HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Facilities Distict Board - 05/28/2009 AGENDA CITY OF (CENT SPECIAL EVENTS CENTER PUBLIC FACILITIES DISTRICT Thursday, May 28, 2009, 3:30 p.m. ShoWare Center, 625 West James Street Suite Lounge Room I. Call to Order a. Introductions—All b. Approval of Minutes of the March 26th, 2009 Meeting - Motion. II. Finance Report - Bob Nachlinger, Ben Wolters, Tim Higgins and Patrick McCluskey a. Review of State Sales Tax Revenues b. ShoWare Center Income Statement on First 120 days of Operations c. Financial Update III. Operator Update - Tim Higgins, Beth Sylves a. Status of Event Bookings/Attendance b. Marketing update IV. Seattle Thunderbirds Update - Colin Campbell a. Thunderbird Attendance, Sales and Marketing Update b. Advertising Sales Update c. Suite Sales Update I V. Other Business a. Confirmation of regular meeting dates for 2009 Adjourn I I KEt T w.= ,o Public Facilities District March 26, 2009 Board Members Present: Chair Mike Miller, Greg Haffner, Lew Sellers, Cass Prindle, Randall Smith Others Present: Bob Nachlinger, Ben Wolters, Colin Campbell, Tim Higgins, Councilmembers Ron Harmon and Debbie Raplee, and Julie Pulliam I. Call to Order. a. Introductions. The meeting was called to order by Mike Miller at the ShoWare Center Club Lounge at 3:30 p.m. b. Approval of Minutes. Sellers moved to approve the minutes of the January 29, 2009, meeting. Prindle seconded and the motion carried. II. Finance Report. a. Financial Update. Finance Director Nachlinger outlined revenues and expenditures and noted that the ending fund balance as of February 28, 2009, was $166,327. b. State Sales Tax Revenues. Nachlinger reported that the streamlined sales tax has impacted revenues by 15%. Regarding mitigation monies, he said that the tax rate can be raised from .033% to .037% after the Department of Revenue has determined that there has been a loss, and that he plans to ask this Board to pass a resolution raising the tax rate to .037% this summer, so that it will be available as soon as the Department of Revenue's determin- ation is made in September. He noted that results will be seen in December and that it won't be retroactive. He noted for Miller that the $2.4 million in debt service is for all the bonds, not just those serviced by the sales tax. He distributed copies of the monthly sales tax revenue for 2008 plus January and February 2009 and noted that before the economy went down, the sales tax for 2009 was anticipated to be $980,000 but is now anticipated to be $850,000 to $880,000. Nachlinger responded to Haffner's questions about mitigation money and noted for Smith that if revenues are insufficient, the City must cover it from capital funds. III. Proiect Overview and Update. a. Final Proiect Budget. Ben Wolters gave an update on the completion of construction, noting that although some savings and some expenses are still being found, the $83,717.92 variance to the budget is expected to remain much the same. a. Closeout of Project. Wolters said there is one final draw in the amount of $2.4 million for retainage, and that the final tally will be presented at the May meeting. He then described the two minor construction activities which need to be completed. A brief discussion on signage was then held. Public Facilities District March 26, 2009 Page Two c. LEED Certification. Wolters noted that Mortenson Construction, Shiels Obletz Johnsen, and lead consultant Palladino & Company all feel there are enough points for a gold designation in terms of LEED certification for the building, which would make this facility the only one in North America to have a gold certification. He said an amended certification request has been submitted and he expects to hear from the Green Building Council in May or June. IV. Operator Update. a. First 90 Days of Operations. Tim Higgins noted that 140,000 guests have come through the building in the first three months to attend 60 events. He estimated that 350,000 to 400,000 people will come to the facility in 2009 to just the events that have been scheduled so far. He noted that revenues from the Chris Thomas concert came in right on target, and that the Harlem Globetrotters brought in more revenue than expected. b. Event Bookings/Marketing. Higgins outlined events which they are currently working on and noted that 100 event days have been confirmed, including hockey. It was noted that there have been parking issues, and a lengthy discussion of potential solutions followed. c. Operation Budget. Higgins said the operating budget is upside down by about $57,000, due to the fact that a number of suites have not been sold and that two concerts projected for the first quarter did not happen. Wolters advised that a more clear picture of the overall operating budget will be available at the next meeting. He said there has been a phenomenal response from the community for graduations, dinners, and so forth, which cover the standard operating costs, but that events which generate large numbers of ticket sales are needed. Higgins added that the number of staff will gradually be decreased by 25%. V. Seattle Thunderbirds Update. a. Attendance, Sales and Marketing. Colin Campbell stated that some of the hockey games had been televised in Texas, Mexico, Canada, and Alaska, and that they are currently working on a 3 year television commitment. He noted that the average attendance at hockey games was 4245, which was lower than the 5200 estimate but that the tickets sold were higher priced, making the estimate very close. He emphasized that there will be more games per year in the future. He reported on the food service and its continuing development including food service to club seats and rail seats. He said they have received many favorable comments about the food, the staff, the building, and the events. Campbell noted that suite revenue did not come in as expected, but that there are currently twelve different companies looking at suites. He noted that the empty suites have been used for promotion to potential new clients and promoters. 1 Public Facilities District March 26, 2009 Page Three Higgins explained that they are pursuing catering with the Department of Health. It was noted that season tickets are on sale now and that staff is contacting people on their database. Campbell noted that there will be one or two games per week next season and that ticket prices will not change. He said he is working on renewal of the 350 club seats and a plan to sell the remaining 150, and said that advertising sales are picking up. He named a few sponsorship and signage possibilities which are in the works, and said that prices on these are firm. VI. Other Business. a. 2009 Meeting Dates. It was confirmed that the next meeting will be held on May 28, 2009. VII. Adiournment. Sellers moved to adjourn at 4:40 p.m. Smith seconded and the motion carried. Brenda Jacober, CMC City Clerk KENT SPIFCIAL EVENTS CENTER PUFL3C FAC3LITTES DISTRICT FUND (P—M) As of April 30, 7-009 Revenue &. Debi Svc Fund 2,308 Actual 23i3,9 '17D i Beginning Fund Balance 0 166,327 _ REVENUES Investment FMV Inc/Dec 17 Sales & Use Tax 786,843 194,417 Interest - Sales Tax 2,295 768 TOTAL PEVENUES 7891155 195,185 Transfers In-Bond Proceeds 1,769,877 TOTAL RESOURCES 2,559,032 361,512 EXPENDITURES Debt Service 2,392,705 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 2,392,705 - CHANGE IN FUND SALANCE 166,327 195,185 ENDING FUND BALANCE 165,327 3612512 1 5/15/2009 - i Rent Special Events Center Public Facilities District (PFD) Sales Tax Revenues As of April 30, 2005 Year Month Sales Tax Revenue Received 2008 March 68,928.08 April 64,340.03 May 77,107.07 June 72,061,77 July 73,138.12 August 82,904.41 September 61,870.79 October 57,569.76 November 63,238.50 December 55,649.74 2009 January 48,144.96 * February 61,890.26 * March 43,938.87 April 40,442.93 871,225.29 * Revenues for January and February were accrued back to 2008. Reversal of accrual will happen for December 2009 closing. i 5/28/2009 i scent Evenis Centsy, tOperating Fund As of April 30, 2009 2008 2009 Actual YTD BEGINNING FUND BALANCE (700,287) REVENUES Lodging Tax Transfer 31,000 Admissions Tax 105,907 TOTAL RESOURCES (563,380) EXPENDITURES Salaries & Benefits 33,845 Supplies 16,089 236 Services 684,198 306,996 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 700,287 341,077 Change In Fund Balance (700,287) (204,170) ENDING FUND BALANCE (700,288) (904,458) � N N X n N t0 iD CO ((D 3 'A A A 61 � W C A W N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N � O ? (n O `-' i--` `-' `I-+ � (D O O lO l0 W W V V Ol 01 \ - A W W N N H F-` 0 0 0 1p tp W W O] V V V .P � � ni V W CO Ul N i-+ O iD �D CO CO V ifl W O Vi O W .p .p F+ V O ? V V W lIt m Vm N - C 0. N O� N N F+ O �D \N `I V V V V V � tD O W � i0 OJ O H O iD O W iD V V O Vl N N l0 Ul W W O py �I V V O� O� Off- O� Vl V1 VI Vl 'vl ttl N N N N N �? W W w W W W W W W N N N Ql W O W 01 �A ---` - V V1 W N O W O� Vl W N O tp O� 6l Ul ..pp W N . 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W N m ,N A V�i IJ A tQ G N A m co b N P O 00 O O b O O O O O O O O O 00 O O O O O O i Ul i i ur (D + I as m rD S I Y i w ru W E € my � A Y � S i000 j N I 3 i t N N W W O O O O O O O O O O O o O O O O O O O O O O O O I � N I ill I � I l I � I m N CD m � n (D fD aj rn 00 I 3 j I, I I N f SHOWARE CENTER 2009 Confirmed Events Jan 2 Grand Opening Jan 3 Hockey Jan 4 Hockey Jan 9 Hockey Jan 10 Hockey Jan 11 Hockey Jan 17 Hockey Jan 18 Hockey Jan 21 Hockey Jan 23 Hockey Jan 24 Hockey Jan 27 Hockey Jan 30 High School BB Jan 31 Hockey Feb 6 Hockey Feb 8 Hockey Feb 12 Seattle Southside Planners Meeting 150 Feb 15 Hockey Feb 18 Globetrotters Feb 20 Hockey Feb 22 Hockey Feb 28 Hockey March 1 Hockey March 3 Hockey March 4 Mayors State of City March 6 Hockey March 7 Hockey March Chris Tomlin March 11 Hockey March 13 Hockey March 14 Kent Chamber 300 on the floor March 15 Hockey March 19 Governors international Reception March 26 Renton Tech Institute Graduation March 27 Hockey March 29 Hockey April 23 South King County Bar association April 24Indian Concert 7:30pm May 1 Seattle Christian Banquet May 2 MMA 7:30pm May 8 Wine Woman and Wow May 14 Job Fair All day event on Thursday 1pm - 7pm May 21 Transportation Meeting May 23-24 Lippizaner stallion (3) tVIa Sept 27 Styx RED June 4 Wrestling TNA June 6 Rat City Roller Girls June 11 High line CC Grad June 12 Renton Graduation (3) June 13 Kent Graduations(4) June 19 Strike Force Showtime June 20" University of Phoenix Graduation July 11 Live faith Fest Switchfoot July 12 Hold July 16—23 TBIRDS Hockey School (5) July 25 Hold July 30—Aug 2 Outdoor Patio and Barbeque Show August 12 Renton Tech Tech College Commencement August 15 Rat City Roller Girls August 22 MMA August 19—30 T birds Hockey Camp (10) Sept 1 thru 6 Circus (6) Sept 11 Lingerie Football Sept 17 Kent Family and youth Sery Event Oct 7 Kent Business Expo Nov 10-15 Disney on Ice (6) Jan1 2010 Lingerie Football *96 events not including 36 hockey games for the 2009 season i i MShoWare K E N T Marketing Update for Public Facilities District (Thru May, 282009) Statistics • Total Attendance—153,927 '.... • Total Number of unique session visits to www.ShoWareCenter.com—135,896 • Total Number of page views—2,353,715 (17 pages per visit) • 23 Hotel properties listed on website • Most visited pages (to date): o Events o Getting Here o News (Jan-Mar'09) o Getting Here o Events o Venue Overview Community Organizations Utilizing ShoWare Center • Kent Chamber of Commerce • Seattle Southside • Kent Police Department • Kent Rotary Club • Washington State Department of Community,Trade & Economic Development • World Trade Club • Kent Downtown Partnership Recent Promotional Partnerships • Bella home&garden offered a discount to ShoWare Center email database as a "Happy Earth Day" promotion • Kent Station conducted an "Enter-to-Win" contest for Styx/REO concert, using e-blasts, print ads and in-store display • Salty's Redondo sold out of a dinner package for Styx/REO, including transit to and from the concert • Downtown Harley in Renton offered an enter-to-win contest to their customers and displayed bikes at Styx/REO show 1 New Event Clients: • Renton Technical College • Alliance MMA • Fisher Broadcasting(KOMO TV& Radio, STAR 101.5 FM, KVI AM) • Coca-Cola Corporate Meeting • White Stallion Productions, Lipizzaner Stallions • Rat City Rollergirls • TNA Wrestling • Strikeforce VIVA&Showtime Sports • Community Ministry Productions • Lingerie Football League • University of Phoenix Media Coverage • Live broadcasts on KING TV Morning News,January 2& March 27 • Live interviews at KMPS, KJR-AM, KCPQ, KING and Seattle PI January 30 • Live broadcasts on 950 KJR AM on February 6& March 24 • Live coverage from Shaw Cable/Fox Sports Northwest, Feb 6& 8 • Live coverage from KOMO, STAR 101.5 FM, KVI AM, May 14, plus promotional value of over $85,500 in weeks before Job Fair • In addition to Thunderbirds spending, over$330,000 in paid advertising has been placed in market by event promoters,featuring"ShoWare Center- Kent" brand. Accolades • Citation Award in Civic Design from AIA/WA • "Green Building of America"Award-winning project with a feature in the upcoming special Real Estate &Construction Review 2 P e _ _ 3 � — � 3 c c — 3 � � � dR`4ygi• fill TA n� v m e a s e ? o 0 62 c — w t � - e i� `s � s�, :ry2aY 'sd �_ �'t•+,.^,. eani ' •-t k x �,'�u• ua-a ev .• a� . ei M1yµ& k� „a .vFY< - u..>Lc... 2s,. f .�P+faSKt {h:, rs datC • ,... i,i .e a .x+s 2§ .e4'.•fABfl i + e._., ry ,€s J" t x3 III�p,R'i f+a �• v £ �fyy"" I x{ �i t& n If f{ i55s ZI 44 , e i� t1 sd "Nall �\ (v. w k U .. < ':£J .. Pn..S„` �.v. 3., 1»P ."t{i. .*K*i. _ • �.x a.% F$}n..:#i�.�..v ar. �. <n :'. May 18, 2009 To: 2009-10 Full Season Ticket Holders From: Seattle Thunderbirds Subject: Unused Ticket Exchange Program The Seattle Thunderbirds are pleased to announce that they will be offering an Unused Ticket Exchange Program for Full Season Ticket Holders during the 2009-2010 season. The Season Ticket Exchange Program has been in place in years past. The Exchange Program was suspended this past season as the T-Birds moved into the new 6,025 seat ShoWare Center. It has been a popular option for our season ticket holders over the years by providing an opportunity to turn in unused tickets in exchange for tickets to designated games. It was created with hopes that those tickets may end up in the hands of potential new fans that would get exposed to T-Birds hockey. The parameters of the Exchange Program will be more limited and restrictive than in prior years. This is a result of the Thunderbirds season ticket sales more than doubling since moving into the ShoWare Center. The specific details of the Season Ticket Exchange Program will be determined and released in August after the 2009-10 regular season schedule is released. "Our season ticket holders understand that there will be limitations on the unused ticket exchanges, but they indicated that limited options are better than not having any opportunities," said Rick Ronish T- Birds Director of Operations. "Attending a 36 game season is a substantial time commitment and we as a staff agreed that it would be beneficial to provide some opportunities for our most loyal and dedicated fans that misses the occasional game or two," added Ronish. As a reminder, the Season Ticket Holder Renewal Deadline is less than a month away. Please return your paperwork and payment prior to June 15 to retain your seating priority for the 2009-10 season. Thank you for your time and have a great Memorial Day Weekend! Seattle Thunderbirds I FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ian Henry 253-239-7825 ianh@seattlethunderbirds.com Director, Public & Media Relations "f a z T-BIRDS EXHIBITION GAME TO RAISE FUNDS FOR KENT SCHOOL DISTRICT Game on September 12 vs. Everett at ShoWare Center KENT, May 11, 2009 — The Seattle Thunderbirds are excited to announce a partnership with the Kent School District to help raise funds for the district. Kent high school and middle school students and teachers will be selling tickets to the T-Birds only home exhibition game of the of the 2009-10 season, with a portion of the ticket sales going to each of the schools participating. The T-Birds will play the Everett Silvertips on Saturday, September 12, at 7:05 p.m. at ShoWare Center. Tickets to the game range from $14 to $20. Kent School District students and staff will direct those that want to support a specific high or middle school to purchase tickets to the game online at http://tickets.seattlethunderbirds.com. Those connected to a specific school will put in a special promo code to identify which school they are raising funds for. All Kent schools participating will distribute their special code to students, staff and families. "The Kent schools appreciate the opportunity to partner with the Seattle Thunderbirds to raise financial support for our interscholastic teams and student athletes," said Dave Lutes, Director of Activities and Athletics for the Kent School District. "We look forward to supporting and kicking off the new home season for the T-Birds at the ShoWare Center." "We are looking forward to helping the Kent School District raise funds at the game against the Silvertips," said T-Birds General Manager Russ Farwell. "We want to continue to have a presence in the Kent community and this program, coupled with other team initiatives, will only strengthen our involvement in the south Puget Sound community." The tickets to the game against the Silvertips will go on sale Tuesday, May 12, at 10 a.m. online and at the ShoWare Center box office. The high schools taking part are Kentridge, Kentwood, Kent-Meridian, Kentlake and the Phoenix Academy. The middle schools taking part are Cedar Heights, Mattson, Meridian, Mill Creek, Meeker and Northwood. SEATTLE THUNDERBIRDS HOCKEY CLUB 625 West James Kent, WA 98032 www.seattlethunderbirds.com FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ian Henry 253-239-7825 ianh@seattlethunderbirds.com Director, Public & Media Relations The T-Birds will open the 2009-10 exhibition season at the Everett Silvertips Preseason Tournament over the Labor Day weekend. They will play on Friday, September 4, Saturday, September 5 and Sunday, September 6 against opponents to be determined. Game times are also still to be determined. Season ticket holders who would like to purchase their seat to the exhibition game against the Silvertips should contact the T-Birds office at 253-239-7825. T-Birds season tickets for the 2009-10 season are currently on sale. Season tickets can be purchased by calling the T-Birds office at 253-239-PUCK (7825). —30— SEATTLE THUNDERBIRDS HOCKEY CLUB 625 West James Kent, WA 98032 www.seattlethunderbirds.com April 28, 2009 Dear Thunderbirds Club Seat Owner, One down and five months to go before 6,000 of us get together and drop the puck for the 2009-10 season at The ShoWare Center. You should have received an email last week with a brief update of Thunderbirds Hockey. If you did not, we ask that you please get in touch with us as soon as possible with your email address. As summer arrives and hockey season approaches we will provide you with T-Bird's news and upcoming events. We can only provide the latest to you if we have your current email. Also be assured that your email address will only receive information that pertains to T-Birds Hockey and The ShoWare Center. As we say farewell to last season we wish our best for the graduated players; Devon LeBlanc, Chris Cloud and Greg Scott. An added salute is deserved for Greg who was a huge asset both on and off the ice during his four seasons. This group has been very entertaining to watch as they each left their mark in Thunderbirds history. They will not soon be forgotten! As much as we will miss the players moving on, we can't help but be ecstatic about the bright future of the team! This year's team was full of rookies looking to make a name for themselves. Jonathan Parker proved he can score at this level with 17 goals and 22 assists. We got to see the tenacious play of center Luke Lockhart. Chance Lund, with his 6'3 frame, and Erik Fleming's knack for making big hits will provide physical play next season. Colin Jacobs made an immediate impact during his stint with the Thunderbirds in the playoffs. We know he will continue to impress in his rookie campaign next year. Of course, you can't forget the phenomenal play of goalie Calvin Pickard. He posted a record of 23-16-1-4 during his rookie campaign with a 3.03 GAA and a .915 save percentage. Calvin could be the top goaltender in the U.S. Division next season! Put it all together and throw in the most exciting and loudest place to watch a hockey game and we will have seven or eight months of great fun here at the ShoWare Center! We are very pleased to confirm that there will not be a Club Seat price increase for the 2009- 2010 season. In addition to your ticket price holding steady for next year you will receive a complimentary dinner for all Monday— Friday home games. The meal will be served in the Club lounge as a benefit during the upcoming 2009-10 regular season. We appreciated your patience as we began last season in Seattle would like to say thanks by providing a meal for these designated games. In the next few weeks we will determine how we are going to accomplish the meal service. There will be some logistics that we will work thru during the next few months We will communicate the specifics as next season approaches. The bottom line is that you are very important to Seattle Thunderbirds Hockey and The ShoWare Center. It's our pleasure to offer a wonderful and convenient meal prior to all weeknight home games to show our appreciation. Enclosed you will find your 2009-10 season ticket contract. It should reflect any credits and payments already made. As noted, payment in full will be required by June 15 to lock-up your seats for a great season ahead. We remind you to please make sure we have your best and most often checked email address. There are a lot of important events coming up over the off-season and we want to keep you informed. Some noteworthy dates are as follows: 4/30—Bantam Draft, 6/15—Season Ticket Payment Deadline, 6/26-6/27 NHL Entry Draft (T-Birds eligible for the first time are: Brenden Dillon, Steve Chaffin, Brenden Silvester, Charles Wells, Sena Acolatse &Jeremy Boyer), 6/30— European Import Draft, 7/10-7/12 Kent Cornucopia Days, 8/20 T-Bird Rookie Camp begins, 8/23 -T-Bird Main Camp begins, 9/18—WHL Regular Season begins. Thank you for being a Thunderbirds Club Seat Holder. We will continue to send updates during the off-season as we anticipate Opening Night 2009 in a sold out and rocking ShoWare Center! Have a great summer, Seattle Thunderbirds Staff