HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Minutes - 04/16/2013 ICE4°T "'""." Kent City Council Workshop April 16, 2013 The meeting was called to order at 5:32 p.m. by Council President Higgins. Councilmembers present: Higgins, Boyce, Perry, Ranninger, Ralph, and Albertson. Council President Higgins discussed the addition of three items to the agenda. Council Retreat Follow-up. Chief Administrative Officer Hodgson discussed the key opportunities from the Community Attributes Report and gave a briefing concerning the items in the strategic plan that were deemed as high or medium priority by the Council. He noted that the Mayor's Leadership Team reviewed those items and have prepared next steps related to those goals. Fred Satterstrom, Planning Director discussed the comprehensive plan and what the city is required to accomplish based on the Growth Management Act. Conversation continued about the LEAN Process and its application to a permit process and that it has quickened the turnaround time by 50 percent. There was also discussion concerning the Regional Fire Authority (RFA) and the relationship the Councilmembers has with them. Council consensus was to have a representative from Kent on the RFA so the city has a voice. Discussion continued concerning timelines having to do with the initiatives. Mr. Hodgson communicated that the City staff could give the Council an update at the end of the second quarter, before the end of August. Marketplace Fairness Act. Council President Higgins presented the Council with a draft letter for their viewing which he stated highlights the overall sentiment of the Council. He stated that the letter is here for the Council to sign. Motor Vehicle Excise Tax. Council President Higgins discussed that the City Council will not take a position on the MVET. King County Parks Levy. Council President Higgins discussed the King County Parks Levy. He noted that King County representatives are ready to present it to the Council. Councilmember Perry noted that there were several cities having issues with the levy and discussed the background and how it affects the city of Kent. Councilmember Perry stated that she isn't sure the Sound Cities Association Public Issues Committee (PIC) or the city is informed enough to take a position on it. Mr. Hodgson communicated that the Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle gets a lot of the funding. He added that this levy keeps going up and local parks departments are having to make cuts. He noted that the levy funds almost 100% of the King County Parks system and that if it fads the King County Parks system goes away and there is no plan if it does fail. Council President Higgins communicated that it is in the best interest of the city of Kent to identify what is in the final package. Councilmember 1 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes April 16, 2013 Perry added that it may be best for the city to communicate what it wants to get out of the levy because it most likely will pass. Councilmember Ralph verified that $170,000 would come back to the city of Kent if the levy gets passed. Council President Higgins asked that the Parks Director speak to the Council on this at the next workshop. Councilmember Albertson noted that there is a list of parks that the city has given to King County that the city wants to have addressed, Councilmember Perry verified with the rest of the Council that the city has no direction it wishes the PIC to take concerning this matter. Regional Tolling. Councilmember Perry discussed the proposed tolling on I-90 and said that if cities are impacted with State tolling the cities should get mitigation. She stated that the Puget Sound Regional Council (PSRC) questioned if they should look at all the tolls being instituted. She verified that the Council wants PRSC to look at this. Council Training. Council President Higgins inquired about having city of Kent Council doing a training. The Council consensus was that they want to wait until next year and he stated that he will pass the information onto the next Council President. Scrurull Cities• Association (SCA). Councilmember Perry communicated that the Sound Cities Association (SCA) is interested in whether regional transportation decisions should be based on a city's comprehensive plan. Councilmember Perry also stated that there is discussion on the industrial lands study. The meeting adjourned at 6:36 p.m. Ronald F. Wore, M City Clerk 2