HomeMy WebLinkAbout1398RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, directing the Finance Manager to segregate an assessment levied under L.I.D. 320. WHEREAS, on March 17, 1986, the City established assessment number 19 of Local Improvement District 320 ("LID 320") in the amount of $48,456.93 which has a current assessment of $28,695.60i and WHEREAS, Centron Properties, Inc., the owner of record of the property affected by assessment number 19, has requested segregation of assessment number 19 as a result of a platting of said propertyi and WHEREAS, all clerical and engineering fees have been paid for the segregation as required by RCW 35.44.410, and the application is in all respects properi NOW, THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The original tract of assessment number 19 of LID 320, which is legally described in the LID segregation application certificates of Centron Properties, Inc., attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference, shall have four segregated parcels, in accordance with the applications. Section 2. The legal descriptions of the four segregated parcels are as set forth in Exhibit A. Section 3. The new assessment amounts for the four tracts described in Exhibit A shall be $13,830.65 for tract 19-1; $832.43 for tract 19-2; $9,209.97 for tract 19-3; and 4,822.55 for tract 19-4. Section 4. The Finance Manager is hereby authorized and directed to segregate assessment number 6 of LID 335 according to the terms stated herein. City Passed at a regular meeting of the City Council of the of Kent , Washington this /9 day of ~u ':!' , 19 9 4 . Concurred in by the Mayor of the 1ty of Kent, th1s day ofc~ 1 1994. 2 ATTEST: BRENDA JACOBER APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /. '3CJf , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the 1994. ~~ BRENDA JACO lid335.res 3 Dan Kelleher, Mayor Don E. Wickstrom, P.E., Director of Public Works 11/\ I L TO: PROPERTY 11AIIAGE11EIIT Tile City ot Kent Celebrates Its First too Years CITY OF KENT ENGltiEERUIG DEPT 220 4TH AVEtlUE SOUTH KENT, WASHINGTON 98031 ATTN: JERRY 11CCAUGHAtl CITY OF 1\ENT LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Requested by: c:4r_y j'bu/)f Date: LID 113.}0 Assess #' BilL Au c G: Dtu;; 01·mer & Address ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION ~ /-r-"n ·?r~r/;;s c-<?-5S /tJc, N Ae_ )/t ; ;5'&/fe-l~t jC<P&Jf Ovmer &. Address Ovmer & Address hrs at $40.00 per hour=~ less $40.00 fee Total Due f:J/ ? Tl894 14-22-04 (T.L. #9040l) Lot 4 The Lakes S. P .' Div 111 (AKA) Kent SP84-9 REC #8505210917. Except portions lying within The Lakes at Kent Division No. 1 as recorded in Volume 136 of Plats pages 41 through 45 AND ALSO EXCEPT The Lakes Short Plat Division No. 2 SP86-l3 REC #8706041575. (if more space needed, attach descriplion and refer to Exhibit "A") NEvi DESCRIPTION New Assessment No. Ne~1 Asscss111ent 1\mt.$ /3·-1 /3.83CJ. & 'f8 ; ._5",-7i:J,f'7" ?t:/7/ ,!)/,/. /d 3 ££c. ,4/tJ, 77cJ__j{J //1 cJOu ·(If more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit ''B") I REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem. Assessment No . -..,-L../J"'=--,--=-- Rem. ~ Amt. $ I'!-8G. 1--9.)2... 14-22-04 (T.L. #9040l) . Lot 4 The Lakes S .P .' Div 111 (AKA) Kent SP84-9 REC #8505210917. Except portions lying within The Lakes at Kent Division No. 1 as recorded in Volume 136 of Plats pages 41 through 45 AND ALSO EXCEPT The Lakes Short Plat Division No. 2 SP86-13 REC //8706041575. Fi.UD ALSO £]<.G LOTS \ Cl.ll&! z. T+l~ L"'k£.5 S'HOJ::j PI..A-1 \.)IV, /JO, ::; C<E'<:.. ('10. 9 'tO ~-oLt \ ooo (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "C") Copy forwarded to Finance Dept and /\ppl icant this _____ day of ------' I9_. Approved by Resolution II ____ _ Df:lT E __ :li: EXHIBIT A 220 41h AVE. SO., I KENT, WASHINGTON 98032·58951 ENGINEERING (206)659-33831 OPERATIONS (206)859·3395/ FAX o 859·3334 CITY OF lli.JE~TI' Dan Kelleher, Mayor Don E. Wickstrom, P.E .• Director of Public Works MAIL TO: PROPERTY MANAGEMEIIT The CityotKenr Celebrates Its First roo Years CITY OF KENT EIIGHIEERIIIG DEPT 220 4TI\ AVEIIUE SOUTH KENT, vi ASH HIGTOII 9303I ATTII: JERRY IKCf,UGH!\11 CITY OF I(ENT LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Requested by: ~>.Y j'bu/Jf Date: LID tiJcJCJ Assess II' /J /JL!JIJC~ ./Jll.£ ~ /3ZOD. OJ& Ovmer f. Address ~ /-re>n ·?~r/;;5 e;c?5S /oc;N _4e)/£. ;lde/l(e-jfr f/?t'Of Ovmer Z. Address Ovmer f. Address f.JZ hrs at $40.00 per hour = ~ less $40.00 fee Total Due Py " Tl894 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION 14-22-04 (T.L. #9040ll Lot 4 The Lakes S.P.' biv lil (AKA) Kent SP84-9 REC #8505210917. Except portions lying within The Lakes at Kent Division No. 1 as recorded in Volume 136 of Plats pages 41 through 45 AND ALSO EXCEPT The Lakes Short Plat Division No. 2 SP86-13 REC 118706041575. Fl.VD ALSo Ef.G LoTS \ cud z. Ttl£ Ll'\kES sHoer Pl.Ar Ptv. tJO. 5 ~E"G, rJO. 'J 1{-0 5""0'-f· ( 000 (if more space needed, uttach clescriplion and refer to Exhibit "A") NnJ DESCRIPTION New Assessment No. 19"-2-- New Assessmenl Amt.$ 83.2 · .!f;z6r:, f ~()/ 3 7#E Ldrf"'ES ,i);Y. ;1/tJ. 3 fi'YC. /II' a. S-f'IJ,('T /4!-#r 9jltJ50 Yl {)?)O {If more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "B") REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem . A s s e s s me n t No . -.---;-/;;-9=:-;;---:::::-:::: Rem. • Amt. $ /'t·G ).2. )2')' 14-22-04 (T.L. 1/9040;{) Lot 4 The Lakes S.r.· biv Ill (AKA) Kent SP84-9 REC #8505210917. Except portions lying within The Lakes at Kent Division No. 1 as recorded in Volume 136 of Plats pages 41 through 45 AND ALSO EXCEPT The Lakes Short Plat Division No. 2 Si'86-13 REC 1/8706041575. FltJD ALSO Ef.G IH>c/3 LoT5 \ ctn&l 2.11 TH£ L~kES 5Hoer Pl.Ar Plv, tJO. 5 ~E"<:., rJCJ. 9 4-0 >oLr \ ooo (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "C") Copy forwarded to F·inance Dept and 1\pplicant this _____ day of ______ , 19_. Approved by Resolution II ____ _ \ D/1/E _ .2.!:1: HNJ. 1 [fi.Jolr s-..s; ;;AI 11 rv I? E I 220 41h AVE. SO .. I KENT, WASHINGTON 98032·58951 ENGINEERING (206)059·33031 OPERATIONS (206)859·33951 FAX ~ 859·3334 Dan Kelleher, Mayor Don E. Wickstrom, P.E., Director of Public Works MAlL TO: PROPERTY t~ANAGE1·1ENT The City of Kent Celebrates Its First too Years cITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPT 220 4TH AVEIIUE SOUTH KENT, WASHINGTON 98031 ATTN: JERRY MCCAUGHNI CITY OF I<ENT LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Date: LID #~26 Assess #' /J' /1/TLIUJC C: ()116 f /-'/() :JZ.. • .J"'2..5 01·mer & Address ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION Cea/l"o('J ?rrer-T/e s cfS.J /Od?r~ ~e)!!; ;Je//et/1(~ It! fr/~0'1 :: I Ovme r & Address Ovmer & Address f.Jd-hrs at $40.00 per hour= fO~ less $40.00 fee Total Due~ 11894 14-22-04 (T.L. #9040ll Lot 4 The Lakes S.r.'tiv #l (AKA) Kent SP84-9 REC #8505210917. Except portions lying within The Lakes at Kent Division No. 1 as recorded in Volume 136 of Plats pages 41 through 45 AND ALSO EXCEPT The Lakes Short Plat Division No. 2 51'86-13 REC 118706041575. FlfJD AL>O EI-C.. -dlll/3bt- LOT5 \ a.ncl 2.1\ Tt-112' L~i-<ES sHo~'-r P~.A-r prv. /JO, 3 RE"G, f\10. 'JLI-0 ':)OLJ-\000 (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "A") NH/ DESCRIPTION New Assessment No, /'1-3 New Assessment Amt.$ ..92 0')._5{,8 )_or 4 /~E .L#_.-f"Gs· 5/fb/T )!/L?PT /]//( /f/tJ. 3 ?EC"-/Jib. ;?f"'t?S"' a~/ doo (If more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "B") REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem. Assessment No . ..-!-/--'-2'----- Rem. • Amt. $ ? f8ZZ--5"5 7 14-22-04 ( T. L. /I9040ll . Lot 4 The Lakes S. P .' t; v Ill (AKA) Kent ·SP84-9 REC #8505210917. Except portions lying within The Lakes at Kent Division No. 1 as recorded in Volume 136 of Plats pages 41 through 45 AND ALSO EXCEPT The Lakes Short Plat Division No. 2 SP86-13 REC 118706041575. FlfJD AL>O EI-C.. LoTS \ '1hr-0l 4 T\112' LI-11-<ES sHo~'-r Pl-A-T orv, /JO. 3 RE"c., f\10. 9Lt-O ':)oLr \ooo (it-more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "C") Copy forwarded to Finance Dept and Applicant this _____ day of ------· 19_. Approved by Resolution II ____ _ \ DtiTE __ 911-RppLt c 11tJr..s: .. C/.<:AI.aru/o! £ y 220 4th AVE. SO., I KENT, WASHINGTON 98032-5895/ ENGINEERING (206)859-3383/ OPERATIONS (206)859-3395/ FAX# 859-3334 Dan Kelleher, Mayor Don E. Wickstrom, P.E., Director of Public Works MAIL TO: PROPERTY 11ANAGEI1EflT TheCiryotKenrcelebraresltsFirsr too Years CITY OF KENT ENGINEERING DEPT 220 4Til AVEIIUE SOUTH KENT, WASHINGTON 98031 ATTN: JERRY 11CCAUGHArl CITY OF KENT LID SEGREGATION CERTIFICATE Requested by: 01~ner & Address CJof.ror; ?.rcyerl/€ s 8'S.J /Ot/?'/t' Ae/C::1 j/el/ef/!fe 14-y~oor Ovmer &. Address Date: LID II })..ij Assess #' I J i _,. &fUI.<IC£ ,JLIG' "74J,)J. • J f1 ORIGINAL DESCRIPTION 14-22-04 (T.L. #9040Al . Lot 4 The Lakes S.P .' Div Ill (AKA) Kent SP84-9 REC #8505210917. Except portions lying within The Lakes at Kent Division No. l as recorded in Volume 136 of Plats pages 41 through 45 AND ALSO EXCEPT The Lakes Short Plat Division No. 2 Si'85-l3 REC 118706041575. F!,UD ALSO E?ZC... LoTS I 1hf'L\. 4 Ttl12 LnkG:s sHoe, PL.AT 01v, tJO. 3 RE'G, f')O. '!J L[-0 5"'0Lj· \ ooo (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "A") NEVI DESCRIPTION New Assessment No. New Assessment Amt.$ fl_otyjon CCJr;P .% Gry tftl/llf' ·~0 }0 j_f: It#. $//,v. ~ j()/ S ///E _L...9f£ 5 ..5//o/{~/ fi./9/ )/;1~ ytJ, 3 //~C.. /f/0, 7'/'!J~{)~/t;t;(J ..)u/k-2<:1 r Iii;-,r /-111 c1 Iff(, 'f!loJ 3 $40.00 Hinimum Fee Receivited ...fp_j ~/19 c; Receipt # ~IY Ovmer & Address ~~rs at $40.00 per hour= iD~ less $40.00 fee Total Due f~ _....-/ Tl894 (If more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "B") REMAINDER DESCRIPTION Rem. Assessment No. Rem. , Amt. $ ____ _ (if more space needed, attach description and refer to Exhibit "C') Copy forwarded to Finance Dept and Applicant this _____ day of ------' 19_. Approved by Resolution II ____ _ I JJ!lr£ __ J.:l. ;:l PP .t..-1 C.RJ./ '1 S ....CiC.AJ h f tt.C E y 220 41h AVE. SO., I KENT, WASHINGTON 98032·58951 ENGINEERING (206)859·33831 OPERATIONS (206)859·33951 FAX# 859·3334