HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity Council Committees - Fireman's Relief and Pension Board - 12/19/1974 } FIRt,!�%'N'S FENSIONi BOARD December 19, 1974 A meeting of the Firemen's Pension Board wtascalled to order at 10,00 a.m. b� Mayor Mogan, Board members prosont; Mayor Began, Councilman Just, Lt, Orndorff, Inspector Opel, City Clerk Jensen, Also present: Finance Director Tidinkle, A letter was read from Pension Board member Orndorff asking that; the Board consider using Firemen's Pension Funds to purchase Appolo exercising equipment " for the use of the firemen. It is proposed that 5 units be purchased at a total cost of 0230.70, plus tax„ The purchase of five units would make it possible for each station to have at least one unit so that the equipment would be available to all of the 'firemen. Upon the recommendation of the Finance Director, Orndorff moved to approve the expenditure, it, in the opinion of the City Attorney , Lhis type of expenditure is permitted for Firemen's Pension funds, Just seconded, motion carried, The City Clerk noted that the City Treasurer had advised that upon the con— elusion of the sale of the notes held by the Firemen's Pension Fund, the amount of cash on hand would be approximately $27,000. JusQmoved to instruct the Treasurer to invest, at the hihest yield, any monies not needed to meet current foreseeable expenses. Orndorff seconded, ':notion carried, It tivas doter�ntned Chat the city is due to have an actuarial report made of the Firemen's Pension Fund. Opel moved to engage the firm of Mild9man & r ' Robertson inc, Consulting .actuaries, to make the necessary study„ Orndorff seconded,, motion carried. December 26,, 1974 Today the City Attorney informed the Secretary of the Board that the Firemen's Pension Board does not have the authority to approve the expenditure of pension funds for the purchase of the exercising equipment„ e' i'. -Respectfully submitted, A � . Mare Jenserw:City Clerk Secretary of the Board Mayor Hogan Councilman Just Lt, Orrdorff Inspector Opel Finance Director Winkle Treasurer Drotz Adr,inistrator Street 7 i ri a'