HomeMy WebLinkAbout1579RESOLUTION NO. I 5 79 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, declaring its intention to order the construction of the Meeker Street widening and Washington Avenue HOV lanes improvements project and to create a local improvement district to assess a part of the cost and expense of carrying out those improvements against the properties specially benefited thereby, and notifYing all persons who desire to object to the improvements to appear and present their objections at a hearing before the City Council to be held on January 2, 2001. THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KENT, WASHINGTON DOES HEREBY RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. It is the intention of the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, to order the improvement of the properties within the area described in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof, by the construction of the Meeker Street widening and Washington Avenue HOV lanes improvements project as more fully described in Exhibit B, attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof. All of the foregoing improvements shall be in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor prepared by the Director of Public Works of the City and may be modified by the City as long as that modification does not affect the purpose of the improvements. SECTION 2. The total estimated cost and expense of the improvements is declared to be $3,994,388 and approximately $3,513,988 of that cost and expense shall be paid by the City and the balance thereof ($480,400) shall be borne by and assessed against the property specially benefited by the improvements to be included in a local improvement district to be established embracing as nearly as practicable all the property specially benefited by the improvements. Actual assessments may vary from estimated assessments as long as they do not exceed a figure equal to the increased true and fair value the improvements add to the property. 1 LID 354 Street Improvements SECTION 3. The City Clerk is authorized and directed to give notice of the adoption of this resolution and of the date, time and place fixed for the public hearing to each owner or reputed owner of any lot, tract, parcel of land or other property within the proposed local improvement district by mailing such notice at least 15 days before the date fixed for public hearing to the owner or reputed owner of the property as shown on the rolls of the King County Assessor at the address shown thereon, as required by law. This resolution also shall be published in its entirety in at least two consecutive issues ofthe official newspaper of the City, the date of the first publication to be at least 15 days prior to the date fixed for the public hearing. SECTION 4. All persons who may desire to object to the improvements are notified to appear and present those objections at a hearing before the City Council to be held in the Council Chambers in the City Hall in Kent, Washington, at 7:00p.m. on January 2, 2001, which time and place are fixed for hearing all matters relating to the improvements and all objections thereto and for determining the method of payment for the improvements. All persons who may desire to comment thereon or object thereto should appear and present their comments or objections at that hearing. Any person who may desire to file a written protest with the City Council may do so within 30 days after the date of passage of the ordinance ordering the improvements in the event the local improvement district is formed. The written protest should be signed by the property owner and should include the legal description of the property for which the protest is filed and that protest should be delivered to the City Clerk. SECTION 5. The City's Director of Public Works is directed to submit to the City Council on or prior to January 2, 2001, all data and information required by law to be submitted. II II II II 2 LID 354 Street Improvements PASSED at a regular open public meeting by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, this~ day of December, 2000. CONCURRED in by the Mayor of the City of Kent this I~ day of December, 2000. ATTEST: ~~~ BRENDA JACO E , CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM: I hereby certify that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No. /571 passed by the City Council of the City of Kent, Washington, the /d-.. day of ~ ,2000. 3 LID 354 Street Improvements EXHIBIT 'A' Boundary Legal Description LID #354 Washington Avenue HOY Lanes and Meeker Street Widening Improvements (Hawley Road to James Street and 641h Avenue to Washington Avenue) LOT 1 BLOCK 7 KENTHURST ADD LESS ST AND LOT 9 BLOCK 7 KENTHURST ADD TGW POR OF VAC ST ADJ AND ALSO THE NORTH 85 FT OF TRACT 24 EXC WEST 17 FT CONVEYED TO CITY OF KENT BY DEED UNDER REC NO 9409141218 IN MEEKER'S SUPPLEMENTAL PLAT OF FIRST ADDITION TO TOWN OF KENT AND ALSO THE NORTH 1/2 LESS ST OF FOLG-N 340 FT OF TRACT 24 LESS NORTH 85 FT THOF & LESS ANY POR WITHIN SOUTH 71 FT OF SO TR LESS EAST 296FT IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1sT ADD TO KENT AND ALSO THE SOUTH 1/2 OF TRACT 24 LESS NORTH 85FT & LESS SOUTH 71 FT IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1sT ADD TO KENT AND ALSO THE NORTH 168.5 FT OF SOUTH 303 FT OF TRACT 23 IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO THAT PORTION TR 16 S OF ELY PROD OF NORTH LN OF SOUTH 134.5 FT OF TR 23 & WLY OF ST HWY POR TR 17 LY WLY OF ST HWY ALL OF TR 20 TR 21 LESS W 80FT OF S 133FT & N 80FT OF TR 22 & S 134.5 FT OF TR 23 ALL IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO THE WEST 80FT OF SOUTH 133FT OF TRACT 21 & SOUTH 133FT OF TRACT 22 LESS ST HWY ALL IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO THE LOTS 1-2 & WEST 10FT OF 3, BLOCK A, ALL IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO THE NORTH 1/2 OF LOTS 23 THRU 30, BLOCK A, MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO THE SOUTH 1/2 OF LOTS 23 THRU 30, BLOCK A, MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO PARCEL 1 OF KENT SHORT PLAT NO SP 78-36 RECORDING NO 7812190862 SO PLAT OAF-POR TR 43 MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO POR OF LOT 43 OAF -POR L Y WL Y OF ST HWY 5-M & SLY OF A LN 798 FT S OF N LN SO TR & N OF SR 516 LESS W 777.98 FT THOF IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO LOT 2 OF CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT SP-83-7 REC NO 8409270783 SO PLAT OAF-POR TR 43 IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO LOT 1 OF CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT SP-83-7 REC NO 8409270783 SO LOT OAF-POR LOT 43 IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO LOT 3 OF CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT SP-83-7 REC NO 8409270783 SO SHORT PLAT OAF -POR LOT 43 IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO THE SOUTH 150FT OF EAST 150FT OF TRACT 28 LESS POR AWARDED TO CITY OF KENT BY DECREE ENTERED 23 AUG 1989 IN KING CO SUP CT CAUSE NO 89-2-00067-9 IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1sT ADD TO KENT AND ALSO LOT 28 LESS SOUTH 150FT OF EAST 150 FT & POR OF 27 & 29 L Y SOUTH OF WL Y PROD OF S MGN OF SHINN ST LESS POR OF 29 L Y WEST OF LN BEG ON SOUTH LN 819.17 FT WEST OF SE COR TR 28 TH NORTH 00-20- 17 WEST TO NORTH LN THOF IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO LOT 2 CITY OF KENT SP 81-11 REC #8204290391 SO SP OAF-SOUTH 220.37 FT OF TRACT 26 SO SUBD LESS STREET IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO LOTS 3 & 4 CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT NO SP-81-11 RECORDING NO. 8204290391 BEING A PORTION OF LOT 26 IN MEEKER'S SUPPLEMENTAL PLAT OF FIRST ADDITION TO TOWN OF KENT AND ALSO LOT 1 CITY OF KENT SP 81-11 REC #8204290391 SD SP OAF-SOUTH 220.37 FT OF TRACT 26 SO SUBD LESS ST IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO LOTS 1, 2 & 3 CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT NO SP-89-12 (WASHINGTON AVENUE SHORT PLAT) RECORDING NO 9004191530 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF TRACT 25 & 26 IN MEEKERS SUPPLEMENTAL PLAT OF FIRST ADDITION TO TOWN OF KENT AND ALSO THE NORTH 161.70 FEET OF SOUTH 225.85 FEET OF TRACT 25 EXCEPT WEST 222.8 FEET OF NORTH 50.50 FEET IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO THAT PORTION LOT 3 CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT NO SP-74-12 (SPEC 74-11) RECORDING NO 7501100471 OAF: BEGIN AT SOUTHWEST CORNER SAID LOT 3 THENCE NORTH 89-37-13 EAST ALONG SOUTH LINE THEREOF 164.07 FEET THENCE NORTH 00-22-47 WEST 124.00 FEET THENCE SOUTH 89-37-13 WEST 160.43 FEET TO WEST LINE SAID LOT 3 THENCE SOUTH 01-18-11 WEST ALONG SAID WEST LINE 124.05 FEET TO POINT OF BEGINNING (AKA LOT 3 CITY OF KENT LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO LL-86-8 RECORDING NO. 8608100973) EXCEPT PORTION CONVEYED TO CITY OF KENT BY DEEDS UNDER REC NOS 9004252295 & 9004252296 BEING A PORTION LOT 29 IN SUPPLEMENTAL PLAT OF MEEKER'S FIRST ADDITION TO TOWN OF KENT AND ALSO LOT 1 CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT NO SP-95-15 (PARK COURT) RECORDING NO 9511291035 BEING A PORTION OF TRACT 29 IN MEEKER'S FIRST ADDITION TO KENT SUPPLEMENTAL PLAT AND ALSO LOT 2 CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT NO SP-95-15 (PARK COURT) RECORDING NO 9511291035 BEING A PORTION OF TRACT 29 IN MEEKER'S FIRST ADDITION TO KENT SUPPLEMENTAL PLAT AND ALSO THE EAST 15 FEET OF LOT 38 TGW 39 LESS POR OAF-BEG NE COR SD LOT 39 THENCE WEST 150 FEET THENCE SOUTH 109 FEET THENCE EAST 104 FEET THENCE SELY TOPTON EAST LN SO LOT 39 DIST 132 FEET SOUTH OF NORTHEAST COR LESS ST IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO THAT POR SO LOT OAF...:. BEG NE COR SO LOT THENCE WEST 150 FEET THENCE SOUTH 109 FEET THENCE EAST 104 FEET THENCE SELY TO PT ON EAST LN SE LOT 39 DIST 132 FEET SOUTH OF NORTHEAST COR THEREOF THENCE NORTH TO BEG LESS STREET IN LOT 39 IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1sT ADD TO KENT AND ALSO THE EAST 1/2 LOT 37 LESS WEST 10 FEET AND LESS NORTH 10 FEET FORST TGW LOT 38 LESS EAST 15 FEET AND LESS NORTH 10 FEET FORST IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO THAT PORTION OF LOT 37 DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: THE WEST 1/2 TGW WEST 10 FEET OF EAST 1/2 LESS STREET HWY ALL IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1sT ADD TO KENT AND ALSO THE EAST 90 FEET OF LOT 361N MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT AND ALSO THE WEST 60 FEET OF LOT 36 IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1sr ADD TO KENT AND ALSO A PORTION OF LOT 35 IN MEEKER'S SUPPLEMENTAL PLAT FIRST ADDITION TO TOWN OF KENT OAF: BEGINNING AT NORTHEAST CORNER OF TRACT DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT 'A' IN INSTRUMENT UNDER RECORDING NO. 9609091262 SAID POINT BEING A POINT ON NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 35 THENCE ALONG ELY LINE OF SAID TRACT FOLLOWING TWO COURSES: SOUTH 00-38-23 WEST 80.05 FEET THENCE SOUTH 04-47-31 WEST 175.90 FEET TO POINT ON SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 35 THENCE NORTH 89-38-02 EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 95.30 FEET TO SOUTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 35 THENCE NORTH 00-37-37 EAST ALONG EAST LINE THEREOF 255.34 FEET TO NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID LOT 35 THENCE SOUTH 89-34-40 WEST ALONG NORTH LINE THEREOF 82.51 FEET TO POINT OF BEGINNING (AKA REVISED PARCEL 'A' AS DESCRIBED AND DELINEATED PER CITY OF KENT LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO LL-96-31 RECORDING NO. 9612161402) AND ALSO THE EAST 71.20 FEET OF LOT 31 & ALL OF LOTS 32, 33, 34 & 35 IN MEEKER'S SUPPLEMENTAL PLAT FIRST ADDITION TO TOWN OF KENT; TGW PORTION PARCEL 1 CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT NO SP-76-13 RECORDING NO 7701130512 LYING NLY OF FOLLOWING DESCRIBED LINE: COMMENCING AT NE CORNER SAID PARCEL 1 THENCE SOUTH 00-40-32 WEST ALONG EAST LINE THEREOF 354.82 FEET TO TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING THENCE NORTH 89-21-55 WEST 519.00 FEET THENCE. NORTH 02-10-03 EAST 58.31 FEET THENCE NORTH 88-02-35 WEST 229.97 FEET TO EAST MARGIN OF 64TH AVENUE SOUTH & TERMINUS OF LINE; EXCEPT PORTION SAID PARCEL 1 & SAID LOT 35 OAF: BEGINNING AT NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 1 CITY OF KENT SHORT PLAT NO SP-76-13 THENCE SOUTH 00-40-31 WEST ALONG EAST LINE THEREOF 354.82 FEET THENCE NORTH 89-21-55 WEST 29.08 FEET THENCE NORTH 00-37- 26 EAST 354.31 FEET TO SOUTH LINE OF LOT 34 SUPPLEMENTAL PLAT OF MEEKER'S FIRST ADDITION TO TOWN OF KENTS THENCE NORTH 89-38-02 EAST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 2.81 FEET TO SOUTHEAST CORNER THEREOF THENCE NORTH 00-37-31 EAST ALONG EAST LINE THEREOF 34.46 FEET THENCE LEAVING SAID EAST LINE NORTH 04-52- 45 EAST 141.98 FEET THENCE NORTH 00-36-39 EAST 79.33 FEET TO NORTH LINE OF LOT 35 OF SAID PLAT THENCE NORTH 89-34-40 EAST ALONG SAID NORTH LINE 139.49 FEET TO EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 35 THENCE SOUTH 00-37-37 WEST ALONG SAID EAST LINE 255.34 FEET TO SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 35 THENCE SOUTH 89-38-02 WEST ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE 123.40 FEET TO NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID PARCEL 1 & TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING (AKA REVISED PARCEL 'B' AS DESCRIBED & DELINEATED PER CITY OF KENT LOT LINE ADJUSTMENT NO LL-96-31 RECORDING NO 9612161402) EXCEPT PORTION THEREOF CONVEYED TO CITY OF KENT BY DEED UNDER RECORDING NO 9706091555 OAF: BEGINNING AT NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID REVISED PARCEL 'B' THENCE NORTH 89-34-40 EAST ALONG NORTH LINE THEREOF 531.75 FEET TO NORTHEST CORNER OF SAID REVISED PARCEL 'B' THENCE SOUTH 00-36-39 WEST ALONG EAST LINE THEREOF 14 FEET THENCE SOUTH 89-34-40 WEST 531.76 FEET TO WEST LINE OF SAID REVISED PARCEL 'B' THENCE NORTH 00-37-17 EAST ALONG WEST LINE THEREOF 14 FEET TO TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING AND ALSO THE NORTH 250 FEET OF FOLG LOTS 30 LESS WEST 30 FEET & 31 LESS EAST 71.2 FEET LESS STALL IN MEEKERS SUPL PLAT 1ST ADD TO KENT END OF DESCRIPTION • • EXHIBIT "B" DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTS LID 354 -Washington Avenue HOV Lanes and Meeker Street Widening Improvements (Hawley Road to James Street and 64th Avenue to Washington Avenue) ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS The proposed project will improve Washington Avenue between Hawley Road (S. 25lst St.) and James Street and will improve Meeker Street between Washington Avenue and 64th Avenue South. The project includes the following improvements on Washington Avenue: 1. High Occupancy Vehicle lane northbound between Willis and Meeker Street 2. High Occupancy Vehicle lane southbound between Smith and Willis Street 3. Concrete curbs, gutter and sidewalks 4 .. Installation of street trees 5. Upgrade existing signals at Willis Street (SR-516) and Meeker Street 6. Right tum only lane northbound at Willis Street 7. New storm pump station and bioswale near Green River bridge 8. Upgrades to the existing illumination system The following improvements will be included on Meeker Street: 1. Widen roadway to provide new general purpose travel lane eastbound and westbound (5 lanes total) 2. Concrete curbs, gutter and 10 foot sidewalks 3. Upgrade and relocate existing signal at 64th Avenue South 4. Exclusive right-tum only lane from southbound 64th Avenue to westbound Meeker Street 5. Upgrades to the existing illumination system 6. Landscaping