HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 01/11/2010 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES January 11, 2010 Board Members Present: Chair Dana Ralph, Vice-Chair Jack Ottini, Steve Dowell, Navdeep Gill, Jon Johnson, Aleanna Kondelis-Halpin, Barbara Phillips Staff Members Present: Fred Satterstrom, Charlene Anderson, Matt Gilbert, William D Osborne, Lydia Moorehead, Kim Adams Pratt, and Pamela Mottram 3. Approval of Minutes Ottini MOVED and Phillips SECONDED a motion to Approve the December 14, 2009 Minutes. Motion PASSED 7-0. 4. Added Items None S. Communications None 6. Notice of Upcoming Meetings None 7. SCA-2009-1 Subdivision Code Amendment Tract Definition Revision Principal Planner Matt Gilbert described an amendment to the City of Kent Subdivision Code Title 12.04 to redefine "Tract" language. He stated that the purpose of this amendment is to clarify the intent and the meaning of a future development tract to allow for a revisiting of tracts located within residential subdivisions to allow for potential future development. Gilbert cited the current definition as "Tract shall mean land reserved for specified uses including, but not limited to, future development, recreation, open space, sensitive areas, surface water retention, utility facilities, and access. Tracts are not considered building sites for purposes of residential dwelling unit construction." Gilbert stated that the last phrase has caused some confusion, although it is true currently in that tracts 'as tracts' are not used for residential construction when they don't contain the facilities to serve the tract such as utilities and roads. Therefore, they cannot be considered building lots, and cannot be built upon. Gilbert stated that if at such time in the future a tract is provided with roads and utilities, and is considered buildable through a permit review determination, the 'tract' may then be designated as a 'lot' for building. Gilbert stated that the following new language would be added to the end of the current definition to clarify the intent; "provided that future development tracts may be considered building sites for purposes of residential dwelling unit construction upon a new application being filed, reviewed, and approved by the City in conformance with the City regulations in place at the time the complete new application is filed." Gilbert clarified that the new definition is essentially saying that the City needs to approve the site as a building lot, so it moves from being a tract to a lot. He stated that it is not typical for developments within the City of Kent to contain future development tracts, citing that these tracts are primarily located on lots that have been platted under King County's jurisdiction. With the anticipation of seeing more SCA-2009-1 Tract Definition Amendment Land Use and Planning Board Hearing 1 January 11, 2010 of these tracts with the annexation of the Panther Lake area, and the potential of applicants coming to the City wanting to convert their formerly designated future development tracts; this definition needs clarification. Ralph declared the Public Hearing open. Seeing no speakers, Johnson MOVED and Kondelis-Halpin SECONDED to Close the Public Hearing. Motion PASSED 7-0. Johnson MOVED to Approve SCA-2009-1, the Definition of Tract as presented by staff. Kondelis-Halpin SECONDED the Motion. Motion PASSED 7-0. Adiournment Ottini MOVED and Dowell SECONDED a Motion to adjourn the meeting which PASSED 7-0. Chair Ralph declared the meeting adjourned at 7: 15 p.m. Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Secretary of the Board P:\Planning\LUPB\2010\Minutes\01-11-10-LU PB-M in utes.doc SCA-2009-1 Tract Definition Amendment Land Use and Planning Board Hearing Z January 11, 2010