HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Minutes - 05/21/2013 0 KENT Kent City Council Workshop May 21, 2013 The meeting was called to order at 5:06 p.m. by Council President Higgins. Councilmembers present: Higgins, Thomas, Perry, Ralph, Boyce, and Albertson. Council President Higgins discussed the addition of three items to the agenda. School Speed Zone Traffic Safety Cameras. Assistant City Attorney Pat Fitzpatrick noted that the two items he is discussing are on the Consent Calendar as Items I and J. He discussed traffic and the results of a study done in the school zone areas within the City and noted that the school district supports the program. He explained how the system works and that a commissioned Kent police officer would be reviewing all of the recordings and issuing citations where appropriate. Councilmember Ralph verified with Mr. Fitzpatrick that if the infraction fees aren't paid, the registered owner will not be able to renew their vehicle registration. Council President Higgins confirmed that Sunrise and Neely O'Brien elementary schools have been chosen as the locations to install the traffic cameras because of their high rate of infractions. He also confirmed that based on the cost-benefit analysis, the revenues from the infractions will be enough to cover overtime of the officer who will be working the program. Councilmember Perry confirmed with Mr. Fitzpatrick that the City added certain items to the contract to protect the City, such as if the collected infractions don't equal the amount of the contract, the amount is rolled over to the next month. Additionally, if the amount continues to grow over a certain amount of months, the City can cancel the contract. He added that the City also has the right to move the cameras if needed. He also stated that if there is a court ruling that nullifies the use of video cameras, the City can opt out of the contract. He also noted that the vendor owns the cameras and if they are broken or vandalized he will replace them free of charge to the City. Councilmember Albertson questioned what is recorded and Mr. Fitzpatrick communicated that the system is only operating when the yellow lights are flashing and a vehicle is speeding through the zone. That, he said, is when the system records that vehicles' license plate. Mr. Fitzpatrick noted that there is a 30-day grace period from the time the system is installed before the City can issue any citations. During that period, he communicated that only warning letters will be issued to violators. He added that any positive revenues are only to be used for the program first, then towards traffic or criminal offenses and that the fines are $124 for 5 to 9 miles over the speed limit and $248 for 10 miles or more over. B&O Tax Update. Ben Wolters, Economic and Community Development Director discussed B&O taxes and how they affect third-party warehouses. He noted that these warehouses store items for other entities. 1 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes May 21, 2013 Robert Nachlinger introduced the City's B&O Tax auditors, Sonjia Barker, CPA, and Laura Schell. Ms. Barker discussed the background of the City's B&O Tax. She presented the City collections as of the 1st Quarter of 2013 which is $614,717. Ms. Schell discussed the interactive tax returns and how the City businesses pay their B&O taxes. Ms. Schell continued and highlighted the upcoming events concerning B&O processing. She communicated that there is a wealth of information on the City's website concerning B&O taxes. Councilmember Thomas questioned and discussed the amount of returns. Council President Higgins asked what the additional burden for businesses to have to fill out the city of Kent forms. David Galazin, Assistant City Attorney replied that the process of filling out the forms in Kent is pretty similar, but there are differences. Council President Higgins noted that there have been complaints about the City's forms and Mr. Galazin listened and responded briefly. Council President Higgins inquired if there will be any modification of the forms in the future if there are any significant issues or effective revisions in the future. Mr. Galazin replied that they are open to revisions if there are items that don't need to be there or inconsistencies. Robert Goehring, City Auditor, replied that there is a web address and area for businesses that can supply input. He noted that the City is somewhat constrained in some of the reporting documents but the CIty tries to make it user friendly. Council President Higgins noted that the 1st Quarter B&O Tax Activity form is good and requested to see it at every quarterly meeting. Councilmember Ralph inquired if there is a form that goes out to remind taxpayers that their payment is due. Mr. Goring stated that that is in the works with the IT Department and should be done in the second quarter. Councilmember Perry inquired if there is a way that non-compliance numbers can be reported to the Council. She said it would be nice to know where the City is when it comes to those who aren't paying their B&O taxes. Mr. Goring explained the "outreach" effort that was undertaken concerning the B&O taxes. Tom Dooley, Chief Executive Officer, Principled Solutions, noted that his firm owns four warehouses in Kent and has been here since 1975. He communicated that they only are storing items for other firms. He noted that his firm is paying 50-60 percent more than the funds given to the State. Councilmember Albertson verified that his business is making $737,000 in gross revenues per month. 2 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes May 21, 2013 Councilmember Perry inquired if FedEx is a third party warehouse and Mr. Wolters communicated that they aren't. Ms. Barker communicated that FedEx is defined as a freight company, not as a third party warehouse: Mr. Dooley explained that his business has a full inventory of products stored by a company. He noted that the items are placed into their inventory. Councilmember Ralph inquired about traffic and how many trips get taken into his warehouses and Mr. Dooley communicated that he doesn't have a definitive answer. Council President Higgins noted that this was set up to take care of the roads in the warehouse area. He stated the square footage tax was an attempt to take care of the damage due to truck traffic. Councilmember Albertson stated that the roads in the valley are wet and damage easy. She noted that the Kent warehouse district is the fourth largest in the country and she isn't seeing the millions of dollars coming in that the Council thought would come in to take care of the roads in that area. She said she would encourage the Council to continue to collect information and address it in a comprehensive package when the time is right and that she isn't comfortable adjusting anything at this time. Councilmember Boyce communicated that the City won't know how things are going until a full year has gone by. He said the City will have a better idea of how this will look in December. Councilmember Perry communicated that she doesn't have an issue looking at this. She noted that if the goal is $5 million and rates should get reviewed and possibly raised if that amount isn't attained. She added that she isn't comfortable with the definition of third-party warehouse. Public Facilities District Apaointment Process. Council President discussed the press release created by Michelle Wilmot and the Council agreed to go ahead with the process. Transportation Package Resolution. City Attorney Tom Brubaker communicated that he revised section G of the resolution. Councilmember Albertson stated that the only revision she would make is that the City has already made a commitment to this in previous Council legislation. The meeting adjourned at 6:28 p.m. al Ronald F. M re, MM� City Clerk 3