HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 02/27/1970 FIREMAN' S PENSION BOARD MEETING February 27, 1970 e, Regular meeting of the Fireman ' s Pension Board was called to 4 order at 2 : 00 p.m. by Chairman Mayor Hogan, Board Members present : Lee, Berg, Bridge and Jensen Gay vJ ' Discussion was had regarding the claim presented to the Board by Fireman Larry Stormant for a bill he received from Group 5 Health Hospital . It was explained that Stormant was admitted ' to the hospital after having had oral surgery. The hospital has stated that his coverage does not include this as it was a direct result of dental work . Lee moved that the claim be denied, .z,• Berg seconded, motion carried unanimously. Letters were read from Fire Chief Foster and Assistant Chief Randall stating that contributions amounting to 6% of their salaries have been deducted from their pay since the formulation of the Kent Fireman ' s Pension Board in October 'or November of 1965 . They have noted that the Pension Laws of 1955 , as amended, state s that no such deductions shall exceed 6% of the salary of a Battalion ,u Chief and therefore have requested that the surplus amount deducted from their salary since 1965 be returned to them. Lee moved to refer the letters to the City Attorney for his opinion on the matter, Berg seconded, motion carried unanimously. Berg moved to approve medical bills for Sells and Randall , Lee seconded, motion carried. iw Some discussion ensued on the report of the Fireman ' s Pension Fund r recently received from Milliman and Robertson Inc. , Consulting tc Actuaries. It was determined that Bridge would secure a report from the City Treasurer as to the amount of funds which might be invested in mutual funds. h There being no further business to come before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 2 : 40 p.m. �a Respectfully submitted, 'r Marie Jensen r ` Secretary of the Board f