HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 12/09/1965 FIREMEN'S PENSION BOARD MEETING THURSDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1965 -rr The first meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board was called 10 order at 10: 10 a.m. by Mayor Alex Thornton. In attendance were the following members of the board: Mayor Thornton, City Clerk Marie Jensen, Councilman Duffy Armstrong, elected members Don Bridge and James Small . In addition, the following were present : Fire Chief Foster, ,assistant Chief Randall , Accountant Walker, Firemen Webster and Simms. The City Clerk read from the RCW that section pertaining to the pavers and duties of the Firemen 's Pension Board, Discussion was had upon the section covering the appointment of one or more physicians. Small 's motion to appoint the Taylor—Hogan Clinic as the designated physicians for the Firemen was seconded and passed. Discussion was had on the merits of keeping in elffect the current King County medical coverage held by some of the men in order that the families have ample coverage. It was noted that this would be further discussed after the firemen wore certified. The method of approving and paying claim, was discussed, and a motion was made by Armstrong for the board to approve all payments _- or claims as outlined in the RCVS, said claims to be paid after council approval . Motion passed. The secret votes cast by the firemen to determine whether or not to pay into Social Security along with the Pension Fund were opened by the Chairman. The votes revealed that 3 firemen .voted in favor of paying into Social Security, and 9 voted against it. it was ascertained that in order to go under Social Security, a 100% vote in favor of it was necessary. There followed a discussion as to the predicament this placed some of the older firemen in — those who were too old now to possibly complete the 25 years service to make them eligible for the pension piano The younger men were not in favor of having Social Security taken out of their pay in addition to that withheld for the pension. No action was taken on this issue. Discussion was had as to sick leave. It was determined that the city did not have any statutes covering sick leave but was, at this time, contemplating such an ordinance, The Fire Chief opined that firemen should be required to produce lines from a doctor in order to be paid for sick leave from the first day. It was noted that perhaps the department heads could require this, without it being a require— ment of the city, it was noted that the Firemen's Pension Fund now contained some $2,700 and a motion was passed to instruct the City Treasurer to invest $2,000 of this amount, � It was noted that the Fire Chief was required to certify the number of paid firemen, effective the first of the year, to the City Clerk so that she may so inform the state to enable the city to get that portion of the fire insurance premiums. 2 kI It was ascertained that the board would meet the second Monday of every month at 10:00 a.m. at the main fire station, I There being no further business to come before the board, a motion was passed to adjourn. Respectfully submitted, LQ}y Marie J in City Clerk Secretary of Board L I III ' ICI a I , ill