HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Land Use and Planning Board - 07/28/2008 LAND USE & PLANNING BOARD MINUTES JULY 28, 2008 BOARD MEMBERS PRESENT/ABSENT: Chair Jon Johnson, Vice-Chair Dana Ralph, Steve Dowell, Alan Gray, Aleanna Kondelis — absent/excused, Jack Ottini, Barbara Phillips STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Charlene Anderson, Mike Mactutis, Chad Bieren, Beth Tan, Kim Adams Pratt Approval of Minutes Ottini MOVED and Gray SECONDED a Motion to APPROVE the Minutes of May 12, 2008. Motion PASSED 6-0. Added Items, Communications, Notice of Upcoming Meetings None #CPA-2008-3 Water System Plan/Drainage Master Plan/Wellhead Protection Program Phase I & II/Capital Facilities Element of Kent Comprehensive Plan Water System Plan Engineering Supervisor Chad Bieren stated that the Department of Health requires the City to update the Water System Plan every six years. Bieren stated that staff looked at Kent's water system to ensure that Kent could meet land use requirements for the foreseeable future, that the City's projected growth is consistent with the Kent Comprehensive Plan, and to make sure that the water system could sustain the city's growth pattern. Bieren stated that the water system boundary is not necessarily the same as the corporate limits of Kent citing that Water District 111, Highline Water District, and Soos Creek Water and Sewer District also serve different areas of the City. Bieren stated that Kent has enough water supply to meet future needs. Staff evaluated the ability of Kent's existing system to handle fire-flow requirements and other issues regarding the treatment and/or delivery of water to homes throughout the City. Staff developed a long range plan for improving and developing the system. Bieren stated that West Hill's storage capacity is insufficient, and East Hill will have insufficient capacity once it is built-out. He stated that there are water mains throughout the city that require replacement within the distribution system, due to age and/or new fire-flow requirements. Bieren stated that Kent will construct a new West Hill reservoir near the Armory south of Military Road, replace the leaking Guiberson Reservoir on Scenic Hill and build a new 640 zone reservoir near Clark Lake to alleviate storage and fire flow Land Use and Planning Board 1 of 6 Minutes July 28, 2008 pressure issues on East Hill. The new East Hill reservoir would raise the water surface elevation from 590 feet to 640 feet above sea level. Bieren cited additional key improvements such as building a Kent East Hill Operations Center, and a Tacoma Pipeline Treatment Facility that would allow Kent to access 12.5 million gallons of water a day. He stated that these improvements would cost from $150 to $160 million dollars and are necessary improvements. Bieren submitted Table 11.3 documented as an Exhibit for the record. In response to Board member Gray, Bieren stated that a water rate increase is necessary to fund improvements, to handle increasing maintenance operations costs, and to fund capital improvements related to the Tacoma Pipeline and the new reservoirs. He stated that the improvements are necessary due to Department of Health and Department of Ecology requirements. Bieren stated that the City needs both a rate increase and bonds to get those projects built earlier, with the rate increase covering repayment of some of those bonds. He stated that it is necessary for the City to retain a 60 to 90 day cash reserve to sustain a healthy water system and to keep bond ratings low. Bieren stated that at this time, the City has only a 20 day reserve which needs to be built up to maintain bond ratings at an optimum level. Drainage Master Plan Environmental Engineer Beth Tan stated that the Drainage Master Plan (DMP) was last updated in 1985. Since that time, Kent has annexed areas and implemented Capital Improvement Plans. Staff has taken a comprehensive look at the infrastructure system within Kent for drainage. Tan stated that much of Kent's drainage system pipe infrastructure was built before 1980. She stated that staff has taken a comprehensive look at Kent's streams, the flooding risks, and how Kent can reduce potential damages due to flooding through our creek systems. Tan stated that staff looked at the city's localized drainage system, citing that staff is considering how to improve water storage capacity along Mill Creek. Tan stated that an element of the DMP is water quality, which is dependent on an unfunded mandated program called the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Phase Two Permit, implemented by the Department of Ecology. Tan stated that another element staff looked at was habitat, fish passage, wetland preservation and restoration. She stated that staff looked at the drainage component of Kent's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). She stated that for the past few years, the drainage utility has paid for part of the transportation program related to storm water and water quality facilities, and curb, gutter, sidewalk infrastructure that are part of major road expansions. Land Use and Planning Board 2 of 6 Minutes July 28, 2008 Tan stated that staff looked at the Green River Levee repair and replacement work that is needed and which will be shown on preliminary updated Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) maps. Tan stated that some of Kent's major projects include Upper Mill Creek Dam off of 104th, restoration work along Mill Creek on Smith to James, and from James to Chandler Bay needed to decrease flooding along James St. and the surrounding local areas. She cited Green River Natural Resource area improvements, replacement of culverts and restoration work on 76th Avenue and Mill Creek, 228th area conveyance work, monitoring the total maximum daily load requirements on Lake Fenwick to reduce the total phosphorus leaving the lake, and the East Hill 144th Avenue SE culvert replacement. Tan stated that staff has added Goals 22 and 23 to the DMP; pertaining to the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Program that Kent is required to follow, and to implement low-impact development for the design and construction of projects within Kent. Tan stated that she has added a supplement to the DMP to include the Green River Duwamish Ecosystem Restoration Program; an ongoing cost sharing partnership between Kent and the Army Corp of Engineers. She stated that staff added two additional East Hill projects; SE 236th Street culvert replacement, and stream restoration work on Meridian Valley Creek at 240th and 132nd Bieren stated that a few changes to the Capital Facilities Element within the Water Plan section are similar to ones in the previous version of Kent's Comprehensive Plan, with language added to update them; citing changes to CF-27, 28 and 29. Bieren stated that staff intends to take these plans to the Public Works Committee August 4th, to the Planning & Economic Development Committee August 11th and to the City Council for implementation and adoption on August 19th Bieren stated that any question concerning rates will be addressed separately following adoption of the plans. Chair Johnson opened the public hearing. Ms. Charlie King, 26201 Military Rd. S, voiced her concerns with drainage issues. She stated that she experienced water damage twice in the fall of 2007 from flooding runoff which caused erosion to her property. She stated that she built a retaining wall to repair the damage. Ms. King stated that her neighbor Lois Steinborg's culvert was built in 1970 and has eroded away. A small creek has formed that flows into the eroded culvert which can no longer handled runoff from even a small rain. Ms. King stated that her neighbors would like to know how the City can help them maintain proper flow from the runoff. Land Use and Planning Board 3 of 6 Minutes July 28, 2008 King stated that the culvert running under Military Road flows into a lidded holding tank located at the top of her driveway then goes underneath her driveway into the creek. She stated that she feels the holding tank had not been properly maintained since the previous rainfall, that the holding tank blew its top, causing a geyser at the top of her driveway and within minutes 240 gallons of muddy water flowed through her window well onto her new parquet floors. Ms. King stated that 911 was unable to assist her. She stated that she called people to pump out the water who did so by candlelight due to power outages. Ms. King stated that she spoke with Kent staff who came to her home, sandbagged her house, cleaned the driveway of mud and debris, and filled in the erosion that was washed out under her driveway. She stated that the damage to her property was over $10,000. King expressed appreciation on behalf of herself and her neighbors for the opportunity to voice their concerns. Tan stated that the DMP addresses future road-widening projects along Military Road, stating that the storm water system would be updated and massaged at that time. Chair Johnson asked staff to consider how they could resolve this problem. Tan stated that it might just be an issue of having the City's storm water crew adding that area to a more frequent scheduling of maintenance and making sure that the catch basin is cleaned out. Charles Findley, 26425 Military Rd. S, stated that he owns the property at 26505 Military Rd. S. He stated that a pipe runs under Military Road from the east to the west side of the road. He stated that there is a pretty good running stream during a heavy rain, otherwise the rain seeps into the ground by the fire station at 26512 Military Rd. S. Findley stated that he would like to see a pipe installed in the V-shaped ditch fronting his property at 26505 Military Rd, running that pipe to the edge of the property and possibly to I-5. He stated that he would like the ditch filled in to even out his property, so he can safely mow his lawn. Tan stated that as part of the Drainage Master Plan, staff looked at the needs within Kent to increase maintenance on these drainage systems, open ditches, and storm water ponds. She stated that Kent's facilities do not meet the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System Permit requirements. Tan stated that Public Works would like additional staff to handle those maintenance needs and the need for additional staffing is addressed in the Plan. Roseanne Torgerson, 26015 Military Rd. S, submitted a layout of pictures documented as an Exhibit for the record. She stated that she frequently cleans up litter and a drainage ditch that fronts Military Road. Torgerson stated that despite clearing the ditch and opening the ends of the culverts, the road edge around the bus stop in front of her property is muddy and flooded whenever it rains. Land Use and Planning Board 4 of 6 Minutes July 28, 2008 Torgerson stated that when it rains, a creek runs down her main driveway and ponds in front of her house. She stated that when road crews trim the grass along Military Road, they leave debris behind which creates a berm along the road's edge and causes her driveway to become the lowest point along Military Road. Torgerson stated that a developer has been filling and grading his property to the rear of their property for years. She stated that he has graded his property toward the wetland, which drains into the wetland, and has created a pond at the rear of her property. Torgerson stated that road clearing equipment are damaging fire hydrant protectors, then not clearing those areas and continuing on. She stated that hydrants need to be accessible and cleared of debris. Torgerson stated that there is a lot of development going on north of her on both sides of Military along South 259th and Reith Road. She stated that trucks haul in fill and rocks; have lost those rocks, launching many of them onto her property as they went by. Dowell recommended that Torgerson contact the City's Engineering Department to see if the developer behind her property has been issued a permit for fill or grading. Pam Cobley, Roth Hill Engineering, stated her firm represents Water District No. 111. She stated that she was notified on Tuesday of last week, that the Planning Board would be holding a public hearing on the 2008 Draft Water System Plan. She stated that prior to this they were not notified that a draft plan was available as a public review document. She stated that given that the District is within the City's water service area, the District wishes to review the City's Draft Water System Plan. Ms. Cobley stated that they have not had enough time to provide a thorough review and are letting the Board know that they will be reviewing the plan and providing comments as soon as possible. Ms. Cobley submitted a letter into the record documented as an exhibit. Dowell MOVED and Gray SECONDED a Motion to accept the letter into the record. Motion Carried 6-0. Giles Hulsmann, 923 Shaw Rd, Puyallup stated that he represents King County Drainage District #1. He voiced his appreciation that staff has kept them informed of this process since they are part of the storm drainage system within the valley. He stated that they look forward to the continuing review of this master plan and would like to be a party of record. Heidi Campbell, 725 2nd Avenue S stated that she lives a couple blocks south of Willis. She stated that it was discovered that the water main in front of her landlord's property had been leaking and seeping up through the surface of the roadway. She stated that the City Water Department patched the area and staff stated that this was the third time they had come out to fix this eroding water main Land Use and Planning Board 5 of 6 Minutes July 28, 2008 and that it needs to be replaced. Campbell emphasized that it is critical that this water main be repaired prior to the rainy season and would like clarification that this will happen. Bieren stated that he would follow up to determine if this main is scheduled for replacement this year. Ottini MOVED and Dowell SECONDED a Motion to accept the documents described as Table 11.3 submitted by Bieren and pictures submitted by Ms. Torgerson into the record. Motion CARRIED 6-0. Seeing no further speakers, Gray MOVED and Ottini SECONDED a Motion to close the Public Hearing. Motion CARRIED 6-0. Ottini commended staff on the excellent job they did in presenting the information that was discussed by the Board at previous workshops, in terms that laymen could understand. He stated that these are ongoing projects that need to be completed for Kent as a growing city, and that staff crafted a carefully thought out plan. Ottini MOVED to accept CPA-2008-3; 2008 Water System Plan, Drainage Master Plan, Wellhead Protection Program Phase I & II and Capital Facilities Element of Kent's Comprehensive Plan including amendments presented by staff. Ralph SECONDED the Motion. Motion CARRIED 6-0. Adiournment Chair Johnson adjourned the meeting at 8:00 p.m. Charlene Anderson, AICP, Planning Manager Secretary of the Board S:\Permit\Plan\LUPB\2008\MINUTES\072808_LUPB_Min.doc Land Use and Planning Board 6 of 6 Minutes July 28, 2008