HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Public Facilities Distict Board - 04/28/2011 KENT Public Facilities District April 28, 2011 Boardmembers Present: Mike Miller, Greg Haffner, Lew Sellers, Randall Smith Others Present: Bob Nachlinger, Ben Wolters, Kathy Hardy, Tim Higgins, Beth Sylves, and Steve Hunter I. Call to Order The meeting was called to order by the Chair at 3:30 p.m. a. Introductions. Assistant City Attorney Kathy Hardy was introduced. b. Approval of Minutes. Smith moved to approve the minutes of January 27, 2011. Haffner seconded and the motion carried. II. Finance Report a. Sales Tax Revenues. Nachlinger distributed copies of his report and noted that $3.7 million in debt service was paid last year and that $850,000 in sales tax revenues was taken in. He estimated the same debt service costs as last year and $642,000 in sales tax revenues. Nachlinger said there was a 2.4% increase in sales tax, but that the state has cut the streamlined sales tax mitigation by 3.4% in their budget. At Miller's suggestion, Nachlinger agreed to add to the Sales Tax Revenue Report columns showing the year-to-date figures for 2009 and 2010 for comparison purposes. Nachlinger explained that not all figures for the Operating Funds Report are available at this time, and that budgeting for next year will be similar to last year. b. ShoWare Center Income Statement. Higgins reported a net income for the first quarter of approximately $12,000, and said there have been increases in direct event income as well as luxury box ticket sales, ticket rebates, and facility fees. Higgins provided a graph showing Operating Expenses and explained that there was an unexpected increase in sewer/water utilities in February, as well as an increase in payroll taxes. Sellers moved to approve the Finance Report. Smith seconded and the motion carried. Public Facilities District April 28, 2011 Page Two III. Operator Update. a. Event Booking and Attendance. Higgins noted that there were 34 events in the first quarter of 2010 and 52 events in the first quarter of this year, which resulted in the increase in income shown in the income statement. He mentioned that national agencies have become aware of ShoWare, which has resulted in calls from agents around the country. b. Marketing Update. Sylves noted that total attendance is over 800,000, and that the average number of visits to the website per month is over 38,000 this year. She outlined upcoming events, and noted that some of them may result in an impact to traffic. Haffner suggested evaluating the food and beverage choices available, Higgins explained that the pre-game buffet will no longer be offered because club seat prices are going down. IV. Seattle Thunderbirds Update a. Sales, Marketing and Attendance. Wolters noted that the Thunderbirds, SMG, and the City all agree that the Flex 24 package worked reasonably well and will continue, and that the club seat prices needed to be adjusted downward. b. Advertising and Suite Sales. No report was given. ADDED ITEMS Higgins noted for Haffner that the condition of the seating is good, and that painting of the green lines in the parking lot is to begin soon. He also said staff works closely with the residents of the area and that there have been no problems with crowds or parking. At Smith's suggestion, Wolters and Higgins agreed to look into the use of people on work release to help around the building, and Wolters explained the financing of the recently rebuilt pedestrian crossing. It was noted that the next meeting will be on July 28. V. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m. Brenda Jacober, 1"fC City Clerk