HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 03/08/2010 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES March 8, 2010 1. Call to Order Chair Ralph Called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. 2. Board Members Present: Chair Dana Ralph, Vice-Chair Jack Ottini, Steve Dowell, Navdeep Gill, Jon Johnson, Aleanna Kondelis-Halpin, Barbara Phillips Staff Members Present: Charlene Anderson, Jeff Watling, Lydia Moorehead, Kim Adams Pratt and Pamela Mottram 3. Approval of Minutes Johnson MOVED and Dowell SECONDED a Motion to approve the February 22, 2010 Minutes. Motion PASSED 7-0. 4. Added Items None S. Communications None 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings Anderson stated that the Economic and Community Development Committee unanimously passed an amendment to approve the Cottage Housing Demonstration Ordinance to allow flexibility in the maximum number of cottage housing units. The issue will go to City Council March 161h for approval. 7. PUBLIC HEARING: 7.1 CPA-2009-1(A) Comprehensive Plan Amendment Planning Manager Charlene Anderson stated that this is a housekeeping amendment that amends the Capital Facilities Element of Kent's Comprehensive Plan to correct the number of lane miles and bridges in the City, and reference the most current Transportation Master Plan. Ralph opened the Public hearing. There were no speakers. 7.2 CPA-2009-1(B) Comprehensive Plan Amendment Parks and Open Space Planner Lydia Moorehead stated that the purpose of the Parks and Open Space Plan update is to solidify the City's vision for Kent Parks. The Plan was adopted in 2000. The update seeks to address the transition from where we are now into the next 20 years. The update is a requirement of the Growth Management Act. Moorehead stated that the City conducted a public survey and held a public workshop this past spring and fall. She stated that staff emailed, published notices in the paper and published information on the city's website for interested parties. Moorehead stated that the Plan and Parks and Open Space Element has been presented to the Parks and Human Services Committee, at a City Council Workshop, and at a Land Use and Planning Board workshop. Moorehead stated that the Plan outlines four major core themes. The first core theme is maximizing and reinvesting in the City's legacy system. Moorehead stated that the City has a great network of existing parks and open spaces that need to be maintained. One thing staff noticed from the public survey was that security and maintenance were top priorities for park users. Redevelopment and renovation of the City's existing parks is one short-term priority in the plan. Moorehead stated that the second core theme is to manage Kent's Urban Forests in partnership with the Cascade Land Conservancy. The Green Kent plan is currently under development and will create a stewardship plan for a publically owned urban forest. Moorehead stated that a large majority of Kent's inventory consists of undeveloped and natural resource areas. Land Use and Planning Board Hearing March 8, 2010 Page 1 of 2 Moorehead stated that the third core theme is athletic fields. The City is looking for opportunities to maximize acreage and the City's investment via partnerships with other agencies such as school districts , and looking at how the City can utilize technology to maximize space usage. Moorehead stated that the fourth core theme is Connectivity for Kent's citizens, our users, our greenways and parks. As Kent becomes more urbanized it is important that those connections are there. This Plan introduces a broad theme of connectivity that will require detailed work down the line to establish how that connectivity will happen. Moorehead stated that the Update includes a reorganized Parks Inventory that includes acquisitions within the last ten years. The Goals and Policies have been updated to include Green Kent, Greenways and Trails development, and a 20-year Needs Analysis. Moorehead stated that the Implementation Strategy is a balance between acquisition, development and redevelopment. One of staff's main focuses in the next 10 years is to look at the funding situation, keeping redevelopment as a top priority while maintaining a more balanced approach for the long term. Moorehead stated that staff is looking at a substantial update to the Park and Open Space Element of the Comprehensive Plan that incorporates a summary of the Park Plan, with a minor amendment to the Capital Facilities Element to change references to the Plan and to update Park acreage. Parks and Community Services Director Jeff Watling stated that the City has communicated with the Kent School District with respect to utilizing the Kent-Meridian and Kentridge High Schools' sites to create a 4 to 5 acre lit synthetic athletic facility for multi-use purposes. The economy cannot fiscally support pursuing this multi-use facility endeavor at this time. Watling stated that staff's short term strategy to replace those fields lost by development of the ShowWare Center is to utilize some single use athletic facilities such as the baseball fields at Kent Memorial Park, and field space at the Phoenix Academy for the soccer season this year. Chair Ralph declared the Public Hearing open. There were no speakers. Ottini MOVED and Johnson SECONDED a Motion to Close the Public Hearing. Motion PASSED 7-0. Kondelis-Halpin MOVED to adopt the proposed amendments to CPA-2009-1 (A) and (B) as presented by staff. Phillips SECONDED the MOTION. Motion CARRIED 7-0. Adiournment Ralph declared the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Secretary of the Board P'.1PlanningAWPBA2010AMinu[u{030&10-LLIDB-Minutes.doc Land Use and Planning Board Hearing March 8, 2010 Page 2 of 2