HomeMy WebLinkAbout1313RESOLUTION NO. /3;3 A RESOLUTION of the City of Kent, Washington, adopting a five year Capital Improvement Plan for the drainage utility, establishing budgets, authorizing sale of storm drainage revenue bonds, and absorption of the 1992 METRO sewer rate increase. WHEREAS, the City desires to establish a new comprehensive program for the City's drainage utility by establishing rate modifications and a new Capital Improvement Plan; and WHEREAS, a budget for the Capital Improvement Plan must be established to incorporate the drainage utility program; and WHEREAS, incorporated into the drainage utility program are rate modifications to the storm and surface water utility and the City water utility, which rate modifications will be established by separate ordinance; NOW, THEREFORE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. In order to implement a new comprehensive drainage utility and Capital Improvement Program for storm drain improvements, the following actions are hereby approved and adopted: A. A five year Capital Improvement Plan for the drainage utility set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto. B. The first budgets established attached hereto. for year's capital improvements and the the same, as set forth in Exhibit A c. The financing proposal set forth in the January 3 memo from the Public Works Director set forth hereto as Exhibit B. D. Adoption of an ordinance modifying drainage utility rates and adjusting the budget to reflect the same. E. Adoption of an ordinance modifying water utility rates and incorporating therein a summer and winter water rate, and adjusting the water fund budget to reflect the same. F. Absorption of METRO's 1992 sewer rate increase by the City of Kent. G. Authorization for the Finance Director to establish interim financing as needed for the first year's improvements. H. Authorization for the Finance Director to proceed with a program for sale of storm drainage revenue bonds. day of Passed at a regular me~ting of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington this 5 .... _~,___ day of yY\_c"7J< , 1992. Concurred in by the Ma~ of the City of Kent, this GdG ____ In~~~~~-·---' 1992. ~ 0~,.~ DAN~ELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: ( CITY CLERK I I 2 APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /3/3 , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the St-lu day of ~· , 1992. 4-u~A__JZ.J BRENDA JACOB(' drainage. res 3 DESCRIPTION Mill Creek (Auburn) & Mullen Slough Flood Control Improvement Green River RT Bank Levee Improvement Valley DetentionM Mill Creek Flood Erosion Control (d) & Garrison Creek Flood & Erosion FacilitiesM Horseshoe Acre Storm Pump Station Mise Drainage Improvement East Hill Shop Shops Remodel Water Quality Sampling Stations Stream Restoration & Streamside Tree Planting Lake Fenwick Restoration Storm Drainage Outfall~> Treatment Facilities TOTAL TABLE 1 1992 -1996 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM STORM CAPITAL PROJECTS 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 o<•> 108 84 116 120 270 280 290 3400 2953 919 978 286 145 1626 853 958 1353 280 . 328 340 353 365 378 134 90 104 31 4 38 5 353 1782 3485 6536 4841 3600 3944 3988 Project Costs escalated for inflation at 4 percent per year. TOTAL 428 840 7272 1409 4790 280 1764 134 90 104 78 100 5620 22909 (a) Presently budgeted funds adequate to do 92 program. (b) Anticipate securing Army Corps of""Engineers grant for which the 1993-95 would constitute our local ·match. (c) Update schedule (d) Combined funding for 91-93 into 1992 and moved ahead, 94 & 95 program. (e) Combined funding for 91 & 92 and adjusted balance of funding program so as not to affect rate increase forecast. (f) Reduced scope of work. (g) Deferred balance of project to 1997. EXHIBIT C\ (h) Project anticipated a grant which didn't materialize. ~ '·. ''' ... ·.· ·. '•• I· ... ·. · ...... . ' .. .. . ... ·.: .• .. · ...... ·. TO: FROH: RE: DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS January 3, 1992 PUBLIC WORKS Cm1NITTEE DON lHCKSTR0!1 ow FINANCIAL PLAN li.ND. REVENUE PROGRAM FOR STORH DRAINAGE UTILITY As .discussed at the December ~7th Public Harks Committ'ee meeting, I have reviewed the original C.I.P. for the above referenced Plan and Revenue Program and propose the amendments as noted on the attached. said amendments reflect both ~) updating thereof (it was originally prepared with the intent to implement in August or September); and 2) focusing in on the immediate flooding problems. By this updating and focusing, the proposed first year capital improvement program increases by $~,651,000 to $6,536,000 (originally $4,885,00). While the proposed utility ratQ increase was predicated on the $4,885,000 first year's program, no change in the proposed rates is recommended. Instead, -it is proposed to finance the difference via combination of unenc,.,umbered · seHerage funds and project funding reallocation. The original first year's C.I.P. was proposed to be financed as follows: TOTAL $3,800,000 1. 0851000 $4,885,000 Bond Unenc'umber:ed Sewerage Funds The amended first year's C.I.P. is proposed to be financed as follows: (I) TOTAL ., $424,000 217,000 65,000 $706,000 $3,800,000 2,030,000 706.000 $6,536,000 Bonds Unencumbered Sewerage Funds Project Reallocation W Lower Garrison Creek project (D37) James Street Storm (D50) Upper Mill Creek (D42) Adequate funds exist within the unencumbered fund balance of the sewerage utility fund to make this additional transfer. Neither the sewer utility's operating budget or its capital improvement program will be impacted. Also, said transfer would not affect the proposed absorption of Metro's 92 rate increase. As lvas also mentioned at the December 17th Public Works Committee, attached is a table which hopefully clarifies the financial effect on individual customers of this combination rate increase 1 decrease 1 absorption. ~' •' EXHIBIT li. ·.·.···· ··. ·. . :; . .·. : ·.:: . .· . . . . : ~ · .. ·· .·. . ·• · .. ·'