HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Minutes - 10/01/2013 KEN® T Kent City Council Workshop October 1, 2013 The meeting was called to order at 5:31 p.m. by Council President Dennis Higgins. Councilmembers present: Council President Higgins, Councilmembers Thomas, Perry, and Ralph. Councilmember Albertson, Boyce, and Ranniger were excused. Seattle/Icing County Public Health - Medicaid/Health Benefit Expansion. Erica Nuerenberg presented the topic and highlighted that 24 percent of Kent residents don't have medical insurance based on census data. She discussed specifics of the program and noted that Washington is launching a health benefit exchange to maximize enrollment and retention. She added that there are 180,000 King County residents who will be eligible for health coverage on January 1, 2014. She displayed who and where the outreach and enrollment partners are located in the City of Kent and announced an enrollment event on November 9th at Kent Meridian Park from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. She urged the Council to be champions of this effort and promote enrollment by attending enrollment events. She displayed the website and noted that all of the information concerning registering is located there and will be spread through social media outlets, too. Council President Higgins verified that if any other organizations want to partner with Seattle/King County Public Health they can get in touch with Jennifer DeYoung. Neurenberg noted for Councilmember Perry that open enrollment is through March 31st Councilmember Perry communicated that she is encouraged about this and thanked King County for pushing this program and getting the word out. 2014 B&O Project List. Tom Brubaker, Interim Chief Administrative Officer introduced the item. Tim LaPorte, Public Works Director displayed the 2013 Project list and highlighted the projects that have been completed. He noted that there is some asphalt work to do this year to complete the list for this year. He communicated that inlays have been done. He highlighted that his proposal is to have all the work done next year by in- house City of Kent crews. He discussed the makeup of Military Road and how repairs are typically done on concrete roads such as this. He discussed the issues of East Gowe Street and noted that the damage has been done by tree roots. He continued and discussed South 200th Street, SE 208th Street, South 228th Street, 76th Avenue South, James Street, and 6th Avenue North. He communicated that there are also repairs that need to be done at South 212th Street. He also recommended that North Central from Smith Street to South 228th go to bid this year. He discussed other locations that could be repaired to include Central Avenue South, at an estimated cost of $4 million. He added that the City does have a design grant of $300,000 for this project. LaPorte communicated that Central Avenue South is problematic because the staff would need to know if the Council wants them to focus on this by December 1 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes October 1, 2013 because there are some issues that need to be addressed prior to any work being done. LaPorte noted that something would need to be taken out of the proposal list because this is a $4 million dollar project. He discussed 212th and 72nd Avenue and said that it is a great spot to do a concrete intersection. He noted that doing intersections aren't cheap, but they should be done in the future. Councilmember Ralph confirmed that the length of a concrete intersection would be about 200 feet before the light. David Brock, Utility Engineer discussed the 84th Avenue South/East Valley project and stated it would cost about $2 million to repair. He continued and discussed 80th Avenue from South 196th Street to South 188th Street stated the estimate for repairs is $1.5 million. He continued with South 192nd Street from the cul-de-sac to East Valley Highway which would cost of $1.1 million in repairs. Additionally, they discussed South 194th Street from the cul-de-sac to East Valley Highway which would run the City $1.2 million to repair. Councilmember Perry inquired if there is one project that is a high cost project that takes priority. LaPorte replied that all of the streets on this list need to be paid attention to and recommended his proposal be adhered to, not focusing all funds on one street or project. Councilmember Perry and Councilmember Ralph expressed concerns about the larger projects costing more in the future and the City not being able to afford to repair them now. Bill Thomas, Street Superintendent communicated that there used to be a time when the staff asked for $10 to $12 million to repair roads, but now there is only $4.5 million available. Laporte communicated that when roads fail and they need to be rebuilt. If South Central is chosen to be rebuilt, he noted his department will need proper notice. Councilmember Perry communicated that the smaller projects are treading water and the large projects can't get funded with the $4.5 million. LaPorte discussed traffic signals and said they are on their own timers and need uninterruptable power supplies. He also communicated that there are 41 street lights that have been knocked down. Council President Higgins added that the power supplies for light poles are a part of the recommendation and cost $200,000. Thomas verified that about two or three of the power boxes get replaced a year. Council President Higgins confirmed that LaPorte recommended that the proposal include five years of additional B&O funding. He asked LaPorte what he needed from the Council and LaPorte communicated he would like to have the Council approve this list by the end of the year. He added that he needs six months lead time on the recommended streets. 2 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes October 1, 2013 Council President Higgins noted that the City estimated funding $10 million and this estimate is only for half of that. He suggested continued discussion on the funding side. Councilmember Ralph communicated that the concrete analyst position is number seven in the queue of hires and the last concrete assessment was done in 2009. Councilmember Perry verified that the City has requested $10 million in federal grant funds for South 212th Street and funding for 228th will also go sour in the next two or three years. Council President Higgins added that the federal funding is a part of the funding the City wants the Senate to add to the Transportation Package. Councilmember Perry inquired about the 2 percent utility tax and Brubaker communicated that it will go to the debt payments. He stated that he will bring back the numbers for discussion at the budget workshop next week. Councilmember Perry added that if the same analysis is done every year, the big projects won't get done. She said she would like to see some type of an objective measurement of which project is better to complete than another. She would like to plainly be able to see which road is the worst, which has the largest need, and which must get done based on those measurements. Thomas communicated that when it comes to road maintenance, the roads that can be saved are saved and the ones that fail need to be let go. LaPorte noted that South Central Avenue and 80th Avenue South are too far gone. Brubaker communicated that there is a vision for a safer, more beautiful, and connected City with streetscapes and aesthetics. However, at some point money has to be thrown to that goal. He noted that at some point there needs to be a decision made to enhance the streetscapes, because it is a policy decision. The meeting adjourned at 6:37 p.m. r r.,-'+�9-r-�i*..m.Y'.�''`� -;✓vEr ,�'er`'=,.g�+`x.1? °frsZdf'= r %``Ronald F. Modre, MMC City Clerk 3 Proposed Utilization of B&O Funds for 2014 Street Asphalt Inlay Materials $315,000 Grinding Service (Contract) $ 80,000 Crack Sealing Materials $ 15,000 Crack Sealing (Contract) $120,000 Sidewalk Replacement Materials $ 75,000 (includes 5 to 6 wheelchair ramps) Annual Line-Striping/RPM $160,000 (King County contract) Retro-Reflective Sign Replacement $ 90,000 (Materials only) Thermo-plastic Markings (Contract) $200,000 Guardrail Repairs (Contract) $ 20,000 subtotal: $1,075,000 Traffic Signals and Streetlights • Communication to Panther Lake area signals $50,000 • Deployment of (27 UPS) cabinets $200,000 (battery backup power supply) • Replacement of UPS batteries $15,000 • Detector Loop Replacements $30,000 • Streetlight Pole Replacement $35,000 subtotal: $330,000 Streets Overlay — by Bid (contractor) • North Central Smith St. to 228th St. $2.6 million • 212th St. from East Valley Hwy to SR 167 $1.0 million Neighborhood Traffic Control Program (NTCP) • 100th Avenue SE between SE 208th Street & SE 216th Street 42nd Avenue South between South 250th Street & South 253rd Street • SE 223rd/SE 224th Street between 116th Avenue SE & 132nd Avenue SE • Future NTCP projects subtotal: $250,000 $5.25 million Modified: 1 01011201 3 4:12 PM P:\Operations\Street\B&O Tax\Street Maintenance Needs for 2014.docx Page 1 of 2 Proposed Utilization of B&O Funds for 2014 Concrete Streets Inlay (In-house work) Gowe Street including Sidewalk - replace panels & sidewalk Military Road 243rd to 247th Street - replace panels Asphalt Streets Inlay (In-house work) 260th Street from Pacific Hwy South east 500' • 228th west of 64th Avenue • 200th Street between 80th Avenue & 84th Avenue • 76th Avenue from 212th St. south to Pozzi Brothers • 6th Avenue North @ S 228th Street (south side of intersection only) 208th Street 600' of westbound lanes just east of intersection on the Benson 260th Street each side of 104th Avenue 1 block east & west Sidewalks (In-house work) 1) 64th Avenue from 220th Street to James Street lifted or broken sections only 2) East Valley Hwy from 190th Street to 212th St. lifted or broken sections only 3) Gowe Street from Central Ave. to Kennebeck both sides lifted or broken sections only Alternative Streets Overlay - by Bid (contractor) • S. Central from Green River to Willis St. $4 million o 212th St/72nd Avenue Intersection $1.3 ±million (concrete) East Valley Hwy from 212th to 196th $4 million • East Valley Hwy from 196th to 188th $4 million • 80th Avenue South from 196th to 188th $1.5 million • S 192nd St. from cul-de-sac to East Valley Hwy $1.1 million • S 194th St. from cul-de-sac to East Valley Hwy $1.2 million • S. 196th St. from Green River To 72nd Ave. S. $4.5 million • S. 234th St. from West Valley Hwy to cul-de-sac $400K Modified: 1 01011201 3 4:12 PM P:\Operations\Street\B&O Tax\Street Maintenance Needs for 2014.docx Page 2 of 2 10/1/2013 L S '1 adz z� • t ." 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B ca000.aw.a.i.raa.oaom..wi. - greet 16 WMeeker St W James St a — • 4thAeN 64th Ave S 72rd Ave S zl- 76th Ave S _ gg e0th Ave S �" E1st S Ave 4 a t 1 . r i - �:� y �a rt II N e• 2 10/1/2013 �4 i I A t 4 g � 3 10/1/2013 ,� :... L ceyaI t Proposed 2014 Street Upgrada ork Plan Map >=GrInMnlaY Projecb , =coao-na.a o,enava o 6th Ave N 64lh AveS 761h Ave S Easl Va!ley Hwy (84th Ave S) i s 1 SE 208th St S 212th St S 2281h SI S 260th St �. SE 260th St Genhal Ave N W James St fii M lita eRd E E GO St s E itus St rt _L - r I, 4 19 n S. 260t" Street 4 10/1/2013 Military RoaTV- d � RMq77- 1_ > F� '1Y 1 p, - T4-1, tit SE 2601" Street r 10/1/2013 -z yl � uFt�i C"r, i7 E. Gowe Street e� S 200th Street Limas: S 2O7th Ct to East Valley Highway ,b OdMer 1,2013 6 10/1/2013 a Y, a kid SE 208th Street Llmlts: West bound lanes east of ""g1'l '' .4 a 108th Avenue Southeast _ - _t, Ocicber 1,2013 j r 4 A South 228th Street Llmlts: Lakeside Blvd to 68th Ave S October 1,2013 10/1/2013 76th Avenue South Limits:S 212th Street to 1200 feet South October 1,2013 { James Street �- - - Limits: 2nd Avenue South to 1st Avenue South,East bound lanes 0 `^ October 12013 8 10/1/2013 S 212th Street Limits: East Valley Hwy to SR 167 Estimate:$1,000,000 a' Limits: Intersection at 72nd Ave South Estimate:$1,300,000 ` October 1,2013 1