HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Minutes - 05/07/2013 WKENT Kent City Council Workshop May 7, 2013 The meeting was called to order at 5:39 p.m. by Council President Higgins. Councilmembers present: Higgins, Boyce, Perry, Ranninger, Ralph, and Albertson. Council President Higgins discussed the addition of three items to the agenda. Traffic Safety. City Attorney Tom Brubaker introduced Andy Cooley, a senior attorney from Keating Bucklin & McCormack. He noted that he will be discussing traffic safety in areas where the City does and doesn't have discretion. Mr. Cooley presented his credentials. He discussed the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and noted that it is the authority for traffic engineering. He discussed "warrants" and how the term is used in traffic engineering. He reviewed traffic calming initiatives like speed bumps and traffic circles. He highlighted that there is conflicting research and standards about marked crosswalks. Based on this, he stated that the "gold standard" for marked crosswalks is to have a full-signalized intersection. He discussed the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) "Safety Effects of Marked versus Unmarked Crosswalks at Uncontrolled Locations" study done in 2002, which was published in 2005, and its results. He also noted other results that were published in 2006 which state that there doesn't need to be a crosswalk if less than 10 people cross per hour or if there is a streetlight crossing less than 300 feet away. He continued and discussed High Intensity Activated Crosswalks (HAWK) and its advantages and challenges. He continued and discussed the Roving Eyes Animated Sign which he stated did not work because the vehicles didn't stop for it. Public Facilities District Board Vacancy. City Attorney Tom Brubaker communicated that the Public Facilities District (PFD) is a separate entity and the positions are appointed by the Council. He noted that the Council can appoint a member for the first two positions, but a Councilmember cannot sit on the board. He also noted that it is possible to have the other three positions filled by a councilmember if they are nominated by a public organization such as the Chamber of Commerce, etc. He stated that it is very clear that the first two positions can't be filled by a Councilmember. Councilmember Albertson communicated that the Council isn't receiving good feedback from the PFD, Councilmember Perry inquired if the Council can have a non-voting member at the meetings. Council President Higgins said he would like to get someone appointed by the next workshop. Councilmember Perry stated that she thought there were going to be people evaluated by a council committee. 1 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes May 7, 2013 Mr. Brubaker noted that the position can be advertised on the web and the cable channel. He suggested it be open until filled. Councilmember Perry noted that it would be good to have a pool of people who are interested. Councilmember Albertson noted that the information concerning boards and positions be placed on the website and publically noted. The meeting adjourned at 6:36 p.m. Ronald F. ore, Mmt City Clerk� z