HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 07/31/1974 y� Firemen's Pension Board July 31 , 1974 A meeting of the Firements Pension Board was called to order at 10:OOAnM. by Mayor' Hogan. Present : Board members. Councilman-Gary Just and=Secretary Marie Jensen. Also present : Finance Director Winkle. Finance Director Winkle noted that the Pension Fund Investment portfolio had been reviewed by consultant Richard L. Evans. Mr. Evans has recommended that no changers be made at this time in the mutual funds holdings, and that no changes be made in the funds invested in City of Kent LID notes. He has recommended however that a portion of the Security S & L $20,000 passbook account be eoriverted into Certificates of Deposit in order to gain the higher Interest rater, It was noted that the City Treasurer would determine the amount to be retained in the pass book account in accordance with anticipated expendi— tures. Mayor Hoganmoved to accept the recommendations of Mrs Evans and F to so advise the City Treasurer. Jensen seconded. Mention carried unan— imously. (Board members Bridge & Ornderiff were not in attendance, but Orndorff was contacted by telephone and concurred in the motion. Bridge was out of town). MARIE JENSE Ci y Clerk Secretary of—Ftoard Copies: Board Memebers Finance Director City 'Treasurer 1 W