HomeMy WebLinkAbout1255RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, ~dopting the Parks Outdoor Recreation Six-Year Capital Improvement Program: 1990-1996. WHEREAS, funding for the implementation of the outdoor recreation capital improvement projects is limited; and WHEREAS, it is important to coordinate and prioritize the funding of projects in those.plans; and WHEREAS, a Outdoor Recreation Six-Year comprehensive Capital Improvement Program is the best vehicle for accomplishing such a coordinated planning process; and WHEREAS, the City Staff has developed a draft Outdoor Recreation Six-Year Capital Improvement Program for the years 1990 through 1996; and WHEREAS, a great deal of public input has been sought and obtained through surveys and public meetings regarding priorities and funding sources; NOW THEREFORE THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. The 1990 -1996 Outdoor Recreation Six-Year Capital Improvement Program attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference is hereby adopted. Passed at a regular meeting of the~ity Council of the City of Kent, Washington this~ day of ______ 1990. \ day of Concurred in by the Mayo~. ~/ , 1990. of the City of Kent, this ...:l~ .. ~~. "t""~L~\,._ - DAN" KELLEHER, MAYOR ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: B~,!t;NG CITY ATTORNEY I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. ~~ , passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the c::::2 I day of ~ , 1990. ~~(SEAL) MARIE JENS , ITY CLE K lAC Plan. Dist. USE Entry Date ONLY Record # CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROGRAM (Parks and Recreation Facilities) Agency/Department K~nt Parks and Recreation Address 220 Fourth Avenue South City, Zip Code Kenr 4 Washington 98032 Phone(~) 859-399 County King (1) Priority (2) Project Name (3) (4) (5) Fund A DR Facility Source Type 1 2 East Hill Neighbor- hood Park L M Green River Frontag~ 0 and Trails I M u lAC FORM #062 -Revised 4/4/90 A D A D NPK PE p PF T BB TP TB WF B CPK EQ""' F NPK OS p PE Date of adoption --------- Resolution#-=--:---:-:-~---­ Completed by Helen Wickstrom Title Supt. of Parks Administration (6) Estimated Cost per Year of Project Implementation 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 $295,000 l$500,00( $20o,oool$66~ooq$10o,ooo l$3oo,oool$3oo,oool$3oo,ooo 35 lAC Plan. Dist. USE Entry Date ONLY Record # CAPITALIMPROYEMENTPROGRAM (Parks and Recreation Facilities) Agency/Department K'ent Parks and Recreation Address 220 Fourth Ayenne Sonth City, Zip Code Kent, Washin~ton 98032 Phone~) 859-3994 County __.K>..JiL....I.n'-eg,__ __ _ (1} Priority (2) (3) (4) (5) 3 4 5 6 7 Project Name Fund A D R Facility Source Type Lake Fenwick Park Expansion Lake Fenwick Trails Interurban Trail Development Valley Neighborhood Parks 0 M 0 0 u West Hill Neighbor-~ L hood Parks M A D D A D A WF CPK OS p SB WF TP TP TB EQ..: NPK NPK TP lAC FORM #062 -Revised 4/4/90 Date of adoption -------- Resolution # ---------- Completed by Helen Wickstrom Title Snpt. of Parks Administration (6) Estimated Cost per Year of Project Implementation 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 $200 '000!$813, 250 $100' OOOI $3 50, ooc $500' OOOI$500' 00 ~200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 lAC Plan. Dist. USE Entry Date ONLY Record # CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM (Parks and Recreation Facilities) Agency/Department Kent Parks and Recreation Address 220 Foqrth Avenue South City, Zip Code Kent, Washington 98032 Phone (l.QQ) 859 3994 County __..,.K~i.~.~.n.,_g ___ _ (!) Priority 8 9 10 11 12 13 (2) Project Name Downtown Plaza (IOOF) Russell Road Lights for Field #2 Glenn Nelson Play Equipment Valley Floor Athletic Complex (3) (4) (5) Fund A D R Facility Source Type u L u M u A D D A OS BS PE CPK BS PE p BB FS ~ Kent Commons Parkina U Expansion D cc Picnic Shelters u D p lAC FORM #062 -Revised 4/4/90 Date of adoption -------- Resolution # ---------- Completed by He len Wickstrom Title S11pt. of Parks Admjni stration (6) Estimated Cost per Year of Project Implementation 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 $310,000 $ 70,00C $ 30,000 $5oo,oool$soo,ooq$soo,oool$5oo,o~o ~350,000 $45,000j$ 45,000j$45TOOO lAC Plan. Dist. USE Entry Date .ONLY Record # CAPITALIN.WROVEMENTPROGRAM (Parks and Recreation Facilities) Agency/D~partment Kent Parks· and Recreation Address 220 Fourth Avenue South City, Zip Code Kent, Washington 98032 Phone(~ 859-3994 County _K_in_.g_,__ __ _ (I) I (2) I (3) ( 4) (5) Priority Project Name Fund ADR Facility Source Type 14 Tot Lot Renovation u D PE M 15 I Green River Corridot u I D I TP Rest rooms 16 I East Hill Community~ u I A I cc Facility D CPK 17 I West Hi 11 Park u D NPK Development - 18 I Golf Course Irriga-u D G tion for Par 3 and Driving Range 19 I Golf Course Mini I u I D IG Putt Development 20 I Drivin& Range Stall! u I D IG Expans~on lAC FORM #062-Revised 4/4/90 I I I I I I Date of adoption -------- Resolution # ---------- Completed by Helen Wickstrom TitleSupt. of Parks Administration (6) Estimated Cost per Year of Project Implementation 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 $ 50,0001$ 50,00~ $50,0001$ 50,000 ~100,0001 $100,000 I j$100,000j$200,00q$200,000~200,0dO I l$200,000 1$174,00~; I l$500, 000 I l$100,000 lAC Plan. Dist. USE Entry Date ONLY Record # CAPITALIMPROVEMENTPROGRAM (Parks and Recreation Facilities) Agency/Department Kent Parks and Recreation Address 220 Fourth Avenue South City, Zip Code Kent, Washington 98032 Phone (206) 859-3994 County ...,K ..... i.un~s---- (4) (5) (I) I (2) Priority Project Name I (3) Fund ADR Facility Source Type 21 West Side Ponds and u A I Wetlands OS 22 !cultural and u A Performing Arts D Center lAC FORM #062 -Revised 4/4/90 Date of adoption --------- Resolution#-.,....-,=---~-:----­ Completed by Helen Wickstrom Title Supt. of Parks Administration (6) Estimated Cost per Year of Project Implementation 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 $500,000 15,000,000