HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Meeting - Council Workshop - Minutes - 08/20/2013 KENT 'Na=Hix cTax Kent City Council Workshop August 20, 2013 The meeting was called to order at 5:45 p.m. by Council President Dennis Higgins. Councilmembers present: Thomas, Boyce, Ralph, and Ranniger. Councilmember Perry was absent. Councilmember Albertson arrived at 5:48 p.m. Council President Higgins added an item on the Highway 167/State Route 509 project to the agenda. Revenue Estimates for 2014 Budget. Finance Director Robert Nachlinger discussed a document he handed out and discussed adjustments for the 2014 Budget. He highlighted the phone service taxation and that it would generate some funds for the City. He added that the annexation sales tax is less than budgeted. Councilmember Ralph confirmed that the phone sales tax would go into effect on January 1, 2014. Nachlinger discussed lower gambling revenues based on the Great American Casino tax percentage reduction. He reviewed intergovernmental reductions and that the City no longer qualifies for Criminal Justice high crime funding due to reductions in crime activity. He noted that the change to the previously adopted budget is almost $385,000. He continued and discussed the Capital Improvement Fund and the revenues from sales, utility, property sales, and REET taxes. He also reviewed miscellaneous revenues and transfers in facilities and the general fund. He highlighted the sale of the Northwest Corporate Park and its REET revenues. Council President Higgins verified that after this meeting Nachlinger would take these numbers and prepare a budget adjustment ordinance for the 2014 calendar year after the Council reviews and finalizes 2014 expenditures at a future meeting. Council President Higgins inquired about the City not being eligible for the high crime funding any longer and Nachlinger replied that the lack of funds will not cause the City to put any police positions on hold. Brubaker verified that the REET from the Northwest Corporate Business Park is $850,000. Nachlinger communicated that this report is through June and the property's REET wasn't done until July, so those numbers aren't reflected in this report. Council President Higgins communicated that the Council went through a lesson last year and it is better to be conservative and stay in the black. Brubaker noted that the City has been conservative and that is reflected through these numbers. Councilmember Boyce inquired about the reduction in the liquor sales tax revenues and Nachlinger responded that the legislature retained half of those revenues. 1 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes August 20, 2013 Brubaker pointed out that the City will be at 10.2% of its reserve. He noted that the contingency fund for unanticipated costs will be at $500,000, and there will be $1.15 million in the strategic opportunities fund. Council President Higgins communicated that there weren't any changes in the B&O tax and Nachlinger confirmed that there won't be any proposed changes. He noted that the B&O returns are at $1.5 million, which have increased. Brubaker communicated that the projected annual revenue estimate is $5 million, but that for this first year of implementation, only $3.3 million was budgeted. Councilmember Boyce verified that there is a 5% late fee for late filings which has a maximum penalty of 25% depending on when filing takes place, Councilmember Ralph confirmed that the late fees go into effect in the second quarter. Councilmember Albertson verified with Nachlinger that utility tax revenues fluctuate with changing weather patterns. He added that rate increases are expected this winter which will increase the revenues. Discussion continued about the utility tax item and Brubaker noted that the utility tax amount is conservative if based on the previous year. Councilmember Ranniger communicated that an estimated 2.47% increase feels high. Council President Higgins suggested cutting the 2.47% increase in half to 1.38%. He noted that makes it a little more conservative. Brubaker noted that the revenue went up $1.2 million in an unusually warm winter. He noted that the estimate for this winter is only an increase of $470,000. Councilmember Ralph confirmed with Nachlinger that Puget Sound Energy is increasing their rates and telephone rates go up every year. She also confirmed that the phone line tax is a sales tax. Brubaker inquired if the $470,000 estimate is conservative enough for the Council. Councilmember Ralph inquired and confirmed that there was an increase in water, sewer, and gas rates in 2013. Councilmember Albertson inquired about the 11.27% amount in fines and forfeitures and Nachlinger replied that the funds will be derived from school zone cameras. Council President Higgins, Councilmember Boyce, Councilmember Ralph, and Brubaker verified that this was the correct estimate to be derived from the traffic cameras. Councilmember Thomas discussed the sale of property line item and Nachlinger noted that it is from the sale of surplus properties within the City and Brubaker specified which sales were included in the line item. 2 Kent City Council Workshop Minutes August 20, 2013 Council President Higgins summarized that the last issue is to determine whether the estimated percent change to the utility tax from 2013 to 2014 should be kept at 2.47%. Brubaker reviewed the process again and noted that this will go to the committee and come back to the Council again. State Route 167/State Route 509 Councilmember Albertson communicated that State Route 167 and State Route 509 were reviewed at the last legislative session. She said the key stakeholders are still lobbying the senators and the governor concerning this item. She added that she is on the State Route 509 executive committee and they had a meeting with the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT). She stated that the State Route 167 Coalition has dedicated funding streams and is a better coordinated effort. She noted that there has been discussion concerning combining both groups and fundraising. She asked the Council for funding consideration. She noted that the Senators are holding listening sessions for the public to get involved and if movement doesn't happen this item won't be resurrected in the legislature. Council President Higgins communicated that if the coalition asks for funds he would bring it to the Council. Councilmember Albertson said she would be the one bringing the item to the Council and Council President Higgins replied that he would determine what the Council could donate out of its budget. Councilmember Ranniger noted that this has been on the table for years and it is frustrating that it hasn't gone forward. She encouraged the Council to act. Councilmember Thomas inquired if King County Councilmember Patterson need any s assistance and Councilmember Albertson said she is going to speak to her tomorrow about a funding estimate she had drawn up in the past. Revenue Estimates for 2014 Budget (continued) Council President Higgins verified with Nachlinger that in 2011 utility tax revenues increased by $2 million. Council consensus was that they were comfortable with the estimates. The meeting adjourned at 6:33 p.m. 1 Ronald F. oore,,,MMC City Clerk 3