Page 37 . Page 38 Page 39 Page 40 Page 41 Page 42 Page 43 ~ ::Z: Washington State Y'l Department of Transportation Agency CITY OF KENT County No. 4+=----------- City No. ~6~15~--------- MPO PSRC ~ < z QCil -ttl .-< (.)~ zO ::::> u.. > I-ll: -w a:m 0::::!: -::I a:z Q. 1 I 2 16 I 01 16 102 16 103 . 16 104 16 105 DOTFooml-9 -- PROJECT IDENTIFICATION A. FEDERAL AID NO. B. BRIDGE NO. C. PROJECT TITLE D. STREET/COUNTY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER E. TERMINAL BEGINNING AND END F. DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE 3 SOUTH 272nd/ 277th ST. CORRIDOR So. 272nd St., So. 277th., 116 Av Auburn Way to Kent-Kangley Road SOUTH 196th/ 200th· ST. CORRIDOR So. 196th St., So. 200th, Russell Orillia Road to West Valley Hwy. SOUTH 196th/ 200th ST. CORRIDOR So. 196th Street West Valley Hwy. to East Valley CANYON DR. PED/BIKE FACILITIES Canyon Drive ( SR 516 } Alvord Ave. to 94th Ave. South ML-1180(001) REITH/MEEKER AT KENT-DES MOINES Reith Rd., Meeker Street, SR 516 N/A Six Year Transportation Improvement Program , 19 95 to 1-9 2000 Hearing Date ~llGI.lST 2 • 1994 Adoption Date AUGUST 2. 1994 Resolution No. PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS .... ffi->-- FUND SOUBCE_INFORMATION FEDERAL FUNDING ::::!: Cll Cll ~:x: l-en w-::> <1--~ ~ ~ b ~ ::; ~ I PROJECT I MONTH/I FEDERAL' FEDERAL a:>-t-1-.W j: 0 PHASE YEAR FUND COST a. 1-en ~ ::> o PHASE CODE BY ::E STARTS PHASE 4 I 51 6 I 7 01 IF 04 IF 01 IF 32 IP l22 12 IF 8 PE ANI CONST TOTAL PE ANI CONST TOTAL PE ANI 9 .Jn!_ __lJ.9A_ 10/94 __lL9..4.. 10/94 __5ill_ 1794 1.0L9A... CONST I J..Ot.9.5... TOTAL PE ANI CONST TOTAL PE ANI CONST TOTAL ll..Qill... .JiL9.5... __£J,9A... 2/95 10 11 --.-.3) _..6,42 STP(U} I __6.8.5 ____3 10 STP(U} I _____13 RAP CAPP TIA UATA OTHER 12 TIA TIA TIA STATE I LOCAL FUNDS FUNDS 13 I 14 --.58.4l.l..ll6.. 6,574 14,82f TOTAL I 1st EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE (Local Agency) 2nd 3rd 4th thru 6th 15 16 17 18 19 FEDERALLY FUNDED PROJECTS ONLY ENVIR TYPE 20 EIS..l- CE_ EA -- RNIREO YIN DATE MONTHJYR 21 @N DATE __9.83l9 _8.lAl 26,50012,2001 7,800)0,000I6,500INA __2lli)~ 595 1 724 ~ l12,500I6,oool 6,5oo _lliil 784 ~SE -L..5Ml Jl...2D.Q. 10,5oo 1 5ool22,oool5,oool 8,oool9.ooo --1__1_ =I ~~~ 792 501 742 --·~ =I !! 57 57 EIS_X_ CE_ EA __ NA EIS X CE __ EA __ NA EIS __ CE __ EA __ NA EIS_ CE __ EA __ Nl\ @N DATE @N DATE Y/@ DATE vrfj) DATE Oi.trWion: ~ g:; (;~~r.:: ~ni~OG'On:;j ~;'!~· J.~. TrantpOftlllion """'"'.,._,. ao.nt 4· SupersedM Previous Editions + Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all JrOjeca regardless of location or source of funds. Complete lhe form for lhe six year p-ogram in accordmee wilh lhe following insiNCtions. Heading AICIICY En~er nome of lhc •pcn•orin& •acncy. Cowuy Number CilyNwnber MPO HearincDa~e Adoption Dale Resolution Number En~er lhe OFM uoiJnod number. (See J..AG Appcndill21.37.) En~er lhe OFM olli&ned Number. (See J..AG Appcndill2J.38.) En~er lhe nome of lhc 11oocioled MPO (illocacd wilhin UJboniz.cd o.u). En~er lhc do~e or public hc.arinc. En~er lhc dole this P"'lnm was odopted by COWlCil or comminion. En~er Lcpolativc Authority rcsolulion number ii opplicoblc. Column Number I. Fllnct.IODII Cluslflcallon. En~er lhc oppropriole two-diait code denotin& the Federll Functional Co11ificolion. (N01<: The Foderll Functional Co11ificotion must be opprovod by FHWA.) Deacrlpllon Rurel (under 5,000 erN) Urben (over 5,000 er.81) 01 In~ers111e II lntcrsllle 02 Principal Arl<riol 12 Fra:woys A Exprusways 06 Minor An.erials 14 Other PrinQpol Amrials 111 Major Collccsor 16 Minor Arlerial 08 Minor C411ccsor 17 Colleclor 09 l...oca1Accc11 19 l...ocalAcoas 00 No Cusificolion 00 No Cusificolion 2. Priority Ntamba". Enter localal""cy number idcntilyinJ'ICIICY pn>jccl priority (q>lional). 3. Projed ldenllncallon. ENcr (•) Fcdcrll Aid Number il poeviously ••lisncd; (b) Bridac Number; (c) Project title; (d) SIIOCIJRaod Nome or Number/Federal~ Number; (c) BcJinninJ and EnclinJ Termini (mile poot or IIJUt nomcs); and (0 Describe lhe Work 10 be Canplcted. 4. lmprovcmcnt'J)pe Cod& En~erlhc appropriotefodcrll code nwnber(s). Description OJ New construction on new ali&nment 12 Sofety/T!alfic Opcralion!TSM 02 Relocation 13 Environmentally Rdoted 03 Rcconsll1ICI.ion 14 Bridse Pqnm Spcci.al 04 MajorWICicnin& 21 TnnsitCapilal Pn>ject OS Minor Wulcnin! 22 Tranoit Operational Projca 06 Other Enhancements 23 Tranoit Pianninc 08 New Bri4ac ConotNclion 24 Tranoiltrainina /Admini•ralion 09 Bridac RopJaccmca>t 31 Non Capitallmpn>vanenL 10 Bridac Rehabilitation 32 Non Mo<Dr VdUdc Projcct II Minor Bridae Rehabilitation S. Ftandlna Sllltal. En~er lhc ftandin& otatuo for lhc entire pn>jccl which deocribellhc cum:n1 otawo. F Pn>ject is oclccl.cd and fandin& has been secured by the lead •&CIICY· S Project is otabjccl10 oclcclion by an 'Ieney olhcr lhan the lead. P Pn>ject illisted for plannina purpooe and fandin& io nOlaccurcd. 6. Total LcnJIIh. En~er pmjcctlenath "'lhe nearest handrodlh mile• (or code "00'' if not opplicoblc). 7. Udllly Code(s). En~er lhc apprcprio1e codelcuer(s) for lhe utili lies thot woold need 10 be relocated or arc impacted by the oonstNction project. 8. C Cable1V p P-er 0 Other s T Sewer (olhcr lh~rt aacncy owned) Telcp/lone Project Pbue. Select the appropriate phase code of lhe pn>ject. PE Preliminary Enpnccrina only (or plannina) RW Rl&ht of Woy or land acquisitim only (or equlpnent purchase) CN ConatNction only (or sransit opentin&) AU. AU Phaoeo from Preliminary Enaincerin&lhrouah ConatNction G w Gas Wa~er 9. Pbue Start Date. En~er lhc monlh/doy/ycar in MMIDD!YY formatlhlllhc oelcctcd phase of lhc pn>jccl is IICIUaUy cxocpwlso ltarL 10. Fedora! Fllnds Source. En~er lhe Federal Fund Source code from the llblc. BR Bridae Replacement or Rehab. CMAQ Conaeation Mitiaation Air Quoli1y DEMO IS11lA Demo Projecu (Selected) JC Interstate Coruuuction 1M ln~entate MainLenance NHS Nationall!ichway Syuem S\6 FTA Eldctly ok Disabled Penons SIS FTA Rural Areas S3 FTA Discretionary for Capital Expatdiwre S9 STP(C) STP(E) STP(S) STP(R) STP(U) STP Other FTA Urban Areas STP Swewide Competitive Proanm STP Tranoportation Enhonccmcnu STP Sofcty includina Huard &. RR STP Rurll roclonally •lected STP Urban regionally oelected STP aU other STP pn>jca nos listed AU other Fedcrll Funds Soun:cs II. Fed..-al CCIII. En~er the total federal coot (illlloo,..oNls) of the phue Hpnlwss of when lhc funds will be spcnL 12. Stale Ftatuls Code. En~er appropriale for .,y of the lisled funds to be used en this projccL CAPP County Amriol Preservation Prognm RAP Runl Amriol Progrom TIA Transponaumlmprovcmcnl Acc:cunt UATA Urban An.eriol Tnnl Account PWTF Public Works Trost Fund Other i.e. WSOOT 13. State Fllnds. En~er aU funds from Stale A&enciea (i~ lllo~roNlr) of the phase ropnlwrr of when lhe funds will be opcnl. 14. IS. 16-19. Local Funds. MLer all fund1 from local Agencacs (i,. tltoKJatulJ) oi the phase r~&Drdltu of when the fumb will De •pan. Total Ftands. Enter the Sum of colwnns 10. 12. and 14. Espendltu..., Schedule -(hi, 2nd, 3rd, ~lh lhru 6th yeors). Enter the estimated expendnures (i~ llto~soNls) of doUan by year. This data is lor Local A&ency usc. 20. Environmental Data Type. Enter lhe type of envuunmentaluscssmcntthat will be required for lhis project. This is required for Federolty Funded projects only. ElS E.nvlronmentallmpact Su.lement CE Ca1cgorical Exclusion EA Environmental Assessment NA Not Applicoble/Unknown 21. RIW C..-tlncallon. Circle Y if Rlghs of Woy acquisition is required. U yes. Enter R/W Certificatim Dote if known. This is required for Federally Fllnded projects only. DOTForm l<().()49lnotNCIOnr R-419< ~ =z: Washington State •/1 Department of Transportation Agency CITY OF KENT Coun~No. -~--------------------­ City No. MPO ....I < > ZCI) t-a: ~(I) -w a:ID t--< o::e o--' -::J z<J a:z ::> 0... u.. 1 2 14 06 DO 07 i 00 08 •. 16 09 00 10 --L___ OOTFGftftl~9 -- n,:; 11; PSRC PROJECT IDENTIFICATION A. FEDERAL AID NO. B. BRIDGE NO. C. PROJECT TITLE D. STREET/COUNTY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER E. TERMINAL BEGINNING AND END F. DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE 3 -- -- SOUTH 212TH ST. H.O.V. LANES South 212th Street West Valley Hwy. to SR 167 ----COMMUTE TRIP REDUCTION N/A N/A ---- VALLEY SIGNAL COORDINATION W. Valley Hwy., So. 180th St. SR 516 to So. 180th-W.Valley W. Valley to SR 515 -So. 180th --- -- JAMES STREET SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS James Street ( South 240th St. ) Central Avenue to 98th Ave. SE -- --NEIGHBORHOOD TRAFFIC CONTROL PROG. N/A N/A 1-z w-Cl) ::!:(I) ::> w-1->w oo.. < 1-a:> !/) Cl.l- :::!: 4 5 04 F 32 p 12 F 12 F 12 p Six Year Transportation Improvement Program PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FUND SOURCE INFORMATION ...... :z: >-FEDERAL FUNDING <(I-~--~ RAP :::;w t-CI CAPP oz -8 PROJECT MONTH/ FEDERAL FEDERAL TIA ,_w ~() PHASE YEAR FUND COST ....I PHASE UATA STATE LOCAL CODE BY STARTS PHASE OTHER FUNDS FUNDS 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 1.9 PE ...l,L9A._ --____30.4. _]fL Af'N ....6L..9..L ------250.. CONST 1.QL9..4._ --2....6lfi. __fi5!_ TOTAL ----UATA L.92Q WBll PE __8L9_4_ ___20 --f------5- Af'N ------r--- CONST ------r--- TOTAL --STP(U) __ 20 --~ PE ....8L9A.. ----__s_ Af'N -------- CONST -------- TOTAL ----__5_ -- PE ....8L9A.. __5A -----B... Af'N -------- CONST _§ill_ 249 --_____3.2_ TOTAL --STP(S) 303 --__ll PE ....81..9..4_ ____5 --____l_ Af'N -------- CONST 1Wl.4..... ____AJ_ --___J_ TOTAL --STP(S) _____52 --___lL Oi.lritMton: ~ ~ c~:.:. ~~,_":..01(,~ ~r!~·~.~-Tt~ion """ow~ Board TOTAL 15 3,900 25 5 350 60 19 to 19 __ Hearing Date AUG liST 2, I 994 Adoption Date A!IG!IST 2, 1994 Resolution No EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE FEDERALLY FUNDED PROJECTS ONLY (local Agency) Rf'N REO YIN 4th ENVIR DATE 1st 2nd 3rd ~[~ TYPE MONTH!YR 16 17 18 19 20 21 EIS ___ ':ljN CE ___ EA---DATE 3,900 NA ·-········ EIS ___ Yt1J} CE ___ EA---DATE 25 NA ··-------- EIS y@ --- CE ___ EA---DATE 5 NA -·-·-·--·· EIS ___ yiN_) CE ___ EA---DATE 350 NA ---····--- EIS ___ Y@ CE ___ EA DATE --- 20 20 20 NA .......... 4· Superaedes Prevtoua EdUiona • Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all JrOjeas regcdless of location or source of funds. Complete lhe form for lhe six year Jrocrun in ..:cordance wilh lhe following inslrUCtions. Heading Aamcy Entcr nome of lhe lp<lllaorina aaenc:y. Cowuy Number Cily Number MPO Hearina Da~e Acloption Da~e Resolution Number En~er lhe OFM anianed number. (See LAG A'f'l""'dill21.37.) En~er lhe OFM aui&ned Number. (See LAG Appendilll.31.) En~er lhe name of lhe assoc:ialed MPO (if located within ufboniz.ed area). En~er lhe datc of public hearina. En~er lhe dale this pros rom wos adopiCd by camcil or commission. En~er l.ezjslative Aulhority taolution number if applicable. Column Number I. Functloaal Cluslflcallon. Entcr the appropriale tw<Hiiait code denotin& the Federal Functional OassifiC&tion. (NOIC: The Federal Functional Oauification must be approved by FHWA.) Description Rural (under 5,000 aru) Urban (over 5,000 anaaa) 0 I ln~enu~e II lntcnu~e 02 Principal Anerill 12 Freeways A: Expressways 06 Minor Anerials 14 Olher Principal Anerills 07 Major Collector 16 Minor Anerial 08 Minor Colleccor 17 Colleccor 09 lDcal Accas 19 lDcal Accas 00 No Oauific:ar.ion 00 No Ouaificalion 2. Priority Number. En!Uiocalaaenc:y number identifyina aamcy project priority (optional). 3. Projec:tldenllfk:atlon. Enler (a) Federal Aid Number if previously auiJned; (b) Bridae Number: (e) Project tille; (d) Suoe1/!l .. d Name or Number/Federal Rouse Number; (e) BqinninJ and Endina Tennini (mile paoli or slrUI names); and (f) Doseribe lhe WDJtt to be Compleud. 4. Improvement Type Cod-. Enter lhe appropriale federal code numbet(s). Description OJ Now construction on new alicnment 12 Safety/rrolfic OperoticntrSM 02 Relocation 13 EnvironmenuUy Rdated 03 Roconsuuction 14 Bridae Proarom Special 04 Major Wulenina 21 Transit Capiul Project 05 MinorWidenin& 22 Tran&itOperationa!ProjOCl 06 Olhor Enhancements 23 T ranait Ptannina 08 New Bridao Conslnl<:tion 24 Transinroinina /Adminiamion 09 Bride• Replacement 31 Non Capiw lmprovanenL 10 Bridae Rehobiliution 32 Non Motor Vehicle Projed II Minor Bridao Reh&biliution S. Funding Status. En~er lhe fundina swus for lhe entire JK"joC1 whieh deseribcs lhc current sutus. F Project is selecscd and Iundin& has been secured by lhe load acency. S Project is subjecsto selection by an agency other than lho lead. P Project is lisled for planninc purpose and Iundin& is not secured. 6. Total LeniiJI. Enter projectlen&th 10 the nearest bundrodlh miles (or code "00" if not applicable~ 7. UtllltJ Codo{s). Enter lhe appropriate code Jeueo{s) for lhc utilities that wllllld need 10 be relocaiCd or are impacled by lhe consuucsion project. 8. C Cable'IV P Power 0 Olhor s T Sewer (olher lhan •Ieney owned) Telephone Project PltiSC. Select lhe appropriate phase code of lhe projeCL PE Prd.imimory Enainec:rina only (or planninal RW Ri&htofWoyor land acquisition only (or equipment purchase) CN Consuuc:tion only (or tronsil oporotinc) AU. AU Phaaos from Preliminary Enaineerina throuah Cons11t1C1ion G w Gas Water 9. PltiSC Start Dale. Enter the monlhlday/year in MMIDDIYY format thll the selecscd phase of lhe projecs is actually excepwlto lUst. 10. Fedora! Funds Source. En~er the Federal Fund Sourec code from the uble. DR Bridae Replacanent or Rehab. CMAQ Conaestion Mitiaation Air Qualisy DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selected) IC lntenuse Consuuction 1M lntcnulC Maintenance NHS National Hiahway Sys~em Sl6 FTA Elderly A: Disabled Penons S 18 FTA Rural Areas S3 FTA Discretionary for Capiul Expendilure 59 STP(C) STP(E) STP(S) STP(R) STP(U) STP Olhcr FTA Uriwl Areas STP Statewide Competitive Proarom STP Transponation Enhancemenu STP Safety includina Hazard &. RR STP Rural ncloaally selected STP Urban rqionally selected STP all olhcr STP projoel nee listed AU other Federal Funds Sources I\. Federal Ca&t. En1er lhe toW federal coat (ill lltt,.uGotlls) of lhe ph••• rvprd~JJ of when lhc funds will be spenL 12. Slate Funds Code. Enter appropriatc for .,y of lhe lisled funds 10 be used on this projCCL CAPP County Anerill Preservation Proarom RAP Rural Anerial Prosrom TlA Tronsponation Improvement Account UATA Uriw! Anerill Tntst Account PWTF Public Wori<s T tust Fund Other i.e. WSDOT 13. Slate Funds. EnlCr all funds from Su~e Aaencics (ill lloourGotllr) of lhe phase nprd~JJ of when the funds will be spent. 14. 15. lb-19. Local Funds. hn~.er aU funds from local AaettciCI (j11 dao,Jalllls) oi the pnue ''l""dJns of "'hen the funds will De •pe~u. Total Funds. Enterthe Sum of column• 10, 12. and 14. Expenditure Schedule· (lsi, 2nd, Jrd, 4th lhru 6th years). F.nser the cstimased cxpcndilures (ill lltous•ur) of doUon by year. This daJ.& is for Local Agency usc. 20. Environmental Data Type. Enter lhe type of environmental assessment that will be required for UUs projc.ct. This is required for Federally Funded projects only. EIS Environrnena.llmpact St.atement CE Catesorical Exclusion EA Environmen10l Assessment NA Not Applicable/Unknown 21. R/W Certlncouon. Circle Y ifRiah• of Way acquiution is required. If yes. Enscr R/W Conification Dote if known. This is requin:d for Federally Funded projects only. DOTFonn ,.~049tnSlrucl""'' -419< ~ ::Z:: Washington State ... Department of Transportation Agency CITY OF KENT Coun~No. ~U---~---------------Ci~ No. ___6l_5_ MPO PSRC ..J < >-zen I-IX: ~en -w 0:111 ...... < o..J o:::e -:J zO a:z :::> a. u.. 1 2 00 11 16 12 •••• ... 00 13 00 14 14 15 DOT Fonn 14().049 -- PROJECT IDENTIFICATION A. FEDERAL AID NO. B. BRIDGE NO. C. PROJECT TITLE D. STREET/COUNTY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER E. TERMINAL BEGINNING AND END F. DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE 3 ---- ADA COMPLIENCE PROGRAM SIDEWALK REHAB/ REPAIR N/A N/A --- WEST MEEKER STREET. WIDEN. - I West Meeker Street SR 516 to e/side Green River Br. ---- CITY-WIDE BICYCLE/PED FACILITIES N/A N/A - METRO PARK/RIDE BICYCLE LOCKERS METRO Downtown Kent Park/Ride Lot N/A ----PACIFIC HWY. H.O.V. LANES-I Pacific Hwy. South ( SR 99 ) Kent-Des Moines Rd. to So. 240th. 1-z w-en ~en :::> w-1->w oa. < 1-a:>-en a. I- ~ 4 5 32 p 04 p 32 F 21 p 04 p _.:I: >-- <I-...... ~ ::;w 1-C!) oz -8 PROJECT MONTH/ 1-w PHASE su YEAR ..J PHASE STARTS 6 7 8 9 PE __]ill_ Rtw _81_9!_ CONST _81_9!_ TOTAL -- .17 PE _2L9£ Rtw ~ CONST ___4L_2Q TOTAL -- PE -.£.d4_ Rffl -- CONST __8Li4_ TOTAL -- PE --U9.5.. Rffl -- CONST _1ill_ TOTAL -- 45 PE ....2L9..5... Rffl -- CONST ~ TOTAL -- Six Year Transportation Improvement Program · 19 to 19 ___ PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FL!NJ1SOURCE INFORMATION FEDERAL FUNDING RAP CAPP FEDERAL FEDERAL TIA FUND COST UATA STATE LOCAL CODE BY Hearing Date AUGUST 2 1994 Adoption Date AUGUST 2: 1994 Resolution N 1.1. FEDERALLY FUNDED EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE PROJECTS ONLY (Local Agency) RIWREO 4th B#IR. YIN DATE i PHASE OTHER FUNDS FUNDS TOTAL 1st 2nd 3rd ~[~ TYPE MONTH/YR I 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 _li6 ----2! EIS_ @N I -- I _..:fJ ----l3. eeL ' ---L..ll4 ----206. EA _ DATE STP(E) -..l....55.7 ~ 1,800 30( 300 300 900 NA ----------·· __325 --~ EIS_X_ G)N ___5.2 --~ CE_ BR, ___!...M2 --_.2BB EA_ DATE STP(U) __1..1!9 ~ 2,566 436 2,130 NA ------------ ___2.0 --_____.5. EIS_ Y@ ------CE -X- ~ ----10. EA_ DATE STP(U) ___22.5 -----15. 250 -0-100 150 NA ------···· ___3 ------2. EIS_ v@ ------CE ..x___ ___39 -------.26. EA_ DATE STP(E) __ 42 _.2.8. 70 70 NA ------------ --___l.2D __30. EIS_ v@ ------CE_ --...uno ___3011. EA_ DATE TIA 1.320 ~ 1,650 1,650 NA --··--·----- OiltrbAion: ~ g:; (:~~r:. ~c3:'nt~ae:,-;; ~~~-~-~-Tran~ioft ~ow~ 8oaA1 4· Superoed" Prevlouo Edlllono • Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all Jl'Ojecu rezardless of lo<:alion or source of funds. Comple1e !he form for lhe six year P'Dif""' in acc:orcbnce with lhe following inslnlaions. Heading Aaency Enu:r name of lhe IJICI'aorin& aaency. County Number City Number MPO Hcarina Da1e Adoption Dale Raolulion N11111ber Enw !he OFM ulipod number. (See LAG Appc:ndix 21.37.) En~er !he OFM u&ianed Number. (See LAG Appendix 21.31.) Enu:r !he name of lhc aaaociatcd MPO (if loc:aacd wilhin ultlaniud uu~ Enu:r !he da"' or PJblic hoarin&. En~er !he da1e WI """'""' was adopted by C<IUIIcil or c:ommil&ion. En~er Lopalativc: Aulh<lrity reaollllion lllll!lber if applicable. Column Number 1. Functloaal ClaalflcaUon. Enu:r lhe approprj.IC lwe><li&il oode denoting lhe Fedcnl Functional Oanification. (Nou:: The Fedenl FIIIIC!ional Clanification mull be approYed by FHWA.) Deacrlpllon Rur•l (under 5,000 •ru) Urbtln (over 5,000 •N••I 01 !niCnlaiC II ln1en1a1C 02 Principal Artcrial 12 Freeways &. E:lpnmways 06 Minor Artcriab 14 Olher Principal Artcrials 07 Major Collecr.or 16 Minor Artcrial 08 Minor Collecr.or 17 Collewn 09 LocaiAccus 19 LocaiAcccn 00 No OuaificaLion 00 No Ouaifigtion 2. Priority Number. Enter lacal apncy number identifyina aaency ptojctt priority (oplion&l). 3. Proje Jdenllllcalloa. En&or (a) Federal Aiel Number if previously aooianed; (b) Bridae N...,ber; (c) Projecl tille; (d) Sln:CI/Road Name or N11111ber/Fe4eral R-eNumber; (e) Be1inning ancl En<ling TennirU (mile po&l or lll<CI names); and (0 Describe lhc Worit 10 be Compleled. 4. Improvement Type Codes. Enu:r lhc appropriaiC fedenl c:ocle nwnbcr(o). Deacrlptlon 01 New constn>etion on new alianmeru 12 SafetyfTnllic Operatic:nfi"SM 02 Relocation 13 EnvitonmeniAUy Relatcd 03 Reeonolnlelion 14 Briel&• Pmc.., Special 04 Major Widenin& 21 T ransil Capital Project 05 Minor Wlclenina 22 T ran ail Operational Pmjc:ct 06 Olher Enhanccmenu 23 Transit Plannina 08 New Bridae Conouuction 24 Tranoiltrainifta /Adminianation 09 BridJc Replacement 31 Non Capi tallm""""""enL 10 Bridac Rehabilitation 32 Non MoiOr Vchide Projcel II Minor Bridge Rchabili1ation S. Fundlnl Slatus. En~er lhe funding owus for lhc enti"' projccs which clcoeribcslhe cunau 11atus. F Projca is selceiCd and funding has been aecun:d by lhc !cod a1ency. S Project is aubjccl10 aeleelion by an agency olher lhan lhe lead. P Project is listcd forplannirla P'rpoiC and fiDldin& is n01 accurccl. 6. Total Lencth. En1er ptoject len&lh 10 lhe ncarat hund...dlh miles (or oode •oo•• if n01 applicable). 7. UUIIIy Code(s). En~er lhe appropriaiC cocleleuer(s) for lhe utilities thai would neecl 10 be relocatcd or arc impactcd by lhc coni!Nclion projcet. 8. c p Cable TV Power 0 Olher s T Sewer (Cihc:r lhan aacncy ownccl) Telephone Pro jed Phue. Selccllhc lf'P"'Priale phase code of lhe projecL PE Preliminary Enp.-rina only (or plannin&) RW Ri&hl of Way or land acquisition only (or equipment purchaoc) CN Consuuclion only (or tnnsil opcratin&) AU. All Phases from P"'liminary Ensineerinslhrough Conouuclion G w Gas Wa1er 9. Phue Slarl Date. Enu:r lhe monlh/.U.y/ycar in MMIDD/YY form11 lhatlhe oelceiCd phase of lhe ptojctt is actUaUy CJ<eeptcd to 11an. 10. Fedora! Funds Source. En~er lhe Fcclcral Fund Source coclc from lhe table. BR Bridac Replacement or Rehab. CMAQ Congestion Mitigation Air QualiLy DEMO ISTEA Demo Projceu (Selectcd) JC ln1en1ate Consuuction 1M lnu:ntau: MainLenance NHS National Highway Syt1em Sl6 FTA Elderly&. Disabled Pcnons SIB FTA Runl Arus 53 FTA Discretionary for Cap1al Expenditure S9 STP(C) STP(E) STP(S) STP(R) STP(U) STP Olher FTA Urban Arus STP Slalewiclc Ccmpetitive Program STP T ranspor1ation Enhonc:emeniS STP Safety including Hazard&. RR STP Runl reclonally •lected STP Uman rectonally Hlected STP aU olher STP projc:ct not listed All olher Fcdenl FIDldS Sour= II. Federal Caot. Enu:r lhelotal federal coot (illlllo,..alldr) of !he phase""'"'"" of when lhe funds will be spenL 12. Slate Funds Code. En~er appropria1e for any of lhelistcd fundsiO be used on ws projCCL CAPP County Artcrial Praervalion Procram RAP Rural Artcrial Program 11A Tranoporlation Improvement AccounL UATA Urban A111:rial Trust AccounL PWrF Public Works Trull Fund Olher i.e. WSDOT 13. Slate Funds. En1er aU funds from S1a1C A&cnciea (j111J1o,..aur) of lhc phase ropnl/111 of when lhe funds wiU be spent. 14. IS. 16-19. Local FundL Cn~r all fund• from loal Aaenaes (ill dtold•U•J o( the pRase rc,ardlcs$ of when the fundt will De 1pcnL TOial Funda. Enu:nhc Sum ol cdumns 10, ll, and 14. Expenditure Schedule· (lst,lnd, 3rcl, 41h lhru 6th yeors). EnLcr lhc estimated expcnditu"'' (U.IJiouaaus) of doUon by year. This data is for Local Acency usc. 20. Envln>nmenlal Data Type. Enter lhe Lypc of cnvuonmental useumenllhaL will be required for lhis piOJCCI. This is n:quin:d for Federally Funded pn>ject:J only. EIS Environmenlallmpact S1a1emenL CE Ca«&orical Exclusion EA Environmental Auessmml N A Not Applicable/Unknown 21. RIW CorUftullon. Cin:le Y if Right of Way acquisition is "'q"'"'d. If yes, En1er R1W Certification Dote if known. This is n:qumcl for Federally Funded pn>ject:J only. DOT Form 140.049 lnstn.chons RW\P~Md 4,194 ...... ::7: Washington State ..,, Department of Transportation Agency CITY OF KENT Coun~No. ~~--------------------Ci~No. ...6ll... MPO P~Rr -' < >-z t-a: om -w _VJ a:m t-< O:::E o-' -:::J zO a:z :;I Q, u. 1 2 14 16 16 17 ., > 16 18 16 19 00 20 OOTF .... l-9 --- PROJECT IDENTIFICATION A. FEDERAL AID NO. B. BRIDGE NO. C. PROJECT TITLE D. STREETICOUNlY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER E. TERMINAL BEGINNING AND END F DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE _3 ---- WASHINGTON AVENUE WIDENING - I Washington Avenue ( SR 181 ) Harrison St. to Green River Bridg ---- RUSSELL ROAD AT MEEKER ST. SIGNAL Russell Road, W. Meeker Street N/A -- ~ EAST VALLEY HWY. PAVEMENT REHAB. East Valley Highway So. 192nd St. to So. 212th St. -- --- MILITARY ROAD lHDENING Military Road Reith Road to Kent-Des Moines Rd. ---- BURLINGTON NORTHERN RR GRADE SEPARATIONS So. 228th St So. 212th St, .bm<>c ~t ~mt th ~t Un H., ~t 1-z w-VJ ::::srn :;I w~ 1->w < oo. 1-a:>- a, I-VJ :::lE 4 5 04 p 12 p 03 F 05 p 21 p ..Jx >-;;; <I-~--~ -w t-C> -'o PROJECT oz MONTH/ 1-w -o PHASE YEAR ..J ~0 PHASE STARTS 6 7 8 9 .Z9 PE _2Li5_ ANI __5j..9_5_ CONST -AL.96.. TOTAL -- PE __2Lll ANI _jL_li CONST _BL!i5_ TOTAL -- . 2~ PE _u.gn_ ANI -- CONST ...2l.9fL TOTAL -- 140 PE --2./.MJ._ ANI -- CONST ...8,l.9£... ,. TOTAL -- PE .2j.%., ANI ..2/.!ll... CONST ...2.L9.B... TOTAL -- Six Year Transportation Improvement Program , 19 to 19 PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FUND SOURCE INFORMATI )N FEDERAL FUNDING RAP CAPP FEDERAL FEDERAL TIA FUND COST STATE LOCAL CODE BY UATA PHASE OTHER FUNDS FUNDS TOTAL 10 11 12 13 14 15 ---12.8 ____32 ------2.4.0 __fiO_ --UATN ----432 --lOa TIA ----BOD wan 1,000 -- ----~ ----~ ~ ---- ----r---1QQ 200 ____A_ --~ ------ ___ADA_ --___10_1_ STP(U) ~ --_J..02. 510 --__20 ___20. ------ --~ ---55. --UATA ____15 ..---15. 150 ___Bfi5... -----l.3.5.. _.86..5,_ -----l.3.5.. 1.3..$4!L --2...J,.6.Q STP(S) 1..5..s..51Q_ --2.,..430. 18,000 -- Hearing Date AUGUST 2, 1994 Adoption Date AIIGIIST 2. 1994 Resolution N ~ll. FEDERALLY FUNDED EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE PROJECTS ONLY (local Agency) AN/REO YIN 4th ENVIR DATE 1st 2nd 3rd ~[~ TYPE MONTH .. · 16 17 18 19 20 21 EIS_ @N CE_ EA_ DATE 1,000 NA J ·--------- EIS_ (i)N CE __l_ EA -DATE 200 NA ·--·--·-·- EIS_ Y.@ CE _x_ EA_ DATE 510 NA ---·------ EIS_ yalJ CE_ EA_ DATE 150 NA X ---------- EISL :Y)N CE_ EA_ DATE 1,000 1 ,00( 16,:10 NA ------···· Oil1riWion: ~ g:~ (;~~:::. tt::.r.:wo,:;; ~;'!~·J.~ · Ttanepon.tion ln1Mo.~ 8omd 4· Superoedes Protvlouo Edlllono • Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all JWOjecU regudless of location or source of funds. Complete the form for the six year JWogrun in IICCOI"<bnce with lhe following insii'UCtions. Heading Aaeno:y Enter name of lhc IJ'CIIIaorinl •acnc:y. Counly Number City Number MPO Hearina Date AdopUOII Date Resolution Number Enter \be OFM usianed number. (See LAG AppondiJ. 21.37.) Enter \be OFM aui1necl Number. (See LAG AppondiJ.ll.38.) Enter lhe name of lho asaociated MPO (if localod wilhin urboniud area). Enter \be date of p!blic hearinJ. Enter \be date lhis PI'Oiratn wos oclopod by council or c:ommillian. Enter Lqialotivc Aulhoril}' n:sclution number ilappbcoble. Column Number 1. Functional ClalllftcatiOA. Enter lho appoopriate tw<Hii&il c:odo denolinalho Fodera! Func:licnal Omificotian. (Nott: Tho Fedora! Functional Clanificolion mull be opproved by FHWA.) Deacrlptlon Rurol (under 5,000 or .. ) Urben (over 5,000 oNoo) 01 !ntontatt 11 lnttnlale 02 Princ:ipol Anorill 12 Fra:ways & Expn:sswoys 06 Minor Arteriols 14 Olhor PrinQpal Arterials 07 Mojor CoUe=r 16 Minor Arterial 08 Minor CoUe.:.or 17 Col.leclor 09 Local Ac:cus 19 Local A.-s 00 No OauifiCIIion 00 No Oulilicalion 2. Prlorlly Number. Enw looal aaonc:y number idonlifyina •IOIICY P"'joct priority (opllonal~ 3. Project ldendllcaUon. ENcr (•) Federal Aid Number if prniously auianed: (b) BridJO Number; (c) Projoct Iiilo; (d) Stroei/R .. d Name or Number/Fodoral Route Number; (o) Boainninl and Enclin& Termini (milo post or st~Ut names); and (f) Ooscribe lhe Worlt 10 be CornpleiOAI. 4. lmproYOJIIent Type Cocles. Enter \be aP!'"'Prilte federal code number(s). Deacrlptlon OJ Now construction on now alignment \2 Safol}'!l"ralfic OpontiClii/I"SM 02 Rolocolion 13 Envimnmcnully Related 03 Roc:onstruc:tion 14 Bride• J>qram Spoc:ial 04 Mojor Widening 21 Transit Capital Project 05 Minor W"tdc:ning 22 T rusit Openotional Projoc:1 06 Olhcr Enhancements 23 T rusit PJannin& 08 Now Bridao ConstrUction 24 TnonsilltailtinJ /Adminianolion 09 Bridao Roplacomont 31 Non Copital bnpJOYtmenL 10 Bridge Rehabilitation 32 Non MoiOr Vehicle Project II Minor Bridge Rohabiliution 5. Funding Status. Enter lho funclina sww for lho entin: projoc:l whioh describeslho c:unau 11a1us. F Project is seloc:ttd and funding has beon scc:un:d by tho load ocenc:y. S Project is subjec:110 selection by on 11onc:y other lhon lhelead. P Project is listed for plonning p!rposo and funding is not scc:un:d. 6. Total Lenllh. Enter P"'iectlongth 10 the nean:SI hundn:dlh miles (or code "00" il not applicoble). 7. Utlllly Cocle(s). Enter the oppropriott cocloleuet{s) for tho utilities that would nood 10 be "'Joc:.ottd or ore impac:u:d by the conSINc:lion project. 8. c p Cable TV Power 0 Olhcr s T Sower (other th111 ogoncy owned) Telephone Project PIIIH. Soloctthe opproprioto phuo code of the projec:L PE Prtliminory EnJinurina only (or planning) RW Ri&hl of Woy or land acquisition only (or equipment purchase) CN ConstrUction only (or trusit oponlin&) ALL AU Phuos from Pn:bminory &ainoerin& lhrough ConstrUction G w Gu Water 9. Pllue Start Date. Enter lhe month/day/year in MM/DD/YY formotlhlllho selected phase of lhe project is ac:woUy oxc:optod lo sun. 10. Federal Funds Source. Enter lho Fodenl Fund Soorc:o code from lhe ublo. BR Bridae Roplaamont or Rehab. CMAQ Conaoslion Mitia•lion Air Quality DEMO IS"ffiA Demo Projocu (Solocttd) IC lntentate Construction 1M lnten&ate Mainc.cnance NHS Nolion&lllighwoy Sys~m S 16 FTA Elderly &. Diublod Ponons S\8 FTA Rural Areas S3 FTA Discretionary for Cap tal Expondiwn: 59 Sll'(C) STP(E) STP(S) STP(R) STP(U) STP Olhor FTA Urban Areas STP Sulowide Competitive Proaram STP T ranrponatian Enhanc:emcnu STP Safety including Huard &. RR STP Rural rqlonally oelected STP UrbU1 rqlonally Hlected STP all other STP projoc:1 not bated AU olhor Federal Funds Sources I l. Federal Coot. Enter lhototal federal cost (ill llooiUGit•b) of tho phose 1Yprdkll of when the lunds will be spent. 12. Stale Funds Coclo. Enter appropn•~ for .,y of lhe listed funds 10 be used an this projocL CAPP County Anoriol Praorntion Proanom RAP Runol Arteriol froanom TIA Trusponalim bnprovemont Account UATA Urban Arteriol Trust Account PW"!r Pubbc Worlts Trust fund Olhor i.e. WSOOT I 3. State Fundi. Enter .u funds from s .. ~ Aaonc:ios (ift lhDMIGMI) ol the phuo IYprdlrll of when the funds wiU be spent. 14. 15. 16-19. Local Funds. l:::.ruer aU lunda from local Aaenc:1c1 (Ill dtGMJGIUlJ} ol the phnc '6ttJrd~I.IS of when me {unc.IJ will De •pcm. Total Funds. &~rthe Sum c( columno JO.J2.and 14. Ellpendlture Schedule· (lst,lnd, lrd, 4th lhru 6th years). &tor tho esumatod expenditures (i" lltoM••rul•) ol doUon by year. This dau is for Local Agency use. 20. EnYironmental Data Type. &tor tho typo of onvtronmontol auessmontlhot will be roquin:d for this project. This is required for Federally Funded projrd5 only. EIS &vironmonul lmpoct Sutoment CE Catezorieol Exclusion EA Environmental Auessmont NA Not Applicoble/Unltnown 21. RIW Certlncatlon. Circle Y ifRiaht of Woy acquisition is n:quired. U yes. Enter R/W Conilicotion Dote if known. This is requirc:d for Federolly Funded proJK15 only. DOTForm t40.0491n!llrueltOns R-~ ~ •• Washington State Department of Transportation Agency CITY OF KENT County No. ~i~to. =f~~~~=-ac:==============~ ...J < >-,. z(l) I-ll: ~(/) -w a::m t--< 0~ o-' -::::J zO a::z :::. 0.. u. 1 2 17 21 16 22 .'., 16 23 16 24 14 25 QOTF....,10049 --- PROJECT IDENTIFICAIK>N A. FEDERAL AID NO. B. BRIDGE NO. C. PROJECT TITLE D. STREET/COUNTY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER E. TERMINAL BEGINNING AND END F. DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE 3 -- -- 72ND AVENUE SOUTH EXTENSION 72nd Avenue South South !94th St to So. 196th Stree -- ~ SOUTHEAST 256TH STREET WIDENING Southeast 256th Street Kent-Kangley to !16th Avenue SE ---- 64TH AVENUE SOUTH EXTENSION 64th Avenue South South 216th St to South 226th St ---- LINCOLN AVE. AT SMITH ST. SIGNAL lincoln Ave, Smith Street N/A --- WILLIS ST. AT 4TH AVE. INT. IMPR. Willis St ( SR 516 ), 4th Ave So. N/A 1-z w- ~(/) w->w oa.. a:>-a.. I- ~ 4 01 04 01 12 112 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FUND SOURCE INFORMATION (/) ...J::z:: >--FEDERAL FUNDING :::. oeel-~--~ RAP 1-::::;w I-C) CAPP oe( oz -8 PROJECT MONTH/ FEDERAL FEDERAL 1-TIA t-W PHASE YEAR FUND COST (/) ...J ~() STATE LOCAL PHASE CODE BY UATA STARTS PHASE OTHER FUNDS FUNDS 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 13 14 p .13 PE --2./.NJ-------80 R/W ---Wl-6. ---------216 CONST -lO.J.9.0-------24A TOTAL ------~An p .69 PE --2/..9.£. --~ ~ R/W __A,l..9fi_ --_AM ~ CONST l!lL9.fi_ --__].Q!J ~ TOTAL ----UATA -Lr450 ~ p 63 PE -2./..!JfJ... -------.104 R/W --4f.96--------l4i CONST J.O.L9..6_ ----~ TOTAL ------2...2lli1 p PE -2./..!JfJ... ----------19. R/W -------- CONST .M9fi._ ----____lll TOTAL -------130 p PE ..2/.!1]._ _____§ -----l- R/W -------- CONST ..AL9L ___zz --__3_ TOTAL --STP(U} __26 --___.____.t DtetnWtot~: ~g:;c~r.:.~~rt~OWO-:;; ~~c;,·~-~-Tr~Gn tn.,tcw.men~BOIUd TOTAL 15 540 2,900 2,200 130 30 19 to 19 -- Hearing Date AIIGIISI 2, 1994 Adoption Date ,O,YGYH 2, 1994 Resolution 1'1 u. FEDERALLY FUNDED EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE PROJECTS ONLY (Local Agency) R/WREO YIN 4th ENVIR DATE 1st 2nd 3rd ~{~ TYPE MONTH/VA 16 17 18 19 20 21 EIS__!__ v® CE_ EA_ DATE 54C NA --------·· EIS_lL_ @N CE_ EA_ DATE 2,900 NA --------- EIS.i.._ f])JN CE_ EA_ DATE 2,200 NA ---------- EIS_ Y@ CE _j_ EA_ DATE 130 NA ·-------·- EIS_ Yl® CE _x_ EA DATE - 30 NA ·········· 4· Supeuedes Pr.,vtouo Edlllono • Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all JI'Ojecls regardless of loc:alion or source of funds. Complete lhe form for lhe six year JI'Dgram in accordance wilh lh• following instruetions. Heading Aaency CawyNumber City Number MPO Hcarin& Date Adcpcion Date Resolution Number En1er name of lhc aponiiOrina aacncy. En~er lhc OFM UUaned number. (Sec LAG Appmdi.J. 21.37.) Enter lhc OFM ulianod Number. (Sec LAG AppendiJ. 21.31.) En~er lhc name of lhc auoc:iawl MPO (if loaled wilhin urbanized area). En~er lhc dale of p~blic hcarin&· En~er lhc date this proaram was •eloped by c:ouncil or commission. En~er Lepllativc Authority ruolulion number if applicable. Column Number I. FIIDCtloosal Claalftcatlon. En~er lhe •PI""!"'i""' tW01fiait code denocin& lhe Federal Functional Oauification. (N01e: Tho Federal Funetional Oauification must be approved by FHWA.) Deecrlptlon Rurel (under 5,000 erM) Urben (over 5,000 ere .. ) 01 ln~erstate 11 ln~erstate 02 Principal Aru:rial 12 F...,ways A &prossways 06 Minor Aru:riah 14 Olher Principal Aru:rials r17 Major CoUcctor 16 Minor Aru:rial 08 Minor Colleaor 17 Colleaor 09 Local Aceas 19 Local Acaas 00 No Oullilicalian 00 No OulilicMion 2. Priority Number. Enter loealaacncy number idauifyina aaency projces priority (opoional). 3. Project ldeallllcatlon. Erucs (a) Federal Aid Number if previoualy uoianod; (b) Bridae N...,ber; (c) Projccs Iitle; (d) SIRCIJRoad Nome or Number/Federal Route Number, (e) Bcainnina and Endin& Tennini (mile poot or otrecl names); and (0 Dacribe lhc Won: to be Complowl. 4. l18pn>vement Typo Code. Enter lhc al'P"'!"'i"te fodcral code numbcs(a). Deecrlpllon 01 New Cllftllruction on new alianmcnt 12 Safctyfl"rallic Oporolianll'SM 02 Relocation 13 EnYin>nmcntally Rdawl 03 Rcconsuuc:ticn 14 Briclac Pro&ram Special 04 MajorW"IIIcnina 21 TranaitCapitall'loject OS Minor Widcnin& 22 T ranait Opcrationall'loject 06 Olhcr Enhanc:cmenu 23 T ranoit Plannina 08 New Bridac Canauuction 24 Tranoil trainina /Adminianlion 09 Bridac Rcplaccsncnt 31 Non Capitallmprow:mcnL I 0 Briclae Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vohide Pn>jo<:t I 1 Minor Briclac Rehabilitation S. FllncllnJ Status. Enter lhc fundina otatus for lhe entire projces which cleocribes lhe cunau mwa. F Project is se1octcd and fwtclin& haa been secured by lhe lcoclaaency. S Project is oubjces to aclcction by an aacncy other lhan lhelcad. P Project is listed for plannina p1rp01c and fwtclin& is not accurcd. 6. Totel Lenlflh. Enter project lcn&lh ID the ncarut hunclrodth miles (or code "00'" if not applic.oble). 7. UUilty Code(s). Enterlhc apprcpriste codelcuc!{s) for lhe utilities !hal would need ID be relncated or are impocwl by lhc consuuction project. 8. 9. C C.ble1V P Power 0 Olher s T Sewer (other lhon aaency owned) Telephone Project Pbue. Select the appropriste phaae code of lhe projccL PE Preliminary Enginecrin& only (or plonning) RW Riaht of Way or land a<:quisitian only (or equipmcn1 purchase) CN Consuuction only (or tnnait opcrotin&) AU.. AU Phaocs from Preliminary Ensinecrin& lhrough Conswction G w Gaa Water Phase Start Date. Enter lhe month/day/year in MMIDD/YY lormallhat lhc selected phase of lhe project is octually excepted toston. 10. Federal Funds Source. Enter lhc Fcdcrol Fund Soun:e code from lhe table. BR Bridae Replaccsnent or Rehab. CMAQ Conacstim Miti&ation Air Quali1y DEMO ISTEA Demo Projccu (Selected) IC lntentale Coostruc:tion 1M lntentate M&inu:nance: NHS Nauonal Highway Sy11em St6 FTA Elderly&. Diublcd Persons SIB FTA Rural Areaa S3 FTA Discretionuy lor C.pital Expendi1un: S9 STP(C) STP(E) STP(S) STP(R) STP(U) STP Olhcr FTA Urban Areas STP Slatewicle Competitive Proaram STP Tnn~portatian Enhanccsncnu STP Safely includina Huard &. RR STP Rural "lion ally oelected STP Urban NJionally oelected STP all Olhcr STP projeCl nOt liated AU Olhcr Federal Funds Sources 11. Federal Coot. Enter the total fcdorol coot (illlltDIUOIIdl) of lhe phase rtpnlllll or when the funds will be spcnL 12. Stale Fllnds Code. Enter appropriate for ony of lheliated funds to be uaed an lhia projecL CAPP Counly Aru:rial Preservation Proamn RAP Rurol Arterial Pqrom 11A Tronsportation lmpi'OYCITicnt Accwnl UATA Urbon Aru:rial Trust Accounl PWTF Public Works Trust Fund Olher i.e. WSDOT 13. State Fllnds. En~er aU lunda from Sute Aaenciea (i10 lltousolldr) ol lhe phose npnlllsr of when lhe funds will be apen1. 14. IS. 16-19. Loc:al Funds. bater all lunch hom local Aaenacs (ill 'lt""'oi'Wl•J oi the phne '~IIJrdJus of when the func.ls will De •pcnL Total Fundo. En1er lhe Sumo( colwnna 10. 12. and 14. Esponcliture Schedule· (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th lhrv 6th yean). Emer the cslima1ed cxpendilures (i,. tltousollds) ol doUars by year. This dill ia lor Local Agency use. 20. Environmental Data Type. Enter the type of enYimnmen•al uscssmentthal will be required for this project. This is required for Federally Funded projKU only. EIS Environmental lmpoCl Statemeno CE C.tegorieal Exclusion EA Environmental Aueumr:nt NA Not Applicable/Unknown 21. RIW Certlncallon. Cin:le Y ifR.i&ht ofWoy acquisi1ion ia requon:d. U yes, Enter R/W Ccrtificatioo Dale if known. This is required lor Federally Fllnded projKU only. DOTFonn ••~04!11nllruct.,., -.... ~ .; Washington State Department of Transportation Agency CITY OF KENT County No. ~~--------- City No. __.6..15_ MPO PSRC -' PROJECT IDENTIFICATION < >- ZCI) t-a: -w A. FEDERAL AID NO. ~(I) crm B. BRIDGE NO. t-< o::::s u....r C. PROJECT TITLE -::J zU crz D. STREET/COUNTY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER :::> 0.. E. TERMINAL BEGINNING AND END u.. F. DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE , 2 3 16 26•·· ---- CENTRAL AVENUE PAVEMENT REHAB. Central Avenue Willis Street to Green R1ver Br. 16 27 ---- SOUTH 224TH/ 228TH.ST. CORRIDOR So. 228th St., Military Road ~1~~:~~ :~~e~0 t~4 ~~B~~=·Mj<ji~i~, 16 29··· ---- WEST MEEKER ST. WIDENING -II West Meeker Street . Green River Br. to West Valley Hw1 14 29 16 30 [)()Tfonnl-g --- ---- PACIFIC HWY. SOUTH H.O.V. LANES PHASE 2 Pacific Highway So. So. 240th Street to So. 252nd St. -- -- CENTRAL AV. AT SMITH ST. INT. IMP~ Central Avenue at Smith Street N/A .... z w-(I) :::::ECI) w~ :::> >w .... oa.. < .... a:>-a.. I-(I) :::::E 4 5 03 p 01 p 04 04 p 10 P4 p 12 p Six Year Transportation Improvement Program PROJECT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FUND SOURCE INFORMATION _,% >--FEDERAL FUNDING .... ~ < .... RAP t-CI ~w CAPP oz -8 PRoJECT MONTH/ FEDERAL FEDERAL TIA .... w PHASE YEAR FUND COST ....r ~0 STATE LOCAL PHASE CODE BY UATA STARTS PHASE OTHER FUNDS FUNDS 6 7 8 g 10 11 12 13 14 100 PE _2/.!ll ___A ------l. R/W -------- CONST _£f.JJl ____335 ----115. TOTAL --STP(U) ___339 -----11& PE --U9B --_8J.L -20.4 R/W-___6L9B ------6.66... ---l.6l CONST ~ --~ -W.4l TOTAL ----TIA l..,..6.4Q. ~ 1.00 PE ---U9B --~ ____2!1 ---6t9.8 ----Z6£L _llQ. R/W -- CONST --6,{.99 WillL __fil5. --UATA/ TOTAL --TIA U4L ,W12 -- . 4~ PE -2LM3 --_20.Q_ -----50. R/W -------- CONST _8L9.8 --UATA/ 1..,130£L ---4.5.0.. TOTAL ----TIA ~ f--500 PE ___2,L99 ------12.---lB. R/W ----4,l.39 --__2.4B_ -----62. CONST ___uQ_Q --~ ___80_ TOTAL ----UATA _MQ_ f----1.6n o•kb.tktn: ~ ~ c~r.: t~:!:'Q-.:;; ~~~·~-~ · TtaMPQrillltOnl"l'f~•~ Board TOTAL 15 425 9,558 5,559 2,500 800 19 to 19 -- Hearing Date AllGIISI 2, 1994 Adoption Date AIIGIIST 2, 1994 Resolution N o. FEDERALLY FUNDED EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE PROJECTS ONLY (local Agency) R/WREO YIN 4th EmiR DATE 1st 2nd 3rd ~:~ TYPE MONTH/YR 16 17 18 19 20 21 EIS_ Y/N CE .x._ EA_ DATE 425 NA ----·-··-- EIS_l_ N)N CE_ EA_ DATE 9,558 NA ----·-·-·· EIS_L. tY)IN CE_ EA -DATE 5,559 NA ---------- EIS v.@ - CE - EA_ DATE 2,500 NA X ---------- EIS_ ~N CE - EA -DATE 800 NA X ·········· 4· Supeuedes Prevloua Edlllona • I I I I Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of location or source of funds. Complete lhe form for lhe six year program in IICCOfdance wilh lhe following insii'Uctions. Heading Aaenc:y Enter name or &he tpc:mlorina •acncy. Counly Number City Number MPO Hcarina Dale Adoption Daoe Rcsolulicn Number Enoer lhe OFM usianed number. (See LAG Appendix 21.37.) Enoer 1be OFM ulianed Number. (See LAG Appendix 21.38.) Enoer lhe nome of lhc anociawl MPO (iflocaled wilhin urbonizcd an:a). Enoer lhe daoe of public hearin&- Enler lhe dale lhis pqru~ wu adopwl by council or commiuion. Enoer Lcajslativc Aulhority rosolution number ilapplicable. Column Number I. FIIDcUoaal Clalllncatlon. En~erlhe oppropriale two-cliait code deftoliftslhe Federal Functional Cl.o11ificalion. (Nooe: The Federal Fuaclional ClalliflC.IIion mull be approved by FHWA.) Deacrlptlon Rural (under 5,000 aru) Urban (over 5,000 araaa) 0 I ln~enlale II ln!el'llale 02 Principal Ar~erial 12 Freeways & Exprossways 06 Minor At~eriah 14 Olher Principal Anerials 07 Majc.-Collcclor 16 Minor Arterial 08 Minor Collec:IDr 17 Collec:IDr 09 LocalAccas 19 LocalAccoas 00 No Culificaaioo 00 No Cuaificalion 2. Priorl17 N•mber.l!n&a localaaency number idenlilyina .,enc:y project priorily (apcional). 3. Project Jdeallflcalloa. l!n&a (a) Federal Ai4 Number il preW>usly aasiJned; (b) Bridae Number; (c) Projed lille; (d) SII'Oet/Road Name or Number/Fcdaal ~.Number; (e) Beainnina and Endin& Termini (mile poot or sii'Oel namu); and (0 Ducribe !he Work 10 be Compleled. 4. lmproveaaenl T)'pe Cod& En1er lhe appropriale federal code numbcr(s). Deacrlpllon 01 New COIIItruclion on new alianment 12 Safety!rralfic Operalian/T'SM 02 Relocation 13 Envinnnaually Rdaled 03 Reconsuuclim 14 Brid&e Pqru~ Special 04 Major Wuienift& 21 Tnnsit Capital Project OS Mine.-Wuienin& 22 T nnsit Operalional Project 06 Olher Enhancemenu 23 Tnnsit Plannina 08 New Bridae ConslNclion 24 Tnnlil uaiftina /Admini•raaicn 09 Bridie Replac:emau 31 Non Capiw lmpnm:rnenL I 0 Bridae Rchabili1alion 32 Non Mosor Vehide Project II Minor Bridse RehabiliLation S. Funding Slatus. Enter the funclins llalw for the entire project which describes !he cum:nt IIAIUI. F Project is selecled and funding has been securod by the lead agency. S Project is subjeCIIO seleclim by an .,enc:y other than !he lead. P Project islisled forplannin& purpose and {undine is noc securod. 6. Total Lnrth. Enter projec:tlenalh 10 the nearell hundredlh miles (or code "00" if not applicable). 7. UUIIty Codo(s). &oer the appropriate codeletter{s) fc.-the utilities that would need 10 be relocated or are irnpac:led by lhe oonslNct.ion project. 8. c p Cable TV Power 0 Olher s T Sewer (other than agency owned) Telephone Pro joel Phue. Select lhe appropriate phase oade of the projecL PE Preliminary EnJineerina only (or planning) RW Rieht of Way or land acquisition only (or equipment purchase) CN ConslNc:tion only (or transit opc:~tin&) AU. All !'hues from Preliminary Engineering through Consuuct.ion G w Gas Waaer 9. Phase Start Date. En1er the month/day/year in MM/DDIYY format !hat the selec:led phue of lhe pro.J"CI is actually excepted to 11an. 10. Fedora! Funds Soun:e. Enter !he Federal Fund Source code from the 1able. BR Bridee Replaa:rnent or Rehab. CMAQ Congestion Mitieation All Quality DEMO ISTEA Demo Projecu (Selected) IC ln1en1ate ConslNction 1M Interstate Main~enance NHS Notionalllighway Sysu:m Sl6 FTA Elderly & Disabled Penons SIB FTA Rural Aroas S3 FTA Diletetionary for Captlal Expenditure 59 STP(C) STP(E) STP(S) STP(R) STP(U) STP Olher FTA Urban Aroas STP Statewide Competitive Progru~ STP TnniJ>Oflabon Enhancemenu STP Safety including Hazard &. RR STP Rural rqlonally ~tlocted STP Urban regionally Hlocted STP all olher STP projeCI noc listed AU other Feden.l Funds Sources II. Fedora! Caot. En1er tho loW federal c:oot (illllooa•...Ss) of lhe phue ,.pnl/111 of when lho funds will be spenL 12. State Funds Code. Enter appropriale for any of thelisled funds 10 be used on lhis project. CAPP County Anerial Proservation Proan.m RAP Rural Arterial Prosru~ 11A Tnnsponation Improvement Account UATA Urban At~erial Trust Account PWTF Public Woru Trust Fund Other i.e. WSDOT 13. Slate Funds. Enter all funds from SlaiCAgenc:ies (i~ lloouso...Ss) oflhe phase rrpnlilsrof when lhe funds wiU be spent. 14. IS. 16-19. Local Funds. hnter all iunds from local Ascnc1e1 (ill ll•o•u•l'lllt) oi the phase '~IDrdl~ss of when 1hc funds will be •pcnL Total Funds. Enter !he Sumo{ columns 10. 12, and 14. Expenditure Sciledule ·(lsi, 2nd, 3rd, 4th thn1 6th years). Enter the estimated expenditures (in lloous•...Ss) of doUan by year. This da1a is for Local Agency use. 20. Envlronmenlal Data Type. Enter the type of envtronmental usessmentthat will be requu.:d for this project. This is requirod for Fedorally Funded projecu only. E!S EnvirorunenLallmpact SLatement CE Catesorieal Exclusion EA Environmenw Anessment NA Not Applicable/Unknown 21. RIW CorUncatlon. Circle Y if Riaht or Way acquisition is required. If yes, Enter RJW Certification Date il known. This is required for Fedorally Fllnded projects only. DOTFcwm 1~049tnstNCtoon• -- ~ • Washington State Department of Transportation Agency CITY OF KENT County No. ~~---------­ City No. MPO PSRC -' PROJECT IDENTIFICATION < >-z(/) 1-0:: ~(/) -w A. FEDERAL AID NO. O:ID B. BRIDGE NO. t-< O::::E o-' -:::J C. PROJECT TITLE zO a:z D. STREET/COUNTY ROAD NAME OR NUMBER ::J a. E. TERMINAL BEGINNING AND END u. F. DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE 1 2 3 16 31 ---- JAMES ST. AT CENTRAL AVE INT. IMP James Street, Central Avenue N/A 17 32 ---- ·• SMITH ST. AT 4iH AVE. INT. IMPROV. Smith Street, 4th Avenue N/A 17 33 ..•• -- 94TH AVENUE WIDENING 94th Avenue South James Street to :canyon Drive 17 34 ---- SE 248TH STREET WIDENING Southeast 248th Street 94th Avenue So to 116th Avenue SE DOT r .... 140-049 -- 1-z w-:IE(/) w->w on. a:>-a. I- :IE 4 05 05 04 J4 Six Year Transportation Improvement Program PROJEPT COSTS IN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS FUND SOURCE INFORMATION (/) ....IJ: >--FEDERAL FUNDING :> .... ~ RAP <I-1-I-(!I ::iW CAPP < oz _o PROJECT MONTH/ FEDERAL FEDERAL 1-1-w .... a PHASE YEAR FUND COST TIA 1/) ..... :>0 STATE LOCAL PHASE CODE BY UATA STARTS PHASE OTHER FUNDS FUNDS 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 p PE ~ ----20 ----5. Rtw ~ --_____an ___2Q. CONST ___6LQQ ------180 --AS- TOTAL ----UI\TA __2.BJ) ~ p PE __2.f.!J!J -------1.6 ~ Rtw __fU!J3 --_l6D ~ CONST _6tDD ---320 f.---_gu TOTAL ----UATA _A9.6 ~ . 56 PE ___2L.29 --_3.6 __2.4_ Rtw -------- CONST 6/99 --_5!! ___ll6_ TOTAL ----UATA _MD ___l.60_ p 1.35 PE ____2.L9.9 ---2-40 ~ Rtw -------- ~ 1,360 340 CONST -- TOTAL ----UATA ...l....6.QQ ~ PE -------- Rtw -------- CONST -------- TOTAL ------f- Oilllnb.lian: ~ g:; c.~·:: tc:~.:..ooo~ ~;'!c;,.· ~-~ · Tran~tOn ~IC¥ement BNI'd TOTAL 15 350 620 800 2,000 19 to 19 __ Hearing Date 1\IIG!!ST 2 1994 Adoption Date AUGUST 2: Ulll4 Resolution No EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE FEDERALLY FUNDED PROJECTS ONLY (local Agency) RIWREO YIN 4th ENVIR DATE 1st 2nd 3rd ~r:; TYPE MONTH/YR 16 17 18 19 20 21 EIS_ '»'N CE_ EA -X-DATE 350 NA X ---------- EIS_ @IN CE_ EA_ DATE 620 NA X ·--------- e1s...x_ Y@ CE_ EA_ DATE 800 NA --------·- EIS.J._ Y® CE_ EA_ DATE ~.ooo NA ··-------· EIS_ Y/N CE_ EA_ DATE NA ··--·····- 4· Super aedes Pnovlouo Edlllono • I Six Year Transportation Improvement Program Instructions for Preparing the Form Include all projects regardless of lOC&lion or source of funds. Complete !he form for !he six year program in ICCOfdance with !he following inslrUCiions. Heading Aacncy Eoucr nome of lhc rpanoorina •aoncy. Camly Number City Number MPO HoarinaDa~e Adoplion Dale Ruolulion Number En"'r lhc OFM ouiped number. (Sec l.AG Appondi>-2.1.37.) En"'r lhc OFM aui&ncd Number. (Sec l.AG Appendi12.1.31.) m..r lhc nome of lhc osoocioled MPO (illoc:lled wilhin urboni>cd orca). En~er lhc clolc of public hcorin&· En~er lhe dole lhi1 pt01nm was adopwl by council or cmuninion. Enter l..cpslative Alllhority JaOiuaion number ii appbcoblc.. Column Number I. Fuadloeal ClalllftC8tlon. Enter lhe lf'II'OP'U"' twCH!iJit code denocin& the Federal Functional CUuificolion. (Noc.e: The Federal FlmCiionol CU11if1C0tion mull be approved by FHWA.) De.crlpdon Rural (under 5,000 ar81) Urban (over 5,000 .,. .. ) 01 lntentate II lnten11te 02. Principal Arterial 12 Freeways & Expressways 06 Minor Arterials 14 Other Principal Arterials 07 Major Calleccor 16 Minor Arwiol 08 Minor CollectDr 17 Coll&aor 09 Local Accas 19 Local Acceu 00 No Ousificotion 00 No Ousificolion 2. Priority Number. Enta Jocalalf'llcy number idon&ilyin& OJCIIC)' projccl priority (cpliooW). 3. Project Jdondllc:atlon. Enta (a) Federal Aid Number if previously ouiancd: (b) Bridae Number, (c) Project tide; (d) Sueci/R .. d Name or Number/Federal Route Number, (c) Beainnina and Endins Tcnnini (mile post or strUI names); and (I) Describe lhe Worlc 10 be Complcwl. 4. Jmprovemeat Type Codes. Enter lhe appropriate federal code num~s). De.crlptlon 01 New construction on new alignment 12 Safcty!Tnffic Opention!TSM 02. Relocation 13 Environmon10Uy Reloled 03 Reconsuucticn 14 Bridge Pqnm Special 04 Major Widening 21 Transit Capitol Project 05 Minor Widening 22 Transit Operational Project 06 Olher Enhancements 23 Transit Plannina 08 New Brid&e Constn>ction 24 Transil tninin& /Adminillration 09 Bridse Rcp!acancnt 31 Non CopitallmprovanonL I 0 Bridae Rehabilitation 32 Non Motor Vehicle Projcc:t 11 Minor Bridae Rehabilitation 5. Funding Status. Enter lhc Iundin& status for lhe entire projccl which describes !he curtail status. F Project u selected and Iundin& has been sccurcd by the lcsd agency. S Project u subjea 10 selection by an aecncy other than the load. P Project u lisled forplannin& purpose and Iundin& is not secured. 6. Total Length. Enter project lencth 10 the nearest hundrcdlh miles (or code "00" if not applicoble). 7. Utility Code(s). Enter the appropriate codelener(s) for the utilities that woold need to be relocated or arc impocled by lhe <XliiiUUction project. 8. C C.ble1V P Power 0 Olher s T Sewer (olhcr than •seney owned) Telephone Project PhOH. Select lhe appropriate phase code of the projccL PE Preliminary EnJinecrin& only (or planning) RW R.i&ht of Way or land acquisition only (or equipment purcllasc) CN Consuuction only (or transit opcratinc) AU All Pha10s from Preliminary En&inccrin& through Consuuction G Gas w 9. Phase Start Date. Enter the month/day/year in MM/DD/YY format thlll the selected phase of the projccl is acwaUy excepted to stan. 10. Ftclrol Funds Source. Enter lhe Federal Fund Source code from the table. BR Bridae Replacement or Rehab. CMAQ Conaestion Mitiaaticn Air Quality DEMO ISTEA Demo Projects (Selecled) IC lntcntote Construction 1M lntentate Maintenance NHS Nationallliahway System S 16 FTA Elderly A Oil&blcd Penon• SIB FTA Rural Areas SJ FTA Discretionary for Capital Expenditure S9 Sll'(C) Sll'(E) STP(S) STP(R) STP(U) STP Olher FTA Urban Areas STP Swewide Competitive Proarom STP Transponotim Eothancanonu STP Ssfety includina Hazan! &. RR STP Rural regionally 1tlected STP Urban regionally selected STP aU olher STP project not listed AU other Federal Funds Sources II. Ftclral COlt. Enter the total federal coot (ill fllousaus) of lhe phase nprdZ.rr of when the funds will be spcnL 12. State Funds Code. Enter appropriate for any of lhe lisled fundsiO be used en lhis projecL CAPP County Arterial Preservation Pros ram RAP Rural Aneriol Procnm TIA Transportatim Improvement Accoont UATA Urban Arterial Trust Account PWTF PublicWorits Trust Fund Olher i.e. WSOOT 13. State Fundi. Enter aU funds frcrn State Aaencies (i• lltousaus) of lhe phase rtprdZ.rr of when the funds will be spent. 14. IS. 16-19. Local Funds. tinter all lunch from local AJenc&eJ (u• rlt.o11.salllls) oi the phase '~l"'dlns of when lhc funds will be •pcnL Total Funds. EntcrtheSumoCcQiumnslO.l2.and 1~. Espendlturt Schedule· (lst, 2nd, lrd, ••h lhrv 61h years). Enter the estimated expenditures (i11 lltoMsallds) of doUan by year. This dOlo is for Local Agency use. 20. Environmental Data Type. &uer the type of c.nYlronment&lasscssment that will be ~quned for this proJect. This is required for Fedrally Funded projects only. EIS Environmental Impact SIOtement CE C.te&oricol Exclusion EA Environmental AIICIIment NA Not Applicoble/Unltnown 21. RIW Crtlficollon. Cin:le Y if R.iaht of Way acquisition is required. If yes. Enter R/W Catificoticn Dote if known. This is required for Federally Funded projects only. OQTform 140-048tn&lNCIIDN -~ CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: South 171nd/177th Street Corridor Project Auburn Way to Kent-Kangley Road ( State Route 516 ) DESCRIPTION: Construct a new five-lane roadway from Auburn Way to the Kent-Kangley Road ( State Route 516 ), including a new bridge across the Green River, and traffic signals at the intersections of South 272ndl Auburn Way and 116th Avenue SEI Kent-Kangley Road. Project will include the construction of full- width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; drainage; bike paths; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering SUMMARY: Right ofWay Acquisition Construction TOTAL: FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIA, CITY, LID $ 1,900,000 $ 3,200,000 $ 21,400,000 $ 26,500,000 Page 10 CITYOFKENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: South I 96th/ 200th Street Corridor Project Orillia Road to West Valley Highway (State Route 181 ) DESCRIPTION: Construct a new five-lane roadway from Orillia Road to Russell Road, and widen Russell Road/ South 196th Street to West Valley Highway (State Route 181 ), including a new bridge across the Green River, and traffic signals at the intersections of Orillia Road/ South 200th Street and Russell Road at South 200th Street. Project will include the construction of full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; drainage; bike paths; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering SUMMARY: Right of Way Acquisition Construction TOTAL: ( City share ) FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIA, COUNTY, CITY, LID $ 781,000 $ 2,323,000 $ 9,396,000 $ 12,500,000 Page 11 CITY OF KENT, W ASIDNGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: South I 96th/ 200th Street Corridor Project West Valley Highway ( State Route 181 ) to East Valley Highway DESCRIPTION: Construct a new four and five-lane roadway from West Valley Highway (State Route 181) to East Valley Highway, including a new bridge across the Union Pacific Railroad and Burlington Northern Railroad main lines; widen South 196th Street between West Valley Highway (State Route 181 ) and 72nd Avenue South, and from 80th Avenue South to East Valley Highway; and a traffic signal at the intersections of South 196th Street at East Valley Highway. Project will include the construction of full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; drainage; bike paths; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering SUMMARY: Right ofWay Acquisition Construction TOTAL: FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIA., CITY, LID Page 12 $ 1,500,000 $ 4,700,000 $ 15,800,000 $ 22,000,000 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Canyon Drive Pedestrian and Bicycle Facility Alvord Avenue to 94th Avenue South DESCRIPTION: Extend the existing concrete sidewalks along the northerly side of Canyon Drive (State Route 516 ), and construct new concrete sidewalks along the southerly side of Canyon Drive, between Alvord Avenue and 94th Avenue South~ and widen the pavement to provide a bicycle lane along the southerly side of the roadway. Project will include the construction of paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; drainage; bike paths; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 43,000 SUMMARY: Right of Way Acquisition $ -0- Construction $ 642,000 TOTAL: $ 685,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP ( U ), CITY Page 13 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Reith Road/ West Meeker Street at Kent-Des Moines Road Intersection Improvements DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST SUMMARY: Reith Road/ West Meeker Street at Kent-Des Moines Road Widen Reith Road and West Meeker Street from a point 500 feet westerly of the Kent-Des Moines Road (State Route 516) to Frager Road. Project will include the construction of paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; drainage; utilities and appurtenances. Preliminary Engineering $ 3,000 Right of Way Acquisition $ -0- Construction $ 54,000 TOTAL: $ 57,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP ( U ), CITY Page 14 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: South 212th Street High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes West Valley Highway ( State Route 181 ) to State Route 167 DESCRIPTION: Widen South 212th Street to provide one pair ofHigh Occupancy Vehicle lanes, one lane each direction, from West Valley Highway (State Route 181) to State Route 167, reconstruct any existing concrete sidewalks, and complete the missing segments of sidewalk; and construct a five-foot wide concrete bicycle path alongside sidewalks. Project will include the construction of paving; concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and bicycle paths; street lighting; drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 380,000 SUMMARY: Right of Way Acquisition $ 250,000 Construction $ 3,270,000 TOTAL: $ 3,900,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): UAT A, CITY, LID Page 15 CITY OF KENT, WASIDNGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Commute Trip Reduction CITY-WIDE DESCRIPTION: Prepare the parking review policy per the Washington State Commute Trip Reduction law; including a review of the City's parking inventory, parking costs, parking design guidelines, zoning codes, and forecast demand; and implement policies among the City's major employers to encourage the reduction of peak hour commute trips . PROJECT COST Administration $ 25,000 SUMMARY: $ -0- $ -0- TOTAL: $ 25,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP ( U ), CITY Page 16 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Green River Valley Traffic Signal Coordination Project West Valley Highway--Kent-Des Moines Road to South I 80th Street South I 80th Street-West Valley Highway to Benson Highway DESCRIPTION: Complete the design report for the Intra-agency signal coordination project between the Cities of Renton, Tukwila, and Kent; King County; and the Washington State Department of Transportation. Signal coordination recommendations to be made for West Valley Highway between the Kent-Des Moines Road and South I 80th Street; and South I 80th Street between West Valley Highway and Benson Highway ( SR 515 ); implement the recommendations, therein; and monitor the net level-of-service improvements. PROJECT COST Administration and Analysis $ 5,000 SUMMARY: $ -0- $ -0- TOTAL: $ 5,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): CITY Page 17 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: James Street Safety Improvements Central Avenue to 98th Avenue South DESCRIPTION: Construct pedestrian safety improvements along James Street (South 240th Street ), between Central Avenue and 98th Avenue South. Project will include signalization system modifications at the intersections of South 240th Street/ 94th Avenue South, South 240th Street/ 98th Avenue Southeast; concrete sidewalk reconstruction at various locations; signage; and street lighting. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 62,000 SUMMARY: Right ofWay Acquisition $ -0- Construction $ 288,000 TOTAL: $ 350,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): CITY Page 18 CITY OF KENT, W ASIDNGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Neighborhood Traffic Control Program CITY-WIDE DESCRIPTION: Modify residential streets within various neighborhoods of the City to promote pedestrian safety, and encourage driver compliance with the existing traffic laws. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 6,000 SUMMARY: Right ofWay Acquisition $ -0- Construction $ 54,000 TOTAL: $ 60,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP ( U ), CITY Page 19 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: ADA ( Americans With Disabilities Act ) Compliance Program Sidewalk Repair and Rehabilitation Program DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST SUMMARY: CITY-WIDE Reconstruct and repair existing sidewalks and wheelchair ramps; and install new sidewalks to implement the accessibility requirements of the Federal Government's ADA ( Americans With Disabilities Act ); including a review of the City's sidewalk inventory, and reconstruction of existing deficiencies. Project will include the construction of concrete curbs, gutters and sidewalks; and street lighting. Preliminary Engineering $ 180,000 Right of Way Acquisition $ -0- Construction $ 1,620,000 TOTAL: $ 1,800,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP ( U ), CITY Page 20 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: West Meeker Street Widening-Phase One Kent-Des Moines Road (State Route 516) to Green River Bridge DESCRIPTION: Widen West Meeker Street to provide a five lane roadway, with bike lanes, from the Kent-Des Moines Road (State Route 516) to Green River Bridge, reconstruct any existing concrete sidewalks, and complete the missing segments of sidewalk. Project will include the construction of paving; concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks; bicycle paths; street lighting; drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 376,000 SUMMARY: Right ofWay Acquisition $ 60,000 Construction $ 2,130,000 TOTAL: $ 2,566,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP ( BR ), UATA/ TIA, CITY Page 21 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: City-Wide Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Program CITY-WIDE DESCRIPTION: Provide improvements to pedestrian walkways, including completing missing segments of sidewalk; widen roadway shoulders to provide bicycle lanes; and provide for cyclist and pedestrian safety improvements. Locations of projects to be determined as the need is identified . PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 25,000 SUMMARY: Right ofWay Acquisition $ -0- Construction $ 225,000 TOTAL: $ 250,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP ( U ), CITY Page 22 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: METRO Park and Ride Lot Bicycle Lockers METRO Downtown Kent Park and Ride Lot DESCRIPTION: Provide secure bicycle storage at the METRO Park and Ride Lot in Downtown Kent. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 7,000 SUMMARY: Right of Way Acquisition $ -0- Construction $ 63,000 TOTAL: $ 70,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP ( E ), CITY Page 23 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Pacific Highway South ( State Route 99) High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes Kent-Des Moines Road (State Route 516) to South 240th Street DESCRIPTION: Widen Pacific Highway South ( State Route 99 ) to provide one pair of High Occupancy Vehicle lanes, one lane each direction, from the Kent-Des Moines Road ( State Route 516 ) to South 240th Street, reconstruct any existing concrete sidewalks, and complete the missing segments of sidewalk. Project will include the construction of paving; concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks, and bicycle paths; street lighting; drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 150,000 SUMMARY: Right ofWay Acquisition $ -0- Construction $ 1,500,000 TOTAL: $ 1,650,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): TIA, CITY Page 24 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Washington Avenue (State Route 181) Widening Harrison Street to Green River Bridge DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST SUMMARY: Widen Washington Avenue (State Route 181) to provide one additional pair of general purpose lanes, one lane each direction, from the Kent-Des Moines Road ( State Route 516 ) to West Meeker Street, one additional southbound travel lane between Harrison Street and West Meeker Street, and minor widening ofWashington Avenue south of the Kent-Des Moines Road ( State Route 516 ), reconstruct existing concrete sidewalks, and complete the missing segments of sidewalk. Project will include the construction of paving; concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks; street lighting; drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. Preliminary Engineering $ 160,000 Right of Way Acquisition $ 300,000 Construction $ 540,000 TOTAL: $ 1,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): UAT AI TIA, CITY I ,' ' I ~ '" Page 25 CITY OF KENT, W ASlllNGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Russell Road at West Meeker Street Traffic Signal System Russell Road at West Meeker Street DESCRIPTION: Install a multi-phase traffic signal system at the intersection ofRussell Road and West Meeker Street. Project will include the minor widening of the pavement, and reconstruction of the curb returns on the northerly side of West Meeker Street. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 10,000 SUMMARY: Right of Way Acquisition $ 10,000 Construction $ 180,000 TOTAL: $ 200,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): CITY Page 26 CITY OF KENT, W ASIDNGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: East VaUey Highway Pavement RehabHitation South 192nd Street to South 212th Street DESCRIPTION: Reconstruct the existing roadway pavement to add additional life to the roadway, between South 192nd Street and South 212th Street. Project will include the removal and replacement of the existing pavement in the curb (#2) travel lanes in each direction, and an asphalt overlay of the entire roadway. Project will also include the replacement of selected catch basin inlets and aprons, and curbs, gutters and driveways. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 5,000 SUMMARY: Right ofWay Acquisition $ -0- Construction $ 505,000 TOTAL: $ 510,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP ( U ), CITY Page 27 CITYOFKENT, WASIDNGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Military Road Improvements Kent-Des Moines Road (State Route 516) to Reith Road DESCRIPTION: Widen Military Road to provide left tum lanes and paved shoulders at PROJECT COST SUMMARY: selected locations between the Kent-Des Moines Road ( State Route 516 ) and Reith Road. Project will include the construction of paving; concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks; street lighting; drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. Preliminary Engineering $ 39,000 Right of Way Acquisition $ -0- Construction $ 111,000 TOTAL: $ 150,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): UATA, CITY Page 28 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Burlington Northern Railroad Grade [ Crossing ] Separations South 212th Street South 228th Street James Street Smith Street Willis Street ( State Route 516 ) DESCRIPTION: Construct grade separations of the Burlington Northern Railroad's main line at South 212th Street, South 228th Street, James Street, Smith Street, and Willis Street ( State Route 516 ); in order to enhance motor vehicle safety, and the operations of the RTA commuter rail service and proposed Everett to Portland high-speed rail line. Project will include the construction of full-width paving; bridges and retaining walls; curbs, gutter and sidewalks; street lighting; drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering SUMMARY: Right of Way Acquisition Construction TOTAL: FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP ( RRP ), RTA, CITY Page 29 $ 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 $ 16,000,000 $ 18,000,000 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: 72nd Avenue South Extension DESCRIPTION: PROJECT COST SUMMARY: South 194th Street to South 196th Street Construct a new three-lane roadway from South 194th Street to South 196th Street. Project will include the construction of full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. Preliminary Engineering $ 80,000 Right of Way Acquisition $ 216,000 Construction $ 244,000 TOTAL: $ 540,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): CITY Page 30 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Southeast 256th Street Widening Kent-Kangley Road (State Route 516) to I 16th Avenue Southeast DESCRIPTION: Widen Southeast 256th Street to a provide a five-lane roadway, including four general purpose travel lanes, a center left-tum lane, and bicycle lanes; and modifY the existing traffic signal systems at the intersections of Southeast 256th Street/ Kent-Kangley Road ( State Route 5 16 ) and Southeast 256th Street/ I 16th Avenue South. Project will include the construction of paving; concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks; street lighting; drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering SUMMARY: Right ofWay Acquisition Construction TOTAL: FUNDING SOURCE(S): .. ' .. ' . ' ' .. . .. :· UATA., CITY, LID s s s s Page 31 434,000 928,000 1,538,000 2,900,000 \ \ CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: 64th Avenue South Extension South 216th Street to South 226th Street DESCRIPTION: Construct a new four/five-lane roadway from South 216th Street to South 226th Street. Project will include the construction of full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 104,000 SUMMARY: Right ofWay Acquisition $ 148,000 Construction $ 1,948,000 TOTAL: $ 2,200,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): CITY, LID Page 32 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Lincoln Avenue at Smith Street Traffic Signal System Lincoln Avenue at West Smith Street DESCRIPTION: Install a multi-phase traffic signal system at the intersection of Lincoln Avenue at West Smith Street. Project will include interconnection with the adjacent pedestrian/ bicycle signal at the Interurban Trail crossing on Smith Street, and the railroad grade-crossing protection system for the Union Pacific Railroad tracks. Project will also include an upgrading of the aforementioned pedestrian/ bicycle signal at the Interurban Trail . PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 19,000 SUMMARY: Right of Way Acquisition $ -0- Construction $ 111,000 TOTAL: $ 130,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): METRO/ KING COUNTY Page 33 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Willis Street (State Route 516) at 4th Avenue South Intersection Improvements Willis Street (State Route 516) at 4th Avenue South DESCRIPTION: Reconstruct the existing traffic signal system at the intersection of Willis Street (State Route 516) at 4th Avenue South. Project will include the reconstruction of the existing signal mast arm for westbound traffic, installing protected/ permissive signal phasing, and reconstructing the wheelchair ramps at the southeast curbed island. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 5,000 SUMMARY: Right ofWay Acquisition $ -0- Construction $ 25,000 TOTAL: $ 30,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): STP ( U ), CITY Page 34 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Central Avenue Pavement Rehabilitation Willis Street ( State Route 516 ) to Green River Bridge DESCRIPTION: Reconstruct the existing roadway pavement to add additional life to the roadway, between Willis Street ( State Route 516 ) and the Green River Bridge. Project will include the removal of the upper 2" of the existing pavement and replacement in the curb ( #2 ) travel lanes in each direction, and an asphalt overlay of the entire roadway. Project will also include the replacement of selected catch basin inlets and aprons, and curbs, gutters and driveways. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering SUMMARY: Right ofWay Acquisition Construction TOTAL: FUNDING SOURCE(S): j ~\ ~· ) ~wt(:k ,), I .. ' \ \ STP (U), CITY \ l $ 5,000 $ -0- $ 420,000 $ 425,000 Page 35 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: South 224tbl 228th Street Corridor Project South 228th Street--Military Road to 54th Avenue South Military Road--South 228th Street to Kent-Des Moines Road ( SR 516) DESCRIPTION: Construct a new five-lane roadway from South 228th Street-Military Road to 54th Avenue South, on South 228th Street; and from South 228th Street to Kent-Des Moines Road ( State Route 516 ) on Military Road; including a new bridge across the Green River, and traffic signals at the intersection of South 228th Street/Military Road. Project will include the construction of full-width paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; drainage; bike paths; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 1,021,000 SUMMARY: Right of Way Acquisition $ 833,000 Construction $ 7,704,000 TOTAL: $ 9,558,000 FUNDING SOURCE($): TIA, CITY, LID Page 36 CITY OF KENT, W ASIDNGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: West Meeker Street Widening-Phase Two Green River Bridge to West Valley Highway ( State Route 181 ) DESCRIPTION: Widen West Meeker Street to provide a five lane roadway, with bike lanes, from the Green River Bridge to West Valley Highway ( State Route 181 ), reconstruct any existing concrete sidewalks, and complete the missing segments of sidewalk. Project will include the construction of paving; concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks; bicycle paths; street lighting; drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 1,234,000 SUMMARY: Right of Way Acquisition $ 950,000 Construction $ 3,375,700 TOTAL: $ 5,559,700 FUNDING SOURCE(S): UAT AI TIA, CITY Page 37 CITY OF KENT, W ASIDNGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Pacific Highway South ( State Route 99) High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes South 240th Street to South 252nd Street DESCRIPTION: Widen Pacific Highway South (State Route 99) to provide one pair of High Occupancy Vehicle lanes , one lane each direction, from the South 240th Street to South 252nd Street, reconstruct any existing concrete sidewalks, and complete the missing segments of sidewalk. Project will include the construction of paving~ concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks~ street lighting~ drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 250,000 SUMMARY: Right ofWay Acquisition $ -0- Construction $ 2,250,000 TOTAL: $ 2,500,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): UAT AI TIA, CITY Page 38 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Central Avenue at Smith Street Intersection Improvements Central Avenue at East Smith Street DESCRIPTION: Widen Central Avenue to construct a second exclusive left-tum lane for southbound traffic~ and modify the existing traffic signalization system. Project will include the construction of paving~ concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks~ street lighting~ drainage~ utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 100,000 SUMMARY: Right of Way Acquisition $ 310,000 Construction $ 400,000 TOTAL: $ 800,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): UATA, CITY Page 39 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: James Street at Central Avenue Intersection Improvements James Street (South 240th Street) at Central Avenue DESCRIPTION: Widen James Street, easterly of Central Avenue, to construct an exclusive right-tum lane for westbound traffic~ and modify the existing traffic signalization system. Project will include the construction of paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks~ street lighting; drainage; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 25,000 SUMMARY: Right ofWay Acquisition $ 100,000 Construction $ 225,000 TOTAL: $ 350,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): UATA, CITY Page 40 CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Smith Street at 4th Avenue North Intersection Improvements West Smith Street at 4th Avenue North DESCRIPTION: Widen 4th Avenue North at West Smith Street to construct an exclusive left- turn lane for northbound and southbound traffic; modify the existing traffic signalization system to provide exclusive left-tum phasing; and reconstruct the curb returns on the northwest and northeast comers to improve right- turning vehicle movements and provide ADA compliant wheelchair ramps. Project will include the construction of paving; concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks; street lighting; drainage; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 20,000 SUMMARY: Right of Way Acquisition $ 200,000 Construction $ 400,000 TOTAL: $ 620,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): UATA, CITY Page 41 CITY OF KENT, W ASIDNGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: 94th Avenue South Widening James Street ( South 240th Street ) to Canyon Drive ( State Route 516 ) DESCRIPTION: Widen 94th Avenue South, between James Street (South 240th Street) and Canyon Drive (State Route 516) to a provide a three-lane roadway, including two general purpose travel lanes, a center left-tum lane, and sidewalks. PROJECT COST SUMMARY: Project will include the construction of paving; concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks; street lighting; drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. Preliminary Engineering $ 120,000 Right of Way Acquisition $ -0- Construction $ 680,000 TOTAL: $ 800,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S):: UATA, CITY Page 42 CITY OF KENT, W ASIDNGTON SIX YEAR TRANSPORTATION IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM PROJECT NAME: Southeast 248th Street Widening 94th Avenue South to I 16th Avenue Southeast DESCRIPTION: Widen Southeast 248th Street, between 94th Avenue South and I 16th Avenue Southeast to a provide a three-lane roadway, including two general purpose travel lanes, a center left-tum lane, and sidewalks. Project will include the construction of paving; concrete curbs, gutters, sidewalks; street lighting; drainage; landscaping; utilities and appurtenances. PROJECT COST Preliminary Engineering $ 300,000 SUMMARY: Right ofWay Acquisition $ -0- Construction $ 1,700,000 TOTAL: $ 2,000,000 FUNDING SOURCE(S): UATA, CITY Page 43